Why does binding affect the type of my map? - dictionary

I was playing around in the REPL and I got some weird behavior:
Clojure 1.4.0
user=> (type {:a 1})
user=> (def x {:a 1})
user=> (type x)
I thought that all small literal maps were instances of PersistentArrayMap, but apparently that's not the case if it's been bound with def. Why would using def cause Clojure to choose a different representation for my litte map? I know it's probably just some strange implementation detail, but I'm curious.

This question made me dig into the Clojure source code. I just spent a few hours putting print statements in the source in order to figure this out.
It turns out the two map expressions are evaluated through different code paths
(type {:a 1}) causes Java byte-code to be emitted and ran. The emitted code use clojure.lang.RT.map() to construct the map which returns a PersistentArrayMap for small maps:
static public IPersistentMap map(Object... init){
if(init == null)
return PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY;
else if(init.length <= PersistentArrayMap.HASHTABLE_THRESHOLD)
return PersistentArrayMap.createWithCheck(init);
return PersistentHashMap.createWithCheck(init);
When evaluating (def x {:a 1}) at least from the REPL there's no byte-code emitted. The constant map is parsed as a PersistentHashMap in clojure.lang.Compiler$MapExpr.parse() which returns it warpped it in a ConstantExpr:
else if(constant)
IPersistentMap m = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY;
for(int i=0;i<keyvals.length();i+= 2)
m = m.assoc(((LiteralExpr)keyvals.nth(i)).val(), ((LiteralExpr)keyvals.nth(i+1)).val());
//System.err.println("Constant: " + m);
return new ConstantExpr(m);
The def expression when evaluated binds the value of the ConstantExpr created above which as as said is a PersistentHashMap.
So why is it implemented this way?
I don't know. It could be simple oversight or the PersistentArrayMap optimization may not really be worth it.


Clojure's disappearing reflection warnings

A simple reflection warning example:
lein repl
user=> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
user=> (eval '(fn [x] (.length x)))
Reflection warning, NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:16 - reference to field length can't be resolved.
#object[user$eval2009$fn__2010 0x487ba4b8 "user$eval2009$fn__2010#487ba4b8"]
I want to make this into a function. But where do reflection warnings go?
//clojure/compile.java 63
.format("Reflection warning, %s:%d:%d - reference to field %s can't be resolved.\n",
SOURCE_PATH.deref(), line, column, fieldName);
//clojure/RT.java 269
public static PrintWriter errPrintWriter(){
Writer w = (Writer) ERR.deref();
//clojure/RT.java 188
final static public Var ERR =
Var.intern(CLOJURE_NS, Symbol.intern("*err*"),
new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.err), true)).setDynamic();
Ok so they go to System.err. Lets capture it's output:
(def pipe-in (PipedInputStream.))
(def pipe-out (PipedOutputStream. pipe-in))
(System/setErr (PrintStream. pipe-out))
(defn reflection-check [fn-code]
(binding [*warn-on-reflection* true]
(let [x (eval fn-code)
;_ (.println (System/err) "foo") ; This correctly makes us return "foo".
n (.available pipe-in)
^bytes b (make-array Byte/TYPE n)
_ (.read pipe-in b)
s (apply str (mapv char b))]
However, calling it gives no warning, and no flushing seems to be useful:
(println "Reflection check:" (reflection-check '(fn [x] (.length x)))) ; no warning.
How can I extract the reflection warning?
You have correctly discovered how *err* is initialized, but since vars are rebindable this is no guarantee about its current value. The REPL often rebinds it to something else, e.g. a socket. If you want to redirect it yourself, you should simply rebind *err* to a Writer of your choosing.
Really I'm not sure your approach would work even if *err* were never rebound. The Clojure runtime has captured a pointer to the original value of System.err, and then you ask the Java runtime to use a new value for System.err. Clojure certainly won't know about this new value. Does the JRE maintain an extra level of indirection to allow it to do these swaps behind the scenes even for people who have already captured System.err? Maybe, but if so it's not documented.
I ran into a similar problem a while back and created some helper functions modelled on with-out-str. Here is a solution to your problem:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test) )
(defn reflection-check
(let [err-str (with-err-str
(binding [*warn-on-reflection* true]
(eval fn-code)))]
(spyx err-str)))
(reflection-check (quote (fn [x] (.length x)))))
with result:
Clojure 1.10.1 Java 14
err-str => "Reflection warning, /tmp/form-init3884945788481466752.clj:12:36
- reference to field length can't be resolved.\n"
Note that binding and let forms can be in either order and still work.
Here is the source code:
(defmacro with-err-str
"Evaluates exprs in a context in which *err* is bound to a fresh
StringWriter. Returns the string created by any nested printing
[& body]
`(let [s# (new java.io.StringWriter)]
(binding [*err* s#]
(str s#))))
If you need to capture the Java System.err stream, it is different:
(defmacro with-system-err-str
"Evaluates exprs in a context in which JVM System/err is bound to a fresh
PrintStream. Returns the string created by any nested printing calls."
[& body]
`(let [baos# (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
ps# (PrintStream. baos#)]
(System/setErr ps#)
(System/setErr System/err)
(.close ps#)
(.toString baos#)))
See the docs here.
There are 5 variants (plus clojure.core/with-out-str):
Source code is here.

