wrong time using Gedmo Bundle - symfony

Im using Gedmo bundle to save automatically the time in two rows "created_at" and "updated_at",all works fine but it save the data with a wrong time,for example when I save something in 2:00 pm I find it put 4:00pm in database...its very weird...

Locate the php.ini file on your machine
in my machine file located at "/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini"
Find the line with ;date.timezone = under the [Date] section, and set it to your timezone based on PHP's list of timezones
I chose Asia/Kolkata because i lived there. Also, make sure to remove the semicolon at the beginning of the line!
Don't forget to restart apache - sudo service apache2 restart

Change timezone using below php function.
For more detail refer : http://php.net/manual/en/function.date-default-timezone-set.php


Disable file output of hydra

I'm using hydra to log hyperparameters of experiments.
#hydra.main(config_name="config", config_path="../conf")
def evaluate_experiment(cfg: DictConfig) -> None:
Sometimes I want to do a dry run to check something. For this I don't need any saved parameters, so I'm wondering how I can disable the savings to the filesystem completely in this case?
The answer from Omry Yadan works well if you want to solve this using the CLI. However, you can also add these flags to your config file such that you don't have to type them every time you run your script. If you want to go this route, make sure you add the following items in your root config file:
- _self_
- override hydra/hydra_logging: disabled
- override hydra/job_logging: disabled
output_subdir: null
dir: .
There is an enhancement request aimed at Hydra 1.1 to support disabling working directory management.
Working directory management is doing many things:
Creating a working directory for the run
Changing the working directory to the created dir.
There are other related features:
Saving log files
Saving files like config.yaml and hydra.yaml into .hydra in the working directory.
Different features has different ways to disable them:
To prevent the creation of a working directory, you can override hydra.run.dir to ..
To prevent saving the files into .hydra, override hydra.output_subdir to null.
To prevent the creation of logging files, you can disable logging output of hydra/hydra_logging and hydra/job_logging, see this.
A complete example might look like:
$ python foo.py hydra.run.dir=. hydra.output_subdir=null hydra/job_logging=disabled hydra/hydra_logging=disabled
Note that as always you can also override those config values through your config file.

"Modules are Outdated" Error

I get this error when I create a new module:
"Please upgrade your database: Run "bin/magento setup:upgrade" from the Magento root directory.
The following modules are outdated:
Sangeeta_Octan data: current version - none, required version - 0.0.1";i:1;s:1781:"#0
I searched on google and found no solution other than reinstalling Magento. Such as:
version has been changed from "" to "2.0.0" during development,
so update tool can't recognize that "" <= "2.0.0". Please,
re-install your application from scratch to get latest version. `
Do I have any options apart from reinstalling?
Change the setup_version of your module (Sangeeta_Octan) in
app/code/Sangeeta/Octan/etc/module.xml. Try a different version
name like setup_version="2.0.1" or setup_version="3.0.0"
Run bin/magento setup:upgrade
If that doesn't work, disable your module by changing your module name in app/etc/config.phpfrom Sangeeta_Octan => 1 to Sangeeta_Octan => 0. Then run bin/magento setup:upgrade
I hope below solution also solve your problem.
in mysql find the table setup_module It will have 3 fields. Find the NULL values in data_version & have them match the schema_version
As an alternative, you can access your magento database and look at the table setup_module
You will see a list of all installed modules and you can manually set the schema/data version numbers here.
Delete the offending rows from the setup_module table (if they are there) and run the command bin/magento setup:upgrade from your Magento 2 root directory.
This is happens because of something wrong while running "bin/magento setup:upgrade" and the data_version in Module versions registry is null. It is loaded from DB, We can just proceed by manually changing it in db.
Go db via php myadmin and check "setup_module" table, the
data_version which are mentioned "null".
Login to Mysql database => then update table setup_module of the "data_version" column same as "schema_version"

Symfony2 Composer and environment variables

I would like to set the configuration of my symfony2 project using environment variables.
In the server I have defined:
My parameters.yml.dist looks like this:
database_host: "%database.host%"
database_port: ~
database_name: "%database.name%"
database_user: "%database.user%"
database_password: "%database.password%"
database_driver: "%database.driver%"
when I run composer I get an exception
composer install --dev --no-interaction --prefer-source
You have requested a non-existent parameter "database.driver". Did you mean one of these: "database_user", "database_driver"?
These variables are defined in the server so I can modify the parameters.yml.dist to define these values. But this does not seams the right way, because wat I really want to use are the environment variables.
Note: I want to read this environment variables in travis, heroku and my vagrant machine. I only want to have in the repository the vagrant machine variables.
Which is the proper way to do this?
How should look my parameters.yml.dist?
Looks you are doing everything okay.
Here is the complete documentation for Setting Environment Variables which I believe you already read.
What is important to note is this:
Also, in order for your console to work (which does not use Apache),
you must export these as shell variables. On a Unix system, you can
run the following:
I remember once I have a similar issue, I was setting everything on APACHE, but when running commands it wasn't working because I forgot to EXPORT the variables on the system.
Be aware that using export is a temp solution, if you reset your server those values will be lost, you will need to setup in a permanent way according to your OS.
I think you solved this long time ago, but the problem is actually that you have 2 _ between DATABASE and USER and the parser for this have a string replace function that replaces every __ with a . .
For your example to work you should have written like this:
SYMFONY__DATABASE_USER -> database_user
SYMFONY__DATABASE__USER -> database.user
You can try this bundle if your system version is >= 2.6.2:
This bundle provides a way to read parameters from environment
variables at runtime. The value defined in the container parameter is
used as fallback when the environment variable is not available.

Symfony 2 When running Generate:Bundle it does not work

I am trying to add a new bundle using the console with the follow code...
php app/console generate:bundle
How ever it is giving me the following error...
Warning: date_default_timezone_get(): It is not safe to rely on the system'
s timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or
the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those me
thods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled th
e timezone identifier. We selected the timezone 'UTC' for now, but please s
et date.timezone to select your timezone. in /Users/Phil/Sites/SoccerTips24
/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Logger.php line 233
generate:bundle [--namespace="..."] [--dir="..."] [--bundle-name="..."] [--format="..."] [--structure]
I understand the first one is something to do with the time settings but then bundles wont add to my src folder...
Any ideas how to fix?
Set timezone in your php.ini
php -i |grep php.ini
uncomment timezone record, and set you timezone:
date.timezone = "Europe/Paris"
Once you go to your php.ini and set your timezone it should work.

"No Top file or external nodes data matches found" with salt

New to salt,and i add first server(wx-1),it works ,but when i add a differnt server, test.ping is ok,but when execute salt 'qing' state.highstate, it fails,the error info is:
No Top file or external nodes data matches found
Here is my top.sls:
- bin.nginx
- git
- web
- mongo
- redis
- bin.nginx
qing is a new server and it's config is different to wx-1,don't know if this is ok,thanks for your help:)
If you make changes to your sls files. Make sure that you restart the master in order for it to update. This solved my problem when receiving the same error...
You didn't give much information. But here are a few things to check:
test if salt qing state.sls bin.nginx works, if not continue reading
make sure file_roots:base in master config points to /srv/salt
use salt-master/minion --version to check salt versions, make sure they are the same. Because different versions might diff
Give further info if you tried all the above.
