WCF Data Services ODATA - asp.net

I am working on WCF Data Services. I have a function in my service which adds a record into a table in SQL DB and return the ID of the Inserted record.
I Used to Pass the values to be inserted in the form of Parameters to the Function.
For Example
public int Add(string Name, string Password)
// Here I will Add the record and return the ID of the record added in DB
But I dont want to do this way of passing in the form of parameters.
I want to pass the object directly.
public int Add(User user)
// Here I will Add the record and return the ID of the record added in DB
I wrote the function like above in my services and my services project is successfull. When I update my ServiceRefrences I get Error.
It says only primitive types are supported. Is there any work around
this problem.
Thanks For Your Time in Answering my Question.

WCF Data Services (and OData protocol for that matter) only support passing primitive values as parameters to service operations.
The OData way of adding a new entity into an entity set is to send a POST with the entity in the payload to the entity set URL. In the WCF DS Service this will get translated into several calls to the IUpdatable interface on your context.


Dynamic scoped dependency resolution in a console app for multiple tenants using dependency injection

In case of a Web API, each request is a distinct scope and dependencies registered as scoped will get resolved per request. So resolving dependencies per request per tenant is easy as the tenant information (like TenantId) can be passed in the HTTP Request headers like below:
services.TryAddScoped<ITenantContext>(x =>
var context = x.GetService<IHttpContextAccessor>().HttpContext;
var tenantId = context.Request.Headers["TenantId"].ToString();
var tenantContext = GetTenantContext(tenantId);
return tenantContext;
Other registrations first resolve TenantContext and use it to resolve other dependencies. For example, IDatabase will be registered as below. During resolution it will resolve and connect to specific tenant database.
services.TryAddScoped<IDatabase>(x =>
var tenantContext = x.GetService<ITenantContext>();
return new Database(tenantContext.DatabaseConnectionString);
This is all good in a Web API service because each request is a scope. I am facing challenges using dependency injection in a multi-tenant Console App. Suppose the app processes items from a
multi-tenant queue and each message can belong to a different tenant. While processing each message, it commits data to tenant specific database. So in this case the scope is each message in a queue and message contains the tenantId.
So when the app reads a message from queue, it needs to get TenantContext. Then resolve other dependencies based on this TenantContext.
One straightforward option I see how this dynamic resolution can be achieved is to create the dependent objects manually using the TenantContext but then I wouldn't be able to leverage dependency injection. All objects would get created manually and disposed after going out of scope after the message is processed.
var messgage = GetMessageFromQueue(queueName);
var tenantContext = GetTenantContext(message.TenantId);
var database = GetDatabaseObject(tenantContext);
// Do other processing now we got the database object connected to specific tenant DB
Is there an option in DI where I can pass in the TenantId dynamically so that TenantContext gets set for this scope and then all further resolution within this scope leverage this TenantContext?
Because the role of the tenancy goes beyond the implementation ("this uses X database") and is actually contextual to the action being performed ("this uses X database and must use this connection string based on the context being handled in the action"), there's some risk of assuming that ambient context is present in alternate implementations due to it not expressly being described in your interface in some way, which is where the DI issue is coming up here.
You might be able to:
Update your interfaces so that the tenancy information is an expected parameter of your methods. This ensures that regardless of future implementation, the presence of the tenant ID is explicit in their signature:
public interface ITenantDatabase {
public TResponse Get(string TenantId, int Id);
//... other methods ...
Add a factory wrapper around your existing interfaces to handle assigning the context at object creation and have that factory return the IDatabase instance. This is basically what you are proposing manually but with an abstraction around it that you could register and inject to keep the code that leverages it from being responsible for the logic:
public interface ITenantDatabaseFactory {
public IDatabase GetDatabaseForTenant(int TenantId);
// Add an implementation that manually generates and returns the scoped objects

How to return Auto Generated Id in Spring Boot with Hibernate

I am new to Spring framework and trying to implement a simple CRUD application in spring boot with MySQL as database. Everything is working fine.
I have the Auto Increment enabled on Id field in the database. I am using EntityManager.persist() method to save the data in database and it is working fine. Now I want to return the auto generatedId back to the client as response of POST method but EntityManager.persist()return type is void.
Can anyone help me that how I can return the Id back?
the id is guaranteed after flush operation or when the transaction is completed.
long id = employee.getId();
for more details read
What's the advantage of persist() vs save() in Hibernate?