Can't get pointers to pointers working in Gambit-C scheme's FFI

I'm in the process of wrapping my graphics engine API with Gambit-C and have been successful so far with the FFI. Today I ran into a new problem that I can't easily get past.
I have a structure like this in C:
typedef struct render_list_rec
long render_id;
render_node* node;
struct render_list_rec* next;
} render_list;
In C, I also have a series of functions that get defined by macros to add common list behaviors. Then end up looking something like this:
void render_list_item_add(render_list_item **list, render_list_item* elem);
In C, you can have a render_list_item* that is NULL, but can pass it to the first parameter of this function and it will essentially create the head of the list for you.
My problem is that I cannot get this behavior to work in Gambit-C's FFI. I end up creating something like this:
(c-define-type render-list* (pointer (struct "render_list_rec")))
(c-define-type render-list** (pointer (pointer (struct "render_list_rec"))))
(define render-list-add-item (c-lambda (render-list** long render-node*) render-list* "render_list_add_item"))
When I run this it segfaults. Upon investigation, ___arg1 of the render-list-add-item proceedure is NULL. No matter what I try, I cannot get a valid (pointer (pointer)) in the FFI.
Is there something I'm missing with this?
A complete scheme example:
(c-declare #<<c-decl-end
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct test_rec
int i;
} test_rec;
void pointer_test(struct test_rec** in_number)
if (in_number == NULL) {
fprintf(stdout, "pointer_test is NULL\n");
test_rec* new_pointer_test(void)
return malloc(sizeof(struct test_rec));
(c-define-type test-rec* (pointer (struct "test_rec")))
(define c-pointer-test (c-lambda ((pointer test-rec*)) void "pointer_test"))
(define c-new-pointer-test (c-lambda () test-rec* "new_pointer_test"))
(define test-rec->i-set! (c-lambda (test-rec* int) void "___arg1->i = ___arg2;"))
(display "About to run test with #f ...") (newline)
(define the_false #f)
(c-pointer-test the_false)
(display "About to run test with 1 ...") (newline)
(define number_one (c-new-pointer-test))
(test-rec->i-set! number_one 1)
(c-pointer-test number_one)
Compile with:
gsc -o test -exe test.scm
Gives output:
About to run test with #f ...
pointer_test is NULL
About to run test with 1 ...
*** ERROR IN ##execute-program -- (Argument 1) Can't convert to C pointer
(c-pointer-test '#<|struct test_rec*| #2 0x28d3fc0>)
Felix: Can you give some examples of how you are invoking render-list-add-item
The C code for this looks something like this:
pg_render_list *ui_render_list = NULL;
pg_render_node *ui_node = pg_font_generate_text_string(app_font, L"Lacunarity:", ui_text_material);
pg_render_list_create_item(&ui_render_list, UI_ID_TEXT, ui_node);
Its a list implementation based off of sglib. When these passed a pointer that points to a null pointer,as above, it creates a new list item as the head of the list so that *ui_render_list will point to it.
The scheme code looked something like this (typed from memory):
(define ui-render-list #f)
(letrec ((model-data (pg-model-data-read-binary model-filepath))
(model-node (pg-render-node-create-fom-model model-data GL_STATIC_DRAW)))
(pg-render-list-item-add ui-render-list model-data))
The hope was to have similar behavior. It appears from looking at the documentation that having a #f in the C API tranlates to NULL, but I thought the (pointer (pointer)) might catch that. Even passing variables that are bound to something always led to a NULL value. I tested this by creating a function in a (c-declare) that simply printed the address of the pointer:
If you want to see my full wrappers in action, you can look here at this commit
The question of how to get (pointer (pointer)) working still stands. But I think that for quicker results, and better interoperability with other languages, I'm going to rewrite my C list macros to define a list structure that will then contain pointers to the list head/tail as seen in "Mastering Algorithms with C". That way pointer to pointers won't be necessary.
Maybe I misunderstand, but when you have
(define ui-render-list #f)
then I would think that the expression:
(pg-render-list-item-add ui-render-list model-data)
would behave like:
"invoke pg-render-list-item-add with the actual arguments #f and whatever model-data denotes.
And then the Gambit-C FFI is translating the Scheme value #f to the C value NULL (i.e. 0) when it crosses the boundary from Scheme into C.
This is very different from:
"invoke pg-render-list-item-add with an address <addr> and whatever model-data denotes"
where <addr> meant to be the receiver of the item created by pg-render-list-item-add.
The C statement:
pg_render_list_create_item(&ui_render_list, UI_ID_TEXT, ui_node);
is taking the address of the ui_render_list variable (which, for example, may be allocated on the stack), and passing that address in to pg_render_list_create_item. This is very different from passing in the value NULL as the first argument to pg_render_list_create_item, which would look like this:
pg_render_list_create_item(ui_render_list, UI_ID_TEXT, ui_node);
Note the absence of the ampersand &; it is a crucial distinction here.
I have not taken the time yet to try to write your example myself in Gambit-C, but I imagine one way you could accomplish the effect you desire would be to allocate the receiving memory yourself (by hooking into the malloc function in the FFI), and then once you have allocated the memory, you will then have an address that you can pass as the first parameter to pg-render-list-item.

