xmlreader.Create return none - xmlreader

i am trying to read from xml string But ,
` XmlReader reader=XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(stringXml)`
reader is always none. why is reader objest none ?

You have to call the read function.

Here is the answer for your question. There seems to be no problem and the XmlReader is ready to be utilized.
Actually, if you are open to use .NetFramework 3.5 and higher you could benefit from using Linq To Xml:
XElement x = XElement.Load(new StringReader(s));

this happened to me in code that had been working for years. there were two paths for populating the xml string used in creating the xReader. The first pulled xml from a text parameter. If the text parameter was empty then it would fetch the string from sql server. If the text parameter was null, however, then I was getting "none" from the xReader. This despite the fact that SQL return perfectly formed xml. If the text parameter was an empty zero-length string, however, then everything worked fine, that is, the fetch to SQL ran, fetch xml and loaded the reader. It was like the runtime .net engine was running both paths simultaneously and giving me the worst possible outcome, instead of the desired outcome.


Getting input as hindi character from textbox and storing it to database

I am using asp.net and c# in my application and Mysql as Database.I want to take input from user in hindi and store it in database and retrieve it.
When I am storing the hindi characters in from Mysql database it is working fine for me but when I am using textbox to input a hindi characters it is showing me ?????????.
I guess the problem is the aspx page does not set to support hindi characters.Please tell me the way to achieve this.
I guess using UTF-8 encoding on your Http request and responses would solve it. What is your requestEncoding and responseEncoding in your Web.config file set to currently?
See more on the <globalization> tag here:
try this:-
// mytable=2 fields id(auto increment),title(nvarchar(max))
string title = "बिलाल";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into mytable values (N'" + title + "')", con);
Haha.. Oh the memories (and I only had to deal with spanish which fits into the default latin1).
So I don't know the MS side of the stack, but I assume it's the same types of solutions as Java. Namely you should always assume UTF-8, and thus make your Content-Type HTML responses always show UTF-8 so that browsers know to encode POST data in UTF-8. You should always inspect the encoding type of HTML POST's just in case you have a browser that ignored the encoding of the HTML form (someone might be using curl/wget/custom-browser). You need to learn how in MS-land to convert from one encoding type into UTF-8 (in java, for reference, we just say String s = new String(bytes, encoding_name))
Assuming that MS's stack uses UTF-16 or UCS-32 or whatever so that UTF-8 is easy to extract, next comes the mysql layer.
This includes 2 things..
1) column encoding MUST be set to UTF8.. It's not obvious at all how to do it, and even the spelling is annoying.. Just google it.. "create database foo default character set UTF8" (approximate syntax), or if you're worried for some reason, do it at the table level "create table foo (..) character set UTF8" (approximate syntax).. Or if the table is already there, take EVERY column that can take arbitrary web-form text (possibly including login-name, but not columns like enumerated varchars - as it would waste index space - even though you'd think it wouldn't) "alter table foo change name varchar(255) character set UTF8" (approximate syntax).
2) You MUST make the ODBC connection (jdbc in java, don't know in MS), encode all in/out characters at UTF-8. There are two parameters I set (use-unicode, and character-set=UTF-8) (approximate parameter names).
Google it all, but this should point you in the right direction.
Test the existing DB by connecting to mysql both with character-set=UTF8 and latin1.. You'll see totally different output in your text-data when connected as each encoding. If you're lucky, you already got the data in correctly.. Otherwise you'll have to regenerate ALL the data, or perform some very clever character conversion hacks like I had to do once upon a time (painful stuff).

getting the content of an invalid Xml Document in Biztalk

I have a Biztalk orchestration that posts to a http site. the response that comes back is of xmlDocument type, but it only contains a 0, no html/xml at all. All I want to do is set that 0 to a string or something to output it, but I cannot use any of the xmldocument functions because the xml is not well formed, and I cant use maps because there is no schema to work with. Trying to use any xml function returns an "invalid root level" error.
You can use a string variable and use Xpath to set the value from the response message in an Expression Shape.
You can use a XMLDocument Message and create it in an Assign Shape. You can assign the string variable to an element in the message.
You might look at using a Pipeline Component to wrap the response - e.g. have a look at the Flat File samples here

parsing simple xml with jquery from asp.net webservice

I'm breaking my head over this for a while now and I have no clue what I do wrong.
The scenario is as followed, I'm using swfupload to upload files with a progressbar
via a webservice. the webservice needs to return the name of the generated thumbnail.
This all goes well and though i prefer to get the returned data in json (might change it later in the swfupload js files) the default xml data is fine too.
So when an upload completes the webservice returns the following xml as expected (note I removed the namespace in webservice):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Now I want to parse this result with jquery and thought the following would do it:
var xml = response;
But I cannot get the string value. I've tried lots of combinations (.html(), .innerhtml(), response.find("string").text() but nothing seems to work. This is my first time trying to parse xml via jquery so maybe I'm doing something fundemantally wrong. The 'response' is populated with the xml.
I hope someone can help me with this.
Thanks for your time.
Kind regards,
I think $(xml) is looking for a dom object with a selector that matches the string value of XML, so I guess it's coming back null or empty?
The First Plugin mentioned below xmldom looks pretty good, but if your returned XML really is as simply as your example above, a bit of string parsing might be quicker, something like:
var start = xml.indexOf('<string>') + 8;
var end = xml.indexOf('</string>');
var resultstring = xml.substring(start, end);
From this answer to this question: How to query an XML string via DOM in jQuery
There are a 2 ways to approach this.
Convert the XML string to DOM, parse it using this plugin or follow this tutorial
Convert the XML to JSON using this plugin.
jQuery cannot parse XML. If you pass a string full of XML content into the $ function it will typically try to parse it as HTML instead using standard innerHTML. If you really need to parse a string full of XML you will need browser-specific and not-globally-supported methods like new DOMParser and the XMLDOM ActiveXObject, or a plugin that wraps them.
But you almost never need to do this, since an XMLHttpRequest should return a fully-parsed XML DOM in the responseXML property. If your web service is correctly setting a Content-Type response header to tell the browser that what's coming back is XML, then the data argument to your callback function should be an XML Document object and not a string. In that case you should be able to use your example with find() and text() without problems.
If the server-side does not return an XML Content-Type header and you're unable to fix that, you can pass the option type: 'xml' in the ajax settings as an override.

