Custom LESS styles like Bootstrap's "spanX" - css

I want to make a LESS style like so:
that I can apply to to make all the elements have a line-height of 50px and be vertically aligned.
Where 50 is a variable.
This is as far as I have got:
But this:
A) Doesn't even work
B) I would have to apply to each td instead of the tr

Take a look on how .span1-.span12 classes are being defined in Twitter Bootstrap's LESS files (source). They are defined using so called "mixins" (see example here) that are then executed (example here).
From Bootstrap's code (mixins.less):
// The Grid
#grid {
.core (#gridColumnWidth, #gridGutterWidth) {
.spanX (#index) when (#index > 0) {
(~".span#{index}") { .span(#index); }
.spanX(#index - 1);
.spanX (0) {}
/* ... a lot of code here ... */
/* ... other code ... */
Usage of mixins (within grid.less):
// Fixed (940px)
#grid > .core(#gridColumnWidth, #gridGutterWidth);
// Fluid (940px)
#grid > .fluid(#fluidGridColumnWidth, #fluidGridGutterWidth);
Good start would be to learn more about mixins:
But I have one advice: if you want this to work for every value of mentioned "variable", then stop. This must be compiled to CSS and CSS will not make you able to do what you wanted (to apply styles dynamically for every class matching criteria, based on part of the class's name), better rethink your idea.


How I exclude more than one element with CSS selector group? [duplicate]

I'm trying to select input elements of all types except radio and checkbox.
Many people have shown that you can put multiple arguments in :not, but using type doesn't seem to work anyway I try it.
form input:not([type="radio"], [type="checkbox"]) {
/* css here */
Any ideas?
Why :not just use two :not:
Yes, it is intentional
If you're using SASS in your project, I've built this mixin to make it work the way we all want it to:
#mixin not($ignorList...) {
//if only a single value given
#if (length($ignorList) == 1){
//it is probably a list variable so set ignore list to the variable
$ignorList: nth($ignorList,1);
//set up an empty $notOutput variable
$notOutput: '';
//for each item in the list
#each $not in $ignorList {
//generate a :not([ignored_item]) segment for each item in the ignore list and put them back to back
$notOutput: $notOutput + ':not(#{$not})';
//output the full :not() rule including all ignored items
&#{$notOutput} {
it can be used in 2 ways:
Option 1: list the ignored items inline
input {
/*non-ignored styling goes here*/
#include not('[type="radio"]','[type="checkbox"]'){
/*ignored styling goes here*/
Option 2: list the ignored items in a variable first
input {
/*non-ignored styling goes here*/
#include not($ignoredItems){
/*ignored styling goes here*/
Outputted CSS for either option
input {
/*non-ignored styling goes here*/
input:not([type="radio"]):not([type="checkbox"]) {
/*ignored styling goes here*/
Starting from CSS Selectors 4 using multiple arguments in the :not selector becomes possible (see here).
In CSS3, the :not selector only allows 1 selector as an argument. In level 4 selectors, it can take a selector list as an argument.
/* In this example, all p elements will be red, except for
the first child and the ones with the class special. */
p:not(:first-child, .special) {
color: red;
Unfortunately, browser support is somewhat new.
I was having some trouble with this, and the "X:not():not()" method wasn't working for me.
I ended up resorting to this strategy:
/* styles */
INPUT[type="radio"], INPUT[type="checkbox"] {
/* styles that reset previous styles */
It's not nearly as fun, but it worked for me when :not() was being pugnacious. It's not ideal, but it's solid.
If you install the "cssnext" Post CSS plugin, then you can safely start using the syntax that you want to use right now.
Using cssnext will turn this:
input:not([type="radio"], [type="checkbox"]) {
/* css here */
Into this:
input:not([type="radio"]):not([type="checkbox"]) {
/* css here */

How to make parent selector interpolated in the middle of nested selector in sass/scss

I'd like to get the result below using sass nesting
.box {...} {...}
I tried code like this, but it causes an error.
.box {
h3.&-title {
I'd like to know if there is any way to do this keeping sass nesting?
I know that it's not good to write HTML element on CSS,
but I'm working on a project that I can't modify existing CSS and need to overwrite them.
Try this:
.box {
#at-root h3#{&}-title {
I used the sass interpolation #{} to compile expectedly the value of &, and #at-root to prevent the prefix .box (prevent resulting to .box because we want only - without the prefix .box)
Here's the captured result:
Anyway, I don't think this is a good practice to write sass/scss
are two different class names. Unless is a child of .box, honestly, there's no reason you should be nesting it.
Also & is used to look for additional class names. i.e.
.box {
&.box-title {}
would be {}

How to write "any span that is a child of label is extended by x, whether it has a class or not" using SASS?

