Accessing the bitly OAuth2 API from R - r

I'd like to be able to access the bitly OAuth2 api from R and was wondering whether there were any example implementations, or better still, R libraries/wrappers for the bitly API around?
The twitteR library span off an R OAuth library, ROAuth, but this presumably doesn't support OAuth2? Or will OAuth2 accept the OAuth1 overtures?

Here is a way using httr - it's in the veins of the packages' examples on GitHub:
# 1. Find OAuth settings for
bitly <- oauth_endpoint(
authorize = "",
access = "")
# 2. Register an application at
# Insert your values below - if secret is omitted, it will look it up in
# the BITLY_CONSUMER_SECRET environmental variable.
myapp <- oauth_app("bitly",
key = ".............................", # Client ID
secret = "............................") # Client Secret
bitly_token <- oauth2.0_token(bitly, myapp, cache = FALSE)
# 4. Use API
req <- GET("", query = list(access_token = bitly_token$credentials$access_token))
# [1] ""

I have written three fxns so far within a package that hits other APIs here:
The three fxns gets clickc based on users, expand URLs and shorten URLs
Install via:
install_github("raltmet", "ropensci")

It is possible to do it with the yet to be updated on CRAN version of ROAUth ( ROAuth 0.92). I have a working copy available here. Once you install ROAuth from this source, download a copy of RMendeley to test out how R works with oauth.
install_github("rmendeley", "ropensci")


Can't get Github PAT to persist - RStudio & Ubuntu 20

I'm using RStudio + Github and have been following the instructions here:
It works great, except that within a couple of hours the PAT no longer works and I'm prompted to enter a username/password. I go back and generate a new PAT, and repeat. Here's the code I'm using.
> usethis::create_github_token()
• Call `gitcreds::gitcreds_set()` to register this token in the local Git credential store
It is also a great idea to store this token in any password-management software that you use
✔ Opening URL ',user,gist,workflow&description=DESCRIBE THE TOKEN\'S USE CASE'
> usethis::create_github_token()
• Call `gitcreds::gitcreds_set()` to register this token in the local Git credential store
It is also a great idea to store this token in any password-management software that you use
✔ Opening URL ',user,gist,workflow&description=DESCRIBE THE TOKEN\'S USE CASE'
> gitcreds::gitcreds_set()
? Enter password or token: <token>
-> Adding new credentials...
-> Removing credetials from cache...
-> Done.
I have also set the following:
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=10000000'
The PAT can be stored as environment variable so a key=value assignment in the ~/.Renviron file is a very possible solution.
Another is to explicitly inject it from ~/.Rprofile via Sys.setenv(key="value").
You can test either in any R session via
> v <- Sys.getenv()
> "GITHUB_PAT" %in% names(v)
[1] TRUE
When you create a PAT (in the GitHub UI) you can give it explicit lifetimes. I happily re-used on this week which I created a year ago for a particular scripting need.

Is getURL deprecated? [duplicate]

