Drawing a pixmap using QPainter::drawPixmap in qt - qt

I am able to paint a pixmap by using QPainter::drawPixmap, but I am having trouble with the sizing. The pixmap is being drawn onto many different scenes. Some of the scenes are very large, and some are very small. This results in the pixmap drawn being either looking very large or very small, depending on the size of the scene (or viewport, whatever its called). I need the pixmap to look the same size everytime, regardless of the dimensions of the scene it is being placed into.
Basically, I want it to work similar to drawPoint, where you can specify the length and width of the point in pixels, so the point looks the same size every time.
The following line of code is inside my paint function of the QGraphicsItem I subclassed:
painter_p->drawPixmap( pos(), MYPIXMAP );
with pos() returning the QPointF I need to draw the pixmap at.

Can't you use QGraphicsPixmapItem? It'd do exactly what you want.


How to ensure even pixel size when painting scaled QImage?

I have a 4 channel png image with 8x8 Pixels that is loaded by a QImage. The QImage is then scaled by a factor of 200, so the image will have a new resolution of 1600x1600, each original pixel having a size of 200x200. But when this image is added to a QLabel through the means of a QPixmap and shown on screen, the drawn pixels will have slightly different sizes.
I've taken screenshots with Gimp and looked at the painted image more closely. It seems that every other pixel is slightly bigger than it should be, 201 instead of 200 pixels wide for example. The very last pixel in a row will then be smaller to compensate, so that the entire image has the correct size in the end.
This does not happen for all scaling factors, 100 is fine for example and so are factors that are a power of 2, such as 256.
My original approach was using a QGraphicsView and a QGraphicsPixmapItem in which case I scaled the GraphicsItem instead of the image. The effect was the same.
What effect am I seeing here? And what, if anything, can be done about it?
The code to reproduce this issue is very straightforward
int scale = 200;
image = QImage("some image file");
QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image.scaled(image.size() * scale));
Turns out the easiest solution to my problem is to use QOpenGLWidget in the QGraphicsView:
setViewport(new QOpenGLWidget);
This single line in the constructor will result in much higher precision when scaling an image with the caveat of adding OpenGL as a dependency.
Another gotcha with this approach is that calling setViewport invalidates many of the settings done on a QGraphicsView. So if the view is set up in a UI file, as in my case, make sure to call other setters after calling setViewport.
I could not find a better solution that would work without OpenGL, short of writing my own rasterizer of course.

How to shift the pixels of part of a QGraphicsItem?

I would like to know whether it is possible to shift part of a drawing by copying its pixels rather than redrawing it.
I work in an embedded environment, where performance is a key factor. We use Qt 4.8.
I have a set of real-time data points that I want to draw. I define the following class:
class SetOfDataPoints : public QGraphicsItem
QRectF boundingRect() const { ... }
void paint(QPainter* painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option,
QWidget* widget = NULL) { ... }
<other methods>
At regular intervals, I read a new data point, add it to the instance of SetOfDataPoints, and shift the SetOfDataPoints to the left (by calling QGraphicsItem::moveBy() on the SetOfDataPoints), so the new data point becomes visible. As a result, SetOfDataPoints::paint() gets called, and in that method I have to draw the entire set of data points. The drawing currently consists only of line segments that connect the data points, but will become more elaborate in the future.
Now, it feels inefficient to redraw the whole set of data points, when most of the graph is actually just shifted to the left. I would like to shift the pixels of the unchanged part of the graph to the left, and draw only the one line segment that connects the last two points. At least I would like to try, and measure how much that improves performance.
Is there a way to do that in Qt 4.8?
This won't work in general:
Your item doesn't exist as any pixels until it's rendered. You don't know how many pixels it is drawn on, or even if there are any, since there are 0 or more views your scene is shown on, and the item might be visible to various extent on these views.
There are transformations applied to your item. It doesn't have to be rectangular.
Your item is composited with the items below it, unless it is completely opaque.
Your item, shown on a view, is composited with the backing store of the widget the view is on.
You can optimize for special cases. If your item is not cached, then it's always painted on a view, and the widget argument of paint will point to that widget. You then have direct access to the backing store, and the painter gives you the transformation used to go from item coordinates to the backing store's device coordinates. You can then inspect the path on the widget tree from the view to the window for opacity. If all intervening widgets paint opaque, and your item has an orientation-preserving transformation, you can certainly do a blit on the image, and redraw only a small part of the item.
If your item is cached, it should then be cached in device coordinates. You can do the blitting too, as you're painting on a pixmap. That pixmap is then composited onto the backing store of the window the view is on. There's a separate cache pixmap for each view.
When blitting, you must always recognize how much of the previous pixels are correct. For each view or cache pixmap, you should keep a region that is valid. That region initally should be empty.

Collision with fixed pixel-size items on QGraphicsView

I'm using Qt's GraphicsView/GraphicsScene framework, and I have to draw some line items.
To be sure these items are always visible (independant of the zoom level) I use a cosmetic pen, with a size of 3 (for example) so I always get lines of 3 pixels width drawn on screen.
But these items doesn't receive mouse events (such as hoverEnterEvent/hoverLeaveEvent) when I'm zooming out a lot.
I've digged in the code, and it appears that all collisions tests are done with the return value of the shape() function.
So I've tried to re-implement "shape()" and also "contains()" and "collidesWithPath()" methods, but I still have problems to detect collisions (because when zoom is changed, I need to re-update the shape for example).
Is there any tricks to do that ?
In an efficient way ? (without re-updating the item's shape at every zoom change)

qgraphicsview preferred size

I am now trying to resize a qgraphicsview to a preffered size:
I am using layouts:
I have layouts everywhere, so thet the size of my main widow is adjusted depending on its contents.
If I use:
Then my view is scaled to the given size, but I am not able to shrink the main window. (which makes sense as I set a minimum soze)
I would like to tell qt my preferred (not minimum or maximum) size for the view, letting the view use scrollbars when needed (i.e. if the preferred size does not fit in my screen), or letting qt have a smaller view than my preferred size if the scene is smaller than my view, (or enlarge the scene to fit the view in this case)
I am searching for something looking like an hypothetical method setPreferredWidth().
What can I do to get this behaviour?
It sounds like you're looking for the QGraphicsView function setSizePolicy: -
setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred));

How to fit in view the pixmaps in QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene without changing aspect ratio

I am using QGraphicsView/QGraphicsScene to display an image. The image is always displayed to its original size with scroll bars at the ends. I want QGraphicsView to fit the image automatically as per the the size of the window keeping aspect ratio.
I tried this but nothing happened:
You are providing the rectangle of the view and not that of the scene.
This should work:
ui->graphicsView->fitInView(scene->itemsBoundingRect() ,Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
itemsBoundingRect calculates and returns the bounding rect of all items on the scene. So the graphicsview's view matrix will be scaled in order to fit the contents of the scene.
I would advise you to reimplement resizeEvent and have this call there as well.
