p-value matrix of x and y variables from anova output - r

I have many X and Y variables (something like, 500 x 500). The following just small data:
yvars <- data.frame (Yv1 = rnorm(100, 5, 3), Y2 = rnorm (100, 6, 4),
Yv3 = rnorm (100, 14, 3))
xvars <- data.frame (Xv1 = sample (c(1,0, -1), 100, replace = T),
X2 = sample (c(1,0, -1), 100, replace = T),
Xv3 = sample (c(1,0, -1), 100, replace = T),
D = sample (c(1,0, -1), 100, replace = T))
I want to extact p-values and make a matrix like this:
Yv1 Y2 Yv3
Here is my attempt to loop the process:
prob = NULL
anova.pmat <- function (x) {
mydata <- data.frame(yvar = yvars[, x], xvars)
for (i in seq(length(xvars))) {
prob[[i]] <- anova(lm(yvar ~ mydata[, i + 1],
data = mydata))$`Pr(>F)`[1]
sapply (yvars,anova.pmat)
Error in .subset(x, j) : only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts
What could be the solution ?
For the first Y variable:
For first Y variable:
prob <- NULL
mydata <- data.frame(yvar = yvars[, 1], xvars)
for (i in seq(length(xvars))) {
prob[[i]] <- anova(lm(yvar ~ mydata[, i + 1],
data = mydata))$`Pr(>F)`[1]
[1] 0.4995179 0.4067040 0.4181571 0.6291167
Edit again:
for (j in seq(length (yvars))){
prob <- NULL
mydata <- data.frame(yvar = yvars[, j], xvars)
for (i in seq(length(xvars))) {
prob[[i]] <- anova(lm(yvar ~ mydata[, i + 1],
data = mydata))$`Pr(>F)`[1]
Gives the same result as above !!!

Here is an approach that uses plyr to loop over the columns of a dataframe (treating it as a list) for each of the xvars and yvars, returning the appropriate p-value, arranging it into a matrix. Adding the row/column names is just extra.
probs <- laply(xvars, function(x) {
laply(yvars, function(y) {
rownames(probs) <- names(xvars)
colnames(probs) <- names(yvars)

Here is one solution, which consists in generating all combinations of Y- and X-variables to test (we cannot use combn) and run a linear model in each case:
dfrm <- data.frame(y=gl(ncol(yvars), ncol(xvars), labels=names(yvars)),
x=gl(ncol(xvars), 1, labels=names(xvars)), pval=NA)
## little helper function to create formula on the fly
fm <- function(x) as.formula(paste(unlist(x), collapse="~"))
## merge both datasets
full.df <- cbind.data.frame(yvars, xvars)
## apply our LM row-wise
dfrm$pval <- apply(dfrm[,1:2], 1,
function(x) anova(lm(fm(x), full.df))$`Pr(>F)`[1])
## arrange everything in a rectangular matrix of p-values
res <- matrix(dfrm$pval, nc=3, dimnames=list(levels(dfrm$x), levels(dfrm$y)))
Sidenote: With high-dimensional datasets, relying on the QR decomposition to compute the p-value of a linear regression is time-consuming. It is easier to compute the matrix of Pearson linear correlation for each pairwise comparisons, and transform the r statistic into a Fisher-Snedecor F using the relation F = νar2/(1-r2), where degrees of freedom are defined as νa=(n-2)-#{(xi=NA),(yi=NA)} (that is, (n-2) minus the number of pairwise missing values--if there're no missing values, this formula is the usual coefficient R2 in regression).


