How to call calabash xml from a Java program - spring-mvc

I try to set up a web based application using spring and xslt. Since i always use xslt in a pipelining style, i would like to use calabash. Is there a possibility to call calabash from Java? I read thru the documentation on but there is only a description how to use it from command line. I also tired to find some javadoc on githup but wasn't successful. Obviously, there is the Main class with the main() method and i could supply the command line parameters as a string array...
I wonder if there is a better way to do it.

I looked into this recently too. I took a pragmatic approach where I call, and pass in a string array that I generate from a (File)Properties object. It doesn't allow passing in file inputs as streams or sources however, they must reside on the file-system.
Likely there are nicer ways. You could for instance look into . There should be sources of that project. The webapp modules (formerly known as servlex?) seems to provide XMLCalabash integration.


Can we generate abstract Qt D-Bus adaptor classes?

I'm using the qdbusxml2cpp tool to generate a D-Bus adaptor class for my D-Bus server. However, it has the following drawbacks:
Code is generated once, and then you're not supposed to modify it. But what if we have to make changes (see below) and then the XML changes (in a backwards compatible way, of course)?
It is assumed that the "adaptee" has the exact same functions and signatures as the D-Bus interface. In my case, that's not exactly true, e.g. some methods are named differently. Because the generated code uses QMetaObject::invokeMethod, this is only detected at runtime. And we can't sensibly modify the generated code if we might need to regenerate it in the future.
It would be much nicer, in my opinion, if qdbusxml2cpp would generate an abstract class, just a header, where all methods are pure virtual. Then I can write an implementation of that class that simply calls the right methods on the adaptee, without going through the Qt metatype system. This solves both problems:
If the XML changes, we just regenerate the header. Now the compiler will complain until we implement the new interface correctly.
We have the freedom to call whatever functions we like on the "adaptee" class, instead of maintaining the exact same signature as in the public D-Bus interface.
I couldn't find any tool or qdbusxml2cpp fork that does the above. Before I write it myself, are there any problems with the above approach that I might be overlooking, design-wise or technical? Perhaps limitations of the metatype system related to abstract classes or pure virtual functions?
Note that I need this to work not just with methods, but with properties and signals as well.
I've also considered writing an "intermediate" adaptor that wraps the "adaptee" and offers the exact interface that the D-Bus adaptor expects, but the D-Bus adaptor would still be using the metatype system and runtime checks. Surely we can do better.
As you've discovered, there's no way to do what you want with qdbusxml2cpp directly. Which means that we have a few options here, some that you've already listed out:
It would be much nicer, in my opinion, if qdbusxml2cpp would generate an abstract class, just a header, where all methods are pure virtual.
There doesn't seem to be anything terribly wrong with this, although some tools/IDEs may not play nicely with it. One downside to this is that whenever something changes, you would have to ensure that you update all parts of the C++ source as well, not just your header, e.g. if there is boilerplate that has to change whenever a new method is added.
Code is generated once, and then you're not supposed to modify it. But what if we have to make changes (see below) and then the XML changes (in a backwards compatible way, of course)?
Depending on how well the code generator works, I've sometimes found it easier to simply use the generated code as a starting point and then simply modifying it from there. Most of the chages are generally pretty simple.
One other option that you could do is to use a different library to do the DBus communications.
I use(and maintain) dbus-cxx; there is a tool included(dbus-cxx-xml2cpp) that generates adaptee classes that are similar to the output of qdbusxml2cpp in that the adaptee class simply calls a different class that handles the actual response. The downside is that the xml2cpp tool is not that smart, and will not always output correct code. And to use dbus-cxx in a Qt application, you need to turn off the Qt keywords. However, it does have the advantage of using templated functions, so if your signature is incorrect you will get a compile error.
Unfortunately, there isn't really a good "right" way to do this, so I'm afraid that I don't have a "Do it this way" answer.

How does one expose constants in a java google app engine Endpoints API?

Simple question -- how do you expose constants in a java google app engine Endpoints API?
public static final int CODE_FOO = 3845;
I'd like the client of the Endpoints to be able to match on CODE_FOO rather than on 3845. I'll end up doing enum wrappers (which probably is better anyway) but I'm just starting to be curious if this is even doable? Thx
Note that this isn't a full answer but here is a workaround: in Android Studio, create a very light-weight "common" java project and shove anything you want to keep in sync there such as constants as well as common types that you want exposed (e.g. an enum representing all possible return / error codes, etc).
This way you should get pretty decent compiler-time safety and keep these guys in sync.
Please feel free to comment if anyone has better suggestions.
This is unfortunately a Law of Information (ahem). If you have a message protocol you defined, both sides of the interaction need to be aware of the messages that could be passed. There's no other way for the client to be aware of what it needs to respond to. Ajax libraries hard-code the number "200" to be able to detect a successful request, as one example.
Yes, just use a switch statement on strings inside your client code. Or, you could use a dictionary of strings pointing to functions and just call the function after de-referencing the dictionary given the string you got.

How to create a closure from String in Dart?

