R select entire columns where at least one value meets a condition - r

I have a large matrix, ~300 rows and 200000 cols. I want to shrink this down by selecting the entire columns that have at least one value that is > 0.5 or less than -0.5 (not just that particular value). I would like to keep the row and column names. I was able to get a matrix of true false by doingtmp<-mymat > 0.5 | mymat < -0.5. I want to extract all columns that have at least one TRUE in them. I tried simply mymat[tmp] but this just returns a vector of the values that meet that condition. How can I get the actual columns of the original matrix? Thanks.

Try this:
> set.seed(007) # for the example being reproducible
> X <- matrix(rnorm(100), 20) # generating some data
> X <- cbind(X, runif(20, max=.48)) # generating a column with all values < 0.5
> colnames(X) <- paste('col', 1:ncol(X), sep='') # some column names
> X # this is how the matrix looks like
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6
[1,] 2.287247161 0.83975036 1.218550535 0.07637147 0.342585350 0.335107187
[2,] -1.196771682 0.70534183 -0.699317079 0.15915528 0.004248236 0.419502015
[3,] -0.694292510 1.30596472 -0.285432752 0.54367418 0.029219842 0.346358090
[4,] -0.412292951 -1.38799622 -1.311552673 0.70480735 -0.393423429 0.212185020
[5,] -0.970673341 1.27291686 -0.391012431 0.31896914 -0.792704563 0.224824248
[6,] -0.947279945 0.18419277 -0.401526613 1.10924979 -0.311701865 0.415837389
[7,] 0.748139340 0.75227990 1.350517581 0.76915419 -0.346068592 0.057660111
[8,] -0.116955226 0.59174505 0.591190027 1.15347367 -0.304607588 0.007812921
[9,] 0.152657626 -0.98305260 0.100525456 1.26068350 -1.785893487 0.298192099
[10,] 2.189978107 -0.27606396 0.931071996 0.70062351 0.587274672 0.216225091
[11,] 0.356986230 -0.87085102 -0.262742349 0.43262716 1.635794434 0.026097800
[12,] 2.716751783 0.71871055 -0.007668105 -0.92260172 -0.645423474 0.190567072
[13,] 2.281451926 0.11065288 0.367153007 -0.61558421 0.618992169 0.402829397
[14,] 0.324020540 -0.07846677 1.707162545 -0.86665969 0.236393598 0.248196976
[15,] 1.896067067 -0.42049046 0.723740263 -1.63951709 0.846500899 0.406511129
[16,] 0.467680511 -0.56212588 0.481036049 -1.32583924 -0.573645739 0.162457572
[17,] -0.893800723 0.99751344 -1.567868244 -0.88903673 1.117993204 0.383801555
[18,] -0.307328300 -1.10513006 0.318250283 -0.55760233 -1.540001132 0.347037954
[19,] -0.004822422 -0.14228783 0.165991451 -0.06240231 -0.438123899 0.262938992
[20,] 0.988164149 0.31499490 -0.899907630 2.42269298 -0.150672971 0.139233120
> # defining a index for selecting if the condition is met
> ind <- apply(X, 2, function(X) any(abs(X)>0.5))
> X[,ind] # since col6 only has values less than 0.5 it is not taken
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
[1,] 2.287247161 0.83975036 1.218550535 0.07637147 0.342585350
[2,] -1.196771682 0.70534183 -0.699317079 0.15915528 0.004248236
[3,] -0.694292510 1.30596472 -0.285432752 0.54367418 0.029219842
[4,] -0.412292951 -1.38799622 -1.311552673 0.70480735 -0.393423429
[5,] -0.970673341 1.27291686 -0.391012431 0.31896914 -0.792704563
[6,] -0.947279945 0.18419277 -0.401526613 1.10924979 -0.311701865
[7,] 0.748139340 0.75227990 1.350517581 0.76915419 -0.346068592
[8,] -0.116955226 0.59174505 0.591190027 1.15347367 -0.304607588
[9,] 0.152657626 -0.98305260 0.100525456 1.26068350 -1.785893487
[10,] 2.189978107 -0.27606396 0.931071996 0.70062351 0.587274672
[11,] 0.356986230 -0.87085102 -0.262742349 0.43262716 1.635794434
[12,] 2.716751783 0.71871055 -0.007668105 -0.92260172 -0.645423474
[13,] 2.281451926 0.11065288 0.367153007 -0.61558421 0.618992169
[14,] 0.324020540 -0.07846677 1.707162545 -0.86665969 0.236393598
[15,] 1.896067067 -0.42049046 0.723740263 -1.63951709 0.846500899
[16,] 0.467680511 -0.56212588 0.481036049 -1.32583924 -0.573645739
[17,] -0.893800723 0.99751344 -1.567868244 -0.88903673 1.117993204
[18,] -0.307328300 -1.10513006 0.318250283 -0.55760233 -1.540001132
[19,] -0.004822422 -0.14228783 0.165991451 -0.06240231 -0.438123899
[20,] 0.988164149 0.31499490 -0.899907630 2.42269298 -0.150672971
# It could be done just in one step avoiding 'ind'
X[, apply(X, 2, function(X) any(abs(X)>0.5))]

