Developing a news feed system - rss

I am developing a system that has a database for news headlines from various sources. I have not worked with RSS before so I am confused about a lot of things. Can anyone please point a good tutorial for how to develop such a thing? Thanks
In my mind, I have questions like:
1) How will I get the latest news feed? do I have to check the rss feed link every few minutes and see If it's different than the previous one?
2) Is it a good practice to parse the feed xml myself or use a feed reader kind of thing?
3) Will I have any control over the feed sent to me. e.g I only need news feed for Google or Intel.

RSS is a very standard format you can start learning at w3c school.
About your questions.
If you can talk with the RSS provider, maybe they can notify each time
something new comes. They can use, for example,
XML-RPC notification.
You can also ask the RSS provider how often should you check the feed
(in case they cannot provide any kind of notification).
I think it's better to develop your own bot. There is lot of
frameworks that can deal with rss format. In case you are working with C# you can try with SyndicationFeed Class
I'm not sure if I'm undestanding your problem, but if the provider
puts a RSS link at your disposal, you must actively navigate that
feed. When you have that feed, you can work with the metadata in
order to see what's interesting for you. For example checking "category" or "channel" node.



I just started podcasting, and made my first podcast. I recorded it and am using to level out the audio and add the intro and outro - once this is done, it pushes the mp3 output to AWS S3. It sounds amazing, the bucket is open to the public, and it's accessible to listen to via the URL made available in the file.
I need to create an RSS feed (for iTunes and to import podcasts onto my WordPress website via PowerPress). I spent too much time over the weekend researching this - I'm told that this can be done using AWS Lambda, but I can't seem to find any good examples of how this is done.
Can anyone offer good resources on how to create an RSS feed with AWS Lambda, or have other suggestions?
In the meantime, I've uploaded my podcast to, which creates the feed and I can import that way. is "free", but it looks like I'm essentially giving away my content, which is okay for now as I get started- but long term I'd like to create my own RSS, as noted above.
Any help is much appreciated - browsing AWS forum had several people asking this question with no answers.
Search engine results initially presenting links to podcasts by or about AWS, iTunes, etc. doesn't make finding any explicit answer(s) either.
Happily, I remembered enough from this Reddit comment. It may not be complete or direct enough to implement verbatim, but hopefully, it helps you a bit because it got me on the right track.

Looking for alternative to Google Reader sync for RSS app

I'm in the early stages of designing an RSS app, and I'd like to include syncing to an online RSS feed service as a feature. Most such apps make use of Google Reader's feed/syncing features, but Google is now moving sync out of its Reader service, and also its API remains undocumented. Are there any alternatives to Google Reader that offer online syncing of feeds with a desktop client, and which have a documented API?
There should be an answer to this question, but I don't think there is.
I think we got lazy. Maybe it's time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.
What about Newsblur?
Don't know anything about them, but they appear to have a reasonable facsimile of a product in this vein.
Here are their API docs.
They are a subscription service, but you can have up to 64 feeds for free.
A couple suggestions, the original web RSS Reader BlogLines is still around, though now under new management since MerchantCircle purchased the service late last year.
The APIs maybe still functional:
Or they may be deprecated/turned off, haven't tried the APIs myself.
If BlogLines API is no longer around a better bet is LiveDoor Reader (along with it's open sourced version is called FastLadder).
Livedoor Reader is a Japanese service, but FastLadder pages and documentation are available in english and Japanese.
Downloadable Open sourced versions for running on your own machines be they windows, Mac OSX, or Linux from here
There's also a FastLadder Google source Code page.
There are RSS apps for both IOS and Android that sync with LiveDoor Reader/FastLadder instances. Just search for LDR in their respective app stores.
I don't think there's a ready answer yet, but I think Brent Simmons has a rough spec of what could be a start:
Basically, imagine a server that manages feed subscription lists and captures annotations for feed items. Those annotations for items would be things like (un)read, starred, shared, saved, deleted, or whatever else an app might want to attach to a feed item. It should stay simple and not fetch or process feeds themselves - other apps and libraries do that fine already.
Feedlooks looks close too with no ties to Google Reader - not sure about the API, though
Years back, I'd used a self hosted Open Source app called Gregarious - It appears to have gone missing recently.
Here's the Gregarious Archive from 2010
Another contender for the do-it-yourselfer might be utilizing

How to create an xml feed from an application?

I am building a web application in which i will be using another websites services.
That website is asking me to provide it with "the URL of the XML feed". I am unable to understand, what is the URL of the XML feed and how to create a XML feed, as I am new to this.
Any code walkthroughs or articles will be helpfull.
Please help !
It sounds like what is being asked for is an Atom Feed. Building an atom feed in ASP.NET is pretty easy to do yourself, but existing libraries like Atom.NET will make it much easier to get going and will also help you follow the standard as closely as possible.

How to check whether rss feed provides older feeds or not?

I've done some googling on the topic of getting older rss feeds and found clues that there's a possibility that rss feed provides such service.
Is there a way to determine whether the feed does provide older records or not?
how about the ancient art of just asking the rss provider?

how to create a news aggregator?

Planning to start a small aggregator for a personal project, so far I have a few inquiries on gathering information for the site. I'm still clueless on where to begin. what kind of infrastructure do i need? where do i get the feeds and can I sort them out depending on the theme of the info requested?
any feedback is appreciated. thanks
This is a pretty open-ended question, but here's where I'd start:
Technology for handling feeds -- WCF Syndication. Also, read and understand the RSS and Atom specs.
Infrastructure -- depends on your situation. Is it just for you, or a few friends or are you talking about building the next Google Reader? If it's smaller-scale, then look at a hosting solutions like GoDaddy, DiscountASP.NET, etc. (There's hundreds of them.) If you're talking a larger-scale type of solution, look at hosting it in the cloud - Rackspace, Amazon, Windows Azure.
Where do you get feeds? Pretty much anywhere. Personally, if this site is for other users, let the users enter them in (why be in the business of trying to guess what feeds people would want to subscribe to?).
I think you need to provide more requirements in order to get more solid feedback. Start with looking at WCF Syndication and get a feel for that library in terms of how to programmatically handle RSS and ATOM feeds (both subscribing and publishing). Once you understand that, I think you'll have a better handle on your next steps.
Hope this helps.
