How to expose a validation API in a RESTful way? - http

I'm generally a fan of RESTful API design, but I'm unsure of how to apply REST principles for a validation API.
Suppose we have an API for querying and updating a user's profile info (name, email, username, password). We've deemed that a useful piece of functionality to expose would be validation, e.g. query whether a given username is valid and available.
What are the resource(s) in this case? What HTTP status codes and/or headers should be used?
As a start, I have GET /profile/validate which takes query string params and returns 204 or 400 if valid or invalid. But validate is clearly a verb and not a noun.

The type of thing you've described is certainly more RPC-style in its' semantics, but that doesn't mean you can't reach your goals in a RESTful manner.
There's no VALIDATE HTTP verb, so how much value can you get from structuring an entire API around that? Your story centers around providing users with the ability to determine whether a given user name is available - that sounds to me like a simple resource retrieval check - GET: /profile/username/... - if the result is a 404, the name is available.
What this highlights is that that client-side validation is just that - client side. It's a UI concern to ensure that data is validated on the client before being sent to the server. A RESTful service doesn't give a whit whether or not a client has performed validation; it will simply accept or reject a request based on its' own validation logic.
REST isn't an all-encompassing paradigm, it only describes a way of structuring client-server communications.

We have also encountered the same problem. Our reasoning for having the client defer to the server for validation was to prevent having mismatched rules. The server is required to validate everything prior to acting on the resources. It didn't make sense to code these rules twice and have this potential for them to get out of sync. Therefore, we have come up with a strategy that seems to keep with the idea of REST and at the same time allows us to ask the server to perform the validation.
Our first step was to implement a metadata object that can be requested from a metadata service (GET /metadata/user). This metadata object is then used to tell the client how to do basic client side validations (requiredness, type, length, etc). We generate most of these from our database.
The second part consist of adding a new resource called an analysis. So for instance, if we have a service:
GET /users/100
We will create a new resource called:
POST /users/100/analysis
The analysis resource contains not only any validation errors that occurred, but also statistical information that might be relevant if needed. One of the issues we have debated was which verb to use for the analysis resource. We have concluded that it should be a POST as the analysis is being created at the time of the request. However, there have been strong arguments for GET as well.
I hope this is helpful to others trying to solve this same issue. Any feedback on this design is appreciated.

You are confusing REST with resource orientation, there's nothing in REST that says you cannot use verbs in URLs. When it comes to URL design I usually choose whatever is most self-descriptive, wheather is noun or verb.
About your service, what I would do is use the same resource you use to update, but with a test querystring parameter, so when test=1 the operation is not done, but you can use it to return validation errors.
PATCH /profile?test=1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
... and the response:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/html
<ul class="errors">
<li data-name="dob">foo is not a valid date.</li>

A very common scenario is having a user or profile signup form with a username and email that should be unique. An error message would be displayed usually on blur of the textbox to let the user know that the username already exists or the email they entered is already associated with another account. There's a lot of options mentioned in other answers, but I don't like the idea of needing to look for 404s meaning the username doesn't exist, therefore it's valid, waiting for submit to validate the entire object, and returning metadata for validation doesn't help with checking for uniqueness.
Imo, there should be a GET route that returns true or false per field that needs validated.
You can add any other routes with this pattern for any other fields that need server side validation. Of course, you would still want to validate the whole object in your POST.
This pattern also allows for validation when updating a user. If the user focused on the email textbox, then clicked out for the blur validation to fire, slightly different validation would be necessary as it's ok if the email already exists as long as it's associated with the current user. You can utilize these GET routes that also return true or false.
Again, the entire object would need validated in your PUT.

It is great to have the validation in the REST API. You need a validation anyway and wy not to use it on the client side. In my case I just have a convention in the API that a special error_id is representing validation errors and in error_details there is an array of error messages for each field that has errors in this PUT or POST call. For example:
"error": true,
"error_id": 20301,
"error_message": "Validation failed!",
"error_details": {
"number": [
"Number must not be empty"
"ean": [
"Ean must not be empty",
"Ean is not a valid EAN"
If you use the same REST API for web and mobile application you will like the ability to change validation in both only by updating the API. Especialy mobile updates would take more than 24h to get published on the stores.
And this is how it looks like in the Mobile application:
The response of the PUT or POST is used to display the error messages for each field. This is the same call from a web application using React:
This way all REST API response codes like 200 , 404 have their meaning like they should. A PUT call responses with 200 even if the validation fails. If the call passes validation the response would look like this:
"error": false,
"item": {
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2016-08-03 13:58:11",
"updated_at": "2016-11-30 08:55:58",
"deleted_at": null,
"name": "Artikel 1",
"number": "1273673813",
"ean": "12345678912222"
There are possible modifications you could make. Maby use it without an error_id. If there are error_details just loop them and if you find a key that has the same name as a field put his value as error text to the same field.