An addition to Jilber's answer for the case when only one column remains after filtering:
X[, apply(X, 2, function(X) any(abs(X)>0.5)), drop=FALSE]
Without the drop=FLASE argument the remaining column will be converted to a vector and you will lose the column name information.


Calculate average of lowest values of matrix rows

I have a large matrix, e.g.
> mat = matrix(runif(100), ncol = 5)
> mat
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 0.264442954 0.6408534 0.76472904 0.2437074 0.08019882
[2,] 0.575443586 0.6428957 0.44188123 0.0230842 0.07502289
[3,] 0.894885901 0.5926238 0.55431966 0.7717503 0.52806173
[4,] 0.231978411 0.1192595 0.08170498 0.4264405 0.97486053
[5,] 0.344765840 0.5349323 0.85523617 0.2257759 0.20549035
[6,] 0.499130844 0.9882825 0.99417390 0.8070708 0.29963075
[7,] 0.613479990 0.8877605 0.34282782 0.9525512 0.91488004
[8,] 0.967166001 0.6115709 0.68169111 0.3067973 0.30094691
[9,] 0.957612804 0.5565989 0.88180650 0.3359184 0.17980137
[10,] 0.342177768 0.7735620 0.48154937 0.3692096 0.31299886
[11,] 0.871928110 0.3397143 0.57596030 0.4749349 0.47800019
[12,] 0.387563040 0.1656725 0.47796646 0.8956274 0.68345302
[13,] 0.628535870 0.3418692 0.86513964 0.8052477 0.01850535
[14,] 0.379472842 0.9176644 0.08829197 0.8548662 0.42151935
[15,] 0.071958980 0.6644800 0.90061596 0.4484674 0.32649345
[16,] 0.229463192 0.9995178 0.63995121 0.8369698 0.35091430
[17,] 0.291761976 0.5014815 0.35260028 0.6188047 0.68192891
[18,] 0.077610797 0.2747788 0.07084273 0.5977530 0.37134566
[19,] 0.675912490 0.6059304 0.29321852 0.5638336 0.73866322
[20,] 0.006010715 0.7697045 0.43627939 0.1723969 0.88665973
I want to extract the lowest and highest 2 values of each row and calculate their average.
Eventually, I'd like to generate a new matrix where the first column in the average of the lowest values, and the second column is the average of the highest values.
Thanks in advance!
I believe this does what you want:
do.call(rbind, apply(mat,1, function(x) {sorted = sort(x);
return(data.frame(min=mean(head(sorted,2)), max=mean(tail(sorted,2))))}))
min max
1 0.14333229 0.8877635
2 0.12311651 0.5283049
3 0.09367614 0.5433373
4 0.39926848 0.6361645
5 0.05196898 0.5473783
6 0.12876148 0.6153546
7 0.29893684 0.8436462
8 0.14254481 0.7023039
9 0.20889814 0.8863141
10 0.44838327 0.8641790
11 0.14859312 0.5533045
12 0.19728414 0.8619284
13 0.37049481 0.7448965
14 0.30070570 0.9320575
15 0.30333510 0.6774024
16 0.21908982 0.7077274
17 0.61804571 0.9239816
18 0.36525615 0.8531795
19 0.22751108 0.4993744
20 0.14251095 0.6353147
Hope this helps!

