How to loop through the variables of an entity in twig? - symfony

I'm using symfony2 and have accessed an entity using a doctrine query, which I then pass to my twig template. This entity has variables that I would like to loop through without having to explicitly name each one. Is there a way I can do this with twig or should I try a different design?

Twig documentation says:
A sequence can be either an array or an object implementing the
Traversable interface.
So it should work as long as you implement one of the Traversable interfaces (IteratorAggregate or Iterator).


Convert Doctrine 2 result object (entity) to array?

I know that it is possible to specify that you want array type instead of object type when you run query with Doctrine. However, I happen to be working with the code that I can't edit which returns to me the result from a query as an object and I want to be able to convert that to array somehow. It seems like in the older version doctrine used to have something like toArray() which can be used.
Is there something similar to that now which I can use?
No, doctrine 2 uses the data mapper pattern and doesn't make any assumptions about the PHP class. If the class doesn't provide a toArray() method explicitly, then you'd need to create the array manually with the object's getter methods.

Symfony 2: Deserialize object in twig

I'm a newbie and this is my first question so please be nice with me :)
In my Symfony 2 project I want to pass an $user object from my controller to the twig template. This object contains all relevant Information (like username, activepage ...) for rendering the view. My problem is that I would also like to put the result of mysqli database query inside the object. To be able to retrieve it in my twig template, I need two serialize the result object(array?) in the controller before passing. Unfortunately I dont know a way how to deserialize that object in twig( no twig filter available).
My questions:
Is this actually an elegant way or should i rather pass all objects in an array to the template?
Would it work to write a deserialize function inside the user class, which i can call in the twig template?
Will performance be ok?
How do the experienced people do this?
Thx for helping!
Built an array with your data in your controller and render it like this to your template :
return $this->render('yourbundle:example:index.html.twig', array(
'myArray' => $array,
Then in your template you have access to myArray like this :
{% for data in myArray %}
{% endfor %}
I made a service such a parameter bag which I can add parameters/values along the process, and render every parameters with twig so I can use them in javascript.
For that I had to use mostly JsonSerializable php interface (PHP 5.4+), and json_decode twig filter.
I think it is a nice way to pass variables to js like this because you can use this service when building your project.

Symfony PageEntity->getByPath() or PageController->getByPath()?

I would like to return the page Entity from the method: getByPath($path). I just would like to know where this method should be in the script. Inside the controller or inside the entity class?
In my opinion the entity "Page" shouldn't have a function called "getByPath()" since an entity should only contain database information of one entity, which can be get or set by getters and setters. And this "getByPath" function is not just a getter or setter it requires me to run the entitymanager within the entity. Am I right?
So am I right that I should make a PageController and create the "getByPath()" (which will return the page object) function there? Or would anyone create that function inside the entity class?
I would like to know what the nicest way is to accomplish this.
Thanks in advance.
You should put that function inside a custom repository for the Page entity
While the Entities are the objects you are storing, the Repository is the class that provides methods to access/load those objects, eg when you call $em->getRepository('Entities\Page')->find($page_id);, you call the find() method on your Page repository and it's its job to find it for you.
Doctrine provides a default repository for each entity (with the various find*() methods, ...), but you can provide a custom one where you can add your own method, such as getByPath().
Symfony 2 - Database and Doctrine - Custom Repository Classes
Doctrine 2 - Custom repository

Symfony2: best approach to use business (repository) logic in entity or controller

I'm having a design issue in my project, related to where put some business logic.
I have three entities, Event, TicketOrder and Ticket. One Event has a lot of TicketOrders and one TicketOrder has a lot of Tickets.
In my template, I have to show how many tickets an Event has. I've thinking of the best approach to achieve this and didn't get a good solution. I've tried this:
1) Create a private member 'ticketsCount' in Event entity, with setTicketsCount and getTicketsCount method. Create a 'loadTicketsCount' method with a LifeCycleCallback 'PostLoad', to access the TicketRepository method 'findByEvent'. This was impossible because I can't access repository in an entity class.
2) In the action that will be used to display the Event, I can access Ticket Repository and set event 'ticketsCount' property manually. I don't know if it is a good approach because if my action is listing a lot of events I'll have to loop trough all events and make a repository call to each of then.
I really don't know the best approach to achieve this and will really appreciate if someone can help me.
Thanks! ;)
When you use findAll, findBy or findBy* methods of doctrine entity repository, a simple php array is returned containing the entity objects.
The array class implements countable interface. So using twigs length filter
{{|length }}
you perform a simple php count() on the array.
Actually it makes now sense to perform a count query, because you already have the result in memory. So it seems more efficient to count the result and retrieve it from memory, because when you access associations they are completely loaded into memory.
However associations between entities can get pretty large. So imagine you have associations with hundred thousands of entities. You won't those entites to be loaded all together and kept in memory all the time. So in Doctrine 2.1 you can annotate an association as Extra Lazy. If you do so in your case a count query is performed when you call the above twig filter. But the result is not kept in memory.
According to your latest comment:
I can imagine one way to do this. In a template you can call a controller's action with the render statement like
{% render YourMainBundle:getTickets with { 'event_id' : } %}
and in this action you can call a query that looks for all tickets associated to the certain event. This action has to return html, e.g. an template filled with data.

How to access an underlying object from a Twig's FormView in a template?

I have a ParamterValue class which references ParamterDefinition class, by property ParamterValue->paramDef.
I created ParamterValueType to build a form.
How can I access ParamterValue->paramDef object in a template? I just need it for some logic in rendering a form, I actually don't need to render ParamterDefinition, that's why I don't include paramDef form field in ParamterValueType. Even if I would, how could I access underling object from the form view field?
So the general situation here looks like this: I have an object which I want to create from a form, that object has a reference to another object which has data that are needed to render the form (but I don't need a widget for it, just some data to perform logic). Do I need to include that referenced object in ParamterValueType to get access to it or not?
You can usually just do
{{ }}
Actually, this only works as of Symfony 2.1.
