How to read bean value within Renderer - jsf-1.2

I am writing a custom jsf Renderer for checkboxes and radio buttons to render without TABLE element. My question is if I have a select box like below
<h:selectManyCheckbox id="vehicle" value="#{pageBean.vehicle}>
<f:selectItems value="#{pageBean.vehiclesList} />
in the encodeBegin method how can I read the vehiclesList?

It was straight forward.
Iterator<UIComponent> iterator = component.getFacetsAndChildren();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
UIComponent childComponent =;
List vehicles = childComponent.getValueExpression("value").getValue(context.getELContext);
// Do whatever with vehicles.
Here I assumed that there is only one child to the main component which is SelectItems.


GWT CellList... when item clicked, previously clicked item loses its style

I have GWT CellList and after adding items via a DataProvider I use the following code to add styling to each item.
members... we can styling if a matched item is also in members
matched... passed in as a MetaJsArray<Contact>
CellList<Contact> list = getView().getResults();
for (int i=0; i<matched.length(); i++) {
if (members.isExistingEntry(matched.get(i))) {
This code works until... I click items in the list.
onCellPreview() is called for each item clicked, but the previously clicked item loses its "RED" styling.
Do I need to add styling differently? Or how do I stop the loss of "RED"?
My guess its something to do the way GWT generates the javascript. When you manually set the cell on load its all good. When you select it, the javascript changes the object to use the selected CSS and when you un select it, the CSS changes to the default GWT CSS style for the cell.
Only way I can think of is to have a handler on select. When you select an item:
selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() {
public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) {
// get item last selected
// check if needs re styling
// restyle
// do things with the new selected object
Add another check through the cell list and mark the ones that got unmarked.
This way might be inefficient, but its one way of avoiding your problem that I can think of. hope it helps.
After trying various approaches the only want that works, without hacks, is to define the style at the point of rendering.
With my own ContactCell extending AbstractCell the render() function can pass in a styling value into the contactcell.ui.xml file.
public void render(Context context, Contact value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (value == null) {
String styling = value.getStyling();
uiRenderer.render(sb, styling);
and then in contactcell.ui.xml file
<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''>
<ui:with field='styling' type='java.lang.String'/>
<div class="{styling}"> ... </div>
GWT will mangle the style name so define your own CssResource class to access the class name thru so that the class name is mangled throughout the app.

How do I revert back to the default item renderer in a spark list after applying a custom item renderer?

I have a flex spark list that is populated by a dynamically generated ArrayCollection (and is used in a recyclable component). If the Array Collection is less than 9 items, a checkbox item renderer is applied. If the ArrayCollection is greater than 8 items, I want to revert back to the default sparkList item Renderer. How do I remove the itemRenderer from the spark list?
if ((ac.length>0)&&(ac.length <=8))
//implement a renderer in the control for check boxes - this works!
this._s_g_ListBoxLong._list.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(morris.renderers.Renderer_checkBoxes);
else if (ac.length >=9)
//apply the default item renderer for a spark list or remove the itemRenderer pointer
//????? HOW DO I DO THIS?
//do nothing
this._s_g_ListBoxLong._list.dataProvider = ac;
Try using DefaultItemRenderer.
The DefaultItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a List control. The default item renderer just draws the text associated with each item in the list.
this._s_g_ListBoxLong._list.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(DefaultItemRenderer);

Dynamically adding radiobuttongroup

I'm trying to make a quiz in flex and am loading data from an xml file. For each question I want to create a radiobuttongroup so I can associate radio buttons to it. How can I accomplish that with actionscript? I can see that addChild method works for DisplayObjects and I presume that radiobuttongroup is not one because I'm receiving errors. How can I dynamically add radiobuttongroup with actionscript in flex application? Thanks.
If you add radio buttons to a FormItem, they are automatically grouped together. So, assuming your quiz uses a Flex Form for layout, you simply generate a FormItem for each question, add a button for each option to the FormItem, then add that FormItem to your main Form.
private function generateQuestions(questions:XML):void
var form:Form = new Form();
for each (var question:XML in questions.question)
var questionItem:FormItem = new FormItem();
questionItem.label = question.#text;
for each (var option:XML in question.option)
var optionButton:RadioButton = new RadioButton();
optionButton.label = option.#text;
You create the radio buttons, add them to the display, create a group for them and declare the radio buttons to belong to the same group ( = group1). The RadioButtonGroup is indeed not a display object but just tells the radio buttons belonging to that group that they should acts as one element.

How do I change the appearance of nodes in a Tree control in Flex using an extended TreeItemRenderer?

