Cutting A File into Chunks in Qt - qt

Can anybody give me a hint or initial idea how may I cut a file into chunks in Qt ? Is there any particular file like java it has built in function to split. Later on I want to calculate SHA-256 hash value of each chunks. Any idea guys ??

There is no built in function for that.
Open the original file.
Open a file for the first chunk.
Read bytes from the original file.
Write bytes to the chunk file.
See QFile documentation.


Is there any way to save local and global descriptors as txt instead of pcd in Point Cloud Library?

I have used this script to generate local and global descriptors from a point cloud. The script lets you save the descriptors in PCD format (line 105 of the script) but I'm having trouble loading the pcd files in Python to train a model [Opened a discussion here].
I'm thinking of an alternative. Does anyone know a way to save the descriptors as a txt file instead of pcd? Thanks!
#IBitMyBytes Thanks for the reply. I just saved it in default PCD format in PCL and then read it like a text file in Python and removed the headers.

Robotframework : How to chunk a binary file or read the file chunk by chunk

I have a variable with the binary file read it from a file in Robotframework:
${fileData}= Get Binary File ${CHUNK_GEOJSON_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH}
This keyword read the entire file, no arguments to determine the among of bytes to be read. So what I actually need is to save in ${fileData} only 1MB, or I need to separate the entire file into differents chunks(1Mb) because I will use those chunks to upload the file by chunks using the PATCH from the tus protocol.
Any help will be appreciated
The keyword you are using can get all file details at one go. Can't separate with size that you are intended to do.
I suggest you writing python function and call that as keyword to do this activity.

Read all bytes of a file using Julia

I'm trying to read all the bytes of a file using Julia into an array. So far I have:
s = open(file_path,"r")
I'm not sure how to tell how big the file is. I'm also not sure that I need to. Perhaps I can just pass an empty array into readbytes!
The simplest way do do it is to use read function.
You can either pass an open stream to it like data = read(s) if s was opened with the code you have provided above.
Alternatively you can simply write data = read(file_path). In this way you do not have to close the stream yourself.
You can find out the details by reading help of read by executing ?read in Julia REPL.
To get the size of the file in bytes you can use filesize(file_path) function.
After a bit of testing this seems to work ...
s = open(file_path,"r")
data = UInt8[]

How to open .jl file

I want to open a .jl file and convert it to a readable file preferably in .xls format.
I do not have any any idea about Julia language.
Is there a file opener for jl files?
I came here with the same question, but since the file I was looking at was clearly JSON data, I did some more searching.
The .jl file extension also refers to JSON lines, sometimes instead a .jsonl extension.
More here:
You can search for .json to Excel to find a converter, e.g. (this worked fine on my JSON lines file).
A .jl file is a julia script.
It is source code.
Not data.
You can open it up in any text editor, e.g. notepad on windows.
However, it won't normally contain anything useful to you unless you want to edit that code.
(It might contain some array literals that you want, I guess)
Perhaps you mean to ask "How can I open a .jld file"?
Which is a julia HDF5 file.
In which case please ask another question.
As I see, Julia is a script language therefor the file can be opened in a text editor like Notepad++, Vim, etc. Do not use word processor (like LibreOffice Writer) if you want to modify it, but it's OK if you want to read only.
To get started:

Copying the contents of file to another

I am new to Auto It and I want to copy the contents of a file(any type) to another by creating a word document on the hard drive using Auto It script.
Could anyone help me please?
Note: I want to open a file, read the contents and write them to another file by creating it in any specified location as per my wish.
Please help me in this aspect
Thanks in adv
; Open source file, file must exist
$sourceFile=FileOpenDialog("Source file", "c:\", "All(*.*)", 1)
If #error Then
MsgBox("No file choosen")
; Open dest file
$destFile=FileOpenDialog("Destination file", "c:\", "All(*.*)")
If #error Then
MsgBox("No file choosen")
$result=FileCopy($sourceFile, $destFile)
If ($result = 0) Then
MsgBox("copy failed")
A file does not contain what you see on the screen if you open it. It does, but it's not a 1:1 copy.
Open any .docx or .zip file with a text editor (like notepad). You won't see your written text or files/folders in there, only things like "ÐÏࡱá". Unreadable to humans. The data in the file is different from what a program like Word or WinZip shows you is in a file. There are a couple of reasons for this.
A file needs to be easy for computers to read and edit (not humans). It is formatted in a certain way that makes it easy for a programmer to parse. (Parsing is how a computer reads a file -- but this is oversimplified.) The file as you see it after opening in a program is easy for humans to read and edit.
So reading from any file in the sense of this is not going to work:
Read out the file
Put the contents in clipboard (Ctrl+C idea)
Paste in Word (Ctrl+V idea)
because you're going to end up with a bunch of unreadable (to humans) nonsense. So then the question: How DO you do it?
You pick a number of formats you want to read out from: docx, doc, xls, pdf. Not simply "anything ever invented and ever will be". You find a converter for each of the formats, or even write one if you think you can do that, and a writer for your output format (docx).
In terms of a "simple project that can convert anything to docx"... You're screwed. It's complicated!