How to make outputs of models which are not in broom tidy in R

I have been trying to make the output of a wfe model as tidy so I can easily incorporate it into ggplot and etc. This is a problem I've had with other packages and statistical models which are not included in broom.
So let's say I create a dataset like this: (taken from wfe's file):
library (wfe)
## generate panel data with number of units = N, number of time = Time
N <- 10 # number of distinct units
Time <- 15 # number of distinct time
## treatment effect
beta <- 1
## generate treatment variable
treat <- matrix(rbinom(N*Time, size = 1, 0.25), ncol = N)
## make sure at least one observation is treated for each unit
while ((sum(apply(treat, 2, mean) == 0) > 0) | (sum(apply(treat, 2, mean) == 1) > 0) |
(sum(apply(treat, 1, mean) == 0) > 0) | (sum(apply(treat, 1, mean) == 1) > 0)) {
treat <- matrix(rbinom(N*Time, size = 1, 0.25), ncol = N)
treat.vec <- c(treat)
## unit fixed effects
alphai <- rnorm(N, mean = apply(treat, 2, mean))
## geneate two random covariates
x1 <- matrix(rnorm(N*Time, 0.5,1), ncol=N)
x2 <- matrix(rbeta(N*Time, 5,1), ncol=N)
x1.vec <- c(x1)
x2.vec <- c(x2)
## generate outcome variable
y <- matrix(NA, ncol = N, nrow = Time)
for (i in 1:N) {
y[, i] <- alphai[i] + treat[, i] + x1[,i] + x2[,i] + rnorm(Time)
y.vec <- c(y)
## generate unit and time index
unit.index <- rep(1:N, each = Time)
time.index <- rep(1:Time, N)
Data.obs <- as.data.frame(cbind(y.vec, treat.vec, unit.index, time.index, x1.vec, x2.vec))
colnames(Data.obs) <- c("y", "tr", "unit", "time", "x1", "x2")
Now I run a model from the function wfe (again, code from the package's help file):
mod.did <- wfe(y~ tr+x1+x2, data = Data.obs, treat = "tr",
unit.index = "unit", time.index = "time", method = "unit",
qoi = "ate", estimator ="did", hetero.se=TRUE, auto.se=TRUE,
White = TRUE, White.alpha = 0.05, verbose = TRUE)
## summarize the results
My question is how to turn this output into a tidy object I could plot.
If I call tidy(mod.did) I get the following error:
Error: No tidy method for objects of class wfedid
Which I understand, but I am unsure as to how to solve. I tried mapping the individual parameters (coefficient, se, etc.) into a new list object but that did not work, so I hope that someone here knows of a more systematic way of doing this.
In case it helps, here's a dput of the output: https://pastebin.com/HTkKEUUQ
Here's a start at a tidy method:
library(dplyr); library(tibble)
tidy.wfedid <- function(x, conf.int=FALSE, conf.level=0.95, ...) {
cc <- (coef(summary(x))
%>% as.data.frame()
%>% setNames(c("estimate","std.error","statistic","p.value"))
%>% tibble::rownames_to_column("term")
%>% as_tibble()
Note that (1) I haven't implemented the confidence interval stuff (you could do this by using mutate to add columns (conf.low, conf.high) = term ± std.error*qnorm((1+conf.level)/2); (2) this gives the standard "tidy" method, which gives a coefficient table. If you want predictions and confidence intervals on predictions you will need to write an augment method ...