How should I name an endpoint that checks whether a user has authority to edit a resource?

The background first:
I have an application where a logged-in user(employee) X can see a list of all other users (employees). If the logged-in user X is a manager (their designation), then they can also edit certain attributes of the users they manage. For example, the location, designation, and the department of the user being edited. It should be noted X can edit only those employees who report to him/her, which means there are users which X is not allowed to edit.
When X clicks on a user to edit it, they navigate to a page like<ID_OF_THE_USER_BEING_EDITED>
Obviously, X can get smart and manually edit the URL and put in the id of a user they are NOT allowed to edit, so before loading the edit form I need to check whether X has the authorization to edit user Y.
if X is authorized to do so, then that page displays a form (with the current attributes of the users pre-filled in the appropriate fields) to edit the user. Else, I display an 'Access Denied' kind of message.
Right now I have created a very badly named temporary endpoint (/api/v1/maybe_edit_user/?jwt=<TOKEN>&userId=<USER_BEING_EDITED>).
This grotesque-looking endpoint does 2 things:
It extracts the currently logged-in user from the token, and checks whether it has the required access level to edit the user (passed through the GET parameter userId)
If yes, then it returns the current attributes (name, email, location, designation, and other stuff) in the response, which is then pre-filled in appropriate fields when the form is displayed.
Once X submits the form, a PUT request is sent to another endpoint (/api/v1/users/<USER_ID_OF_Y> PUT) and the user Y is updated.
While this works, I don't find it attractive. I am trying to learn to write better, cleaner, and more organized code that is compliant with the standards.
The best practices for REST suggest that all endpoints should be nouns. My endpoint, on the other hand, is not even a simple verb. It's a god-forsaken phrase at the very minimum.
So, the questions here are:
How should I name my endpoint.
Should I use a single endpoint to check for permission, AND fetching the attributes of the user being edited, like I am doing right now? Or should I break them into 2 separate endpoints?
The fact that there is an access control list is an unrelated concern; ignore it.
Resource identifier identify resources. Resources are generalizations of documents.
You want an identifier that is consistent with the production rules of RFC 3986, and it is often convenient (but not required) to choose spellings that enable leverage of URI Templates (RFC 6570), but otherwise the machines don't care.
That means you can choose a spelling that makes things easier for humans; you get to choose which humans get priority here.
it returns the current attributes (name, email, location, designation, and other stuff) in the response
That's your hint as to what the document is; some sort of digest of Bob's... profile? employee record? dossier? that is apparently optimized for use in this specific kind of form.
So the identifier could be as simple as
and a request might look like
GET /this-specific-kind-of-form/source-data/Bob HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
The implementation looks largely like your sketch - verify the token, compare the claims to those that are required, and return either the resource or some flavor of Client Error (4xx).
The best practices for REST suggest that all endpoints should be nouns.
Don't read too much into that.
Notice that all of the following resource identifiers work:
You can click on any of those links, and your browser will create the correct HTTP request, and the server will do the expected thing.

How to reuse variables from previous request in the Paw rest client?

