Sqlite database browser in android - sqlite

How can i attach the **database to my activity that i have created in sqlite database browser.
and can i write queries in sqlite database browser and will it run in my activity

See my answer in the following link. I think it will fully solve your problem.
Populating SQLite Database


How to use Sqlite Database in browser for offline usage

I have developed one application in ionic for offline mode. I have used sqlite database to store the data. Now i want to create a browser build. But sqlite is not supported in browser. Is there any way to use sqlite in browser?
Or else is there any database which works same as sqlite for browser.(kindly do not suggest websql database and pouchdb)
i am using pouchdb for now, but there is lots of redevelopment because queries in pouchdb and sqlite are very different
As of this moment there is no way of using SQLite with ionic in the browser. Did you maybe find a solution to your own problem?
For anyone reading this that wants to purely use SQLite in their app (instead of localstorage) you can use a livereload build on a test device and easily debug and test your code this way. Just connect dev tools and see all the console messages.

xamarin forms sqlite-net-pcl table not in db3 file

I am trying to make a cross platform app using a local sqlite db and I got the plumming for IOS and Android set up.
I get to the point where I can get the db using "adb.exe and pull". I use DB browser for Sqlite to view the db file. The file has no tables.
But when I look into the SQLiteConnection in the code I can see the tables and if I query I get data.
Any ideas?
-- update
maybe I shoud mention. I am using Visual Studio with Xamarin forms and sqlite-net-pcl
I think the table exist in the db since you can query data from the table.
Could you try to use another tool to view the DB file instead of DB browser?
And make sure the db you open is the correct one.
Here is a link that might help you:
How to use ADB in Android Studio to view an SQLite DB

Importing a database using sqlite, flutter app

My main goal is to import a database into a flutter app using sqlite(sqlflite plugin), instead of having to hard code all of the create tables into the apps code.
*I want the information to be accessed to the phone locally(access data from phone on airplane mode) that is why i am using sqlite
I am having trouble finding information on this online and was seeing if anyone had experience in doing this or has documentation/examples that could help.
i think you are looking for this :
Open an asset database in this case you must have the database already and you don't need to create tables
Flutter supports an open source module SQFlite. SQFlite is a way of storing app data in Flutter Application. SQFlite is a Database plugin for flutter. It is highly reliable and embedded Database engine. All the CRUD operation in the database will run on a background thread. You can see a simple example of this here.

Where the sQLite database file created ,stored in jQuery Mobile Application

In my jQuery Mobile App i have created sQlite Database and all transactions work successfully , and I want to see the DB file, I searched for it in my project directory but I didn't found it? Does phonegap create file for the created sqlite DB? and where is it? how I can pull the DB file in order to see the inserted data?
I have searched over the internet but I didn't found any answer ,please help me .. since I am new in jQuery Mobile.
Thanks in advance.
Most likely your database is being created in android's cache directory. The following stackoverflow followup answer by the original questioner and it's backlink to an earlier answer should be all you need:
Using PhoneGap for Android : Not able to create table in the database

How to delete a whole database from the browser using a query in sqlite?

Can you please tell me how to delete a whole database from the browser using a query in sqlite using Phonegap? I tried clearing all cache history, but the database is still there. I think I need to delete the database using a query to delete from the browser.
Clearing cache will not delete your Database,
you can clear your localstorage of browser by using window.localStorage.clear(); in phonegap. check here OR
If you want to drop your database use this command tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE Casepad.CaseTable'), you just refer this doc of phonegap for more on Database operations.