filling columns of a matrix by the values of outputs of different functions

I want to fill each column of an empty matrix by values resulted from different functions. I want to use many functions and so the speed is important. I have prepared a small example of what I want to do but I can't.
I have an empty matrix which I want to fill each column by values of functions' outputs. This matrix has an exact number of columns and each column has specific names:
mat<-matrix(ncol = 4)
Then, considering a vector which includes some colnames of this matrix:
I want to fill columns of this matrix by random values resulted from each distribution but under this circumstance that if remove object contains the name of columns of this matrix, they must be removed and not be computed.
I wrote this:
mat<-mat[,-which(colnames(mat) %in% remove) ]
mat[,1]<-rnbinom(10, mu = 4, size = 1)
mat[,3]<-rgamma(10, 0.001)
The final matrix I am looking for that is something like this:
binomial normal
1 -0.54948696
6 -0.53396115
1 0.69918478
13 0.92824442
0 0.03331125
I would be very grateful for your kind help.
Here is a method that constructs a function. The random generators are stored in a list and then the subset of them (those not in remove) are fed to sapply.
randMatGet <- function(sampleSize=10, remove=NULL) {
randFuncs <- list("binomial"=function(x) rnbinom(x, mu=4, size=1),
"gamma"=function(x) rgamma(x, 0.001),
"exponential"=function(x) rexp(x))
sapply(randFuncs[setdiff(names(randFuncs), remove)], function(f) f(sampleSize))
Now, call the function
binomial normal gamma exponential
[1,] 0 0.375635612 0.000000e+00 1.45891992
[2,] 1 0.310262167 0.000000e+00 1.43920743
[3,] 1 0.005006950 3.099691e-294 2.76404158
[4,] 5 -0.037630263 7.540715e-249 0.02316716
[5,] 0 0.723976061 0.000000e+00 0.89394340
[6,] 0 -0.496738863 0.000000e+00 3.68036715
[7,] 0 0.011395161 0.000000e+00 2.90720399
[8,] 4 0.009859946 9.088837e-34 0.13015222
[9,] 10 0.678271423 0.000000e+00 0.81417829
[10,] 0 1.029563029 0.000000e+00 2.01986489
and then with remove
# reset seed for comparison
binomial normal
[1,] 0 0.375635612
[2,] 1 0.310262167
[3,] 1 0.005006950
[4,] 5 -0.037630263
[5,] 0 0.723976061
[6,] 0 -0.496738863
[7,] 0 0.011395161
[8,] 4 0.009859946
[9,] 10 0.678271423
[10,] 0 1.029563029
To allow for adjustments of different parameters, change the function as follows. This is an example for the mu argument to rbinom.
randMatGet <- function(sampleSize=10, remove=NULL, mu=4) {
randFuncs <- list("binomial"=function(x) rnbinom(x, mu=mu, size=1),
"gamma"=function(x) rgamma(x, 0.001),
"exponential"=function(x) rexp(x))
sapply(randFuncs[setdiff(names(randFuncs), remove)], function(f) f(sampleSize))
Now, you can do randMatGet(mu=1).

How to replace ties with NA in R

I am working on a function to return the column name of the largest value for each row. Something like:
However, before applying a function like this is there a straight forward and general way to replace ties with NA (or any other arbitrary letter etc.)?
I have the following matrix:
0 1
[1,] 5.000000e-01 0.5000000000
[2,] 9.901501e-01 0.0098498779
[3,] 9.981358e-01 0.0018641935
[4,] 9.996753e-01 0.0003246823
[5,] 9.998598e-01 0.0001402322
[6,] 1.303731e-02 0.9869626938
[7,] 1.157919e-03 0.9988420815
[8,] 6.274074e-07 0.9999993726
[9,] 1.659164e-07 0.9999998341
[10,] 6.517362e-08 0.9999999348
[11,] 8.951474e-06 0.9999910485
[12,] 5.070740e-06 0.9999949293
[13,] 1.278186e-07 0.9999998722
[14,] 9.914646e-08 0.9999999009
[15,] 7.058751e-08 0.9999999294
[16,] 2.847667e-09 0.9999999972
[17,] 1.675766e-08 0.9999999832
[18,] 2.172290e-06 0.9999978277
[19,] 4.964820e-06 0.9999950352
[20,] 1.333680e-07 0.9999998666
[21,] 2.087793e-07 0.9999997912
[22,] 2.358360e-06 0.9999976416
The first row has equal values for variables which I would like to replace with NA. While this is simple for this particular example, I want to be able to replace all ties with NA where they occur in any size matrix i.e. in this matrix:
1 2 3
[1,] 0.25 0.25 0.5
[2,] 0.3 0.3 0.3
all values would be replaced with NA except for [1,3]
I have looked at the function which.max.simple() which can deal with ties by replacing with NA but it doesn't appear to work any more, and all other methods of dealing with ties don't address my issue
I hope that makes sense
Here's a simple approach to replace any row-wise duplicated values with NA in a matrix m:
is.na(m) <- t(apply(m, 1, FUN = function(x) {
duplicated(x) | duplicated(x, fromLast = TRUE)}))
But consider the following notes:
1) be extra careful when comparing floating point numbers for equality (see Why are these numbers not equal?);
2) depending on your ultimate target, there may be simpler ways than replacing duplicated in your data (since it seems that you are only interested in column names); and
3) if you are going to replace values in a numeric matrix, don't use arbitrary characters for replacement since that will convert your whole matrix to character class (replacement with NA is not a problem)

