BlazeDS default messaging for 1500 clients - apache-flex

I am having Flex + Spring BlazeDS Integration + Java combination for my project. This project is deployed on weblogic server. As we know whenever a client connects to blazeDS it blocks one thread on the server and it is a limitation for the maximum number of concurrent clients for one BlazeDS instance.
In my case I am supposed to have around 300,000 updates every hour and at any moment of time around 500 concurrent client can be there. In extreme case it can be all 1500 clients connected to the application. What is the best possible solution for that?
If I try to convince my clients to use LCDS they would like to know the exact number that our current setup can support. For that I tried to use neoload but could not make much progress in that direction.
So If any body has used such a setup and can advise me what shall I do, it would be really great!!

After some research (we may have a similar situation, it seems that blazeDS is not able to use NIOs. Here is a link about it. They offer a solution that seems broken with newer versions of tomcat. So I guess blazeDS is not the one to use in your usecase.
If you cannot go with LCDS, a good free solution is graniteDS, supporting asynchronous servlets


Component distribution using EJBs: always treat as last resort?

Some former colleague of mine once told me before, remotely distributing EJBs should always be treated as a last resort. According to him, oftentimes, the drawbacks on this implementation outweigh the benefits.
So, when would remotely distributing EJBs be really recommended? what type of situation?
I mean, if I have a web centric app suffering performance degradation because its server cant handle the load, I can have its server load balanced instead.....rather than separate the business component using EJB.
Anyone can enlighten me on this?
Not all so simple. EJB technology is the best for applications integrity, based on javaee. Some examples:
Remote EJB is simplest way to get access to server business
functions from remote application (remote client). But now, when
application clients became more thinner and thinner, role of the
remote EJBs lost.
If your business service spreads among several
java application, EJB services is simple way (not only one) to
integrate them together.
Some more background regarding the actual problem might help. I was not able to understand the question completely since it began with EJBs and why or why not should we use them remotely and ended up talking about performance degradation. How are these two related in the context of the problem you are facing ?

What are the basic requirements for using WebSockets serverside?

I'm trying to learn about WebSocket as I see many possibilities with it and would like to explore it, but I am having a hard time understanding the basic requirements for it.
There exist a ton of blogs out there praising WebSocket like was it God and they explain how to develop WebSocket applications brilliantly.
However I don't understand when they all shortly mention that you need a WebSocket compatible server and then none of them tells you how to set it up and what you need to do to make it work properly when you call it through your client side scripts etc. - Even fails to explain it.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Say I have an ASP.NET website and would like to use WebSocket to push notifications, maybe even have a chatroom. What would I need to do to make my Javascript-based chatroom application working?
If you are using ASP.NET, you will need IIS8 to work with WebSockets integrated in the app (so you would need Windows 8 or Windows 2012). Or, you can have a WebSocket server in another port/server.
If your "push" requirements are not very exigent, you can try SignalR: Check out their tutorials to get started. But again, you won't be able of using WebSockets unless you are using IIS8.
Other WebSocket frameworks are XSocket.NET and SuperWebSocket. Or if you want you can take a look at my WebSocketListener that I am developing, that is just a lightweight WebSocket connector and nothing more, although it is under heavy development at the moment.
From client side, the WebSocket API is the same for all browsers.
Your question is very broad and not any particular problem specific.
WS (WebSockets) is protocol that is implemented in most modern browsers and platforms, and is well consistent.
But same way as you need something to be as HTTP web server (ASP.Net + IIS, Apache + PHP, node.js, python, etc) you need similar or compatible technology for WebSockets. As it is different protocol, your technology have to support. From "recognising" traffic as WS, directing to right process via socket/proxying, handshaking, deserializing traffic into actual data, and providing you an interface to work with all of it.
So you need basically google: "%YOUR TECH/LANGUAGE% WebSockets". That will give you information on how to use WS on your platform.
You need to understand specifics that it is different protocol, so it might not be that "friendly" with some complicated infrastructure cases.
ASP.Net 4.5 do support WebSockets by default, just find documentation on how to use it in ASP.Net.
And this question would not be raised if you would try to do some experimentation and prototyping with WebSockets in first place.

BlazeDS,GraniteDS, LiveCycleDS, WebOrb for Java which gives best performance?

Does anyone have experiance in a lot of these?
I'm not so intrested in the pdf creation part of LCDS.
Just for flex messaging which would give me the best performance? As far as I know LCDS and WebOrb both do real time streaming is that correct?
Basically the question is which gives quickest response and which will allow for most client connected to a single servlet container.
Edit 1
This may be clearer what I want. I'm looking to server at least 5000 clients with sub second response times with push messages, I'm trying to figure out which is the most scalable option, I've been quoted several million push messages a day. Obviously we can throw more servers at the problem I'm not convinced thats the most maintainable option.
Its not media streaming I'm looking for, but more event updates. It must work without sticky sessions.
LiveCycleDS & WebOrb are the only ones providing messaging using sockets through RTMP protocol. Note that in this case the clients are not connected to a servlet container, but to a dedicated server included in the product distribution (bypassing the servlet mechanism).
There are more messaging servers on the market, Lightstreamer is one of them. Or Flash media server.
There are many more things to be taken into consideration when choosing a solution however (price, integration with various architectures (like DMZ) and frameworks, paid support, documentation, your relation with the sales representative etc).

What AMF Servers Support Remote Shared Objects?

Greetings. I'm planning on building a Flex based multiplayer game, and I'm researching what will be required for the server end. I have PHP experience, so I started looking at ZendAMF.
Now in this game, I'll need the concept of rooms, and real time updates to clients in those rooms, so it looks like I'll be using remote shared objects (correct, yes?). I'm not seeing where ZendAMF can support this.
So I found this page:
It seems to indicate that ZendAMF isn't going to do what I want. WebORB for PHP seems to be the only PHP based solution that does messaging, but on that page it doesn't mention "real-time" next to it like the Java based ones below it do.
What should I be looking at for the server piece with my requirements? Do I need to make the jump to something like BlazeDS and try to pick up a bit of Java knowledge?
I'd highly reccommed flash media server if you have the cash.
I've had good expereince with it in the past
Both ZendAmf and weborb use http long pulling. Think of it as pinging to check for updates. If you really need TRUE realtime push notification then PHP will not be your answer due to it not having threads or long running processes. WebOrb has several servers in other languages along with BlazeDS, RubyAMF, PyAmf, and of course LCDS from adobe that allows for true messaging.
I think you already know the answer, but for other people looking into this as well:
All *AMF solutions use HTTP as transfer protocol and can't have permanent connection. AMF is sent encoded through HTTP and then it's closed.
When you want to use "real" real-time (RTMP,RTMPT), you have choices like:
opensource: Red5 (Java), BlazeDS (Java), FluorineFX (.NET)
commercial: Wowza Media Server (Java), WebORB (.NET and Java)

Tools for hacking Flex data connections

I'm in the process of building a test plan for validating the security of our Flex/J2EE application. I believe we have some issues with trusting the Flex application too much, but I need to be able to quantify those issues.
The ideal way would be a way to show me making data service calls outside of the application. Are there tools or instructions for how one might go about doing this? I really don't want to find these things out after we release to our beta customers. :)
Charles is an excellent HTTP debugging proxy which can parse AMF data and display it as a tree. You can also set "breakpoints" to intercept a HTTP call and modify the AMF data in either the request or response.
Fiddler on Windows is great for monitoring http connections.
First, give the port on which Flex communicates to the J2EE server, then using Ethereal or Wireshark you can watch if it use an encrypted channel :-)