Strange change in parameter types in WCF Workflow Service Application

I'll explain what I've done so far. I'm using VS2010.
Firstly I've created a ASP.NET Web Service Application (framewkork 3.5) with a service with these operations:
public Boolean ShoppingTripNeeded(DateTime d)
DBConnection db = new DBConnection();
return db.ShoppingTripNeeded(d);
public String[] ShopsToVisit(DateTime d)
DBConnection db = new DBConnection();
return db.ShopsToVisit(d);
public Item[] ItemsToBuy(DateTime d, String shop)
DBConnection db = new DBConnection();
return db.ItemsToBuy(d, shop);
And now I'm creating a WCF Workflow Service Application, in which I want to call sequently the 3 methods above, so I've added a Service Reference to my service wsdl here:
This referencing adds the 3 operations. The first one "ShoppingTripNeeded" seems to be fine (receiving a DateTime and returning a Boolean), but for the other operations, the parameters have changed in a strange way...
For example the operation ShopsToVisit now ask for a ShopsToVisitRequestBody and returns a ShopsToVisitResponseBody... I don't know why this happens! because the first operation is fine...
Moreover, as I'm working with a workflow, I can't "play" with this types to find out what's going on...
Have you any guess? any help will be fine...
Thanks very much!
Is there a reason you are using ASMX? WCF has replaced Web Services as far more superior service communication technology. See SO: Web Services — WCF vs. Standard, SO: Web Service vs WCF Service
To answer your question:
WF 3.5 will wrap any operation with Request/Response message pattern that is not a primitive (e.g. bool, int). String[] is not a primitive type hence it will be wrapped.
WF 4.0 adding service reference (dialog) will wrap all operations in Request/Response message pair by default regardless if this is primitive or complex type. On top of that, it will create Activity for each operation that it discovers.
Using Request/Response message pattern allows for controlling the message shape specifically message headers.
For Reference:
SO: When should I use Message Contracts instead of DataContract and why?
MSDN: Message Contracts

fetching and updating data from web service

Data can be fetched into an application through web service can it be possible to update data in web service from our application ..
In general a Web Service implementation can be any arbitrary code, so insert/update/delete is nothing special.
I suspect that there's something behind your question, some specific issue in mind? You may want to explain why you think there's a problem.
Of course create a web method that takes parameters and then save the data as required
public bool UpdateData(string firstName, string lastName, int id)
// do some data access code here
Then use in your code in a similar way as to when your are acquiring data from the web service:
MyWebServiceClient client = new MyWebServiceClient();
bool updated = client.UpdateData("Jon", "Skeet", 1);

Retrieving Data from the Database ASP.NET MVC + Oracle

I have two tables
Users (Userid, Name, PhoneNumber)
Applications (ApplicationsId,UserId, ApplicationName, ActiveDate)
Every user will have more than 1 application.
In Nhibernate using lazy loading I can get the users data along with all the applications for every user. So, I used to do something like user.applications[i].Applicationname to get all the applications.
But, Now how do i retrieve all the applications along with the users data using oracle commands. I know how to get one application using joins. But, how do i retrieve multiple applications and store it in a IList. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
First you should download the Oracle Data Provider for .NET in
after you make sure that you can open a connection to your oracle database then
define mapping file of your entities in Nhibernate and map table columns of your oracle table to .NET object. after that you can use the following code snippet to get the list of your entity from database
// create the query...
IQuery query = session.CreateQuery( "from Post p where p.Blog.Author = :author" );
// set the parameters...
query.SetString("author", (String) instance);
// fetch the results...
IList results = query.List();
You should define the (Post) entity and (Blog) entity to your mapping file and as you can see (Post) has relation to (Blog) entity which is defined in the mapping file too.
