Fitting logarithmic curve in R - r

If I have a set of points in R that are linear I can do the following to plot the points, fit a line to them, then display the line:
y=c(0.401244, 0.844381, 1.18922, 1.93864, 2.76673, 3.52449, 4.21855, 5.04368, 5.80071)
Estimate = lm(y ~ x)
Now, if I have a set of points that looks like a logarithmic curve fit is more appropriate such as the following:
I know I can get the standard regression fit against the log of the x values with the following:
logEstimate = lm(y ~ log(x))
But then how do I transform that logEstimate back to normal scaling and plot the curve against my linear curve from earlier?

Hmmm, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "plot the curve against my linear curve from earlier".
d <- data.frame(x,y) ## need to use data in a data.frame for predict()
logEstimate <- lm(y~log(x),data=d)
Here are three ways to get predicted values:
(1) Use predict:
xvec <- seq(0,7000,length=101)
logpred <- predict(logEstimate,newdata=data.frame(x=xvec))
(2) Extract the numeric coefficient values:
## (Intercept) log(x)
## 0.6183839 0.0856404
(3) Use with() magic (you need back-quotes around the parameter estimate names because they contain parentheses)
Maybe what you want is
est1 <- predict(lm(y~x,data=d),newdata=data.frame(x=xvec))
... although I'm not sure why ...

I'm not exactly sure what you mean either... but I guessed a little different. I think you want to fit two models to those points, one linear, and one logged. Then, you want to plot the points, and the functional form of both models. Here is the code for that:
Estimate = lm(y ~ x)
logEstimate = lm(y ~ log(x))
In response to your second question in the comment, linear regression does always return a linear combination of your predictors, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a straight line. Think about what your log transformation really means: If you fit,
y = log(x)
that is the same as fitting
exp(y) = x
Which means that as x increases linearly, then y will change exponentially, which is clearly not a 'straight line'. However, if you transformed your x-axis on the log scale, then the displayed line would be straight.


Interpretation of contour plots (mgcv)

When we plot a GAM model using the mgcv package with isotropic smoothers, we have a contour plot that looks something like this:
x axis for one predictor,
y axis for another predictor,
the main is a function s(x1, x2) (isotropic smother).
Suppose that in this model we have many other isotropic smoothers like:
y ~ s(x1, x2) + s(x3, x4) + s(x5, x6)
My doubts are: when interpreting the contour plot for s(x1, x2), what happens to the others isotropic smoothers? Are they "fixed at their medians"? Can we interpret a s(x1, x2) plot separately?
Because this model is additive in the functions you can interpret the functions (the separate s() terms) separately, but not necessarily as separate effects of covariates on the response. In your case there is no overlap between the covariates in each of the bivariate smooths, so you can also interpret them as the effects of the covariates on the response separately from the other smoothers.
All of the smooth functions are typically subject to a sum to zero constraint to allow the model constant term (the intercept) to be an identifiable parameter. As such, the 0 line in each plot is the value of the model constant term (on the scale of the link function or linear predictor).
The plots shown in the output from plot.gam(model) are partial effects plots or partial plots. You can essentially ignore the other terms if you are interested in understanding the effect of that term on the response as a function of the covariates for the term.
If you have other terms in the model that might include one or more covariates in another terms, and you want to look at how the response changes as you vary that term or coavriate, then you should predict from the model over the range of the variables you are interested in, whilst holding the other variables at some representation values, say their means or medians.
For example if you had
model <- gam(y ~ s(x, z) + s(x, v), data = foo, method = 'REML')
and you want to know how the response varied as a function of x only, you would fix z and v at representative values and then predict over a range of values for x:
newdf <- with(foo, expand.grid(x = seq(min(x), max(x), length = 100),
z = median(z)
v = median(v)))
newdf <- cbind(newdf, fit = predict(model, newdata = newdf, type = 'response'))
plot(fit ~ x, data = newdf, type = 'l')
Also, see ?vis.gam in the mgcv package as a means of preparing plots like this but where it does the hard work.

