QTCreator copy files to output directory with INSTALLS - qt

I have two sub directories docroot and config in my Qt project. Files in these directories shall be copied to the build directory whenever I build / debug the project.
As of https://stackoverflow.com/a/3991210/356726 this is possible by using INSTALLS (QtDoc), which seems to be much easier than running copy command (e.g here). A similar approach is described here.
config.path = $${DESTDIR}/config
config.files = config/*
docroot.path = $${DESTDIR}/docroot
docroot.files = docroot/*
INSTALLS += config docroot
However, when I run a build in Qt Creator nothing happens. This here says I need to run make install . Can I somehow trigger / do this from within Qt Creator automatically whenever I build. I would need always the latest version of the files.
EDIT: Eventually I have used $$OUT_PWD instead of $$DESTDIR
Original comment from Logan here:
"Just a note: I used $$OUT_PWD instead of $$DESTDIR to make it work. For reference $$OUT_PWD is the folder that the program is built to, and $$PWD is the folder that the program is Being built from -in other words it's where the .pro file is."

What you need is a custom build step.
Switch to Projects Mode: press Ctrl+5.
On Build Settings tab under Build Steps click on Add Build Step.
Choose Make from the menu.
Write install into Make arguments: text input box.
(The version where I checked these is Qt Creator 2.4.1.)

I was using Shadow Build on Window 7 and I ran into the same problem than you.
Moreover, after setting my INSTALLS and running make install I was having the following message :
Nothing to be done for `install'.
The reason is that you have to set $$DESTDIR yourself.
In my case I wanted to copy *.qml files, that's how I achieved it:
# if you are using Shadow build, you need to get the output folder
CONFIG(release, debug|release): DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/release
CONFIG(debug, debug|release): DESTDIR = $$OUT_PWD/debug
# if you are using normal build (non-shadow) that would have worked as well.
CONFIG(release, debug|release): DESTDIR = release
CONFIG(debug, debug|release): DESTDIR = debug
QmlFiles.path = $$DESTDIR/Qml
QmlFiles.files += $$files(Qml/*.qml)
INSTALLS += QmlFiles
I figure out that $$OUT_PWD can be use to find the Shadow Build Output path. So, I fixed the code which finally come close to what you were using.


Qt creator does not detect opencv

I am trying to run a program in Qt5.6 with openCV3.1, but no matter what I do, it does not detect openCV include.
Projects -> Build Environment -> Include :
I added C:\opencv\opencv3.1.0\opencv\build\include
Projects -> Build Environment -> LIB:
I added C:\opencv\opencv3.1.0\opencv\build\x64\vc14\lib
However, still in the code there is a yellow line indicating that it doesn't detect opencv:
and there are lots of errors like this:
The environment variable for openCV is also set as:
How should I install Qt with openCV to avoid these problems?
In the .pro file, add the following lines:
INCLUDEPATH += C:\opencv\opencv3.1.0\opencv\build\include
LIBS += -LC:\opencv\opencv3.1.0\opencv\build\x64\vc14\lib \
opencv310.lib \
And also you need to add the .dll file's path C:\opencv\opencv3.1.0\opencv\build\x64\vc14\bin to the system path (this time you need to restart the Qt IDE)

Qt is there something better then QMAKE_POST_LINK for post build actions?

In my pro file I do somthing like:
QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$QMAKE_COPY $$quote($$PWD/*.xml) $$quote($$OUT_PWD) $$escape_expand(\\n\\t)
To copy files into the target area ready for deployment. This could be a default config file or some other resource.
When I build the code this works fine, the file is copied. However if I then modify the the config file (lets just call is config.xml) and re-build then since no source files are changed, the build returns "nothing to do ..." and therefore there is no post-linker stage and my updated config.xml file is not copied to the target area.
So to test my changes I have to modify a source file and then re-build... its a bit annoying and when I forget it often causes a few minutes of wasted time...
I'm not sure if I understood well what you want to achieve, but is it something like this (from my personal project)?
unix:!macx {
LIBS += -ltag -L$$OUT_PWD/../Core/ -lmiam-core
target.path = /usr/bin
desktop.path = /usr/share/applications
desktop.files = $$PWD/../../debian/usr/share/applications/miam-player.desktop
icon64.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps
icon64.files = $$PWD/../../debian/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64 /apps/application-x-miamplayer.png
appdata.path = /usr/share/appdata
appdata.files = $$PWD/../../fedora/miam-player.appdata.xml
INSTALLS += desktop \
target \
icon64 \
So when you do:
make install
The install target will execute the 4 parts in INSTALL.
Edit: you can also add extra build steps in QtCreator:

How do I stop Qt Creator placing my executable in a "debug" subdirectory?