Converting a org.w3c.dom.NodeList to a Clojure ISeq

I am trying to get a handle on the new defprotocol, reify, etc.
I have a org.w3c.dom.NodeList returned from an XPath call and I would like to "convert" it to an ISeq.
In Scala, I implemented an implicit conversion method:
implicit def nodeList2Traversable(nodeList: NodeList): Traversable[Node] = {
new Traversable[Node] {
def foreach[A](process: (Node) => A) {
for (index <- 0 until nodeList.getLength) {
NodeList includes methods int getLength() and Node item(int index).
How do I do the equivalent in Clojure? I expect that I will need to use defprotocol. What functions do I need to define to create a seq?
If I do a simple, naive, conversion to a list using loop and recur, I will end up with a non-lazy structure.
Most of Clojure's sequence-processing functions return lazy seqs, include the map and range functions:
(defn node-list-seq [^org.w3c.dom.NodeList node-list]
(map (fn [index] (.item node-list index))
(range (.getLength node-list))))
Note the type hint for NodeList above isn't necessary, but improves performance.
Now you can use that function like so:
(map #(.getLocalName %) (node-list-seq your-node-list))
Use a for comprehension, these yield lazy sequences.
Here's the code for you. I've taken the time to make it runnable on the command line; you only need to replace the name of the parsed XML file.
Caveat 1: avoid def-ing your variables. Use local variables instead.
Caveat 2: this is the Java API for XML, so there objects are mutable; since you have a lazy sequence, if any changes happen to the mutable DOM tree while you're iterating, you might have unpleasant race changes.
Caveat 3: even though this is a lazy structure, the whole DOM tree is already in memory anyway (I'm not really sure about this last comment, though. I think the API tries to defer reading the tree in memory until needed, but, no guarantees). So if you run into trouble with big XML documents, try to avoid the DOM approach.
(require ['clojure.java.io :as 'io])
(import [javax.xml.parsers DocumentBuilderFactory])
(import [org.xml.sax InputSource])
(def dbf (DocumentBuilderFactory/newInstance))
(doto dbf
(.setValidating false)
(.setNamespaceAware true)
(.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace true))
(def builder (.newDocumentBuilder dbf))
(def doc (.parse builder (InputSource. (io/reader "C:/workspace/myproject/pom.xml"))))
(defn lazy-child-list [element]
(let [nodelist (.getChildNodes element)
len (.getLength nodelist)]
(for [i (range len)]
(.item nodelist i))))
;; To print the children of an element
(-> doc
;; Prints clojure.lang.LazySeq
(-> doc