I need to reuse value which is generated for my previous request.
For example, at first request, I make a POST to the URL /api/products/{UUID} and get HTTP response with code 201 (Created) with an empty body.
And at second request I want to get that product by request GET /api/products/{UUID}, where UUID should be from the first request.
So, the question is how to store that UUID between requests and reuse it?
You can use the Request Sent Dynamic values these will get the value used last time you sent a requst for a given request.
In your case you will want to combine the URLSentValue with the RegExMatch ( to first get the url as it was last sent for a request and then extract the UUID from the url.
The problem is in your first requests answer. Just dont return "[...] an empty body."
If you are talking about a REST design, you will return the UUID in the first request and the client will use it in his second call: GET /api/products/{UUID}
The basic idea behind REST is, that the server doesn't store any informations about previous requests and is "stateless".
I would also adjust your first query. In general the server should generate the UUID and return it (maybe you have reasons to break that, then please excuse me). Your server has (at least sometimes) a better random generator and you can avoid conflicts. So you would usually design it like this:
CLIENT: POST /api/products/ -> Server returns: 201 {product_id: UUID(1234...)}
Client: GET /api/products/{UUID} -> Server returns: 200 {product_detail1: ..., product_detail2: ...}
If your client "loses" the informations and you want him to be later able to get his products, you would usually implement an API endpoint like this:
Client: GET /api/products/ -> Server returns: 200 [{id:UUID(1234...), title:...}, {id:UUID(5678...),, title:...}]
Given something like this, presuming the {UUID} is your replacement "variable":
It is probably so simple it escaped you. All you need to do is create a text file, say UUID.txt:
(with sample data say "12345678U910" as text in the file)
Then all you need to do is replace the {UUID} in the URL with a dynamic token for a file. Delete the {UUID} portion, then right click in the URL line where it was and select
Add Dynamic Value -> File -> File Content :
You will get a drag-n-drop reception widget:
Either press the "Choose File..." or drop the file into the receiver widget:
Don't worry that the dynamic variable token (blue thing in URL) doesn't change yet... Then click elsewhere to let the drop receiver go away and you will have exactly what you want, a variable you can use across URLs or anywhere else for that matter (header fields, form fields, body, etc):
Paw is a great tool that goes asymptotic to awesome when you explore the dynamic value capability. The most powerful yet I have found is the regular expression parsing that can parse raw reply HTML and capture anything you want for the next request... For example, if you UUID came from some user input and was ingested into the server, then returned in a html reply, you could capture that from the reply HTML and re-inject it to the URL, or any field or even add it to the cookies using the Dynamic Value capabilities of Paw.
#chickahoona's answer touches on the more normal way of doing it, with the first request posting to an endpoint without a UUID and the server returning it. With that in place then you can use the RegExpMatch extension to extract the value from the servers's response and use it in subsequent requests.
Alternately, if you must generate the UUID on the client side, then again the RegExpMatch extension can help, simply choose the create request's url for the source and provide a regexp that will strip the UUID off the end of it, such as /([^/]+)$.
A third option I'll throw out to you, put the UUID in an environment variable and just have all of your requests reference it from there.

Should I use PATCH or PUT in my REST API?

