Over the last 2 months, I've been trying to learn the new MVC framework. After getting my head around all the object oriented concepts, I created a test site using MVC3, EF4 w/ DbContext, and ASP.Net Membership provider. All was going pretty well. Then, I decided to dive in and learn testing, starting with Unit Testing.
After 2 weeks of banging my head against my keyboard, I now feel as frustrated as can be. I've gone through tons of video tutorials (TekPub, Plural-sight), online tutorials (ASP.Net, Microsoft, etc..etc..) and plenty of StackOverflow questions/answers. I now sort-of (ha!) understand Loose Coupling, Dependency Injection, Respositories, Interfaces, Stubs, Mocks (yes, I read the Fowler article many times), Shims, lambdas, refactoring...the list goes on and on (...and on.). I've looked at Ninject, Structuremap, Moq, TypeMock, JustMock, nUnit, xUnit, etc...
So I know there are a bunch of ways to skin this cat. Now I see that VS11/MVC4 is coming out and they have this thing called Fakes which seem to be a good option for static methods like the Membership stuff.
My question:
I want to test my MVC EF4/DbContext/Membership application. Most of my pages require an authenticated user [Authorize] and thats before I even get to the actual method to be tested.
If you were just starting out (like me), what is the simplest and easiest route to testing my CRUD application? I don't necessarily like having a DI framework running on the production side (just another thing that might go wrong) and I find the fracking things are confusing as all get out.
I could upgrade to VS11/MVC4 and try the Fakes approach. Appears to be slightly simpler but still seems like I need all the Respository/Interfaces for EF stuff.
Or would you just chuck it and use an Integration Test tool like Selenium (which is what I had to use before with Forms based development)?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Sorry if this is a lousy question but I'm hoping for a ray of light here...
For all versions of mvc or programs its almost same way of testing.
You sould have most of your logic based on interfaces.
this will allow you to separate concerns and unit test anything you need also this will give you posiibility to fake (create fake implementations) or mock (create class on runtime that will represent logic you want, using Mock, or Rhino Mock) the logic.
You can read more about basic unit testing here:
also i would recomend you have a look on book where Steven Sanderson has example application including unit testing of most parts.
Here you have introduction to MOQ
You have alternative such as rhino mock:
and some examples:
Of course everything here leads to : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ekstremalna-przerobka-asp-net--czesc6-podzial-obowiazkow.aspx
I am trying to make a website in ASP.NET MVC, but I am not really sure how I should organize things. N-Tier applications seem to work nice, but since I am a beginner programmer it is pretty hard to understand. I just want to create a small web application where people can login and create pages. In these pages they can add others things. The database won’t be bigger than 10 tables I think. Even though it is a small application, I would like to use some best practices that N-Tier applications use.
Is this a good approach? Or is it very wrong? :
Models that represent the entities in my database.
Interfaces and implementations for my repositories and unit of work. Also my NHibernate mappings.
Interfaces and implementations for my services.
My controllers, viewmodels and views. The controllers get data from services and pass data (viewmodels) to views so I think it’s part of the UI.
There are no hard and fast rules about how to organise your project.
That looks pretty logical to me and seems to follow a lot of hte examples that i have seen across the internet.
All that matters is that its logical to you and your team in my opinion.
Take a look at this link as well, might be a lot of useful information for you there:
Best practices for MVC architecture
That sounds like a neat layering.
Define clearly on what goes in DAL, BLL and Web.MVC. Because people can have difference in opinion in what goes into business logic and ui logic, I suggest to have a weekly review of what has went into each layers - to start with.
One suggestion is to call Project.UI.Web instead of Project.UI.Web.MVC.
I recently worked at HP doing several ASP.NET MVC3 projects as I came from a software background I was relatively new to the inner workings of MVC3 as well as the best practices.
During this time I somewhat adapted the coding style of fellow co-workers and ways of designing my pages that I still stick with to this day. With all of this in mind my main question is what would anyone recommend for learning material; books/videos/tutorials. I can learn from any of those resources and I would love to know that I am coding properly.