if-else branching in clojure

I'm teaching myself Clojure.
In a non-FP language, I could easily enough write nested if's, and if I didn't specifically put an else, then control would just flow out of the if block. For example:
Thing myfunc()
return something;
return somethingelse;
However, in Clojure, there's no return statement (that I know of), so if I write:
(defn myfunc []
(if (cond1)
(if (cond2) something))
then there's no "return" on "something". It seems to just kind of say, ok, here we have a value, now let's keep on executing. The obvious solution would be to combine the conditions, i.e.:
(if (and (cond1) (cond2))
but this gets unwieldy/ugly for large conditions. Also, it would take additional finagling to add a statement to the "else" part of cond1. Is there any kind of elegant solution to this?
This is the subtle difference between imperative and functional approach. With imperative, you can place return in any place of the function, while with functional the best way is to have clear and explicit exeecution paths. Some people (me including) prefer the latter approach in imperative programming as well, recognizing it as more obvious and manageable and less error-prone.
To make this function explicit:
Thing myfunc() {
if(cond1) {
return something;
return somethingelse;
You can refactor it to:
Thing myfunc() {
if(cond1 && cond2) {
return something;
} else {
return somethingelse;
In Clojure, its equivalent is:
(defn myfunc []
(if (and cond1 cond2)
If you need an "else", your Java version could become:
Thing myfunc() {
if(cond1) {
if(cond2) {
return something;
} else {
return newelse;
} else {
return somethingelse;
... and its Clojure equivalent:
(defn myfunc []
(if cond1
(if cond2 something newelse)
(if (and (cond1) (cond2))
(and (cond1) (cond2)) something
:else somethingelse)
cond does do this if you want to compare the same thing; in a switch-case you can use condp.
I don't see that kind of code very often, but that's the way to do it.
Imperative Languages have if-statements that say if this then do that else do that and functional languages have if-expressions that say if this return that else return this. it's a different way of looking at the same idea, that reflects a very different approach to expressing problems. in Functional languages everything has a value, really everything, even if you don't do anything with that value.
When i was making the transition it helped a lot to ask my self "what result should this function return" instead of the question "what should this function do" that i was accustomed to asking.
There is no explicit return statement in Clojure, but your code will "return" on "something" because you don't have any expressions after that if and in Clojure the result of the last expression is used as the function’s return value.
The (imho) most readable approach to solve this problem is provided by the core.match library.
This code snippet:
(defn myfunc []
(if (cond1)
(if (cond2) something))
(ns my.project
(:require [clojure.core.match :refer [match]]))
(defn myfunc []
(match [cond1 cond2]
[true true] something
[_ _] somethingelse))
Note that you can match on other values than boolean values, like matching on keywords (or any clojure value for that matter), e.g.:
(defn myfunc []
(match [cond1 some-kw another-kw]
[true :a :z] foo
[true :b _] gee
[true _ _] bar
[false _ _] giz
[_ _ _] default))
More examples.
You could also use the (cond) macro:
(defn length-checker [a b]
(= 3 (count (str a))) (if (= 3 (count (str b)))
(println "both numbers are 3 digits long")
(println "first number is 3 digits, but the 2nd not!"))
:else (println "first- or both of the numbers are not 3 digits")))

Which languages support *recursive* function literals / anonymous functions?

