google charts datetime type - datetime

Is it possible to use literal strings when instantiating a datetime type? (If no, skip) If so, does the - need to be a /? If that doesn't matter, please tell me what's wrong with this:
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable({cols:[{label: 'date', type: 'datetime'},
{label: 'power', type: 'number'}], rows: [{c: [{v:2007/12/01 00:12:00},{v:0}]},
{c: [{v:2007/12/01 01:12:00},{v:101}]}, {c: [{v:2007/12/01 02:12:00},{v:201}]},
{c: [{v:2007/12/01 03:12:00},{v:302}]}]});
(I already tried quoting literal datetimes.)

You might have to put it in Epoch format. try something like this
new Date("#epoch_seconds_go_here");
Here is the link that might help you


moment.js will not parse UK format date even when setting the locale

Quite simply, this is my code:
var d = moment('22/12/2019');
I would expect this to parse, however it says invalid date.
I have referenced moment.js and the locale/en-gb.js
I'm writing a global control so the date may come in in a variety of formats.
If I put in a variety of American dates they all work, for example 12/12/2019, 12/12/2019 23:04 etc.
However the locale command does not appear to do anything and I cannot get a single date to parse. What am I doing wrong?
You need to pass the format as the second argument for moment(), as discussed here:
var d = moment('22/12/2019', 'DD/MM/YYYY');
From the docs:
If you know the format of an input string, you can use that to parse a
moment("12-25-1995", "MM-DD-YYYY");
I think that there is no need to write your own complex logic to parse your input, you can use moment(String, String) (or moment(String, String[], String, Boolean)), as suggested by Thales Minussi's answer.
moment(String) is the good choice only if your input is in ISO 8601 or RFC 2822 compliant form.
In your case, you can probably use Localized formats listed in the format section of the docs. If you have a list of possible formats, I think that the best choice is tho use moment(String, String[]).
Please note that, by default: Moment's parser is very forgiving, so using default Forgiving Mode will handle "any" character as separator.
Here a live sample:
['22/12/2019', '22/12/2019 15:00',
'22-12-2019', '22-12-2019 15:00',
'1-3-2019', '1-12-2019', '22-1-2019'
].forEach((elem) => {
var d = moment(elem, 'L LT');
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Still hoping there's a nice moment js way to do this but in the meantime I just bashed this together. Pretty nasty and it will probably go wrong in 80 years or so.
var a = "23/03/19 12:42:21.123";
var datePart = a.substring(0, a.indexOf(" "));
var timePart = a.substring(a.indexOf(" ") + 1);
var dateParts = datePart.split("/");
if (dateParts[0].length == 1) dateParts[0] = "0" + dateParts[0];
if (dateParts[1].length == 1) dateParts[1] = "0" + dateParts[1];
if (dateParts[2].length == 2) {
var threshold = parseInt(new Date().getFullYear().toString().substring(2)) + 10;
if (parseFloat(dateParts[2]) > threshold ) {
dateParts[2] = "19" + dateParts[2];
dateParts[2] = "20" + dateParts[2];
alert (parseFloat(dateParts[2] + dateParts[1] + dateParts[0] + timePart.replace(/:/g, "").replace(/\./g, "")));
This won't solve every usecase, but in your specific example if you want just a simple date (with no time component) auto-parsed in UK format you can just use the 'L' format string having set the locale to 'en-GB'
Your example with this change (your jsfiddle also)
// just pass 'L' i.e. local date format as a parsing format here
var d = moment('22/12/2019', 'L');
It's quite nice because you get the auto parsing of various formats you wanted for free. For instance this works just the same:
var d = moment('22-12-2019', 'L');
You can return a date using moment.js in a desired format -
return moment(aDateVar).format('DD/MM/YYYY');

Parse ASP.Net JSON Date Format to Lua?

I don't know any ASP.NET, and I need a function in Lua that can convert the date.
Example date: "\/Date(1397304050320)\/" --> 4/12/2014
Is the function below translatable to Lua?
If you don't know Lua can you try to translate the matching patterns for me?
I've already found this function:
function FixJsonDates(data) {
//microsoft script service perform the following to fix the dates.
//json date:\/Date(1317307437667-0400)\/"
//javasccript format required: new Date(1317307437667-0400)
//copied from micrsoft generated fiel.
var _dateRegEx = new RegExp('(^|[^\\\\])\\"\\\\/Date\\((-?[0-9]+)(?:[a-zA-Z]|(?:\\+|-)[0-9]{4})?\\)\\\\/\\"', 'g');
var exp = data.replace(_dateRegEx, "$1new Date($2)");
return eval(exp);
To extract the date from a string and convert to a date, try
local s = "some text/Date(1397304050320)/more text"
local t = s:match("/Date%((%d+)%)/")
In Lua, requires times in seconds. Apparently the number you have is in milliseconds.

