What is the most efficient way of filling in details on a web form? - webdriver

Take a standard web page with lots of text fields, drop downs etc.
What is the most efficient way in webdriver to fill out the values and then verify if the values have been entered correctly.

You only have to test that the values are entered correctly if you have some javascript validation or other magic happening at your input fields. You don't want to test that webdriver/selenium works correctly.
There are various ways, depending if you want to use webdriver or selenium. Here is a potpourri of the stuff I'm using.
Assert.assertEquals("input field must be empty", "", selenium.getValue("name=model.query"));
//here you have to wait for javascript to finish. E.g wait for a css Class or id to appear
Assert.assertEquals("Testinput", selenium.getValue("name=model.query"));
With webdriver only:
WebElement inputElement = driver.findElement(By.id("input_field_1"));
//here you have to wait for javascript to finish. E.g wait for a css Class or id to appear
Assert.assertEquals("12", inputElement.getAttribute("value"));

Hopefully, the results of filling out your form are visible to the user in some manner. So you could think along these BDD-esque lines:
When I create a new movie
Then I should see my movie page
That is, your "new movie" steps would do the field entry & submit. And your "Then" would assert that the movie shows up with your entered data.
element = driver.find_element(:id, "movie_title")
element.send_keys 'The Good, the Bad, the Ugly'
# etc.
driver.find_element(:id, "submit").click
I'm just dabbling in this now, but this is what I came up with so far. It certainly seems more verbose than something like Capybara:
fill_in 'movie_title', :with => 'The Good, the Bad, the Ugly'
Hope this helps.


How to add time widget/picker?

New appmaker user here.
I'm trying to port the work permits approval "app" I made with G Suite form+spreadsheet+GAS; users should enter the day, the start and end time of the permit.
I can see from the Forum Sample that the Date field type is a DateTime field type, so I can use it in my model.
The problem is I cannot find the time picker in the widgets, and the date box has no option to also enter the time.
Am I missing something?
Time Pickers for App Maker
I read your question and thought I'd try to role one of my own and this is what I came up with. I put all of the buttons on a pageFragment and call it with app.showDialog(app.pageFragments.timePicker2);
I only use clientside script.
function updateOutput(){
var h=app.pageFragments.TimePicker2.properties.hour||'00';
var m=app.pageFragments.TimePicker2.properties.minute||'00';
var s=app.pageFragments.TimePicker2.properties.second||'00';
var t=h + ':' + m + ':' + s;
return t;
function updateHour(v){
function updateMinute(v){
function updateSecond(v){
Here's what my time picker looks like:
Yes. Adding all of the buttons is a nuisance but there are a few features about AppMaker that make it more tolerable.
First you can assign the TimePicker form properties which I use as global properties. I had three hour,minute and second.
Then after you add all of the hour buttons you can grab all of them at one time by clicking each one while holding down control on a windows machine and click on the onClick event and pick custom action and type this in updateHour(widget.text); the code completion won't give you text as an option but type it any way.
I just figured out how to grab the buttons all a one time by pushing shift and selecting with the mouse
Do the same thing with the minute and second buttons using updateMinute(widget.text) and updateSecond(widget.text); This saves you a lot of time typing all of the functions into each widget control panel. Also you don't have to bother giving all of the buttons special names like I did.
But you might like to format them with the following css.
And again you can grab all of the buttons at one time and change the following setting:
That way you can style all of the buttons at one time.
My save button just copies the final string into a label on the main panel.
You will probably want to do something more elegant.
Here's a demo: in preview mode. Sorry about the 24 hour clock. I always use this for my own stuff because it's so much easier and I like it. You'll probably want AM & PM. I'll probably go back and do that too.
For an AM/PM Picker I used these functions:
function updateOutputAP(){
var h=app.pageFragments.TimePicker3.properties.hour||'00';
var m=app.pageFragments.TimePicker3.properties.minute||'00';
var s=app.pageFragments.TimePicker3.properties.second||'00';
var ap=app.pageFragments.TimePicker3.properties.ap||' ';
var t=h + ':' + m + ':' + s + ' ' + ap;
return t;
function updateHourPM(v){
function updateHourAM(v){
function updateMinuteAP(v){
function updateSecondAP(v){
And this is what my picker looks like:
Now that I know how to pick the components easily with the mouse it was a break to make this change.
Three AppMaker Time Pickers:
At this time App Maker doesn't provide out of the box Time or Date/Time picker widgets, it means that you need to implement one by yourself. There are at least two ways to accomplish this task:
App Maker way
Wait and hope when App Maker will introduce Time or Date/Time picker widget or use existing App Maker widgets to emulate Time Picker. Calendar Sample can be a good starting point:
Hack into DOM/JS
If you have no concerns about cross-browser compatibility and you are OK to get you hands dirty with DOM manipulation by javascript, creating events listeners and other cool stuff, then you can play with HTML widget and native date/time or time input, or even some third party library.
One simple option would be to simply use a textbox and set the validation in the model field.
You can update your Date object on save or just use as is depending on your application. You get the benefit of auto validation errors in the UI to guide your user and it takes only seconds to set up.
\b((1[0-2]|0?[1-9]):([0-5][0-9]) ([AaPp][Mm]))

How can I focus and autofill a text field in Autohotkey?