ETA: Per, it looks like the author of the rforcecom package has updated rforcecom to use httr instead of RCurl (as of today, to be uploaded to CRAN tomorrow, 7/1/16), so my particular issue will be solved at that point. However, the general case (implementing TLS 1.1 / 1.2 in RCurl) may still be worth pursuing for other packages. Or everyone may just switch to the more recent curl package instead of RCurl.
Background: I've been using the rforcecom package to communicate with Salesforce for several months. Salesforce recently disabled support for TLS v1.0 and is requiring TLS v1.1 or higher in their Sandboxes; this update will take place for Production environments in March 2017.
rforcecom uses RCurl to communicate with servers. Generally the curlPerform method is used, which is implemented something like this (this example is from rforcecom.login.R):
h <- basicHeaderGatherer()
t <- basicTextGatherer()
URL <- paste(loginURL, rforcecom.api.getSoapEndpoint(apiVersion), sep="")
httpHeader <- c("SOAPAction"="login","Content-Type"="text/xml")
curlPerform(url=URL, httpheader=httpHeader, postfields=soapBody, headerfunction = h$update, writefunction = t$update, ssl.verifypeer=F)
This has been working for me for a while, as I mentioned. Now that Salesforce has disabled TLS v1.0 on Sandboxes, though, it fails with the following error:
UNSUPPORTED_CLIENT: TLS 1.0 has been disabled in this organization. Please use TLS 1.1 or higher when connecting to Salesforce using https.
I've modified and sourced (without implementing it in the local copy of the package, as I'm not experienced enough to do this) a change to my local copy of the login module for RForcecom, and I've discovered through experimentation that I can specify any of the existing enumerated values for SSLVERSION successfully by adding sslversion=SSLVERSION_TLSv1, sslversion=SSLVERSION_SSLv3, etc. to the curlPerform options where it is called. However, all of these give me the same error as above. When I attempt to use one of the options that is implemented in libcurl but not in RCurl (SSLVERSION_TLSv1.1, SSLVERSION_TLSv1.2), I get the following error:
Error in merge(list(...), .opts) : object 'SSLVERSION_TLSv1.1' not found
Error in merge(list(...), .opts) : object 'SSLVERSION_TLSv1.2' not found
I've verified with curlVersion() that my libcurl version is 7.40.0, which according to does support those options. However, I'm unable to get RCurl to recognize them.
At this point what I'm looking for is a way to get RCurl to use TLS v1.1 or TLS v1.2, and I would very much appreciate any assistance I can get with that. I apologize for any problems/issues with my question as this is my first time asking one myself, I've previously always been able to muddle through by reading other people's questions and answers.
RCurl is an interface to libcurl and what it supports depends on the latter. It is possible that your libcurl was built with an older version of OpenSSL which does not have support for TLS v1.1 or v.1.2. Your can determine your SSL version from R like this:
I think that by default (e.g. ssl option CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT), during the SSL handshake, the server and client would agree on the newest version that they both support. To make it work you would have to update OpenSSL to a newer version, recompile libcurl with it and rebuild RCurl so that it registers the updates.
That said, you can enforce a particular ssl version not defined in RCurl by passing the integer value of the required option yourself. The numbers you are looking for can be deduced from the C enum defined in the curl header file on GitHub:
enum {
CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1, /* TLS 1.x */ // 1
CURL_SSLVERSION_LAST /* never use, keep last */ // 8
For example:
# the data of you post request
nameValueList = list(data1 = "data1", data2 = "data2")
# TLS 1.1
opts <- RCurl::curlOptions(verbose = TRUE,
sslversion = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1, ...)
# TLS 1.2
opts <- RCurl::curlOptions(verbose = TRUE,
sslversion = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2, ...)
# finally, POST the data
RCurl::postForm(URL, .params = nameValueList, .opts = opts)
In general, this may not be a good practice because the authors of cURL could decide to change the values (although I believe chances are low) those options have.

Issue with R - Shiny command runGitHub() [duplicate]

I am trying to install a sample package from my github repo:
I can install it when the repo is public using any of the following commands through the R interpreter:
But when the git repository is private I get an Error:
Installing github repo samplepkg/master from jpmarindiaz
Downloading from
Error: client error: (406) Not Acceptable
I haven't figured out how the authentication works when the repo is private, any hints?
Have you tried setting a personal access token (PAT) and passing it along as the value of the auth_token argument of install_github()?
See ?install_github way down at the bottom (Package devtools version
Create an access token in:
Check the branch name and pass it to ref
,auth_token = "tokenstring"
A more modern solution to this problem is to set your credentials in R using the usethis and credentials packages.
#set config
usethis::use_git_config( = "YourName", = "")
#Go to github page to generate token
#paste your PAT into pop-up that follows...
#now remotes::install_github() will work
More help at