It seems quite a few mainstream languages support function literals these days. They are also called anonymous functions, but I don't care if they have a name. The important thing is that a function literal is an expression which yields a function which hasn't already been defined elsewhere, so for example in C, &printf doesn't count.
EDIT to add: if you have a genuine function literal expression <exp>, you should be able to pass it to a function f(<exp>) or immediately apply it to an argument, ie. <exp>(5).
I'm curious which languages let you write function literals which are recursive. Wikipedia's "anonymous recursion" article doesn't give any programming examples.
Let's use the recursive factorial function as the example.
Here are the ones I know:
JavaScript / ECMAScript can do it with callee:
function(n){if (n<2) {return 1;} else {return n * arguments.callee(n-1);}}
it's easy in languages with letrec, eg Haskell (which calls it let):
let fac x = if x<2 then 1 else fac (x-1) * x in fac
and there are equivalents in Lisp and Scheme. Note that the binding of fac is local to the expression, so the whole expression is in fact an anonymous function.
Are there any others?
Most languages support it through use of the Y combinator. Here's an example in Python (from the cookbook):
# Define Y combinator...come on Gudio, put it in functools!
Y = lambda g: (lambda f: g(lambda arg: f(f)(arg))) (lambda f: g(lambda arg: f(f)(arg)))
# Define anonymous recursive factorial function
fac = Y(lambda f: lambda n: (1 if n<2 else n*f(n-1)))
assert fac(7) == 5040
Reading Wes Dyer's blog, you will see that #Jon Skeet's answer is not totally correct. I am no genius on languages but there is a difference between a recursive anonymous function and the "fib function really just invokes the delegate that the local variable fib references" to quote from the blog.
The actual C# answer would look something like this:
delegate Func<A, R> Recursive<A, R>(Recursive<A, R> r);
static Func<A, R> Y<A, R>(Func<Func<A, R>, Func<A, R>> f)
Recursive<A, R> rec = r => a => f(r(r))(a);
return rec(rec);
static void Main(string[] args)
Func<int,int> fib = Y<int,int>(f => n => n > 1 ? f(n - 1) + f(n - 2) : n);
Func<int, int> fact = Y<int, int>(f => n => n > 1 ? n * f(n - 1) : 1);
Console.WriteLine(fib(6)); // displays 8
You can do it in Perl:
my $factorial = do {
my $fac;
$fac = sub {
my $n = shift;
if ($n < 2) { 1 } else { $n * $fac->($n-1) }
print $factorial->(4);
The do block isn't strictly necessary; I included it to emphasize that the result is a true anonymous function.
Well, apart from Common Lisp (labels) and Scheme (letrec) which you've already mentioned, JavaScript also allows you to name an anonymous function:
var foo = {"bar": function baz() {return baz() + 1;}};
which can be handier than using callee. (This is different from function in top-level; the latter would cause the name to appear in global scope too, whereas in the former case, the name appears only in the scope of the function itself.)
In Perl 6:
my $f = -> $n { if ($n <= 1) {1} else {$n * &?BLOCK($n - 1)} }
$f(42); # ==> 1405006117752879898543142606244511569936384000000000
F# has "let rec"
You've mixed up some terminology here, function literals don't have to be anonymous.
In javascript the difference depends on whether the function is written as a statement or an expression. There's some discussion about the distinction in the answers to this question.
Lets say you are passing your example to a function:
foo(function(n){if (n<2) {return 1;} else {return n * arguments.callee(n-1);}});
This could also be written:
foo(function fac(n){if (n<2) {return 1;} else {return n * fac(n-1);}});
In both cases it's a function literal. But note that in the second example the name is not added to the surrounding scope - which can be confusing. But this isn't widely used as some javascript implementations don't support this or have a buggy implementation. I've also read that it's slower.
Anonymous recursion is something different again, it's when a function recurses without having a reference to itself, the Y Combinator has already been mentioned. In most languages, it isn't necessary as better methods are available. Here's a link to a javascript implementation.
In C# you need to declare a variable to hold the delegate, and assign null to it to make sure it's definitely assigned, then you can call it from within a lambda expression which you assign to it:
Func<int, int> fac = null;
fac = n => n < 2 ? 1 : n * fac(n-1);
I think I heard rumours that the C# team was considering changing the rules on definite assignment to make the separate declaration/initialization unnecessary, but I wouldn't swear to it.
One important question for each of these languages / runtime environments is whether they support tail calls. In C#, as far as I'm aware the MS compiler doesn't use the tail. IL opcode, but the JIT may optimise it anyway, in certain circumstances. Obviously this can very easily make the difference between a working program and stack overflow. (It would be nice to have more control over this and/or guarantees about when it will occur. Otherwise a program which works on one machine may fail on another in a hard-to-fathom manner.)
Edit: as FryHard pointed out, this is only pseudo-recursion. Simple enough to get the job done, but the Y-combinator is a purer approach. There's one other caveat with the code I posted above: if you change the value of fac, anything which tries to use the old value will start to fail, because the lambda expression has captured the fac variable itself. (Which it has to in order to work properly at all, of course...)