I'm using a tree control that I want to customize. The data items in the tree's dataProvider have a property name that should be used for labeling the node, and a property type that should be used to select one of several embedded images for use as an icon. The simplest way to do this is by using the labelField and iconFunction properties.
However, I wanted to get started with item renderers and open the door for adding more complex customization later, so I tried making my own item renderer. I extended the TreeItemRenderer class as follows and used it in my tree control:
class DirectoryItemRenderer extends TreeItemRenderer
private static var _DEFAULT_ICON:Class;
// ... some more icons ...
override public function set data(value:Object):void
{ = value; // let the base class take care of everything I didn't think of
if (value is Node) { // only handle the data if it's our own node class
switch ((value as Node).type) {
// ... some case clauses ...
this.label.text = (value as Node).name;
private function _vSetIcon(icon:Class):void
if (null != this.icon && this.contains(this.icon)) {
this.icon = new icon();
This code has no effect whatsoever, icon and label in the tree control remain at their defaults. Using trace(), I verified that my code is actually executed. What did I do wrong?
Looking at the base mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer class, I see that in the updateDisplayList function the renderer gets it's icon and disclosureIcon classes from _listData:TeeListData. Instead of overriding the updateDisplayList function, try modifying the icon and disclosureIcon classes of the renderer's private _listData instance in your _vSetIcon method using the public accessors, like so:
private function _vSetIcon(icon:Class, disclosureIcon:Class = null):void
var tmpListData:TreeListData;
if (disclosureIcon == null) disclosureIcon = icon;
tmpListData = this.listData;
tmpListData.icon = icon;
tmpListData.disclosureIcon = disclosureIcon;
this.listData = tmpListData;
Here is some clarification on the difference between data and listData. You'll have to excuse my omission of package names but I'm editing from my phone so its tough to look them up and I don't know the package names off the top of my head. data is defined in the context of a TreeItemRenderer in the IDataRenderer interface. You create a data renderer by implementing this interface and defining a public property data, which in this case is set by the parent control and contains some data and meta-data from the dataProvider to be rendered by the data renderer class.
listData is defined in the IDropInListItemRenderer interface as a property of type BaseListData and is realized in the TreeItemRenderer class as a property TreeListData. It differs from the data property in that it contains meta-data that describes the TreeListRenderer itself (icon, indent, open) as well as (I believe, I'll have to double check this later) a reference to the data item being rendered. I gather that It's used by the the TreeItemRenderer and I would imagine the parent list control for display update and sizing purposes. Someone is free to correct or add onto that if I'm incorrect or missed something, I'm going of what I remember drom the code.
In this case, you wanted to use meta-data from the data set from the data provider to modify data that determines the display of the renderer, so you would need to modify both.
I think the real confusion here however came from the fact that you extended the TreeItemRenderer class then tried to override functionality on the component in a manner the original developer didn't intend for someone to do, hence the unexpected results. If your goal is education and not ease of implementation you would probably be better served by extending the UIComponent class and using the TreeItemRenderer code as a reference to create a class that implements the same interfaces. That would be a real dive into the pool of custom component development.
I'd probably try something simple, as in this example from the Adobe Cookbooks. I notice that they override updateDisplayList, which may have something to do with your problems.
There's another example (for Flex 2, but looks applicable to Flex 3) that shows how to manage the default icons. It looks like you'll want to manage the icon yourself, setting the default icon styles to null, instead of trying to manipulate the superclass's icon property.
Update -- Looking at the source for TreeItemRenderer, commitProperties has the following before checking the data and setting up the icon and label:
if (icon)
icon = null;
Also, it looks like the setter for data calls invalidateProperties. Hence, your icon is wiped out when the framework gets around to calling commitProperties.

Flex ComboBox, default value and dataproviders

I have a Flex ComboBox that gets populated by a dataprovider all is well...
I would now like to add a default " -- select a item --" option at the 0 index, how can I do this and still use a dataprovider? I have not seen any examples of such, but I can't imagine this being hard...
If you don't need the default item to be selectable you can use the prompt property of ComboBox and set the selectedIndex to -1. That will show the string you set propmt to as the selected value until the user chooses another. It will not appear in the list of options, however.
I came across this problem today and wanted to share my solution.
I have a ComboBox that has an ArrayCollection containing Objects as it's dataprovider. When the application runs, it uses a RemoteObject to go out and get the ArrayCollection/Objects. In my event handler for that call I just have it append another object to the beginning of the ArrayCollection and select it:
var defaultOption:Object = {MyLabelField: "Select One"};
myDataProvider.addItemAt(defaultOption, 0);
myComboBox.selectedIndex = 0;
This is what my ComboBox looks like for reference:
<mx:ComboBox id="myComboBox" dataProvider="{myDataProvider}" labelField="MyLabelField" />
The way I've dealt with this in the past is to create a new collection to serve as the data provider for the combobox, and then I listen for changes to the original source (using an mx.BindingUtils.ChangeWatcher). When I get such a notification, I recreate my custom data provider.
I wish I knew a better way to approach this; I'll monitor this question just in case.
This can be used following code for selected default value of combobox
var index:String = "foo";
for(var objIndex:int = 0; objIndex < comboBox.dataProvider.length; objIndex++) {
if(comboBox.dataProvider[objIndex].label == index)
comboBox.selectedIndex = objIndex;
<mx:ComboBox id="comboBox" dataProvider="{_pageIndexArray}" />