I have several projects under my belt and many large scale business solutions that I have coded using Razor and ASP.NET but there are times where I feel that what I am doing is either very hacky or just an inefficient way of coding things. The larger the project is the more difficult it becomes to add new features because of this.
I think this is my lack of experience in coding but at the same time I would like to overcome this and I feel that with the mass experience I do have with MVC3 I could adapt to a easier style or design pattern that would help me not only optimize my code but become a much better web developer. If anyone has any suggestions on books or training sites or anything please let me know as I would love to get better.
Thanks in advance to anyone that has been in my shoes and is willing or capable of recommending anything!
I was dealing with the same issue and found it useful to make a mind map. While it's impossible to give you a full understanding, I can try point you in the right direction with some basic ideas.
download/view (http://www.xmind.net/share/highroad/mvc3-design-pattern/)
Are you familiar with design patterns? Well they exists with MVC applications too :)
If you want to talk the talk and understand what people including myself are talking about, you would need to know the typical design patterns that come with building what they call enterprise level applications. These design patterns are the only real way to begin to understand the concepts.
These patterns structure complex business logic in ways that have become the tried and tested solutions (design patterns) to the design challenges the developer's face.
In the diagram notice there are 3 main layers:
Presentation Layer
Business Logic Layer
Data Access Layer
Some of the highly used design patterns when dealing with Model View Controller in ASP.NET include:
Business Logic Layer Design Patterns:
Active Record. Models relate exactly to the database like in lightweight frameworks e.g. Ruby on Rails). When creating new MVC3 application with ASP.NET and scaffolding views and controllers, this is how it sets it up. Is perfect for less complex applications. So why not just use Ruby on Rails? I would
Domain Logic Layer. Uses MVC with the controller containing very little code and create lots of extra models that can do complex logic, the MVC is only for presentation. Often with this style of layer, a lightweight layer called a Service Layer can be used to call all the functions in the Domain Layer from the controllers i.e. the controller calls the method in the Service Layer class which calls the domain layer. This design pattern seems to be very popular with people who enjoy object oriented programming. See link below to my (quite basic) project designed using Domain layer.
Transaction Script - Use the controller to do a lot of the logic work per action, the problem is a lot of actions need to do the same things so there will be code repetition
For the Data Access Layer:
Something like entity framework models combined with a repository which can perform any SQL queries you need.
Not going into all the patterns for this layer but they include: Data Mapper
With simple apps, there is no real data access layer, it only becomes necessary if you use the Domain Layer in the business layer (which usually is the case)
Depending on what structure your application takes, your Models will mean very different things. In general they will not be models linked to the database (the default when creating a new app makes them like this). Instead they will be ViewModels which are only responsible for holding data that each of the views will need.
I have created a ssample app which you can see here.
I don't know if this is an example of an enterprise solution, but I have learned a lot from the techniques found in RaccoonBlog. I like how the Layout.cshtml and other razor files use RenderAction to modularize the views.
The project is an example of MVC3 using RavenDb, but it's also one of the best real world applications I've seen since it's actually used in production.
Hope this helps.
When I first heard about ASP.NET MVC, I was thinking that would mean applications with three parts: model, view, and controller.
Then I read NerdDinner and learned the ways of repositories and view-models. Next, I read this tutorial and soon became sold on the virtues of a service layer. Finally, I read the Fluent Validation documentation, and I'll be darned if I didn't end up writing a bunch of validators.
Tonight, I took a step back and thought about what had become of my project. It seems to have become the victim of the design pattern equivalent of "feature creep". Somehow I'd gone from Model-View-Controller to Model-Repository-Service-Validator-View-ViewModel-Controller. You want loosely coupled and DRY? We got your loosely coupled and DRY right here! But I'm wondering if this could be a case of too much of a good thing.
