Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter - iis-7

Hi we have configured IIS with helicon and webgate.
when I am accessing my site I am finding Following Error message on page
HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter "C:\Appl\Softwares\Webgate\access\oblix\apps\webgate\bin\webgate.dll" failedror
Please help.
My configuration as my other environment where all the things are working.

Yesterday, while setting up a website on IIS 7 and Windows Server 2008, I loaded up the website in the browser and ended up getting the following error message:
Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter C:\…isapi.dll failed
The path was to the isapi.dll file in C:\Program Files\etc and I was pretty sure everything was setup properly. After doing a bit of research on the topic, I figured out that since I’m running IIS 7 on a 64-bit version of Windows Server and my web application was 32-bit, I had to change a setting in the IIS configuration.
To fix this problem, all you have to do is open IIS7 and click on Application Pools.
Then right-click on the application pool for your website or the default application pool and go to the Advanced Settings tab. Make sure that Enable 32-bit applications is set to True.
That’s it! Now restart IIS and load up Internet Explorer again and your website should load fine.

I received the same error after installing .NET 1.1.
After uninstalling .NET 1.1 I still had the same error.
However, the error has gone immediately after I went to IIS Manager -> ISAPI filters and removed the only filter from here (it was ASP.NET_4.0.30319.0).

This error might be because of the following reasons. Those are:
webgate installation folder has restricted permissions. Give required permissions for the webgate installation and configuration folder for the IIS process which runs your website. (Had you run configuration script for webgate or just manually configured it?)
There may be other DLLs missing on which webgate is dependent. For example, VC++ runtime redistributables. (For 10g use 2005 version, for 11g use 2012 version).
Some internal files are missing for webgate. Try re-installing webgate and running config script.


Debugging an ASP.NET application on Local IIS Server

I have setup a local IIS instance to run and development an older ASP.NET (CLR v4.0) application that I have inherited.
I am running it an a virtual directory, and I am able to attach to the IIS process and debug it (annoying). However, I am unable to "F5" in Visual Studio to start debugging. I get an error message saying "The web server could not find the requested resource."
I have went through all of the Microsoft advice on their help page without much luck. Am I naive in thinking that this will work, or am I missing something? I even installed the IIS 6 Metabase compatibility, but that did not seem to help either.
I realize that I probably need to give more information, but I don't know what other details I need to add.
This is running on Windows 8.1 Enterprise with IIS 8, and I am using Visual Studio Professional.
Apparently, Request filtering is installed by default. In order for debugging to work, you have to go the virtual directory -> Request filtering -> Http Verbs, and allow verb DEBUG.

"There was an error while performing this operation"

I have a website in IIS for which I cannot open any of the settings like Authentication, Handler Mappings, Authorization Rules etc. It just shows the error message "There was an error while performing this operation", with no more details and points to web.config.
Browsing the website results in a 500.19 error.
I tried adding iis_iusrs to the website folder and web.config, changing the app pool identity giving access to same on web.config/website folder security settings, verified target framework, iisreset/app pool recycles to no avail.
It turned out the website was using URL rewrite module which i was missing.
Downloaded web platform installer from MS and installed URL rewrite module.
Wish IIS errors were more informative than just "There was an error..."
I am running IIS 8.5 and I deployed my first Asp.Net Core 2.0 (Razor pages) site to the IIS Server (on Windows Server 2012 R2) that was running several Asp.Net Framework/Classic websites. This worked for me:
Install the .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle
It turned out the website was using URL rewrite module which i was missing.
This wasn't my problem and it was. I already had URL Rewriter installed, but after a Windows 10 upgrade IIS wasn't aware of it. A simple repair on Control Panel => Programs and Features => IIS URL Rewrite Module 2 and it was working again.
My issue was that I installed the .NET Core Hosting Bundle before I installed IIS. Re-running the Hosting Bundle installer with Repar fixed it for me.
If the Hosting Bundle is installed before IIS, the bundle installation
must be repaired. Run the Hosting Bundle installer again after
installing IIS.
I had this issue as well. Trying to run ASP.Net Core on IIS 10. All I needed to do was this:
Screen shot taken from:
I had this issue lately , the solution for me was installing :
ASP.NET Core/.NET Core: Runtime & Hosting Bundle.
You can find it here.
Also before installing it , make sure your wwwroot security permissions is set to allow both iis_iusrs and iusr to have Read, Write and Execute permissions.
I installed .Net core Hosting Bundle from and it fixed.
Similar to the marked solution here, I had the same problem and again it was a missing IIS module, but this time it was the Application Initialization Module that was required, not URLRewrite. installing via the Web Platform Installer or fixed the problem.
Steps I took to debug this though was to section by section go through my web config removing each section and attempting to load the site and/or let IIS parse the config. When I removed the section pertaining to initialization optimisation this fixed the issue and I immediately remembered that this dependency was added a fair while ago.
Echo the sentiments though that this really needs better error messages!!!
same here
also IUSR was missing from anonymous authentication credentials.
If the .net core Hosting Bundle is installed before IIS, the bundle installation must be repaired. Run the Hosting Bundle installer again after installing IIS.
works 100% ****check any urls are there inside <appSetting></appSetting>, try to comment these unknown urls
<!-- <add key="ErrorLogWebApi" value="" />-->
and also comment <rewrite></rewrite> tag completely
now you try
I just double click on the Application that have the error and
change the version of the .NET Framework and
then change it back to the original version and
recycled the App Pools.
The application has .NET Framework v4.0.30319 and I changed it to .NET Framework v2.0.50727 then the Status was turn into Stop, then I double click back and change to .NET Framework v4 and then right click recycle and recycled it.
Same error message, but my C:\ had run out of disk space.