I want to design my rest endpoint with the appropriate method for the following scenario.
There is a group. Each group has a status. The group can be activated or inactivated by the admin.
Should I design my end point as
PUT /groups/api/v1/groups/{group id}/status/activate
PATCH /groups/api/v1/groups/{group id}
with request body like
The PATCH method is the correct choice here as you're updating an existing resource - the group ID. PUT should only be used if you're replacing a resource in its entirety.
Further information on partial resource modification is available in RFC 5789. Specifically, the PUT method is described as follows:
Several applications extending the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) require a feature to do partial resource modification. The
existing HTTP PUT method only allows a complete replacement of a
document. This proposal adds a new HTTP method, PATCH, to modify an
existing HTTP resource.
The R in REST stands for resource
(Which isn't true, because it stands for Representational, but it's a good trick to remember the importance of Resources in REST).
About PUT /groups/api/v1/groups/{group id}/status/activate: you are not updating an "activate". An "activate" is not a thing, it's a verb. Verbs are never good resources. A rule of thumb: if the action, a verb, is in the URL, it probably is not RESTful.
What are you doing instead? Either you are "adding", "removing" or "updating" an activation on a Group, or if you prefer: manipulating a "status"-resource on a Group. Personally, I'd use "activations" because they are less ambiguous than the concept "status": creating a status is ambiguous, creating an activation is not.
POST /groups/{group id}/activation Creates (or requests the creation of) an activation.
PATCH /groups/{group id}/activation Updates some details of an existing activation. Since a group has only one activation, we know what activation-resource we are referring to.
PUT /groups/{group id}/activation Inserts-or-replaces the old activation. Since a group has only one activation, we know what activation-resource we are referring to.
DELETE /groups/{group id}/activation Will cancel, or remove the activation.
This pattern is useful when the "activation" of a Group has side-effects, such as payments being made, mails being sent and so on. Only POST and PATCH may have such side-effects. When e.g. a deletion of an activation needs to, say, notify users over mail, DELETE is not the right choice; in that case you probably want to create a deactivation resource: POST /groups/{group_id}/deactivation.
It is a good idea to follow these guidelines, because this standard contract makes it very clear for your clients, and all the proxies and layers between the client and you, know when it is safe to retry, and when not. Let's say the client is somewhere with flaky wifi, and its user clicks on "deactivate", which triggers a DELETE: If that fails, the client can simply retry, until it gets a 404, 200 or anything else it can handle. But if it triggers a POST to deactivation it knows not to retry: the POST implies this.
Any client now has a contract, which, when followed, will protect against sending out 42 emails "your group has been deactivated", simply because its HTTP-library kept retrying the call to the backend.
Updating a single attribute: use PATCH
PATCH /groups/{group id}
In case you wish to update an attribute. E.g. the "status" could be an attribute on Groups that can be set. An attribute such as "status" is often a good candidate to limit to a whitelist of values. Examples use some undefined JSON-scheme:
PATCH /groups/{group id} { "attributes": { "status": "active" } }
response: 200 OK
PATCH /groups/{group id} { "attributes": { "status": "deleted" } }
response: 406 Not Acceptable
Replacing the resource, without side-effects use PUT.
PUT /groups/{group id}
In case you wish to replace an entire Group. This does not necessarily mean that the server actually creates a new group and throws the old one out, e.g. the ids might remain the same. But for the clients, this is what PUT can mean: the client should assume he gets an entirely new item, based on the server's response.
The client should, in case of a PUT request, always send the entire resource, having all the data that is needed to create a new item: usually the same data as a POST-create would require.
PUT /groups/{group id} { "attributes": { "status": "active" } }
response: 406 Not Acceptable
PUT /groups/{group id} { "attributes": { "name": .... etc. "status": "active" } }
response: 201 Created or 200 OK, depending on whether we made a new one.
A very important requirement is that PUT is idempotent: if you require side-effects when updating a Group (or changing an activation), you should use PATCH. So, when the update results in e.g. sending out a mail, don't use PUT.
I would recommend using PATCH, because your resource 'group' has many properties but in this case, you are updating only the activation field(partial modification)
according to the RFC5789 (
The existing HTTP PUT method only allows a complete replacement of
a document. This proposal adds a new HTTP method, PATCH, to modify
an existing HTTP resource.
Also, in more details,
The difference between the PUT and PATCH requests is reflected in the
way the server processes the enclosed entity to modify the resource
identified by the Request-URI. In a PUT request, the enclosed entity
is considered to be a modified version of the resource stored on the
origin server, and the client is requesting that the stored version
be replaced. With PATCH, however, the enclosed entity contains a set
of instructions describing how a resource currently residing on the
origin server should be modified to produce a new version. The PATCH
method affects the resource identified by the Request-URI, and it
also MAY have side effects on other resources; i.e., new resources
may be created, or existing ones modified, by the application of a
PATCH is neither safe nor idempotent as defined by [RFC2616],
Clients need to choose when to use PATCH rather than PUT. For
example, if the patch document size is larger than the size of the
new resource data that would be used in a PUT, then it might make
sense to use PUT instead of PATCH. A comparison to POST is even more
difficult, because POST is used in widely varying ways and can
encompass PUT and PATCH-like operations if the server chooses. If
the operation does not modify the resource identified by the Request-
URI in a predictable way, POST should be considered instead of PATCH
or PUT.
The response code for PATCH is
The 204 response code is used because the response does not carry a
message body (which a response with the 200 code would have). Note
that other success codes could be used as well.
also refer t
Caveat: An API implementing PATCH must patch atomically. It MUST not
be possible that resources are half-patched when requested by a GET.
Since you want to design an API using the REST architectural style you need to think about your use cases to decide which concepts are important enough to expose as resources. Should you decide to expose the status of a group as a sub-resource you could give it the following URI and implement support for both GET and PUT methods:
/groups/api/groups/{group id}/status
The downside of this approach over PATCH for modification is that you will not be able to make changes to more than one property of a group atomically and transactionally. If transactional changes are important then use PATCH.
If you do decide to expose the status as a sub-resource of a group it should be a link in the representation of the group. For example if the agent gets group 123 and accepts XML the response body could contain:
<group id="123">
<link rel="/linkrels/groups/status" uri="/groups/api/groups/123/status"/>
A hyperlink is needed to fulfill the hypermedia as the engine of application state condition of the REST architectural style.
One possible option to implement such behavior is
PUT /groups/api/v1/groups/{group id}/status
And obviously, if someone need to deactivate it, PUT will have Deactivated status in JSON.
In case of necessity of mass activation/deactivation, PATCH can step into the game (not for exact group, but for groups resource:
PATCH /groups/api/v1/groups
{ “op”: “replace”, “path”: “/group1/status”, “value”: “Activated” },
{ “op”: “replace”, “path”: “/group7/status”, “value”: “Activated” },
{ “op”: “replace”, “path”: “/group9/status”, “value”: “Deactivated” }
In general this is idea as #Andrew Dobrowolski suggesting, but with slight changes in exact realization.
I would generally prefer something a bit simpler, like activate/deactivate sub-resource (linked by a Link header with rel=service).
POST /groups/api/v1/groups/{group id}/activate
POST /groups/api/v1/groups/{group id}/deactivate
For the consumer, this interface is dead-simple, and it follows REST principles without bogging you down in conceptualizing "activations" as individual resources.