Am I right to be concerned? Or is this actually not as crazy as it sounds? On one hand, it seems crazy to have so many layers. On the other hand, every layer has a clearly defined purpose that makes sense to me. Have your MVC applications turned into MRSVVVMC apps too? If not, what do they look like? Where's that right balance?
If you have one form with three attributes, this is overkill.
But if you have a 'real' application, and the responsibilities of each layer are well defined, I'd consider it pretty reasonable.
It sounds to me like you found a pattern and went looking for a problem. You should find a problem, and use the appropriate tool from your toolbox... not all the tools. Unless this is an academic exercise of course.
I have read many articles on the MVP pattern. Some folks say it is too complex and some say it's outdated. However to me it would seem like the perfect way to provide unit testing access to the UI - which is what I'm aiming to achieve.
Have you used MVP and if so what do you think?
Model View Presenter, Model View Controller, traditional three tier (UI/Business Logic/Data Storage) or virtually any other architecture that isolates the various concerns of your code help you write tests.
Often the architecture is somewhat dictated by your tool: the Asp.Net MVP tags seem to indicate that you have already made your choice there. The trickiest part to test in any configuration is the UI, because even if you create a mock UI that performs all the functions the user can... at some point you will have to render it in a browser and assure yourself that the theory is sound.
Note that this does not discount the benefits of a mock presenter UI with unit tests that exercise all the options the user will have: doing so puts you light years ahead of someone doing straight UI testing alone. On the other hand, I have yet to find a program where the UI always rendered as we expected in every browser. Finding these cases still requires human intervention (or at best something like Selenium or Test Complete once you have the initial run-throughs).
Regarding the "obsolete" aspect, I think that is a red herring. There are of course religious wars regarding architectural choices, but the reason that MVP is being used in some ASP.NET projects is that there are quite a few who felt the traditional ASP.NET stack was too tightly integrated between the UI and the Business Logic. (I'm one of them.) For small projects that tight coupling isn't that big of a deal, and contributes to the quick "bring it up and running" ability of the form designer with databinding. In large projects, the limitations of these tools show up in a hurry, and having a "middle" tier hacked back in after the fact is a challenge: one you don't have to face with MVP.
I did an ASP.NET project using MVP last year. Yes, I was able to cover more with unit testing than I could before in the webforms world, but it felt hacky. Also, try explaining what you are doing to someone else. For some reason, people have a hard time grokking it. If I had to do it over again, I'd go with the ASP.NET MVC framework, since it is officially supported with tons of documentation and buzz, and not just a hack.
I am just starting a new ASP.NET project and using the MVP pattern. I did consider the MS MVC but it is not released yet and would be a big learning curve for some people on the team, so I opted for MVP now and possibly future projects MVC.
Anyway, it seems I will have a single Controller/Presenter class for every webform I have it the project. This is a lot of extra classes, essentially doubling the number of files in the web project. Is this how other people structure MVP or what are the alternatives?
This seems to be a common misconception -> "More files/classes == more complex"
The reason we chose to follow a UI separation pattern is to help separate concerns, make code easier and cheaper to change and maintain and (big, important and) we can unit test the complex parts and still keep the UI layer slim.
I'm going with the beta ASP MVC. The reason being, that while it is still only a beta (PDC very soon, that may have an impact on release and we've had 5 preview releases) it has a better framework to support this style than I could write in a reasonable time frame.
You could of course go with another framework, like castle monorail.
I think a lot of it depends but in most cases that is really the way it ends up going.
I personally use a n-tier architecture with data, business, presentation code. (Who knows what actual format I follow). I do get a lot more files than if I did everything in the aspx, but the code is much easier to manage.
To your question - I have seen many different takes on MVP and seen nothing that reduces the number of files, and I can't think of a way to reduce the number of files.
In my experience, I have reused view interfaces and even code behinds where the view structure is identical, but presenting different data. And you could also think of reusing the controllers where applicable.
I think it is worthwhile to note that having more files will be a natural consequence of moving to a more agile and test-drive development and developers will find it more and more natural as they go. (Just like some of us find it very natural having lots of methods inside a single file...)