Parse alfresco date

I'm developing a custom validator of a date input in my workflow form and I get a null after parsing a date this is what I done:
// check dates can be parsed
str_expiryDate = field.form.prop_wfbxTestWorkFlow_NfDate.value;
console.log("Non conformite"+str_expiryDate);
str_reminderDate = field.form.prop_bpm_workflowDueDate.value;
Alfresco.logger.warn("Expiry Date: " + str_expiryDate + " | Reminder Date: " + str_reminderDate);
d_expiryDate = Date.parse(str_expiryDate);
d_reminderDate = Date.parse(str_reminderDate);
console.log("Date echéance"+d_reminderDate);
and then i get this in console:
Non conformite2013-06-21T00:00:00.000+01:00 echeance2013-06-09T00:00:00.000+01:00
Date echéancenull
How I can parse these two dates and then compare it? .thanks
Use Alfresco.util.fromISO8601(date)
According to the client-api docs
Convert an ISO8601 date string into a JavaScript native Date object
You are parsing the "value" of a date, not the date itself.
The best way to compare is, imho, using the format YYYYMMDD, and than compare it as a number.
Something like this (there is sure a far more elegant way to do that, but at this time it's the only one that got me):
var indexDate=str_expiryDate.indexOf("-");
var dayDate=str_expiryDate.substring(0, 2);
var monthDate=str_expiryDate.substring(3, 5);
var yearDate=fromData.substring(6, str_expiryDate.length+1);
int dataNew=yearDate+monthDate+dayDate;
and than compare the two dates value.
Obviously check if the index value are correct, I didn't double checked them.
Hope il helps. SelectToken with embedded "."

I have json that looks like:
myjson = {"queries":{"F.SP": 27}}
so with
queryResults = JObject.Parse(jsonString)
I can do
firstToken = queryResults.SelectToken("queries")
and get back the LinqJToken
{"F.SP": 27}
but I'm then stuck, because when I try
subToken = firstToken.SelectToken("F.SP")
I get Nothing. I'm guessing this is because is looking for a token "F" with subtoken "SP".
I've also tried each of the following, to no avail
myToken = queryResults.SelectToken("queries.F.SP")
myToken = queryResults.SelectToken("queries[0].F.SP")
(queryResults.SelectToken("queries[0]") returns nothing, fwiw)
Any ideas?
EDIT: I have verified that the embedded "." is the problem; if I change the original json to
{"queries":{"FSP": 27}}
I can do
no problem
If you have such names in JSON fields:
{"queries":{"F.SP": 27}}
You may use SelectToken escaping:
Here are more examples with escaping:
This won't return the token itself, but will return the value (which is probably what you're looking for anyway)...
Instead of trying to use SelectToken, how about an index search?
subToken = queryResults["F.SP"];
JObject obj = JObject.Parse(jsonstring);
var fsp = obj["queries"].First().First();
Not the most elegant but it gets the value.

How to set default sort column in extjs4 grid and change date format?

1-How do I set the column to be sorted when the grid is created? then upon reloading the grid, it automatically utilize that sort to appropriately display the records.(without me clicing on it)
Can this be done on the grid itself so it is independent of the underlying data store?
2-how do i change Date format displaying in a grid column?
my data render a date like this /Date(1316020760837+0000)/
i tried using renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'),// format: 'm d Y'
but it gives me NaN/NaN/NaN
any help would be appreciated.
thank you
i used sortOnLoad with sorters
var myStore = new{
fields: ['Item1', 'Item2', 'Item3', 'Item4']
, data: []
, sortOnLoad: true
, sorters: { property: 'Item1', direction : 'DESC' }
in my c# code i used item.DateEnd.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy").
see this or this for standard and custom format
or better
in extjs4 ,you should specify the dateFormat so Ext can parse it properly and you'll ensure it gets read ok.
{name: 'Item1' , type : 'date',dateFormat :'MS'}
u can see this for available format strings.
