Run PowerShell script from ASP.NET -

I have been trying out running a PowerShell script from with no success for a few days already.
The C# is:
using (var process = new Process())
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.FileName = #"powershell.exe";
startInfo.Arguments = "arguments that call the script here";
startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
startInfo.RedirectStandardError = false;
startInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
process.StartInfo = startInfo;
The PowerShell script it calls contains the ff:
robocopy "\\network-server\location" "C:\localfolder" "testmovefile.txt"
Obviously the problem here would be the proper credentials. But I have tried doing all sorts of impersonation stuff, whether from C# or in the script level. I tried doing this to the PowerShell script:
$username = "domain\user"
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString –String "password" –AsPlainText -Force
$pp = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username,$password
start-process powershell -argument "C:\localfolder\CopyFile.ps1" -Credential $pp
It works when I run the script in the PowerShell console locally, even when using an account that has no permissions to the network, however when called from the web app.. nothing happens.
The App Pool Identity is just set to the default App Pool Identity though.. I found out that if I change the identity to a custom account with the proper rights.. it works.
I am still trying to search for a different solution.. I want a scenario that you can just change anything in the script and it will still still run. Any is OK as long as it does not change the app pool identity.
I tried these as well:
using runspace in c# instead of process and using an impersonator How do you impersonate an Active Directory user in Powershell?
But it still doesn't work. I keep on getting access denied. Question is, is it possible to make it work by impersonating someone inside PowerShell?

App pool identities have very limited access to the local file system (and none outside the local computer). You will need to modify ACLs on the file system to give the identities the access they need.
In Server 2008 (or Vista) this has to be done with the command line (eg. icacls.exe) as the permissions GUI does not support app pool identity; with later versions this can be done with the GUI.
Process Monitor is a good tool for working out where access is being blocked.
However if you need to access network resources this will not work. App pool identities are purely local, they have no meaning on the network. You need to use a domain account with the applicable access (or multiple local accounts with the same name and password).


Transaction not connected when the app is called from a website

I have a console application that uses SQLNCLI10 to connect a SQL Server 2008 R2. This applications needs to be executed from a ASP.NET MVC website hosted in the same server, and its output readed.
This is the code for executing the application on the MVC:
var proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process
StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
FileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PB_EXE"],
Arguments = Credentials.ClientId + " " + reference,
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
When the application is executed from the MVC, the PBTransaction objects returns the generic "Transaction not connected" sql error.
The thing is, the application runs well with a .bat that call the executable with parameters. Even more, a simple WinForms using the same code above, gets the transaction connected successfully.
I have alredy tried setting the ApplicationPool of the website to the administrator of the server, with the same results.
What I'd check first to solve connectivity issues on a PB.NET console application.
Putting some logging into the console application and examine the Transaction object immediately before and after attempting the connection. It will likely provide necessary information to identify the culprit.
Make sure PowerBuilder database connectivity run-time libraries (e.g. PBORA010.DLL) are installed on the server and accessible to the role running the application.
If the connection uses ODBC/JDBC make sure any DSNs needed on server are accessible to the console application.

Difference between starting process from Console applciation and ASP.NET application

I have a Web API application that needs to run a Python script which in turn runs a Perl script:) does some otehr stuff and get the output results from it.
The way I do this is with starting a Process:
var start = new ProcessStartInfo()
FileName = _pythonPath, //#"C:\Python27\python.exe",
Arguments = arguments, //#"D:\apps\scripts\
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardError = true
using (Process process = Process.Start(start))
using (StreamReader reader = process.StandardOutput)
var result = reader.ReadToEnd();
var err = process.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
return result;
The script inside tries to connect to Perforce server using P4 Python API and then Perl script call a P4 command as well. When running this code from Console application, everything goes fine. The program automatically gets the Perforce settings (I've got a P4V client with all the settings specified). But when running from ASP.NET Web API, it doesn't get the settigns and says that it cannot conenct to perforce:1666 server (I guess this is the standard value when no settign specified).
I do understand that not so many people use Perforce, especially in such way and can help here, but would like to know what is the difference between running this script from Console app and Web API app that mich cause this different behaviour.
One of the most obvious differences between running code from a console application and running code in IIS* is that, usually, the two pieces of code will be running under different user accounts.
Frequently, if you're experiencing issues where code works in one of those situations and not the other, it's a permissions or a per-user-settings issue. You can verify whether this is the case by either running the console application under the same user account that is configured for the appropriate IIS application pool, or vice verse, configure the application pool to use your own user account, and then see whether the problem persists.
If you've confirmed that it's a permissions issue and/or per-user-settings, then you need to decide how you want to fix it. I'd usually recommend not running IIS application pools under your own user account - if you cannot seem to get the correct settings configured for the existing application pool user, I'd usually recommend creating a separate user account (either locally on the machine or as part of your domain, depending on what's required) and giving it just the permissions/settings that it requires to do the job.
*IIS Express being the exception here because it doesn't do application pools and the code does end up running under your own user account.