issues using X-Forwarded-For Log Filter for Windows Servers

I've encountered some problems trying to use X-Forwarded-For Log Filter for Windows Servers.
I've downloaded binaries (x86 version) and followed to installation manual from,
but when I try to open a web-page on my site I get an error:
HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
Calling GetProcAddress on ISAPI filter "C:\ISAPI Filters\F5XFFHttpModule\F5XFFHttpModule.dll" failed
Module IIS Web Core
Notification Unknown
Handler StaticFile
Error Code 0x8007007f
System Info:
OS - Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, 32-bit
IIS - 7.0
.NET Framework Version - 4.0
ISAPI Extensions & ISAPI Filters installed ok.
Filter is added to ISAPI and CGI Restrictions and to ISAPI filters for web-application too.
IIS user (UISR) has read and execute access permissions for F5XFFHttpModule.dll.
Web-application application pool works on .NET Framework 4 in Integrated mode, Process Model Identity - NetworkService(changing Process Model to ApplicationPool doesn't help).
Debug version doesn't create any log file:(
What I see in windows event log:
The HTTP Filter DLL C:\ISAPI Filters\F5XFFHttpModule\F5XFFHttpModule.dll failed to load. The data ithe error.
Could not load all ISAPI filters for site '%sitename%'. Therefore site startup aborted.
However the filter works fine in Windows7 x64 + IIS7.5. An error described here is fixed by setting "Enable 32-bit Application" to true in web-application application pool settings.
Be so kind to help me to puzzle out this trouble please.
Sorry for my English :)
Ok, I have figured it out.
I use downloaded HTTP module as ISAPI filter, i.e without installing it in IIS - it's my error Now I run install.ps1 script from HTTP module distrib(, and all work fine!
thanks to Joe Pruitt for help!

Webapplication unable to run in IIS 7

We have a webapplication, made in ASP.NET 2.
This app runs without problems in IIS 6. When we upload it to an IIS 7 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter) it runs in IIS, but when we open the site in a browser we get this error:
Server Error
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
I would make sure that everything is set correctly in the ASP.NET tab, and also check under the Home Directory tab to make sure that the application has sufficient read/write and execute permissions.
The problem was that I nedded to add a feature to the server. After I added .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features it worked.

Problems running ASP.NET application with IIS

I have written a small ASP.NET application. It runs fine when running it with the small IIS installation that comes with Visual Studio 2005, but not when trying with IIS. I created the virtual directory in IIS where the application is located (done it though both IIS and VS 2005), but it does not work. In the beginning I thought it might be caused by the web.config file, but after a few tests, I think that the problem lies with IIS (not certain about it).
Some of the errors that I get are
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error ocurred on a receiver. Click help for more information
Can anybody give me a suggestion of what to try next?
Have you run aspnet_regiis?
Here's an overview site for different IIS versions setup and should help if there are other questions/issues
Try reinstalling aspnet_regiis.exe.
If you are using .net frameworkype 4.0 and using 64 bit system,
Go to Run, Type cmd and Command Prompt will be up, then type
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
If you are using 34 bit system,
Go to Run Type cmd and then type
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
The site won't load at all or you can't debug remotely?
Some thoughts:
Make sure you've got debugging enabled in your web.config, if you're trying to debug. Otherwise, build in 'Release' mode.
Make sure your project is set as an application, and is running as the correct version of .NET
More description of your setup and the error message would be useful.
Make sure that the customErrors is set to off in the web.config. That should show the actual exception.
Make sure that your virtual directory in IIS is set to the correct version of the .NET framework.
Look at the properties in the virtual directory and see that the correct default documents are the ones that you are using in your dev project.
Also look at the url headers for the website in IIS.
On some of our servers we have both versions of the .NET framework. In IIS I typically have to set what version the virtual directory should be using. This can cause problems running it on the server.
First make sure you have installed and configured IIS server. To check whether IIS server is installed: Run->inetmgr press enter.
To know how to install and configure IIS server check the following Link:
To develop Website using Visual developer with IIS instead of "default ASP.NET Development Server", In the new website window under "Location" click on "Browse" to see the different Server options including IIS Server. User can select the server as IIS server instead of "File System", then the "Location" option will be "HTTP" instead of "File System".
In Visual developer 2008 under Properties->Start Option->Server->"Use local IIS server" option is not shown, Even though IIS server was installed and configured successfully. the only options shown are "use default server" and " Use custom server with base URL".
So in Visual developer 2008 to run on IIS server(If IIS server is installed), Need do the following:
New Website -> Under Locations Click on "Browse" -> Click on "Local IIS" and then select the "IIS Virtual Directory"(IIS vitual Directory which is directory created by the user while configuring IIS server) -> Open
While Running/debugging, the server which you selected while creating the website, the same server will used to open the website, that is while creating the website if you selected "IIS Server" then the website will be opened though IIS server.
One more thing is, while installing Visual developer 2008 and IIS server, If you installed IIS server after installing Visual studio then you need to do the following before creating new website:
Run ->cmd press enter (then enter the following Command)-> C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\Version# aspnet_regiis -i press Enter then you get message after 3 seconds " was installed successfully".
(*Version# will be v2.0.50727 in most cases)