How to send email from R and windows 7

I'm trying to send an email from R. I'm running windows 7 and it does not recognize the sendmailR package. Please help!!
Error in library(sendmailR) : there is no package called ‘sendmailR’
Error in library(sendmailR) : there is no package called ‘sendmailR’
Error in library(mail) : there is no package called ‘mail’
Thank you for your time.
If you are off and running, great. But this might also assist. A very helpful person sent me this description for how to send emails with R. His last name was Kristjborn, from Sweden, but I can't otherwise credit him.
Steps needed, after signing up at and getting Hadley's script at
Copy your API key from (in Credentials tab under your server name)
In R, write:
Sys.setenv(POSTMARKAPP_API_KEY= your-copied-api-key-here)
Sys.setenv(POSTMARKAPP_API_KEY= “xxxx”) # with quotes
In the file from which you want to send the email, use the following code:
source('../postmarkapp.r') #or the path to your postmarkapp.r wherever you store it
source("C:/Users/R/Documents/R/R Scripts/sendgmailwithpostmarkfromHadleygist.R")
mailtext <- "Good morning, \nThis should be sending you emails from R in no time. \nBest regards, \nSender"
send_email(to = '...', from = '...', subject = '...', body = mailtext, attachments = 'path-to-file') # or skip attachments
This should work. However, if the code fails in sourcing the postmarkapp, it is probably due to dependent Libraries. The app depends on:
library(base64enc) library(RJSONIO) library(httr)
If any of these are not installed you need to do so. Note that httr is stored on github which needs to be installed using install_github from the devtools package:

Using R with Google Analytics

I found a great project called r-google-analytics that I'd like to use so I can manipulate GA dat in R at this website
I run this portion of the code:
# 1. Create a new Google Analytics API object
ga <- RGoogleAnalytics()
# 2. Authorize the object with your Google Analytics Account Credentials
And I get this error message:
Error in postForm("", Email = username, :
SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
Any ideas as to what could be causing the error?
see for a thorough explanation and particularly (depending on your preference for security):
If you don't have a certificate from an appropriate signing agent, you can suppress verifying the certificate with the ssl.verifypeer option:
x = getURLContent("", ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
I had a similar problem and this helped me out:
Use the alternative internet2.dll by
starting R with the flag --internet2
(see How do I install R for Windows?)
or calling setInternet2(TRUE). These
cause R to use the Internet Explorer
internals, which may already be
configured for use with proxies. Note
that this does not work with proxies
that need authentication.
While I was researching the issue, I also discovered that other users reported this issue when they had non-alphanumeric characters (i.e. not A-Za-z0-9) in their password.
As a good practice some reference to both the R sessionInfo() and the OS (uname -a in unix-like systems) could be of some use!
Some basic Googling could also guide you in finding a solution, see for example:
Here is the shortcut, just copy, change pathway and paste:
source("C:\\Users\\cloudstat\\Desktop\\Google analytics Plus\\RGoogleAnalytics.R")
source("C:\\Users\\cloudstat\\Desktop\\Google analytics Plus\\QueryBuilder.R")
install.packages("C:\\Users\\cloudstat\\Desktop\\Google analytics Plus\\RGoogleAnalytics_1.1.tar.gz",repos=NULL,type="source")
download.file(url="", destfile="cacert.pem")
curl <- getCurlHandle()
options(RCurlOptions = list(capath = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl"), ssl.verifypeer = FALSE))
curlSetOpt(.opts = list(proxy = "proxyserver:port"), curl = curl)
ga <- RGoogleAnalytics()
ga$SetCredentials("USERNAME", "PASSWORD")
Good luck :)
Due to changes in Google API system, this is temporary not available to use. I have written a blog on "How to extract the Google aanalytics data in R" with developed R script.
Try running this . Enter the Client Id and Server from the Google Console API manager.
library(RGoogleAnalytics) <-""
client.secret <-"##############_TknUI"
