QR Codes conversion - qr-code

I have a text to QR code converter. I want to use it to create QR codes like Website URL, YouTube Video, Google Maps Location, Telephone Number, Skype Call, SMS Message, Email Address, Email Message, Contact Details (VCARD), Event (VCALENDAR), Tlephone Number
Can you give me the codes to create it like I got to create Email-
SUB:I am sending this email using QR code;
BODY:I have stored all of your letters in QR codes.
[Add more here]
[Your Name];;
You can check my QR code generator

Note that only some QR code readers will recognize those different types and it's not universal for various phones/devices. You are better off keeping it simple with text string/URL until all devices adhere to standard. Android seems to support the most types and the reference implementation is their Barcode Scanner which is also open sourced on google code (zxing).
You can view their source for how they generate the different types... Then compare your output to theirs with this online generator:


How qr code triggering events works

I wonder how qr code trigger events. There are several type of qr code (URL, vCard, download...): what trigger the correct action? There is a special code in qr code or the App reader guess the correct action to take?
The so called payload of a QR code can consist of binary data, text or other (rarely) used type of data.
If the QR code contains text only, the reader has then to guess what it could be, mainly by looking at the start of the text, e.g.:
http:// or http://: a URL (web page to open)
BEGIN:VCARD: a vCard contact
WIFI: Wifi credentials
If the QR code contains binary data, then it's application specific data and a generic QR code reader cannot do anything with it.

How to generate a QR code from WeChat user id?

I want to be able to input a WeChat user id and somehow be able to generate the corresponding WeChat QR code on the screen.. is this possible and if so how do you do it?
Unfortunately, you can't.
3 years ago, you can generate QR code from URL: http://open.weixin.qq.com/qr/code/?username=<wechat_id>. However, this API is unavailable now. It seems Tencent disabled this interface due to security consideration -- this API can be easily abused to send spam invitation.
If you speak Chinese, please check https://www.zhihu.com/question/21384291 for discussion on this topic in history.
If you would like to create your own QR code for your WeChat profile, you must first download the current QR code of your profile in WeChat.
Go to your profile, go to “My QR Code” and select the three dots in the top right corner, select “Save Image”.
The QR code is now stored in your photo album.
Screenshot: How to get WeChat QR Code for your profile
Before you can create your own QR code, you must decode the URL to your profile from the downloaded QR code. To do so use the ZXing decoder.
Upload your QR code there and you will receive the URL that is behind the QR Code. Now you can use this URL to create a QR code for your profile.
In the following post you see detailed description how to create QR Codes for your profile or for official WeChat acccounts:
As it was written above, you can't create QR code by means of user ID, but you can use your QR code to generate a web-page containing a link to your WeChat profile using https://msng.link.
This can help to show links to your messengers in social network sites. This should take just a minute, I've made a video instruction for you here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Db8eNHSuSXM

SMS in QR Code?

According to this page an SMS is possible to get in a QR Code. I'm creating a generator but have no idea how they do it in their one. The scanner I'm using to test the codes brings theirs up with two fields, "to" and "body".
What information do you need to put in the qr code? For example, for the emails you require the mailto syntax.
There are two different things you can try:
Where +44 is the country code. Remember to URL encode the + as %2B.
Both should work on the majority of modern smartphones - but remember to double check using the phones your customers actually have.

Using a QR code instead of a barcode to read a number into a web form

I want to use generate a QR code for a docket number in a rails web app and print it on the docket. Later, a cashier will scan the QR code from the printed docket into a web form and submit it where my app will retrieve the docket record from a database using the submitted number. Is this feasible and how can I do this? The cashier may use any device from a tablet, phone or computer.
I know how to generate the required code but unsure of the feasibility of reading the code into an input form on a web page.
You need to capture image somehow.
http://miniqr.com/reader.php - This example use Flash & Webcam to make image and read qr code.
http://f.etf.unsa.ba/redmine/projects/nwt-html5-barcode-scanner - html5 solution (needs WebRTC)

Is it possible to encode multiple data in a QR code?

I have a classifieds webapp for our student union and want to create printable versions of the different ads, that students can print and distribute on the campus. To get further information, people should be able to read a QR code from the printout with their smartphone.
The question is: Can I encode both the phone number to call for the ad and the URL of the website in the QR code at the same time, so that people can scan the code and then select if they want to call the person or open the website of the ad?
I was thinking about using a vcard, but that would add that otherwise useless information to the peoples contacts list. Is there something like CSV data that Android correctly reads to achieve this? (And preferably iPhones, too)
Of course you can.
VCard is fine, it would enable other QR readers to parse it correctly - so your QR would be up to standard.
You wouldn't have to implement full RFC though, just the basic TEL, and URL fields.