You can do this in Matlab using an anonymous function which uses the dbstack() introspection to get the function literal of itself and then evaluating it. (I admit this is cheating because dbstack should probably be considered extralinguistic, but it is available in all Matlabs.)
f = #(x) ~x || feval(str2func(getfield(dbstack, 'name')), x-1)
This is an anonymous function that counts down from x and then returns 1. It's not very useful because Matlab lacks the ?: operator and disallows if-blocks inside anonymous functions, so it's hard to construct the base case/recursive step form.
You can demonstrate that it is recursive by calling f(-1); it will count down to infinity and eventually throw a max recursion error.
>> f(-1)
??? Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached. Use set(0,'RecursionLimit',N)
to change the limit. Be aware that exceeding your available stack space can
crash MATLAB and/or your computer.
And you can invoke the anonymous function directly, without binding it to any variable, by passing it directly to feval.
>> feval(#(x) ~x || feval(str2func(getfield(dbstack, 'name')), x-1), -1)
??? Maximum recursion limit of 500 reached. Use set(0,'RecursionLimit',N)
to change the limit. Be aware that exceeding your available stack space can
crash MATLAB and/or your computer.
Error in ==> create#(x)~x||feval(str2func(getfield(dbstack,'name')),x-1)
To make something useful out of it, you can create a separate function which implements the recursive step logic, using "if" to protect the recursive case against evaluation.
function out = basecase_or_feval(cond, baseval, fcn, args, accumfcn)
%BASECASE_OR_FEVAL Return base case value, or evaluate next step
if cond
out = baseval;
out = feval(accumfcn, feval(fcn, args{:}));
Given that, here's factorial.
recursive_factorial = #(x) basecase_or_feval(x < 2,...
str2func(getfield(dbstack, 'name')),...
And you can call it without binding.
>> feval( #(x) basecase_or_feval(x < 2, 1, str2func(getfield(dbstack, 'name')), {x-1}, #(z)x*z), 5)
ans =
It also seems Mathematica lets you define recursive functions using #0 to denote the function itself, as:
(expression[#0]) &
e.g. a factorial:
fac = Piecewise[{{1, #1 == 0}, {#1 * #0[#1 - 1], True}}] &;
This is in keeping with the notation #i to refer to the ith parameter, and the shell-scripting convention that a script is its own 0th parameter.
I think this may not be exactly what you're looking for, but in Lisp 'labels' can be used to dynamically declare functions that can be called recursively.
(labels ((factorial (x) ;define name and params
; body of function addrec
(if (= x 1)
(return 1)
(+ (factorial (- x 1))))) ;should not close out labels
;call factorial inside labels function
(factorial 5)) ;this would return 15 from labels
Delphi includes the anonymous functions with version 2009.
Example from http://blogs.codegear.com/davidi/2008/07/23/38915/
// method reference
TProc = reference to procedure(x: Integer);
procedure Call(const proc: TProc);
proc: TProc;
// anonymous method
proc := procedure(a: Integer)
Because I was curious, I actually tried to come up with a way to do this in MATLAB. It can be done, but it looks a little Rube-Goldberg-esque:
>> fact = #(val,branchFcns) val*branchFcns{(val <= 1)+1}(val-1,branchFcns);
>> returnOne = #(val,branchFcns) 1;
>> branchFcns = {fact returnOne};
>> fact(4,branchFcns)
ans =
>> fact(5,branchFcns)
ans =
Anonymous functions exist in C++0x with lambda, and they may be recursive, although I'm not sure about anonymously.
auto kek = [](){kek();}
'Tseems you've got the idea of anonymous functions wrong, it's not just about runtime creation, it's also about scope. Consider this Scheme macro:
(define-syntax lambdarec
(syntax-rules ()
((lambdarec (tag . params) . body)
((lambda ()
(define (tag . params) . body)
Such that:
(lambdarec (f n) (if (<= n 0) 1 (* n (f (- n 1)))))
Evaluates to a true anonymous recursive factorial function that can for instance be used like:
(let ;no letrec used
((factorial (lambdarec (f n) (if (<= n 0) 1 (* n (f (- n 1)))))))
(factorial 4)) ; ===> 24
However, the true reason that makes it anonymous is that if I do:
((lambdarec (f n) (if (<= n 0) 1 (* n (f (- n 1))))) 4)
The function is afterwards cleared from memory and has no scope, thus after this:
(f 4)
Will either signal an error, or will be bound to whatever f was bound to before.
In Haskell, an ad hoc way to achieve same would be:
\n -> let fac x = if x<2 then 1 else fac (x-1) * x
in fac n
The difference again being that this function has no scope, if I don't use it, with Haskell being Lazy the effect is the same as an empty line of code, it is truly literal as it has the same effect as the C code:
A literal number. And even if I use it immediately afterwards it will go away. This is what literal functions are about, not creation at runtime per se.
Clojure can do it, as fn takes an optional name specifically for this purpose (the name doesn't escape the definition scope):
> (def fac (fn self [n] (if (< n 2) 1 (* n (self (dec n))))))
> (fac 5)
> self
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: self in this context
If it happens to be tail recursion, then recur is a much more efficient method:
> (def fac (fn [n] (loop [count n result 1]
(if (zero? count)
(recur (dec count) (* result count))))))
