Use page-specific CSS in plone - css

Is there a way that I can define css so that, for example all paragraphs (<p>) on this specific page are formated according to that css, but not other pages on the plone site?
Inline-css does work, but that's pretty annoying for larger tables I'd like to style.

You should use
ploneCustom.css or related custom CSS file which is merged with other CSS files in portal_css registry
Use <body> CSS classes to target a single page only
More <body> CSS can be added for custom needs. What kind of page you need to target with CSS.
Also you can include CSS as <head> viewlet if needed but this approach is not recommended.


AEM 6.5: Is there an HTL way to output Webpack-generated CSS within <style> tags from an AEM clientlib category?

I have a specific clientlib ready with "critical CSS" that I would like to add to a page template in <style> tags, per Google's performance recommendations on a high-traffic e-Commerce site.
We all know how to add a file reference in HTL:
<sly data-sly-use.clientlib="/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html" data-sly-call="${clientlib.css # categories='template.noncritical'}"/>
but how would I output plain generated CSS styles on the page via HTL? Is there some other HTL property I could use?
I want this:
/* contents of AEM clientlib CSS here */
I have Googled, searched StackOverflow, and looked in the AEM docs about clientlibs, but haven't found anything about inlining styles, except to
use a third-party script to inline critical CSS. (don't want to do)
modify HTML Library Manager OSGi configuration to inline all styles by default (don't want to do)
I am looking for something AEM-native that can be turned "on" or "off" in HTL. Thanks for reading and offering any solutions you may have.
You can try
It will generate CSS files and "integrate" with AEM. You can use it for extract small component CSS.
Some features:
CSS will be loaded only, if component presents on the page
Supports 2 injection types: <style /> and <link />
Supports less, css, scss.
CSS will be injected only once
<sly data-sly-use.aemCriticalCSS="${'./_aem-critical-css.js'}"
#aem-critical-css="my-component/my-component.scss">${aemCriticalCSS.inject # context="unsafe"}</sly>
Where my-component/my-component.scss is a path to css (related to ui.frontend/src/ folder). We used it on several projects and it helps to improve rendering performance. (path can be configured)
You can use the Core Components functionality
<style type="text/css"
data-sly-use.clientlibs="${'com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.ClientLibraries' # categories='wknd.base'}">
${clientlibs.cssInline # context="unsafe"}

how to change style of main page style with plugin?

I am creating a plugin for my theme to customize it, But when I use PHP and I edit the style of main page when using post request, and I don't believe WP AJAX system is a way way to edit style of main page with hooks?
And can I create short codes in my theme, or can I only create it in plugin???
In the case of Wordpress, which is a CMS for web projects, styling is mainly done via writing CSS code and rendering that in the web-browser.
How to apply a styling
You can do inline styling (unadvisable), example:
<input type="text" value="something" style="color: red;">
The reason this is generally not a desirable practice is that you would always have to add the styling to each element you want to apply it at. This is a problem, because if you have a consistent styling, applied at liked 10 000 elements and then you intend to change it, you will have to apply it at every 10 000 instances of its inline definition.
You may still use inline styling at some point, but you should avoid doing so unless you are absolutely sure that it's adequate for the given problem you solve.
Style tags
You can also add a style tag to your page, which is better than inline styling in general, but it's more difficult to reuse it than a css file. Example:
<style type="text/css"> {color: red;}
<input type="text" value="something" class="red">
css files
You could create a file like style.css, move your styling from style tags there and create a link tag, as
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/style.css">
Note that the code above assumes that there is a styles folder where you store your css files and that your style.css is inside that folder. This is a generally accepted practice about styling, which is a very popular approach.
There are some technologies violating this separation of CSS from structure, like ReactJS, which has a different approach for this stuff, but, if you do not use those SPA approaches (and at least while you learn Javascript and CSS it is a good idea to avoid them), then this is an advisable practice.
The approach
In all cases I will assume that you have a CSS file that you want to append to your head tag at styles/style.css. If you have some differences in your dev environment, then you of course will need to rely on what your environment is like.
Modifying a theme
You can modify your theme whenever you want to do so, it's available on source-code level. However, if it's a theme that is not customly made by you and you intend to use its new versions in the future, then it's advisable to avoid changing the source-code of your theme.
However, at the point when the HTML is generated and particularly the head tag, you can add the link tag as described earlier. As a matter of fact you can add it inside the body tag as well.
Modifying the plugin
If you use a plugin and some HTML is generated there that is applied to the page, you can easily add your link tag to that as well. However, if you are doing some AJAX requests and you determine whether you need the styling at that level, then you will need your Javascript to add a link tag to the head, example:
function addLink(path) {
document.querySelector('head').innerHTML += `<link rel="stylesheet" href="${path}">`;
However, this is to be avoided if you know in advance that your file will always be needed. If you want to dynamically change the styling by adding some stuff to it, then you can call the function above, passing the desired path.

How to apply only one css file out of two css files included?

