Split file base on first row in separated files in BizTalk - biztalk

I need to split file base on first row. Example data:
So these will be split into 3 files (one file for 101 rows one for 102 and one for 103) . Output can be XML or flat file
How can I do this?

You will need to create a custom pipeline for that function. You can reference this post which references a couple blog posts in the answer, it will tell you how to implement it, but your implementation will differ some.
Custom pipeline BizTalk 2010 to split FLAT files


Read embedded data that starts with numbers?

I have embedded data that I have imported into Qualtrics use a web service block. The data comes from a .json file and reads something like 0.male, 1.male, 2.male, etc.
I have been trying to read this into my survey using the Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData method but without luck.
I'm trying to do something that takes the form.
let n = 2
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData(n + ".male")
but this has been returning a NULL result. Is it possible to read embedded data that starts with a number?
Also see:
The issue isn't the number, it is the dot. getEmbeddedData() doesn't work when the name contains a dot. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/51802695/4434072 for possible alternatives.

I want to use READ_NOS to read a file from S3 and get all rows to return. But it only returns some rows

I want to use READ_NOS to read a file from S3 and get all rows to return. But it only returns some rows .
I create a foreign table for a parquet file.
but result: https://imgur.com/a/E0KLNJT
use studio still the same result: https://imgur.com/a/d8UP9uH
how to get the all rows return ?
the first SQL (COUNT*) show the number of records. The second one the number of Parquet Files. So in average each files holds 6.470 records.
There is a Teradata Orange Book dedicated to Use of NOS with some backgroud but as well some example SQL. Chapter 5 of this is focussed on Parquet Files.
It looks like RETURNTYPE ('NOSREAD_PARQUET_SCHEMA') is important in the combination os READ_NOS and Parquet.

Using R to read all files in a specific format and with specific extension

I want to read all the files in the xlsx format starting with a string named "csmom". I have used list.files function. But I do not know how to set double pattern. Please see the code. I want to read all the files starting csmom string and they all should be in .xlsx format.
master1<-list.files(path = "C:/Users/Admin/Documents/csmomentum funal",pattern="^csmom")
master2<-list.files(path = "C:/Users/Admin/Documents/csmomentum funal",pattern="^\\.xlsx$")
#jay.sf solution works for creating a regular expression to pull out the condition that you want.
However, generally speaking if you want to cross two lists to find the subset of elements that are contained in both (in your case the files that satisfy both conditions), you can use intersect().
intersect(master1, master2)
Will show you all the files that satisfy pattern 1 and pattern 2.

Extract exactly one file (any) from each 7zip archive, in bulk (Unix)

I have 1,500 7zip archives, each archive contains 2 to 10 files, with no subdirectories.
Each file has the same extension, however the filename varies.
I only want one file out of each archive, but I'd like to perform this in bulk. I do not care which file is taken out, as long as only one file is taken out. It can be the first file, the newest, the biggest, the smallest, it doesn't matter.
Here's an example:
aa.7z {blah 56.smc, blah 57.smc, 1 blah 58.smc}
ab.7z {xx.smc, xx 1.smc, xx_2.smc}
ac.7z {1.smc}
I want to run something equivalent to:
7z e *.7z # But somehow only extract one file
Thank you!
Ultimately my solution was to extract all files and run the following in the directory:
for n in *; do echo "$n"; done > files.txt
I then imported that list into excel, and split the files by a special character that divided the title of the file with the qualifying data inside the filename (for example: Some Title (V1) [X2].smc), specifically I used a brackets delimiter.
Then I removed all duplicates, leaving me with only one edition of each from the zip. I finally remerged the columns (unfortunately the bracket was deleted during the splitting so wrote a function to add it back on the condition of whether there was content in the next column) and then resaved files.txt, after a bit of reviewing StackOverflow for answers, deleted files based on an input file (files.txt). A word of warning on this, spaces in filenames cause problems with rm and xargs so I had to encapsulate the variable with quotes.
Ultimately this still didn't serve me well enough so I just used a different resource entirely.
Posting this answer so others who find themselves in a similar predicament find an alternative resolution.

How can I replace variable names across files?

I am using atom as editor. I'd like to replace variable names across files. I've replaced jpy_usd by usd_jpy. I want to do that to all occurrences of jpy_usd in my rails project. Could you tell me if you know how to do it?
First you need to find word 'jpy_usd' by using this shortcut
Then you can click replace all after fill the word that you want to replace.
Refer image below
You may refer to here for more details.
I've tried the following way.
type cmd+shift+f, then search all of jpy_usd in my project
move to one file
select one jpy_usd word, then type cmd+d in order to select the others jpy_usd in the same file. Thus edit them simultaneously
contine 2 & 3