Function in R that performs multiple operations over columns of two datasets

I have two datasets, each with 5 columns and 10,000 rows. I want to calculate y from values in columns between the two datasets, column 1 in data set 1 and column 1 in data set 2; then column 2 in data set 1 and column 2 in data set 2. The yneeds nonetheless to follow a set of rules before being calculated. What I did so far doesn't work, and I cannot figure it out why and if there is a easier way to do all of this.
Create data from t-distributions
mx20 <- as.data.frame(replicate(10000, rt(20,19)))
mx20.50 <- as.data.frame(replicate(10000, rt(20,19)+0.5))
Calculates the mean for each simulated sample
m20 <- apply(mx20, FUN=mean, MARGIN=2)
m20.05 <- apply(mx20.50, FUN=mean, MARGIN=2)
The steps 1 and 2_ above are repeated for five sample sizes from t-distributions rt(30,29); rt(50,49); rt(100,99); and rt(1000,999)
Bind tables (create data.frame) for each t-distribution specification
tbl <- cbind(m20, m30, m50, m100, m1000)
tbl.50 <- cbind(m20.05, m30.05, m50.05, m100.05, m1000.05)
Finally, I want to calculate the y as specified above. But here is where I get totally lost. Please see below my best attempt so far.
y = (mtheo-m0)/(m1-m0), where y = 0 when m1 < m0 and y = y when m1 >= m0. mtheo is a constant (e.g. 0.50), m1 is value in column 1 of tbl and m0 is value in column 1 of tbl.50.
ycalc <- function(mtheo, m1, m0) {
ifelse(m1>=m0) {
y = (mteo-m0)/(m1-m0)
} ifelse(m1<m0) {
} returnValue(y)
You can try this. I used data frames instead of data tables.
This code is more versatile. You can add or remove parameters. Below are the parameters that you can use to create t distributions.
params = data.frame(
n = c(20, 30, 50, 100, 1000),
df = c(19, 29, 49, 99, 999)
And here is a loop that creates the values you need for each t distribution. You can ignore this part if you already have those values (or code to create those values).
tbl = data.frame(i = c(1:10000))
tbl.50 = data.frame(i = c(1:10000))
for (i in 1:nrow(params)) {
mx = as.data.frame(replicate(10000, rt(params[i, 1], params[i, 2])))
m <- apply(mx, FUN=mean, MARGIN=2)
tbl = cbind(tbl, m)
names(tbl)[ncol(tbl)] = paste("m", params[i, 1], sep="")
mx.50 = as.data.frame(replicate(10000, rt(params[i, 1], params[i, 2])+.5))
m.50 <- apply(mx.50, FUN=mean, MARGIN=2)
tbl.50 = cbind(tbl.50, m.50)
names(tbl.50)[ncol(tbl.50)] = paste("m", params[i, 1], ".50", sep="")
tbl = tbl[-1]
tbl.50 = tbl.50[-1]
And here is the loop that does the calculations. I save them in a data frame (y). Each column in this data frame is the result of your function applied for all rows.
mtheo = .50
y = data.frame(i = c(1:10000))
for (i in 1:nrow(params)) {
y$dum = 0
idx = which(tbl[, i] >= tbl.50[, i])
y[idx, ]$dum =
(mtheo - tbl.50[idx, i]) /
(tbl[idx, i] - tbl.50[idx, i])
names(y)[ncol(y)] = paste("y", params[i, 1], sep="")
y = y[-1]
You could try this, if the first column in tbl is called m0 and the first column in tbl.50 is called m1:
mteo <- 0.5
ycalc <- ifelse(tbl$m1 >= tbl.50$m0, (mteo - tbl.50$m0)/(tbl$m1 - tbl.50$m0),
ifelse(tbl$m1 < tbl.50$m0), 0, "no")
Using the same column names provided by your code, and transforming your matrices into dataframes:
tbl <- data.frame(tbl)
tbl.50 <- data.frame(tbl.50)
mteo <- 0.5
ycalc <- ifelse(tbl$m20 >= tbl.50$m20.05, (mteo - tbl.50$m20.05)/(tbl$m20 - tbl.50$m20.05),
ifelse(tbl$m20 < tbl.50$m20.05, "0", "no"))
This results in:
[1] "9.22491706576716" "0" "0" "0" "0" "1.77027049630147"

Performing a large number of 2-sample t-tests in R

So I am creating a function which allows me to take a data.frame and get a dataframe of p.values for each variable tested.
# data and labels
my_data <- data.frame(matrix(data = rnorm(10000), nrow = 100, ncol = 10000))
labels <- sample(0:1, 100, replace = TRUE)
# append the labels to the data, then filter
my_data$labels <- labels
sample_1 <- dplyr::filter(.data = my_data, labels == 0)
sample_2 <- dplyr::filter(.data = my_data, labels == 1)
#perform a t-test on each column
p_vals <- data.frame()
for(i in c(1:10000)) {
p_vals <- rbind(p_vals, t.test(x = sample_1[,i], y = sample_2[,i])$p.value)
This is functional, but I think/hope there would be a more efficient way to do this without the for loop. The data should be in rows because for later functions it will be important to keep track of which variable had which p value.
Instead of splitting the samples you can use the formula interface to t.test, and sapply over the columns of my_data to conduct the tests:
p_vals <- sapply( my_data, function(x) t.test(x ~ labels)$p.value )
This will make a vector of p-values, the order will be the same as the columns of my_data
You can also use the package genefilter:

Applying lm() using sapply or lapply

So I'm trying to use lm() with sapply.
#example data and labels
data <- matrix(data = runif(1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 10))
markers <- sample(0:1, replace = T, size = 100)
# try to get linear model stuff
Lin <- sapply(data, function(x) lm(unlist(markers) ~ unlist(x))$coefficients)
MY problem is that this gives me coefficients for 1000 equations rather than 10
You need to supply sapply with a data frame, not a matrix.
#example data and labels
data <- data.frame(matrix(data = runif(1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 10))
markers <- sample(0:1, replace = T, size = 100)
# try to get linear model stuff
sapply(data, function(x) coef(lm(markers ~ x)))
sapply(data, function(x) coef(lm(markers ~ x))[-1]) # Omit intercepts
X1.x X2.x X3.x X4.x X5.x
0.017043626 0.518378546 -0.011110972 -0.145848478 0.335232991
X6.x X7.x X8.x X9.x X10.x
0.015122184 0.001985933 0.191279594 -0.077689961 -0.107411203
Your original matrix fails:
data <- matrix(data = runif(1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 10)
sapply(data, function(x) coef(lm(markers ~ x)))
# Error: variable lengths differ (found for 'x')
Because sapply, which calls lapply, will convert its first argument, X, to a list using as.list before performing the function. But as.list applied to a matrix results in list with length equal to the number of entries in the matrix, in your case 1,000. as.list when applied to a data frame results in a list with length equal to the number of columns of the data frame, in your case 10, with the elements containing the values in each column.
> lapply
function (X, FUN, ...)
FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
if (!is.vector(X) || is.object(X))
X <- as.list(X)
.Internal(lapply(X, FUN))
<bytecode: 0x000002397f5ce508>
<environment: namespace:base>

How to extract the p.value and estimate from cor.test() in a data.frame?

In this example, I have temperatures values from 50 different sites, and I would like to correlate the Site1 with all the 50 sites. But I want to extract only the components "p.value" and "estimate" generated with the function cor.test() in a data.frame into two different columns.
I have done my attempt and it works, but I don't know how!
For that reason I would like to know how can I simplify my code, because the problem is that I have to run two times a Loop "for" to get my results.
Here is my example:
# Temperature data
data <- matrix(rnorm(500, 10:30, sd=5), nrow = 100, ncol = 50, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c(paste("Year", 1:100)),
c(paste("Site", 1:50))) )
# Empty data.frame
df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate="", P.value="")
# Extraction
for (i in 1:50) {
df1 <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i] )
df[,2:3] <- df1[c("estimate", "p.value")]
for (i in 1:50) {
df1 <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i] )
df[i,2:3] <- df1[c("estimate", "p.value")]
I will appreciate very much your help :)
I might offer up the following as well (masking the loops):
result <- do.call(rbind,lapply(2:50, function(x) {
pvalue <- cor.result$p.value
estimate <- cor.result$estimate
return(data.frame(pvalue = pvalue, estimate = estimate))
First of all, I'm guessing you had a typo in your code (you should have rnorm(5000 if you want unique values. Otherwise you're going to cycle through those 500 numbers 10 times.
Anyway, a simple way of doing this would be:
data <- matrix(rnorm(5000, 10:30, sd=5), nrow = 100, ncol = 50, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c(paste("Year", 1:100)),
c(paste("Site", 1:50))) )
# Empty data.frame
df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate="", P.value="")
estimates = numeric(50)
pvalues = numeric(50)
for (i in 1:50){
test <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i])
estimates[i] = test$estimate
pvalues[i] = test$p.value
df$Estimate <- estimates
df$P.value <- pvalues
Edit: I believe your issue was is that in the line df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate="", P.value="") if you do typeof(df$Estimate), you see it's expecting an integer, and typeof(test$estimate) shows it spits out a double, so R doesn't know what you're trying to do with those two values. you can redo your code like thus:
df <- data.frame(label=paste("Site", 1:50), Estimate=numeric(50), P.value=numeric(50))
for (i in 1:50){
test <- cor.test(data[,1], data[,i])
df$Estimate[i] = test$estimate
df$P.value[i] = test$p.value
to make it a little more concise.
similar to the answer of colemand77:
create a cor function:
cor_fun <- function(x, y, method){
tmp <- cor.test(x, y, method= method)
cbind(r=tmp$estimate, p=tmp$p.value) }
apply through the data.frame. You can transpose the result to get p and r by row:
t(apply(data, 2, cor_fun, data[, 1], "spearman"))