Is it valid to combine a form POST with a query string?

I know that in most MVC frameworks, for example, both query string params and form params will be made available to the processing code, and usually merged into one set of params (often with POST taking precedence). However, is it a valid thing to do according to the HTTP specification? Say you were to POST to:
... and submit some update like a change to the book name whose book code is 1234, you'd be wanting the processing code to take both the bookCode query string param into account, and the POSTed form params with the updated book information. Is this valid, and is it a good idea?
Is it valid according HTTP specifications ?
Here is the general syntax of URL as defined in those specs
http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]]
There is no additional constraints on the form of the http_URL. In particular, the http method (i.e. POST,GET,PUT,HEAD,...) used don't add any restriction on the http URL format.
When using the GET method : the server can consider that the request body is empty.
When using the POST method : the server must handle the request body.
Is it a good idea ?
It depends what you need to do. I suggest you this link explaining the ideas behind GET and POST.
I can think that in some situation it can be handy to always have some parameters like the user language in the query part of the url.
I know that in most MVC frameworks, for example, both query string params and form params will be made available to the processing code, and usually merged into one set of params (often with POST taking precedence).
Any competent framework should support this.
Is this valid
Yes. The POST method in HTTP does not impose any restrictions on the URI used.
is it a good idea?
Obviously not, if the framework you are going to use is still clue-challenged. Otherwise, it depends on what you want to accomplish. The major use case (redirection of a data subset to a new POST target) has been irretrievably broken by browser implementations (all mechanically following the broken lead of Mosaic/Netscape), so the considerations here are mostly theoretical.

Why is request method send to web server called GET and POST?

I guessed that the name of each of the request method has a relationship with the operations they performed in some manner. But I can't get it!
GET means posted argument are showed in the url and POST means they are sent but not shown in the url. But what is that related to POST/GET? What is gotten/posted or what does the posting/getting job? Do you have any glues?
I understand what GET and POST method is. What I wanna know is why do we GET/POST, why don't we call it TYPE1/TYPE2, or another more make-sense name like ON-URL/OFF-URL
Please discuss if you know that.
This should help you:
Methods GET and POST in HTML forms - what's the difference?
The Definitive Guide to GET vs POST
get and post
From RFC 2616:
The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI.
The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line.
So, GET should be used to read a resource, whereas POST should be used to create, update, or delete a resource.
GET and POST are called HTTP Verbs. See the RFC for details.
GET will get a resource identified by a URL. If using GET as the action for a form the entries will be encoded in the URL (look at a google search for an example).
POST will send the data separately, to the specified URL.
The biggest difference is that if you use GET on a form submit, you can copy the URL of the page you landed at and use it directly to get the same results. All information will also be visible in the URL (don't use this method for passwords). If you POST the data the URL of the landing page will not be enough to reproduce the same results; you will have to go through the form again.
Take a look at the RFC definitions here:
But essentially, GET is used to retrieve a resource and POST is used to create a new one or make a change to a resource.
Seems to me that #Nam G. VU is asking an English-language question.
"Get" implies that the flow of data is from the server to the client. More specifically, the client is asking the server to send some data.
"Post" implies that the client is pushing data to the server. The word "post" implies that it's a one-way operation.
Of course, neither of these is 100% unidirectional: GETs can send data to the server in the
URL as path and/or query arguments, and POSTS return data to the client.
But, in the simplest sense, the English verbs imply the principal direction of data flow.
From the REST standpoint, GET METHOD signifies that it is used to GET a (list of similar) resource(s). POST is used to create (or POST) a resource.
Apart from this, GET carries all parameters in the URL in the format of ?name=value& pairs, whereas POST carries all of them in the Request Body.