I'm building a project in Qt Creator, and while I don't care where the intermediate .obj files go it's important that the final executable be put in (and run from) a particular directory where the many dependency DLLs etc. are to be found.
So, in Qt Creator, I select the 'Shadow Build' option and specify the path to this directory.
What I always find, however, is that instead of being put into this directory, the final executable is always placed into
... which is no use to me because, when I then try to run or debug the program from within Qt Creator, it won't start because the DLLs that it depends on are all in the_Directory_I_Actually_Want and not in the /debug subdirectory.
I've tried setting DESTDIR within my .pro file to the the_Directory_I_Actually_Want, and I've tried setting TARGET within my .pro file to the_Directory_I_Actually_Want/projectName, and I've tried faddling around with the various options that are part of the 'kit' configuration, and nothing seems to let me have any control over this.
Is there a way of doing this, or am I going to have to change the rest of my build system around just for Qt Creator's benefit?
Three years later...
Just use:
copy_dir_files \
debug_and_release \
On Windows you can use DLLDESTDIR variable which specifies where to copy the target dll or exe. Just add this to your .pro :
CONFIG(release, debug|release): DLLDESTDIR += $$PWD/../exec
On Linux you can use QMAKE_POST_LINK variable which contains the command to execute after linking the TARGET together. So it is like:
CONFIG(release, debug|release): QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$quote(cp project $$PWD/../exec)
Here project is the name of the target file which you provide by TARGET = project
These will copy the executable binary to a directory named exec one level upper than the program working directory. You can have your arbitrary path.

How to use qmllint in Qt Creator?

qmllint is a syntax checker for QML files written by KDAB which is shipped as a plugin with Qt 5.4. It's usage is based on command line like:
$ qmllint myFile.qml
Is it possible to use it directly in Qt Creator?
You can actually set custom commands in QtCreator to be run without cluttering your qmake file manually because that will effect all the other people in your project, too.
So, if you want to make sure that you only do it for yourself and not clutter it for others, using QtCreator's shiny GUI, I would suggest to follow this:
Projects (left pane)
Build & Run
Build Steps
Add Build Step
Here is the screen how exactly you can set up the command with the corresponding arguments:
With QtCreator's GUI, you can easily change the order with the same concept without touching your project file should you prefer that. There are use cases for that like:
You would not want to run any steps, not even qmake, before the qml file is properly validated
You only have C++ files, so there is no such a thing as "linkage".
There are other "generic" approaches useful outside QtCreator, although you asked about this IDE, like putting the command into variables like:
QMAKE_PRE_LINK = qmllint $$PWD/path/to/myFile.qml
QMAKE_POST_LINK = qmllint $$PWD/path/to/myFile.qml
System command execution from your qmake project file
system("qmllint $$PWD/path/to/myFile.ml")
Adding custom targets with QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS
qmllinttarget.commands = qmllint $$PWD/path/to/myFile.qml
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += qmllinttarget
I believe the point in this question is not to have a check for a single file with known name, but to run qmllint on all qml files of a project. Ideally this should be done before building anything, because a build with erroneous qml files is likely to have no real value.
Extending lpapp's answer and playing around with qmake a bit, I came to this solution:
ALL_PWD_QML_FILES = $$files($${_PRO_FILE_PWD_}/*.qml , true)
# a command that creates an empty file with a given name.
win32 {
} else {
MY_TOUCH_CMD = touch
qmllint.output = .qmllint/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qmllint
qmllint.input = ALL_PWD_QML_FILES
qmllint.commands = qmllint ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} && $${MY_TOUCH_CMD} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT}
qmllint.CONFIG += no_link recursive target_predeps
This assumes that all qml files are either in the same directory as the .pro file or in subdirectories.
It will run qmllint on all qml files before the actual build, but only if any qml file has changed since a previous build.
Tested on Windows with Qt 5.11 and MSVC.
You can use QMAKE_POST_LINK variable in your .pro file like :
QMAKE_POST_LINK = qmllint $$PWD/QMLFiles/myFile.qml
This runs qmllint on your QML file when you build your project.

Using Qt Creator to develop an Apache2 module

I'm developing an Apache2 module as a subproject of a larger project. The source file is (for example) module_example.c. Apache2 modules are compiled with apxs2, thus:
% apxs2 -c module_example.c
I've successfully added rules (patterned on how ODB works) to my Qt Creator .pro file to find and use apxs2, like this:
APXS_FILES += module_example.c
for(dir, APXS_FILES) {
APXS_PWD_FILES += $$PWD/$${dir}
apxs.name = apxs2 -c ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
apxs.input = APXS_PWD_FILES
apxs.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.so
apxs.commands = apxs2 $$APXS_FLAGS -c ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
apxs.depends = $$APXS_PWD_FILES
apxs.clean = module_${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.so
QtCreator correctly compiles the module using apxs2 (although it leaves the binaries in the source directory instead of the build directory, which isn't ideal), but then also tries to compile it with GCC (which fails). How do I tell Qt Creator to use my "extra compiler" instead of the normal one? Changing the extension to something else (module_example.apxs, for example) doesn't appear to be an option, because apxs2 has no option to specify the extension of C source files. Any ideas?
It's not Qt Creator that does it, but qmake. You need to remove module_example.c from SOURCES. The problem is in the part of the .pro file you're not showing.
If you wish to easily access the file from Qt Creator, add it to OTHER_FILES. It will be shown in the project structure in the IDE, but won't be compiled by default.
Also, it's up to you to tell apxs to output to the build path. You need ${OUT_PWD}.
