Redmine plugin Javascript Asset do not reload in Development mode - reload

I am working with the following versions of Redmine and Ruby:
Redmine version 2.0.1.devel
Ruby version 1.9.3 (x86_64-darwin11.2.0)
Rails version 3.2.3
Environment development
Database adapter Mysql2
However when working on plugin development in dev mode itself, the javascript files do not reload on each request.
What is the work around for this?

If you include your javascript like folowing:
<%= javascript_include_tag 'plugin', :plugin => 'redmine_plugin' %>,
you have to restart your rails server each time, when do some changes in javascript or css file.
You have to do it, because javascript files from your plugins directory plugin/assets/javascript is copied to application public directory plugin_assets/redmine_plugin/javascripts/ during restart of server.


Wamp 3.0.6 server can not run Composer and Symfony

Please I need help on this project, I have wamp server to run the project on symphony.Look at the error display on my web browser ,when load the project from wamp server
If I run this code from my command prompt see the results php app/check.php
If I run this code from my command prompt see the results php app/check.php
php app/console server:run
It looks like you also have XAMPP installed on your system, or did at one time.
See the line that says
Configuration file used in PHP : C:\xampp\php\php.ini
I would suggest that you check your Windows PATH. I guess XAMPP might have added it's own PHP version into the PATH.
Alternatively you could uninstall XAMPP, but make sure you back everything up, code/databases etc before you uninstall it.
WAMPServer does not need anything placed on the Windows PATH, and if you do it makes switching versions of PHP far more complicated and prone to mistakes.
Have a look at this answer for how to make the PHP CLI as flexible as WAMPServer when it comes to running PHP code on different versions of PHP from the command line.
It also looks like you have not istalled composer. Follow the instructions on how to instal composed from the error messages. Or have a look at the composer site for help

Heroku Rails app, Bootstrap not loading from Bowerfile

Using Heroku to deploy my Rails application for some testing. Application deploys fine, however the Bootstrap is not loaded from the Bowerfile. To clarify, I have a Bowerfile in the main directory that contains asset 'bootstrap-sass-official'(when application is running locally, everything works as expected). I also have the 'bower-rails' gem installed, as well as the required line in the application.css file require 'bootstrap-sass-official'. I also have the rake assets:precompile running at the time of deployment with no issues. I have also tried running heroku rake bower:install which tells me to install Bower via npm, which I already have installed.
I have looked for solutions, but no luck. Help?

Magento 2 Grunt problems

I'm getting slightly confused with grunt and magento 2. Should I be using Grunt on the server or on my local machine? New to grunt so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Local machine. You don't need to run it in production, because you should be running setup:static-content:deploy with the Magento CLI when deploying to production, which will compile all static content for you.
For development, Magento 2 provides a Gruntfile.js.sample and a package.json.sample for local development. You should rename them to Gruntfile.js and package.json, and then install the dependencies with npm install. As long as you have grunt installed, you should be able to then run the grunt commands to compile your code while you are developing. You can see more info and the grunt commands here:
You should also make sure that you are running your local development environment in "developer mode":
Grunt should be used locally and staging, whenever you have the application in developer mode. In production mode (live site) it shouldn't be used.

Compiled nginx doesn't work with PHP

I have a properly installed (apt-get) nginx that works perfectly with html and php but when I download the source of the same version (I don't modify it for testing purposes), I configure it with sudo ./configure --prefix=/etc/nginx --sbin-path=/usr/sbin --without-http_gzip_module then make, install, reload and restart it all the PHP files stop working, they are being served as binary so the browser prompts to save them, HTML files continue to be served properly.
Any insights on where to start debugging this issue? All the configs remained the same from the working version, the only difference is that .php files don't work.

Forbidden message when serving a sinatra local site using nginx passenger

I've followed the instructions for installing phusion passenger with nginx in ubuntu. I had some issues while installing since I use rvm and I had to install as root and the installer was failing to find rake so i temporarily chmoded /opt to be owned by my user and after installation I resetted ownership to root. I can see nginx welcome page but when I try to visit a sinatra app I get forbidden, the virtual host is pointed to the sinatra app public dir and the permissions for the whole app are 777.
Try Passenger 3. It automatically detects most permission problems and tells you how to fix them.
If this is for a production system, you really don't need the flexibility of RVM as you should be using a single stable version of Ruby and Rails for Phusion. Install the version you need, using Aptitude if that version is available, and be done with it.
Because this is the page that Google brought me to for my issue, which isn't a Passenger issue, but a Nginx reverse-proxy issue, you need to add the line
disable :protection
somewhere in your sinatra app. I have mine at the very end, outside any method (in global scope).
Well my mistake was not using rvmsudo to install nginx with passenger, instructions here:
