Dynamic time-series prediction and rollapply - r

I am trying to get a rolling prediction of a dynamic timeseries in R (and then work out squared errors of the forecast). I based a lot of this code on this StackOverflow question, but I am very new to R so I am struggling quite a bit. Any help would be much appreciated.
#create variables
for(i in 2:100) y[i]=1+x[i-1]+0.5*y[i-1]+rnorm(1,0,0.5)
mod<-dynlm(formula = y ~ L(y) + L(x), data = series) #get model
#make forecast
#strip timeseries information
This returns:
20 21 ..... 80
10.18676 10.18676 10.18676
Which has two problems I was not expecting:
Runs from 20->80, not 40->100 as I would expect (as the width is 40)
The forecasts it gives out are constant: 10.18676
What am I doing wrong? And is there an easier way to do the prediction than to write it all out? Thanks!

The main problem with your function is the data argument to dynlm. If you look in ?dynlm you will see that the data argument must be a data.frame or a zoo object. Unfortunately, I just learned that rollapply splits your zoo objects into array objects. This means that dynlm, after noting that your data argument was not of the right form, searched for x and y in your global environment, which of course were defined at the top of your code. The solution is to convert series into a zoo object. There were a couple of other issues with your code, I post a corrected version here:
prediction<-function(series) {
mod <- dynlm(formula = y ~ L(y) + L(x), data = as.zoo(series)) # get model
# nextOb <- nrow(series)+1 # This will always be 21. I think you mean:
nextOb <- max(series[,'int'])+1 # To get the first row that follows the window
if (nextOb<=nrow(zoodata)) { # You won't predict the last one
# make forecast
# predicted<-coef(mod)[1]+coef(mod)[2]*zoodata$y[nextOb-1]+coef(mod)[3]*zoodata$x[nextOb-1]
# That would work, but there is a very nice function called predict
# I'm not sure why you used nextOb-1
# I added the square error as well as the prediction.
Your second question, about the numbering of your results, can be controlled by the align argument is rollapply. left would give you 1..60, center (the default) would give you 20..80 and right gets you 40..100.


Fastshap summary plot - Error: can't combine <double> and <factor<919a3>>

I'm trying to get a summary plot using fastshap explain function as in the code below.
p_function_G<- function(object, newdata)
newdata =
type = "prob")[,"AntiSocial"] # select G class
# Calculate the Shapley values
# boostFit: is a caret model using catboost algorithm
# trainset: is the dataset used for bulding the caret model.
# The dataset contains 4 categories W,G,R,GM
# corresponding to 4 diferent animal behaviors
shap_values_G <- fastshap::explain(xgb_fit,
X = game_train,
pred_wrapper =
nsim = 50,
newdata= game_train[which(game_test=="AntiSocial"),])
However I'm getting error
Error in 'stop_vctrs()':
can't combine latitude and gender <factor<919a3>>
What's the way out?
I see that you are adapting code from Julia Silge's Predict ratings for board games Tutorial. The original code used SHAPforxgboost for generating SHAP values, but you're using the fastshap package.
Because Shapley explanations are only recently starting to gain traction, there aren't very many standard data formats. fastshap does not like tidyverse tibbles, it only takes matrices or matrix-likes.
The error occurs because, by default, fastshap attempts to convert the tibble to a matrix. But this fails, because matrices can only have one type (f.x. either double or factor, not both).
I also ran into a similar issue and found that you can solve this by passing the X parameter as a data.frame. I don't have access to your full code but you could you try replacing the shap_values_G code-block as so:
shap_values_G <- fastshap::explain(xgb_fit,
X = game_train,
pred_wrapper =
nsim = 50,
newdata= as.data.frame(game_train[which(game_test=="AntiSocial"),]))
Wrap newdata with as.data.frame. This converts the tibble to a dataframe and so shouldn't upset fastshap.