`gam` package: extra shift spotted when sketching data on `plot.gam`

I try to fit a GAM using the gam package (I know mgcv is more flexible, but I need to use gam here). I now have the problem that the model looks good, but in comparison with the original data it seems to be offset along the y-axis by a constant value, for which I cannot figure out where this comes from.
This code reproduces the problem:
x <-$x
y <-$y
fit <- gam(y ~ s(x,6))
#(Intercept) s(x, 6)
# 1.921819 -2.318771
plot(fit, ylim = range(y))
points(x, y)
points(x, y -1.921819, col=2)
legend("topright", pch=1, col=1:2, legend=c("Original", "Minus intercept"))
Chambers, J. M. and Hastie, T. J. (1993) Statistical Models in S (Chapman & Hall) shows that there should not be an offset, and this is also intuitively correct (the smooth should describe the data).
I noticed something comparable in mgcv, which can be solved by providing the shift parameter with the intercept value of the model (because the smooth is seemingly centred). I thought the same could be true here, so I subtracted the intercept from the original data-points. However, the plot above shows this idea wrong. I don't know where the extra shift comes from. I hope someone here may be able to help me.
(R version. 3.3.1; gam version 1.12)
I think I should first explain various output in the fitted GAM model:
x <-$x
y <-$y
fit <-gam(y ~ s(x,6), model = FALSE)
## coefficients for parametric part
## this includes intercept and null space of spline
beta <- coef(fit)
## null space of spline smooth (a linear term, just `x`)
nullspace <- fit$smooth.frame[,1]
nullspace - x ## all 0
## smooth space that are penalized
## note, the backfitting procedure guarantees that this is centred
pensmooth <- fit$smooth[,1]
sum(pensmooth) ## centred
# [1] 5.89806e-17
## estimated smooth function (null space + penalized space)
smooth <- nullspace * beta[2] + pensmooth
## centred smooth function (this is what `plot.gam` is going to plot)
c0 <- mean(smooth)
censmooth <- smooth - c0
## additive predictors (this is just fitted values in Gaussian case)
addpred <- beta[1] + smooth
You can first verify that addpred is what fit$additive.predictors gives, and since we are fitting additive models with Gaussian response, this is also as same as fit$fitted.values.
What plot.gam does, is to plot censmooth:
plot.gam(fit, col = 4, ylim = c(-1.5,1.5))
points(x, censmooth, col = "gray")
Remember, there is
addpred = beta[0] + censmooth + c0
If you want to shift original data y to match this plot, you not only need to subtract intercept (beta[0]), but also c0 from y:
points(x, y - beta[1] - c0)

Categorical Regression with Centered Levels

R's standard way of doing regression on categorical variables is to select one factor level as a reference level and constraining the effect of that level to be zero. Instead of constraining a single level effect to be zero, I'd like to constrain the sum of the coefficients to be zero.
I can hack together coefficient estimates for this manually after fitting the model the standard way:
x <- lm(data = mtcars, mpg ~ factor(cyl))
z <- c(coef(x), "factor(cyl)4" = 0)
y <- mean(z[-1])
z[-1] <- z[-1] - y
z[1] <- z[1] + y
## (Intercept) factor(cyl)6 factor(cyl)8 factor(cyl)4
## 20.5021645 -0.7593074 -5.4021645 6.1614719
But that leaves me without standard error estimates for the former reference level that I just added as an explicit effect, and I need to have those as well.
I did some searching and found the constrasts functions, and tried
lm(data = mtcars, mpg ~ C(factor(cyl), contr = contr.sum))
but this still only produces two effect estimates. Is there a way to change which constraint R uses for linear regression on categorical variables properly?
Think I've figured it out. Using contrasts actually is the right way to go about it, you just need to do a little work to get the results into a convenient looking form. Here's the fit:
fit <- lm(data = mtcars, mpg ~ C(factor(cyl), contr = contr.sum))
Then the matrix cs <- contr.sum(factor(cyl)) is used to get the effect estimates and the standard error.
The effect estimates just come from multiplying the contrast matrix by the effect estimates lm spits out, like so:
cs %*% coef(fit)[-1]
The standard error can be calculated using the contrast matrix and the variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients, like so:
diag(cs %*% vcov(fit)[-1,-1] %*% t(cs))