How to use dart-mirror API to create a anonymous closure dynamically?
Like as the interpreter, compile the code during run-time.
var funcstr='bool (String s){ return (s==null); }';
var func=parseStr(funcstr);
// func(s)-> s==null;
var r=func('false');
// r=false;
so, how to do with "parseStr"?
my project:
At the moment there is no way to do this. Dart has no eval and no code generation at runtime.
But it is something Gilad Bracha (the language spec lead of Dart) wants to have (!topic/misc/6O4g7eEHgOU) at least for the development environment.
We’d like to support more powerful reflective features in the future. These would include mirror builders, designed to allow programs to extend and modify themselves, and a mirror-based debugging API as well.
So it'll probably be supported some time in the future. But right now it's not possible.
As mentioned above, Dart does not have eval, however it is possible to load new source code in another isolate using spawnUri().
I am not sure if there are any examples of how to use this. Perhaps post a message on the dart discussion group.
Using isolates and spawnUri() is quite a different than using eval, so it may not be the right fit for your project.

Inject data in an swf at compile time

Is it possible to inject data, for example a collection of assets (video, images...), in an swf at compile time?
We have a flex application that needs to be able to export an swf at runtime that contains all the necessary data, because it needs to run as a standalone application (on- and offline).
The idea so far was to create a server side script that calls the flex compiler and feed it the data it needs. This approach seems to work fine using the [Embed] tag for single files, but it gets kind of messy when trying to inject collections of data that vary in length for each exported swf.
We could generate an mxml file with one embedded variable for each asset and include it at compile time, but that approach seems for from ideal.
We've looked into some actionscript bytecode libraries, but those do not seem to be fit for this.
Any suggestions or other approaches for this kind of problem?
[Embed] is definitely the way to go. You can generate an AS file that has lots of embeds. While the generated code might be a bit ugly, you can generate a nicer api too. For example, if you want an array, generate code like this:
private var img_0:Class;
private var img_1:Class;
private var img_2:Class;
public var images:Array = [img_0, img_1, img_2];
That way the only ugliness is in private variables only the code generator will see. The public variable is an array.
I'm not sure why you need to do that but i guess i'll try to generate the needed actionscript file from template or something like that and then call the flex compiler.
Hope this helps you...
try as3swfit is able to generate an swf file from an empty ByteArrayand afaik it's possible to insert embedded graphics there
Like Sam said, [Embed] could work, but what are you trying to load? My first reaction is that recompiling for every request would be a big drag on the server.

Is there a tool to capture an objects state to disk?

What I would like to do is capture an object that's in memory to disk for testing purposes. Since it takes many steps to get to this state, I would like to capture it once and skip the steps.
I realize that I could mock these objects up manually but I'd rather "record" and "replay" real objects because I think this would be faster.
Edit: The question is regarding this entire process, not just the serialization of the object (also file operations) and my hope that a tool exists to do this process on standard objects.
I am interested in Actionscript specifically for this is application but...
Are there examples of this in other
programming languages?
What is this process commonly called?
How would this be done in
Are there tools that make serialization and file operations automatic (i.e. no special interfaces)?
Would anybody else find the proposed tool useful (if it doesn't exist)?
Use case of what I am thinking of:,"zombie"); //save the object
var zombieClone:Zombie = ObjectSaver.get("zombie"); // get the object
and the disk location being configurable somewhere.
Converting objects to bytes (so that they can be saved to disk or transmitted over network etc.) is called serialization.
But in your case, I don't think that serialization is that useful for testing purposes. When the test creates all its test data every time that the test is run, then you can always trust that the test data is what you expect it to be, and that there are no side-effect leaking from previous test runs.
I asked the same question for Flex a few days ago. ActionScript specifically doesn't have much support for serialization, though the JSON libraries mentioned in one of the responses looked promising.
Serialize Flex Objects to Save Restore Application State
I think you are talking about "object serialization".
It's called Serialization
Perl uses the Storable module to do this, I'm not sure about Actionscript.
This used to be called "checkpointing" (although that usually means saving the state of the entire system). Have you considered serializing your object to some intermediate format, and then creating a constructor that can accept an object in that format and re-create the object based on that? That might be a more straightforward way to go.
What is this process commonly called?
Serializing / deserializing
Marshalling / unmarshalling
Deflating / inflating
Check out the flash.utils.IExternalizable interface. It can be used to serialize ActionScript objects into a ByteArray. The resulting data could easily be written to disk or used to clone objects.
Note that this is not "automatic". You have to manually implement the interface and write the readExternal() and writeExternal() functions for each class you want to serialize. You'll be hard pressed to find a way to serialize custom classes "automatically" because private members are only accessible within the class itself. You'll need to make everything that you need serialized public if you want to create an external serialization method.
The closest I've come to this is using the appcorelib ClassUtil to create XML objects from existing objects (saving the xml manually) and create objects from this xml. For objects with arrays of custom types it takes configuring ArrayElementType Metadata tags and compiler options correctly as described in the docs.
If you're using AIR, you can store Objects in the included local database.
Here's a simple example using local SQLite database on the Adobe site, and more info on how data is stored in the database.