How to correctly take out zero observations in panel data in R

I'm running into some problems while running plm regressions in my panel database. Basically, I have to take out a year from my base and also all observations from some variable that are zero. I tried to make a reproducible example using a dataset from AER package.
require (AER)
library (AER)
data("Grunfeld", package = "AER")
#Here I randomize some observations of the third variable (capital) as zero, to reproduce my dataset
for (i in 1:220) {
x <- rnorm(10,0,1)
if (mean(x) >=0) {
Grunfeld[i,3] <- 0
panel <- Grunfeld
#First Method
#This is how I was originally manipulating my data and running my regression
panel <- Grunfeld
dd <-pdata.frame(panel, index = c('firm', 'year'))
dd <- dd[dd$year!=1935, ]
dd <- dd[dd$capital !=0, ]
ols_model_2 <- plm(log(value) ~ (capital), data=dd)
#However, I couuldn't plot the variables of the datasets in graphs, because they weren't vectors. So I tried another way:
#Second Method
panel <- panel[panel$year!= 1935, ]
panel <- panel[panel$capital != 0,]
ols_model <- plm(log(value) ~ log(capital), data=panel, index = c('firm','year'))
#But this gave extremely different results for the ols regression!
In my understanding, both approaches sould have yielded the same outputs in the OLS regression. Now I'm afraid my entire analysis is wrong, because I was doing it like the first way. Could anyone explain me what is happening?
Thanks in advance!
You are a running two different models. I am not sure why you would expect results to be the same.
Your first model is:
ols_model_2 <- plm(log(value) ~ (capital), data=dd)
While the second is:
ols_model <- plm(log(value) ~ log(capital), data=panel, index = c('firm','year'))
As you see from the summary of the models, both are "Oneway (individual) effect Within Model". In the first one you dont specify the index, since dd is a pdata.frame object. In the second you do specify the index, because panel is a simple data.frame. However this makes no difference at all.
The difference is using the log of capital or capital without log.
As a side note, leaving out 0 observations is often very problematic. If you do that, make sure you also try alternative ways of dealing with zero, and see how much your results change. You can get started here https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/1444/how-should-i-transform-non-negative-data-including-zeros

Writing a function in R to plot ROC curve using pROC

I'm trying to write a function to plot ROC curves based on different scoring systems I have to predict an outcome.
I have a dataframe data_all, with columns "score_1" and "Threshold.2000". I generate a ROC curve as desired with the following:
plot.roc(data_all$Threshold.2000, data_all$score_1)
My goal is to generate a ROC curve for a number of different outcomes (e.g. Threshold.1000) and scores (score_1, score_2 etc), but am initially trying to set it up just for different scores. My function is as follows:
roc_plot <- function(dataframe_of_interest, score_of_interest) {
plot.roc(dataframe_of_interest$Threshold.2000, dataframe_of_interest$score_of_interest)}
I get the following error: Error in roc.default(x, predictor, plot =
TRUE, ...) : No valid data provided.
I'd be very grateful if someone can spot why my function doesn't work! I'm a python coder and new-ish to R, and haven't had much luck trying a number of different things. Thanks very much.
Here is the same example with mtcars so it's reproducible:
plot.roc(mtcars$vs, mtcars$mpg) # --> makes correct graph
roc_plot <- function(dataframe_of_interest, score_of_interest) {
plot.roc(dataframe_of_interest$mpg, dataframe_of_interest$score_of_interest)}
Error in roc.default(x, predictor, plot = TRUE, ...) : No valid data provided.
roc_plot(mtcars, vs)
Here's one solution that works as desired (i.e. lets the user specify different values for score_of_interest):
plot.roc(mtcars$vs, mtcars$mpg) # --> makes correct graph
# expects `score_of_interest` to be a string!!!
roc_plot <- function(dataframe_of_interest, score_of_interest) {
plot.roc(dataframe_of_interest$vs, dataframe_of_interest[, score_of_interest])
roc_plot(mtcars, 'mpg')
roc_plot(mtcars, 'cyl')
Note that your error was not resulting from an incorrect column name, it was resulting from an incorrect use of the data.frame class. Notice what happens with a simpler function:
foo <- function(x, col_name) {
foo(mtcars, mpg)
This returns NULL. So in your original function when you tried to supply plot.roc with dataframe_of_interest$score_of_interest you were actually feeding plot.roc a NULL.
There are several ways to extract a column from a data.frame by the column name when that name is stored in an object (which is what you're doing when you pass it as an argument in a function). Perhaps the easiest way is to remember that a data.frame is like a 2D array-type object and so we can use familiar object[i, j] syntax, but we ask for all rows and we specify the column by name, e.g., mtcars[, 'mpg']. This still works if we assign the string 'mpg' to an object:
x <- 'mpg'
mtcars[, x]
So that's how I produced my solution. Going a step further, it's not hard to imagine how you would be able to supply both a score_of_interest and a threshold_of_interest:
roc_plot2 <- function(dataframe_of_interest, threshold_of_interest, score_of_interest) {
plot.roc(dataframe_of_interest[, threshold_of_interest],
dataframe_of_interest[, score_of_interest])
roc_plot2(mtcars, 'vs', 'mpg')