Predict Future values using polynomial regression in R

Was trying to predict the future value of a sample using polynomial regression in R. The y values within the sample forms a wave pattern.
For example
x = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16
y= 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,4
But when the graph is plotted for future values the resultant y values was completely different from what was expected. Instead of a wave pattern, was getting a graph where the y values keep increasing.
futurY = 17,18,19,20,21,22
Tried different degrees of polynomial regression, but the predicted results for futurY were drastically different from what was expected
Following is the sample R code which was used to get the results
dfram <- data.frame('x'=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16))
dfram$y <- c(1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,4)
plot(dfram,dfram$y,type="l", lwd=3)
pred <- data.frame('x'=c(17,18,19,20,21,22))
myFit <- lm(y ~ poly(x,5), data=dfram)
newdata <- predict(myFit, pred)
plot(pred[,1],data.frame(newdata)[,1],type="l",col="red", lwd=3)
Is this the correct technique to be used for predicting the unknown future y values OR should I be using other techniques like forecasting?
# Reproducing your data frame
dfram <- data.frame("x" = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16),
"y" = c(1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,4))
From your graph I've got the phase and period of the signal. There're better ways of calculating that automatically.
# Phase and period
fase = 1
per = 10
In the linear model function I've put the triangular signal equations.
fit <- lm(y ~ I((((trunc((x-fase)/(per/2))%%2)*2)-1) * (x-fase)%%(per/2))
+ I((((trunc((x-fase)/(per/2))%%2)*2)-1) * ((per/2)-((x-fase)%%(per/2))))
# Predict the old data
p_olddata <- predict(fit,type="response")
# Predict the new data
newdata <- data.frame('x'=c(17,18,19,20,21,22))
p_newdata <- predict(fit,newdata,type="response")
# Ploting Old and new data
Where the black line is the original signal, the blue circles are the prediction for the original points and the green circles are the prediction for the new data.
The graph shows a perfect fit for the model because there's no noise in the data. In a real dataset you may find it so the fit will not look as nice as that.

Abline not working with Linear regression Model

I have a data in R so i want to test the data on various models. I have split the data into 2 sets 80% training and 20% testing. So now what i want to do is train the training data set on a linear model and predict it on the testing data set.
I have don this so far.
temp<-lm(formula = cityMpg ~ peakRpm+horsePower+wheelBase , data=train)
temp_test<- predict(temp,test)
Here, I get the scatter plot. Now I just want a line in this scatter plot.
When I use abline(temp_test), I get an error.
i WANT THE LINE as automatic, I do not wish to specify the co-ordinates.
getting error as:
Error in int_abline(a = a, b = b, h = h, v = v, untf = untf, ...) :
invalid a=, b= specification
As pointed out above, this is a bit tricky for a multi-dimensional model.
Get some data (you neglected to include a reproducible example: see ...)
dat <- read.arff(url(""))
Split into training and test data sets:
train <- dat[1:150,]
test <- dat[151:nrow(dat),]
The variable names are a bit awkward for R (the dashes are interpreted as minus operators, so we have to use back-quotes to protect the names):
fit <- lm(`city-mpg` ~ `peak-rpm`+horsepower+`wheel-base`,data=train)
temp_test <- predict(fit,test)
Plot the predictions vs peak RPM:
par(las=1,bty="l") ## cosmetic
plot(test[["peak-rpm"]],temp_test,xlab="peak rpm",ylab="predicted")
In order to add the line, we have to adjust the intercept according to some baseline values of the other parameters: we'll use the mean (another alternative is to center all the predictor variables before fitting the model):
cf <- coef(fit)
Another way to do this is to use predict():
newdat <- with(test,
newdat["city-mpg"] <- predict(fit,newdat)
(41 points is silly for a straight line -- we could have used just 2 -- but will work well if you want to plot something curved, like confidence intervals or a nonlinear fit.)
Alternatively you could just fit the marginal model, but the actual fitted line is somewhat different (it will only be the same if all the predictors are orthogonal to each other):
fit2 <- lm(`city-mpg` ~ `peak-rpm`,data=train)
