FireFox and AjaxControlToolKit Combobox -

I'm using the .NET framework 4.0 and the corresponding version of the Ajax control toolkit.
On my page I have a combobox defined like this:
<asp:ComboBox ID="cbUserName" AutoCompleteMode="SuggestAppend"
CaseSensitive="false" runat="server" BackColor="#FFFFCC">
In IE9 the combobox allows me to either type in it or select from the list of users. In FireFox, however, it's not letting me type in the box. The dropdownlist also doesn't filter when I'm typing in FireFox either. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this behavior, and if there's a work-around?
For what it's worth, the demo on the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit site actually works fine in FireFox.

I was also getting the problem of not being able to enter text into a Combobox in FireFox, but I could in IE and Chrome. After a day of looking into the problem I found that setting the MaxLength property to something greater than 0 allowed FireFox to accept entry in the text field for the combobox.
I hope this helps someone having the same problem.

ddlBox.SelectedIndex = 0
Until the latest iteration of Ajax control toolkit, I didn't need to set that. But then I updated, and I couldn't type into the empty text box, which used to be displayed with the first item. So I added that code and it works fine again.

The similar issue has been reported here, make sure you used the same version of firefox and toolkit. If not try to upgrade them and again try.

<ajaxToolkit:ComboBox ID="ComboBox1" runat="server" DropDownStyle="DropDownList" AutoCompleteMode="SuggestAppend" CssClass="" AppendDataBoundItems="false">
This worked for me in firefox.
Im not sure if you mistaking the ability to type but a combobox will only allow you to type out the ListItems. so in this case it will only allow you to type out Fox..

I experienced the same problem. I couldn't find an elegant solution online so I built my own AjaxControlToolkit.dll from two different sets of the toolkit source code.
I used everything from the latest release except for I replaced ComboBox.cs and ComboBox.pre.js with their versions from AjaxControlToolkit_8502f32ba9ce. (~July 2011)

Try using:
ajaxToolkit:ComboBox ID="ComboBox1" runat="server" DropDownStyle="DropDownList"
AutoCompleteMode="SuggestAppend" CssClass="" AppendDataBoundItems="false"


Image Buttons click are not working in IE 11 while clicking on it in c#

Image Button Click is working sometimes. sometimes notihng is happening when i click on it.
I have given two image buttons in gridview.
Im using .Net Framework 4.5
getting error in __doPostBack('Download_Click','') only in IE 11
Aspx code
<asp:ImageButton ID="gridbtndownload" ToolTip="Download" CommandName="Download"
OnClientClick="link();" CommandArgument='<%#((GridViewRow) Container).RowIndex %>'
runat="server" ImageUrl="Download_Icon.png" alt="Download" />
cs code
DirectoryInfo folder = new DirectoryInfo(mypath); folder.Delete(true);
There is a well known IE 10/11 bug, which requires you to upgrade .NET Framework and ASP.NET to workaround,
Try to follow the direction if your call stack matches it.
Make sure that next time you post as much information as possible so that others can help you out. When you type too little, your question will be voted to close.

Telerik window is not shown

I am using telerik window control in my popup. In some cases when the page is loaded the pop up window skin is missing. Only the page inside window is displayed. I had searched every where for its answer but unable to find it.
<telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManagerUserAgreement" ShowContentDuringLoad="false" VisibleStatusbar="false" ReloadOnShow="true" runat="server" EnableShadow="true">
<telerik:RadWindow ID="UserRequestRadWindow" Title="<span style='margin- left:15px;'>Username and Password Request</span>" runat="server" Width="400px" Height="300px" Behaviors="Close" Skin="HCPro" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false">
If you are under IE you may have hit the 31 stylesheets limitation this browser has. Add a RadStyleSheetManager to your page to combine the requests in a single file. Confirm this by testing in Firefox or Chrome as well. Also, make sure your requests are ok, your stylesheets may not be present on the page in case you are adding them dynamically and something goes wrong with your code.
Please remove Skin="HCPro" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false".
HCPro is not a valid telerik skin, unless you implemented one by yourself.
Here are the valid skin names from telerik -
Black, Default, Forest, Hay, Metro, MetroTouch, Office2007, Office2010Black, Office2010Blue, Office2010Silver, Outlook, Simple, Sitefinity, Sunset, Telerik, Transparent, Vista, Web20, WebBlue, Windows7