ASP.NET special character problem

I'm building an automated RSS feed in ASP.NET and occurrences of apostrophes and hyphens are rendering very strangely:
"Here's a test" is rendering as "Here’s a test"
I have managed to circumvent a similar problem with the pound sign (£) by escaping the ampersand and building the HTML escape for £ manually as shown in in the extract below:
sArticleSummary = sArticleSummary.Replace("£", "&pound;")
But the following attempt is failing to resolve the apostrophe issue, we stil get ’ on the screen.
sArticleSummary = sArticleSummary.Replace("’", "&#146;"")
The string in the database (SQL2005) for all intents and purposes appears to be plain text - can anyone advise why what seem to be plain text strings keep coming out in this manner, and if anyone has any ideas as to how to resolve the apostrophe issue that'd be appreciated.
Thanks for your help.
Further to Vladimir's help, it now looks as though the problem is that somewhere between the database and it being loaded into the string var the data is converting from an apostrophe to ’ - has anyone seen this happen before or have any pointers?
I would guess the the column in your SQL 2005 database is defined as a varchar(N), char(N) or text. If so the conversion is due to the database driver using a different code page setting to that set in the database.
I would recommend changing this column (any any others that may contain non-ASCII data) to nvarchar(N), nchar(N) or nvarchar(max) respectively, which can then contain any Unicode code point, not just those defined by the code page.
All of my databases now use nvarchar/nchar exclusively to avoid these type of encoding issues. The Unicode fields use twice as much storage space but there'll be very little performance difference if you use this technique (the SQL engine uses Unicode internally).
Transpires that the data (whilst showing in SQLServer plain) is actually carrying some MS Word special characters.
Assuming you get Unicode-characters from the database, the easiest way is to let System.Xml.dll take care of the conversion for you by appending the RSS-feed with a XmlDocument object. (I'm not sure about the elements found in a rss-feed.)
XmlDocument rss = new XmlDocument();
rss.LoadXml("<?xml version='1.0'?><rss />");
XmlElement element = rss.DocumentElement.AppendChild(rss.CreateElement("item")) as XmlElement;
element.InnerText = sArticleSummary;
or with Linq.Xml:
XDocument rss = new XDocument(
new XElement("rss",
new XElement("item", sArticleSummary)
I would just put "Here's a test" into a CDATA tag. Easy and it works.
<![CDATA[Here's a test]]>

Best method to populate XML from SQL query in ASP.NET?

I need to create a service that will return XML containing data from the database. So I am thinking about using an ASHX that will accept things like date range and POST an XML file back. I have dealt with pages pulling data from SQL Server and populating into a datagrid for visual display but never into XML for delivery, what is the best way to do this? Also if an ASHX and POST isn't the best method for delivery let me know... thanks!
EDIT: These answers are great and pointing me in the right direction. I should have also mentioned that the XML format has already been decided so I can't use any automatically generated one.
Combining linq2sqlwith the XElement classes, something along the lines:
var xmlContacts =
new XElement("contacts",
(from c in context.Contacts
select new XElement("contact",
new XElement
new XElement("name", c.Name),
new XElement("phone", c.Phone),
new XElement("postal", c.Postal)
Linq2sql will retrieve the data in a single call to the db, and the processing of the XML will be done at the business server. This splits the load better, since you don't have the sql server doing all the job.
Have you tried DataSet.WriteXml()?
You could have this be the output of a web service call.
Sql Server 2005 and above has a "FOR XML AUTO" command that will convert your recordset to XML for you. Then you just have to return a string from your ASHX.
Beginning with SQL Server 2000, you can return query results as XML. For absolute control of them, use the "FOR XML EXPLICIT" command. You can use any format you desire that way.
It's as easy as writing your result to the raw output then. For added points, you can return the result set to a XPathDocument, pass it through an XSL transformation, and send the results out in any format you choose (HTML vs XML at the click of a button perhaps).
you can obtained that to a datatable and then call myTable.WriteXML()
if you are populating classes with the your database results then add the serializable attribute to the header your classes, and use the XMLSerializer
Converting an automatically generated format into a specified one is a job for xslt. Just find a way to run the output from the tool through an xslt filter.
Oracle has a great product for doing exactly this job - the oracle XDK. But it's a java thing, not ASP as far as I know.
For an example, this XHTML
is generated automatically from this XML, which is generated by oracle
Of course, you are not after XHTML, but some other XML format. But XSLT will do the job.