An easy solution in R? Binding several numbered data frames

I have 408 "Spatial Points" Data Frames, each numbered as follows:
Points1, Points2,..., Points408.
What I want is to loop through all of them, adding them to a list. I would then like to row bind them to create one huge Spatial Points file.
When I type "Points1" into R, this is printed:
x y
[1,] 40.38285 -11.54500
[2,] 38.41897 -13.55959
[3,] 38.51536 -12.42431
[4,] 38.82389 -12.95476
[5,] 39.88932 -12.77925
[6,] 39.86099 -13.32380
[7,] 38.47942 -14.10968
[8,] 39.85796 -11.84176
[9,] 38.16891 -13.70572
[10,] 39.89386 -12.21040
[11,] 38.32758 -14.03576
[12,] 39.97627 -11.97127
[13,] 38.50884 -14.07678
[14,] 39.06521 -12.19818
[15,] 39.40532 -13.68988
Please note that each Points data frame has the same number of points.
What I want is one huge file that has 15*408=6120 Spatial Points.
Thanks so much!

Modified rollapply mean

I have a data file which consists of daily xy locations and a logical vector denoting whether or not the location is an outlier. Here is some (poorly created, I know) sample data:
> data
x y outlier
[1,] 3.000000000 42.00000000 0
[2,] 3.241379310 42.10344828 0
[3,] 3.482758621 42.20689655 0
[4,] 3.724137931 42.31034483 0
[5,] 3.965517241 42.41379310 0
[6,] 4.206896552 42.51724138 0
[7,] 4.448275862 42.62068966 0
[8,] 4.689655172 42.72413793 0
[9,] 4.931034483 42.82758621 1
[10,] 5.172413793 42.93103448 1
[11,] 5.413793103 43.03448276 1
[12,] 5.655172414 43.13793103 0
[13,] 5.896551724 43.24137931 0
[14,] 6.137931034 43.34482759 0
[15,] 6.379310345 43.44827586 0
[16,] 6.620689655 43.55172414 0
[17,] 6.862068966 43.65517241 0
[18,] 7.103448276 43.75862069 0
[19,] 7.344827586 43.86206897 0
[20,] 7.586206897 43.96551724 0
[21,] 7.827586207 44.06896552 0
[22,] 8.068965517 44.17241379 1
[23,] 8.310344828 44.27586207 0
[24,] 8.551724138 44.37931034 1
[25,] 8.793103448 44.48275862 0
[26,] 9.034482759 44.58620690 0
[27,] 9.275862069 44.68965517 0
[28,] 9.517241379 44.79310345 0
[29,] 9.758620690 44.89655172 0
[30,] 10.000000000 45.00000000 0
What I need is to take a non-overlapping 6-day mean of the x and y columns. This is easy enough with rollapply(). However, I do not want outlier=1 values to be included in the 6-day mean; nor do I want the 6-day window to 'span' the gap left behind by removing all rows where outlier=T. Instead, I want to make an exception to the 'non-overlapping rule'.
I think this is best explained using the sample data above: the first value should be the mean of rows 1:6, but rather than the second value being the mean of rows 7:12 (including outlier=1 values) or of rows c(7:8,12:15) (skipping over outlier=1 values) I want it to overlap with the first window and take the mean of rows 3:8.
So for the length 30 sample data above, the end result should be of length 5, showing the mean values of rows 1:6, 3:8, 12:17, 16:21 & 25:30 (ideally all values which result from overlapping windows should be labelled as such; i.e. values 1:4 overlap, whereas the final value is unique)
Here is a function that will give you the indices of the endpoints of the averages that you want:
segs<-segs[with(r,lengths>=window & values==0),]
indices<-unlist(apply(segs,1,function(x) seq(x[1]+window-1,x[2],by=window)))
## [1] 6 8 17 21 30
You can then get the averages you want like this:
## index x y
## [1,] 6 3.603448 42.25862
## [2,] 8 4.086207 42.46552
## [3,] 17 6.258621 43.39655
## [4,] 21 7.224138 43.81034
## [5,] 30 9.396552 44.74138
You can put it all together in a single function like this:
> maWithOutliers(data[,1:2],data[,3],6)
index x y
[1,] 6 3.603448 42.25862
[2,] 8 4.086207 42.46552
[3,] 17 6.258621 43.39655
[4,] 21 7.224138 43.81034
[5,] 30 9.396552 44.74138
> maWithOutliers(data[,1:2],data[,3],4)
index x y
[1,] 4 3.362069 42.15517
[2,] 8 4.327586 42.56897
[3,] 15 6.017241 43.29310
[4,] 19 6.982759 43.70690
[5,] 21 7.465517 43.91379
[6,] 28 9.155172 44.63793
[7,] 30 9.637931 44.84483