ASP.NET 2 Control Properties Databinding does not always work

I've got the beautiful task at hand to look at some nice legacy 2 code and implement some new controls.
It's my first attempt at (the classic one, i've experimented with mvc a bit) so i am not too fond of it.
Right now i am trying to understand why a databinding sometimes works and a similar binding wont work on another page.
<asp:ImageButton ID="SaveAsPDFButton" runat="server"
ImageUrl='<%#GetPdfIconSmallPath() %>'
ToolTip='<%$ Resources:SaveAsPDFButton.Text %>'
CausesValidation="false" />
While the Tooltip gets evaluated and set, the ImageUrl of this control wont be set. The function is not getting executed. I've tried all, even disabling ViewState on it.
On other places, this same code however works just fine, like this small snippet here which does exactly what you might expect it to do:
<asp:HyperLink ID="InvHl" runat="server">
<asp:Image ID="Img1" ImageUrl='<%#GetPdfIconSmallPath() %>' runat="server" />
Same thing occurs with the Visible Property of an ASP:Panel i have on other places in this page.
Any ideas on how to get this working appreciated!
We didnt really solve the problem but switched to the newest version of ASP.NET which does not show such a strange behaviour.

drop down list appears in front of my calender in

Drop Down list comes in front of all the controls. I have a calander extender for the text box which is right above(top) the drop down. when the calender pop's out it goes under i.e behind the drop down. Any solution friends.
How about posting some code/markup?
It wont like it via the google intellisense but you need to add the following to your DropDownList markup:
<asp:TextBox runat="server" id="TextBox1" autocomplete="off" />
By default if finds an attribute that it doesnt recognise then it simply passes it through into the underlying html that is generated.
Note 1: There is some kind of AutoComplete setting for this control but this doesnt do what you need it to do, you need the lowercase version like I have stated above.
Note 2: This is a non-standard attribute. It works in FF and IE but it will cause your validation to fail if you run it through the w3c checker.

ASP.Net WebForms requiredfieldvalidator not working in FireFox?

I have a WebForms app that uses a field validator on a dropdownlist. It works in IE but not FireFox.
This is pretty straightforward stuff I'm doing. Here are the setups for the dropdown and validator:
<asp:DropDownList ID ="dmbFileActNo" runat="server" CssClass="DROPDOWN_MEDIUM" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator EnableClientScript="true" id="rfvFileActNo" Display="None" ControlToValidate="dmbFileActNo" Runat="server" InitialValue="-1"></asp:requiredfieldvalidator>
I'm running ASP.Net 2.0 on the web server. Javascript is enabled on the FireFox browser-- this problem happens on all FF browsers I've tested, on multiple everyday machines, so I don't believe it's due to a locked down install.
Client-side validation may not work in all browsers and in all scenarios. It's important to make sure that you always do validation on the server as well.
You may also want to take a look at what the DetermineRenderUpLevel() method on your validation control is returning in FF. Behind the scenes, it checks to see that the following are true:
The browser has client script
The W3CDomVersion property of the
HttpBrowserCapabilitiesBase object
that is stored in the
HttpRequest.Browser property is 1 or
The EcmaScriptVersion property of the
HttpBrowserCapabilitiesBase object
that is stored in the
HttpRequest.Browser property is 1.2
or later.
I got this working by modifying the web.config. As it turns out, someone had <xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"/> in there, which is an older setting (the current default is "transitional"). Thanks for everyone's help.
Sometimes sends different HTML/ javascript to different browsers. Check your browsercap file/settings
I have faced this problem and it was a problem of using the point character "." inside the id property of controls