I am currently using Twitter Bootstrap in developing an web app. Now I also need to use jqgrid for the same app. So, I have a couple of CSS included for a page.
<link href="../css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="../css/flick/jquery-ui-1.8.19.custom.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="../css/ui.jqgrid.css" rel="stylesheet">
However, the grid table generated by jqgrid on the page looks a bit odd since you find Twitter-ish cells in the jgrid table.
So I am wondering if there are any ways to disable one CSS out of several CSS files that I include for a certain element of the page? This time, I want to disable bootstrap css for div tag with id=grid where the grid will show up.
Pretty vague, but here's your solution: use the dev tools in your browser of choice, but i'm going to explain using Chrome:
hover over the affected jqgrid table and click inspect element. dev tools will open up and you should see all the styles being declared on that element, from the separate stylesheets.
if you see any styles crossed out (being overridden) that come from jqgrid, you need to out specify them in your jqgrid style sheet, for example, by adding a class, id, parent selectors or chaining.
also, if there are styles bootstrap is declaring that jqgrid doesn't address (these you're going to have to sift through manually), the same solution applies: add these styles to jqgrid, while specifying the styles you desire and adding specificity to your declarations so they override bootstrap.
If you posted a link, i could show you, which i think would be much easier then this explanation. but this will achieve the style(s) you desire.
You can't disable a stylesheet reference, but you can change the selectors in it to be more descriptive. e.g. if both of these stylesheets just style div, you'll of course get conflicts. However, if you modify bootstrap's selectors to be #twitter div, you'll get much more precise results.

How do I link to two stylesheets with ASP.Net MVC 3?

I'd like to use Bootstrap from Twitter in my ASP.Net MVC 3 application. I downloaded bootstrap.css and added it to my project in the Content folder. I opened _Layout.cshtml and added a link to the file:
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/Site.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/bootstrap.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
When I run the application no stylesheet is applied. How do I reference both Site.css and bootstrap.css from my _Layout.cshtml file?
I think the issue here is the inheritance, cascade and specificity CSS. Bear in mind that Twitter's Bootstrap resets all styles.
'If Site.css is before bootstrap.css only bootstrap is applied (which I didn't realize at first). Reverse the order and both work. Strange'
Actually, this makes complete sense. Site.css is loaded with all it's style declarations and immediately afterwards Bootstrap.css is loaded which resets most(if not all styles) thus declarations within Bootstrap.css will be applied. It only appears that both work probably because Bootstrap.css might not have a defined style or Site.css has very specific style defined using html ids or classes.
Reverse the order (with Bootstrap.css first), you are now resetting all styles first and then other styles are being applied. Since Site.css is loaded second, the styles defined therein will be applied to your site.
For your own interest, try to define an inline style within your html doc that has been defined within both 'Site.css' and 'Bootstrap.css', and see how the style gets applied by adding/removing the style definition.
I tried finding a good supporting explanation for CSS cascading, and the best graphic and simple explanation I found was this which notes
If selectors within external and embedded style sheets conflict but
have the same specificity, the final tie-breaker is based on the order
of apperance of the rules: the rule declared later wins. This applies
not only to the order of rules within a single sheet, but also to the
order that the sheets are linked, imported or embedded in the head of
the (X)HTML page.
You can copy and paste the CSS from the bootstrap file into your single .css file in order to cut down on the HTTP requests.
Just place all the bootstrap code at the very beginning and then your personal CSS following it, for organizational purposes.
However what you've done should work. Can you post an example on JSFiddle of what your markup looks like?
For more information see:

How do I include static html in an mvc app that doesn't use the system css, but it's own styling?

I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 & C#.
I want to include/embed an html page (raw text & styling; no forms) in one of my views as is without my own css styling (read: The site.css styles for the ASP.NET MVC 2 application itself) affecting it. I can access the page statically and open it in a new window and it retains it's styling; however, if I do:
<asp:Content ID="loginContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<!--#include virtual="~\Static\Instructions.htm" -->
The styling from the html & the site.css in the web application seem to get merged.
I've added the following ignore route entries as well:
I also tried making a partial view control with the raw html in it and rendering that here. That gives the exact same results as this.
When you include a file with the code above, it's like appending the entire data into the original file, as if there was no include at all. Doing it this way, you will inherit all relative JavaScript and CSS that is on the parent file.
The only way you can solve this is by creating a wrapper around your main content and setting all the CSS elements to affect that wrapper only. Aside from that, the only other option is setting a CSS style for your appended file with specific IDs or clean up your current CSS to be more specific.
One final method, if you have CSS affecting the included file (I assume from your OP, you have CSS styling inside the file itself), you can set !important to them so that they overwrite any other CSS classes affecting them.
You could add a wrapper <div id="embed"> around your embedded content and then use #embed in your site.css to override the styles you don't want applied.
p {
color: red;
#embed p {
color: blue;
I can only suggest to do so as Pat and lighthazard said.
There's no routing problem.
Try to change your perspective to the rendered html code.
If you have a page, and there's an area, that should be in other (none) styles. then you must mark this area either by a css class, if there are many areas, or if this is the only one per page an css id.
By the way, not to style ist not possible in html. At least the browser stylesheets will define the output.
Here's en interesting Question, i hope this will help.
CSS Reset, default styles for common elements
