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Closed 10 years ago.
My site is cross-browser compatible but in IE9 it is showing the extra space between navigation and content part.
You can see the issue here.
How can I fix it?
You are getting lots of whitespace because you are using position:relative and then using clear="all" tags after. This is pushing all of your content down below that. Try using absolute positioning (position:absolute;) instead and make the parent container position:relative;
I think you've got a lot more to worry about here though. Your coding is a big mess and it makes it extremely difficult to pinpoint the error(although I think that is it). I recommend taking all your CSS and putting it in a separate style.css stylesheet and consider doing the same for javascript.
Also you have 161 errors in your script as well as 194 warnings. (see for yourself at These errors are going to cause all sorts of problems for you and make it extremely hard to get everything to layout as you like (also google will punish your search engine results). I know there are a lot of errors but it won't be so bad to go through and fix them all as most are duplicates. Also you will learn all sorts of new things :) Hope that helps!
It's the div with id="navBreadCrumb" that causes the space, as it has a top margin of 190px. The margin collapses with the outer element and pushes the div with id="new_main" down. Then you are using relative positioning to make the content display 90px furter up.
If you remove the margin and the relative positioning, you get rid of 100px of blank space.
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Closed 9 years ago.
I want to put my image over accordion div container and keep it clickable, so my image override it only visually. How I can do that?
My page that I need to edit is there.
That's what I want to make my page look like:
Actually, this is possible in most browsers with CSS (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IOS, Android. A full list available HERE)
img {
pointer-events: none;
Not supported in IE10 or below.
There are also number of Javascript solutions including THIS ONE using Jquery that are usable in IE.
You won't be able to sit the image over the top and have the links clickable. The only solution I can think of is to slice the image into two parts, placing one above the accordion and one to the left. Even doing that, though, will mean the blue +s will not be clickable, as the image will have to sit over them. And getting the two parts of the sliced image to match wouldn't be fun, either. (I'm sure some old browser or two would mess it up for you.)
Honestly, my suggestion is to rethink this, as it's not practical for the web. I would suggest placing the whole image as a background on the accordion and living with the girl's hand pointing to the links without actually hovering over them.
This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
The image is pulled in, then the posts. I'd like the posts to float up next to the image and fill the space to the right. I've tried various combos of the image float/left, the posts float/left or right, display:inline-block on things (I've also pulled the h3 just to muck around with it and it didn't matter).
I have a feeling it has to do with widths of the posts divs, because when I had the first post with very little text it would float up to the vertical version of a thumbnail (that got loaded), but if the post had a full chunk of text, forget it.
So what am I missing. :) Danke.
You are correct, it does have to do with the width of your homeFloat divs.
Block level elements will make themselves as wide as their container by default. This will push them down under other containers when floated. In order to make them float next to other items, you need to specify a width (or a max-width), such that homeFloat + image + padding is equal to or less than the width of the container.
Edit: Also, make sure everything is properly wrapped in elements. <p> tags will wrap around floated images like you're looking for, so it should be doable with a little reworking of your HTML.
This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
Having IE7 only issues with spacing on this page:
The image below shows the large space above and below the feature boxes, and above the footer content.
I can see that many people have issues with margins in IE7, but I am using padding. I am also using Eric Meyer's reset.css. However, the content is floated which seems part of the problem.
Appreciate any guidance!
I found that this big blank space is because of margin-bottom added to 'entry-content' class. This class is added to div right under H1. You can remove that margin-bottom and add it to H3 with 'Find out why' text. In my case that solved problem :)
Btw. on Chrome when You hover on Tahini Cookies image the image move's down. That is weird...
To repair footer blank space add in styles display inline-block like below
#footer-container {
display: inline-block;
Big blank space above footer is because You have height added to #primary-menu and #container. I tried to remove that but then I noticed that after that menu is not height enough so I modified both heights to min-height: 563px (number is up to You). Is that what You are expecting?
I found help at
And today I don't have that wierd jumping Tahini Cookies image. Can You tell me what was that and how did You repaire this?
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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm working on a project and I'm attempting to style a specific link type in the same way as Adi Palaz uses here to define external links. I have my code set up the same as his but for some reason display: inline-block is overflowing the containing <li> element (which has a defined width) so that the list elements stack 2 side-by-side.
Can someone tell me how to go about forcing the link "The Mountain and the Mole Hill" at bottom of this demo, development page ( to break lines? I thought inline-block was expressly for the purpose of have text that is displayed as a block level element yet still breaks lines. The even stranger thing is that changing it to display: inline doesn't force a line break but rather just causes the text to overflow the defined width :(
EDIT My apologies for not explaining further. If you look at this link ( you will see how this developer used white-space: nowrap (which is needed) to achieve the desired effect I'm going for. What I really need to know is why it is working for him but not me.
Just remove white-space:nowrap;
in your style sheet 'line 206' you are setting the width, it is doing exactly what you are telling it to do, you will need to make it wider or add clear: both; to the li.
You've set white-space:nowrap on this link. That's why it won't break.
This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
Website Link
Okay, I'm having trouble with IE issues, go figure. I'm still novice at getting websites to look right in IE. Like on each page, the elements in the right side, or right column, get bumped down. And the little triangle images on the footer are screwed up too. I know their is a fix, I'm just having trouble finding it. Any ideas? Thanks! :)
Note: I am testing in IE7
the Doctype is fine, it's rendering in IE8 standards mode for me, so that's a good sign
here's one of them.. there's too much to figure out in one go ;)
this one should fix the alignment of the nav menu I think there must be a text-align: center somehwere but even without tracking it, I'd recommend just getting explicit, help out poor IE where you can ;).. so explicitly tell the nav menu (which is absolutely positioned) to align to the left side - this one doesn't need to be IE specific as it does no harm
#nav {
left: 0;
the main problems I can see are all float related and a bit of math in the footer, a useful rule to remember for IE7 and below, is to always help IE count ;)
I made your footer-wrap the 1001px necessary to contain all the stuff inside it, the I also positioned it relatively so the 2 x triangle effects could be absolutely positioned to the left and right with a negative top position to sit them on top on the wrap.
Then after that the main problems are with how you're floating, in both places, header and footer you have right floated elements after a non-floated element, this doesn't really work and may even be unstable in other browsers, it's easy to fix you just float the left content left too, then you need to make the containers #header and #footer-wrap and #footer float too and explicitly give them their width.. the width is 941px in the footer div's cases because they have 60px padding which makes them total 1001px - this is what I mean by helping IE.. make it obvious for it!
anyway there's a working (in IE7) link in JSBin - EXAMPLE
I've embedded style.css into the head of the document to make making changes easier.. and all changes are in there, there is still a scrollbar in IE7 and I can't figure out where that's coming from, but hopefully this will give you a good start to help visualise what