I'd like that every span that is a child of a label receive an extension, and at the same time simplify the SASS and remove repetition.
e.g. I'd like to rewrite this:
label > span {
extend #informational;
label > {
extend #informational;
/* other info stuff */
label > span.error {
extend #informational;
/* other error stuff */
Into something resembling this:
label {
span {
extend #informational;
} {
/* other info stuff */
/* this also gets extended, but no explicit extension statement here */
span.error {
/* other error stuff */
/* this also gets extended, but no explicit extension statement here */
because just extending the span does not also extend a (though I'd expect it to).
Is there a way? All the combinations I've attempted (including the one above) have failed.
I've also tried this without using #extend but through repeating the CSS in informational within each relevant block, to the same effect. This makes it a CSS problem (afaics) but if it can be solved using SASS that's fine too.
You may have other style rules that are overriding whatever is in your #informational extension for your span elements with classes. That's as far as I can see as well...
If that is the case you'll have to keep your class selectors so they make up for the less specific span selector, but you can group them together like this so you don't have to repeat the extend #informational; statement (you'll also want to use > if you're specifically only looking for children, and not just descendants at any nesting level):
label {
> span, >, > span.error {
extend #informational;
> {
/* other info stuff */
> span.error {
/* other error stuff */
If you're not interested in which specific classes your span elements have, as long as they either have or don't have a class attribute, you could use an attribute selector instead as a cheap hack:
label {
> span, > span[class] {
extend #informational;
/* ... */

Can the :not() pseudo-class have multiple arguments?

I'm trying to select input elements of all types except radio and checkbox.
Many people have shown that you can put multiple arguments in :not, but using type doesn't seem to work anyway I try it.
form input:not([type="radio"], [type="checkbox"]) {
/* css here */
Any ideas?
Why :not just use two :not:
Yes, it is intentional
If you're using SASS in your project, I've built this mixin to make it work the way we all want it to:
#mixin not($ignorList...) {
//if only a single value given
#if (length($ignorList) == 1){
//it is probably a list variable so set ignore list to the variable
$ignorList: nth($ignorList,1);
//set up an empty $notOutput variable
$notOutput: '';
//for each item in the list
#each $not in $ignorList {
//generate a :not([ignored_item]) segment for each item in the ignore list and put them back to back
$notOutput: $notOutput + ':not(#{$not})';
//output the full :not() rule including all ignored items
&#{$notOutput} {
it can be used in 2 ways:
Option 1: list the ignored items inline
input {
/*non-ignored styling goes here*/
#include not('[type="radio"]','[type="checkbox"]'){
/*ignored styling goes here*/
Option 2: list the ignored items in a variable first
input {
/*non-ignored styling goes here*/
#include not($ignoredItems){
/*ignored styling goes here*/
Outputted CSS for either option
input {
/*non-ignored styling goes here*/
input:not([type="radio"]):not([type="checkbox"]) {
/*ignored styling goes here*/
Starting from CSS Selectors 4 using multiple arguments in the :not selector becomes possible (see here).
In CSS3, the :not selector only allows 1 selector as an argument. In level 4 selectors, it can take a selector list as an argument.
/* In this example, all p elements will be red, except for
the first child and the ones with the class special. */
p:not(:first-child, .special) {
color: red;
Unfortunately, browser support is somewhat new.
I was having some trouble with this, and the "X:not():not()" method wasn't working for me.
I ended up resorting to this strategy:
/* styles */
INPUT[type="radio"], INPUT[type="checkbox"] {
/* styles that reset previous styles */
It's not nearly as fun, but it worked for me when :not() was being pugnacious. It's not ideal, but it's solid.
If you install the "cssnext" Post CSS plugin, then you can safely start using the syntax that you want to use right now.
Using cssnext will turn this:
input:not([type="radio"], [type="checkbox"]) {
/* css here */
Into this:
input:not([type="radio"]):not([type="checkbox"]) {
/* css here */

CSS overriding dilemma

Basically I have a theme in my ASP.NET application and it contains a css file that turns all my tables blue, which looks great.
It looks like this
background-color: #DEF1FF;
border-color: #DEF1FF;
// TD properties
But now I want one table to be a different colour. I created a class to override it:
I set a <table class="BlankTable"> and I have two problems:
firstly, if I put another table inside that one, it does not inherit BlankTable but uses the original table part of the css file
secondly, if I use the td part to set a td specific property (like padding), it doesn't carry across - <table class="BlankTable><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table> results in the using the td I put in the CSS file.
Ideally what I want is to set my CSS code like this:
table { // properties }
td { // properties }
so it uses the table/td properties I specify for the .Blank css class. Is there any way to do this or to refactor my code somehow so I can have all tables looking blue by default, and be able to override it easily?
You can do that, but the syntax is :
.Blank table { // properties }
.Blank table td { // properties }
These last 2 rules will match a table and td located inside anything with class "Blank".
Use it like this:
.Blank table {...}
.Blank td {...}
Although I must warn you: there are rare cases where you should use a table inside another table.
The other answers are correct, but it's worth pointing out that this is just one type of CSS selector (the descendant selector). There are all sorts of other CSS selectors that you might want to use to target specific elements.
It's worth getting familiar with them - you might be surprised with what can (and can't) be done. (Using jQuery will also be a lot easier if you are familiar with CSS selectors.)