I'm attempting to write a script to automatically fill a web-field with the current date using an AutoHotkey script. However, I'm not sure how to focus a specific field by its name or id.
My current hacky workaround is to use Send, {Tab 84} to scroll to the specific field, type the date with Send, 6/28/2017, and submit the field manually. While the script works most of the time, it's blatantly apparent there are better methods.
How can I focus autofill specific text-field on a webpage using an AutoHotkey script?
An IE COM object should do the trick, as long as you're comfortable navigating the DOM with some JS of your own.
Here's an example:
wb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") ; Create a IE instance
wb.Visible := True
Sleep, 5000
SendInput, This is test.{Enter}
Sleep, 5000
wb.document.getElementById("lst-ib").value := "This is another test."

Can't Edit/Update Certain Items In Database (Table)

I have database that I have multiple orders entered into. Everything seems to be working fine except for a few old entries which will not accept updates/changes to their Fields.
Note: The majority of the Fields are Strings with Possible Values entered via a DropDown Box.
So if I open Order A I can make adjustments just fine and those changes persist even after closing the page and coming back or refreshing.
But if I open Order B, I can make changes via the dropdowns and it looks like they have adjusted, however if I leave the page or refresh all the changes have reverted back.
One piece of info that may be helpful is that each of these orders has at least one Field that contains an entry that is no longer a Possible Value (the original entries were removed/changed per request of the client).
Maybe they are "locked" because of this? Is there a way to look at an error log for a Published app?
I can delete the "corrupt" entries and recreate them (since there are currently only a few), but I would prefer to find a better solution in case this happens again in the future.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's a bug. Such field level value updates should get through.
As workaround you can update prohibited(not possible anymore) values with allowed ones in OnSave Model's Event like:
switch (record.Field) {
case "old_value_1":
record.Field = "new_value_1";
case "old_value_2":
record.Field = "new_value_2";
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Each deployment has its own log. Have you tried "App Settings > DEPLOYMENTS > (click on the desployment) > VIEW LOGS"?

Can't figure how phone number reveal works

I am pretty new to web-scraping and recently I am trying to automatically scrap phone number for pages like this. I am not supposed to use Selenium/headless url browser libraries and I am trying to find the a way to actually request the phone number using let say a web service or any other possible solution that could give me the phone number hopefully directly without having to go through the actual button press by selenium.
I totally understand that it may not even be possible to automatically reveal the phone number in one shut as it is meant not be accessible by nosy newbie web-scraper like me; but I still like to raise the question for my information to get detailed answer from an expert point of view.
If I search the "Reveal" button DOM element, it shows some tags which I have never seen before. I have two main questions which I believe could be helpful for newbies like me.
1) Given a set of unknown tags/attribues (ie. data-q and data-reveal in the blow button), how is one able to find out which scripts in the page are actually using them?
2) I googled the button element's tag like: data-q and data-reveal the only relevant I could find was this which for some reason I don't have access two even-if I use proxy.
Any clue particularly on the first question is much appreciate it.
Below is the href-button code
Ok, according to your demand there are several steps before you finally get a solution.
1st step : open your own browser and enter your target page(https://www.gumtree.com/p/vans/2015-ford-transit-custom-2.2tdci-290-l1-h1/1190345514)
2nd step : (Assume you are using Chrome as your favorite browser) Press Ctrl+Shift+I to open the console, and then select 'Network' tag in the console.
3rd step : Press the 'Reveal' button on that page, watch the console carefully, catch the http request which is sent immediately when you press the 'Reveal' button. You can see the request contains a long string of number in Query String Parameters, actually it is a timestamp.
4th step : Also you can see there is a part named 'Request Headers' in that http request, and you should copy the values of referer , user-agent , x-gumtree-token.
5th step : Try to construct your request (I am a fan of Python, So I am going to show you my example code in Python)
import time
import requests
import json
headers = {
'referer': 'please enter the value you just copied from that specific request',
'user-agent': 'please enter the value you just copied from that specific request',
'x-gumtree-token': 'please enter the value you just copied from that specific request'
url = 'https://www.gumtree.com/ajax/account/seller/reveal/number/1190345514?_='
current_time = time.time()
current_time = str(current_time)
current_time = current_time.split('.')[0] + current_time.split('.')[1] + '0'
url += current_time
response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers)
response_result = json.loads(response.content)
phone_number = response_result['data']

ASP.Net links won't disable if done during postback

I'm still fairly new to ASP.Net, so forgive me if this is a stupid question.
On page load I'm displaying a progress meter after which I do a post back in order to handle the actual loading of the page. During the post back, based on certain criteria I'm disabling certain links on the page. However, the links won't disable. I noticed that if I force the links to disable the first time in (through debug) that the links disable just fine. However, I don't have the data I need at that time in order to make the decision to disable.
Code Behind
If (Not IsCallback) Then
pnlLoading.Visible = True
pnlQuote1.Visible = False
pnlLoading.Visible = False
pnlQuote1.Visible = True
<Load data from DB and web service>
<Build page>
If (<Some Criteria>) Then
somelink.Disable = True
End If
End If
if (document.getElementById('pnlQuote1') === null) {
ob_post.post(null, 'PerformRating', ratingResult);
ob_post.post is an obout js function that does a normal postback and then follows up with a call to the server method named by the second param. then followed by the call to a JavaScript method named by the third param. The first parameter is the page to post back to. A value of null posts back to the current page.
The post back is working fine. All methods are called in the correct order. The code that gives me trouble is under the code behind in bold. (somelink.disabled = True does not actually disable the link) Again, if I debug and force the disabling of the link to happen the first time in, it disables. Does anyone know what I might do to get around this?
Your code example is using the IsCallBack check, while the question text talks about the IsPostback Check. I'd verify that you're using Page.IsPostBack in your code to turn off the links.