How to use a string as a formula in r

I'm trying to do an ANOVA of all of my data frame columns against time_of_day which is a factor. The rest of my columns are all doubles and of equal length.
x = 0
for (i in names(data_in)){
if(x > 9){
test <- aov(paste(i, "~ time_of_day"), data = data_in)
x = x+1
Running this code gives me this error:
Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Where is my code calling $? How can I fix this? Sorry, I'm new to r and am quite lost.
My research question is to see if time of day has an affect on brain volume at different ROIs in the brain. Time of day is divided into three categories of morning, afternoon or night.
treating the string as a formula will allow this to run although I have been advised to not have this many independent values as it will inflate the statistical results of the model. I am not removing this incase someone has a similar problem with the aov() call.
x = 0
for (i in names(data_in)){
if(x > 9){
test <- aov(as.formula(paste(i, "~ time_of_day")), data = data_in)
x = x+1
I guess your problem is that you don't have an ANOVA formula integrated into your aov() function. See the following working example:
data_in <- data.frame(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6),c(7,8,9))
names(data_in) <- c("first","second","third")
for (i in seq_along(names(data_in))){
test <- aov(data_in$first ~ data_in$second, data = data_in)
However, it seems that you tried to calculate an ANOVA for each column, whereas you need at least two variables. That is, a nominal scaled condition variable and an interval scaled dependent variable (e.g. gender and weight). So I'm generally wondering if an ANOVA is the correct method for your question. Anyways, in order to answer this question, sample data and a summary of your research question would be needed.

Linear regression for multivariate time series in R

As part of my data analysis, I am using linear regression analysis to check whether I can predict tomorrow's value using today's data.
My data are about 100 time series of company returns. Here is my code so far:
returns <- read.zoo("returns.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", format="%d-%m-%y")
returns_lag <- lag(returns)
lm_univariate <- lm(returns_lag$companyA ~ returns$companyA)
This works without problems, now I wish to run a linear regression for every of the 100 companies. Since setting up each linear regression model manually would take too much time, I would like to use some kind of loop (or apply function) to shorten the process.
My approach:
test <- lapply(returns_lag ~ returns, lm)
But this leads to the error "unexpected symbol in "test2" " since the tilde is not being recognized there.
So, basically I want to run a linear regression for every company separately.
The only question that looks similar to what I wanted is Linear regression of time series over multiple columns , however there the data seems to be stored in a matrix and the code example is quite messy compared to what I was looking for.
Formulas are great when you know the exact name of the variables you want to include in the regression. When you are looping over values, they aren't so great. Here's an example that uses indexing to extract the columns of interest for each iteration
#sample data
x.Date <- as.Date("2003-02-01") + c(1, 3, 7, 9, 14) - 1
returns <- zoo(cbind(companya=rnorm(10), companyb=rnorm(10)), x.Date)
returns_lag <- lag(returns)
$loop over columns/companies
xx<-lapply(setNames(1:ncol(returns),names(returns)), function(i) {
today <-returns_lag[,i]
yesterday <-head(returns[,i], -1)
This will return the results for each column as a list.
Using the dyn package (which loads zoo) we can do this:
z <- zoo(EuStockMarkets) # test data
lapply(as.list(z), function(z) dyn$lm(z ~ lag(z, -1)))