Running perl script from application deployed on IIS 7.5

I have a very urgent requirement. I have a application on framework 4.0 done in MVC architecture. In the application I am calling a Perl script to copy data from MySQL to SQL Server 2010 in the backend. When I run the application from Visual Studio 2010, the Perl script runs successfully and the data is copied. But when I deploy the same application on IIS 7.5, it does not show any change or the Perl scipt does not run. I tried printing each step of the code and found all the paths are coming correct. The perl script is to be run via a batch file.
Below is the code to start the process which runs a batch file which in turn runs the Perl script:
string strPath = string.Empty;
string strDirectory = string.Empty;
try {
strPath = "/k " + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadTLInfo"];//Path of the batch file comes from here
strDirectory = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WorkingDirectory"];
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe",strPath);
psi.UseShellExecute = false;
psi.WorkingDirectory = strDirectory;
//psi.CreateNoWindow = true;
//psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo = psi;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ex;
Most probably, your issue will be related to user permissions - when you run from VS, you are probably using ASP.NET Dev server and it users current user's credentials while when you run from IIS, it would be using NETWORK_SERVICE (or similar system users) that may have limited permissions causing the issue. Another (but unlikely) issue can be that batch file and/or pearl might be relying on some environment variable that are not defined at machine level etc.
One of the solution would be to run the process impersonating another user that has specific permission and/or environment (see this to run process as another user).

SDelete called from page

I want to use SDelete after some code is run on an page. SDelete is a command line tool. My specific question is has anyone been able to run this SDelete from an page? More generic question would be, how do you run a command line utility from an page?
You can run a command line utility using the Process Class
Process myProcess = new Process();
myProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
// You can start any process, HelloWorld is a do-nothing example.
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\\HelloWorld.exe";
myProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
One more example closer to, that I wait to end, and read the output.
Process compiler = new Process();
compiler.StartInfo.FileName = "c:\\hello.exe";
compiler.StartInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
compiler.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
compiler.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
compiler.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
compiler.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
compiler.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
// here I run it
// here I get the output
string cReadOutput = compiler.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
Aristos' answer will work in cases where user privs are in order and the SysInternals EULA is acknowledged. By that, I mean the sdelete.exe utility from SysInternals will be run under the Asp.Net account assigned in IIS. If that account doesn't have the proper permissions and hasn't accepted the popup EULA, the file isn't deleted. I'm facing that very issue right now.
You can specify the domain/user/password used to run the process. That is outlined here:
The author of that thread had similar problems, which he cleared up by changing the ownership of the sdelete.exe file.
This thread also has some information about logging in as the user used to execute the process and accepting the SysInternals EULA:
sdelete.exe is not working with cfexecute
However that isn't feasible if you plan on using the built-in Asp.Net system accounts since those user accounts don't allow typ login. I may be forced to create a separate user that I can login with and accept the EULA, then specify those credentials to run the process. Unfort in my case, though, I may not have the option of creating users on my production server.
There are ways to force the EULA accept with a command line param, or a simple registry entry. But I think that only works for "regular" users--not the built in system users. run program with Administrator account

I need to run one console application from ASP.NET application using Administrator account and with Desktop interaction enabled. I have tried code below, console app runs ok but within NETWORK SERVICE account. Any ideas how to run console under Administrator account?
string enginePath = Server.MapPath(#"~/engine/MyConsole.exe");
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(enginePath, "");
System.Diagnostics.Process p = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(info);
you could use impersonation, there is an example here
personally i dont like impersonation in, you need to deal with passwords either not being changed or changing them in code. Is there no way to run what you want as the user?
You could acyually impersonate the network service by using "NETWORK SERVICE" as the user name, that would at least allieviate the password issues a little,
Another user already suggested impersonation. If that's good enough, there you go. Like he said, though, there are some maintenance headaches to deal with and some security implications.
Some options that I've used in the past which may or may not be applicable in your situation are:
If the task is on a predictable schedule, just add it to the Scheduled Tasks in Windows, set the appropriate worker account (Administrator, or whatever), and let 'er go. I believe there are also ways to programmatically trigger a scheduled task, but I've never had to do that. A Google search should get you going.
Implement the console app logic as a service running under the appropriate account. Then have the service listen for a "trigger" from your web app--a file drop or something simpler.
Either way the idea is to avoid storing any credientials in your ASP page, and to not have to grant that process rights it doesn't need.
You can use a manifest file and built it into your console application that will instruct it to always run under an admin account. See this example.
If this doesn't work for you then you could try passing in Admin account credentials in the ProcessStartInfo property e.g.
string enginePath = Server.MapPath(#"~/engine/MyConsole.exe");
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(enginePath, "");
info.UserName = "Administrator";
info.Password = "Password";
System.Diagnostics.Process p = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(info); p.WaitForExit();
