backside-visibility not working in IE10 - works fine in webkit - css

I'm building a simple pure-css 'card flip' animation, it has to work in IE10, but sadly what I've written doesn't.
jsFiddle demo here or sample html zip here
I can see that backside-visibility works in IE10 from their demo here so maybe I've just overlooked something stupid, maybe a fresh pair of eyes might help!
Thanks in advance!

Well some Microsoft IE devs saw my tweet and jumped in with a fix already!
Apparently IE10 does not support preserve-3d, and they whipped up this jsFiddle demonstration
Big thanks to #reybango and #sgalineau for the help - very much appreciated.

This seems to be a duplicate of CSS3 - 3D Flip Animation - IE10 transform-origin: preserve-3d workaround
The backside-visibility is working on IE10 when it is applied to the element itself (if applied to the parent, it will not work). You should combine it in the same transform property like this:
transform : perspective(1000px) rotateY(0deg);
transform : perspective(1000px) rotateY(180deg);

I only have the backface-visibility applied to the child element, and IE10 shows the backface anyway. Removing preserve-3d defeats one of the main visual features of 3d animation, so it's not really a viable workaround.
Unfortunately the demo referred to above by #reybango and #sgalineau changes the effect appearance from a 3d rotation to a simple 2d change in width, so it's not a viable workaround either.
Bottom line is that IE10 needs to be upgraded to support the CSS 3d animation spec as written.

(This is to comment on why microsoft's 360° turn example works.)
First take a look at the example itself, MS's workaround removed the preserve-3d transform-style property from initial code.
Turns out IE10 has no support for preserve-3d, and they suggest such workaround on msdn:
With transform-style set to default 'flat' value, child elements will inherit parent rotation. Thus both card front/back are rotated to 360° (= 0°), the trick here is that back side will appear on top, because it comes later in DOM.
Just to make this a bit more apparent, I added opacity:0.5 to back-side for both examples, now you can see what's really going on:
So the MS way will work in some scenarios, but not all without real support for preserve-3d

Here is my solution.
I tried on IE 11 and Chrome. It worked like a flip box.


css translateZ makes elements blurry

Here's a reproduction of my issue (codepen because apparently stackoverflow's iframe affects the rendering somehow):
When using transform: translateZ and perspective inner elements' edges and text become blurry. It works very differently in different browsers, too. In case it also depends on screen or OS, here are a few screenshots with descriptions:
In Google Chrome transform: scale(2) is fine. Text and inner elements become blurry depending on the width of the element with perspective, and it follows very strange logic, when I set the width to 847px or higher it breaks, lower looks ok:
In Mozilla Firefox text becomes blurry if perspective/translateZ combination is used, inner elements are fine, transform: scale(2) is ok as well. width doesn't seem to affect anything:
In Safari everything is hella blurry whatever I do:
Why is it blurry at all and how do I make it right? Using transform: scale(2) for everything isn't a viable option. Are there maybe some rules I should follow to help browsers render 3D transforms with text right?
Supporting Safari isn't a priority but would still be nice
Have you tried adding a custom -webkit to the browser?
I am probably late with this answer but I recently encountered the same behavior when implementing a parallax design for a website.
This is a problem related to text being rendered as bitmaps in Safari, which are not re-rendered on transform: scale(x); but instead blown up in size.
It is possible to manually trigger a re-render of the text in some cases, however this is very finicky and there's no guaranteed way to make it work.
A more comprehensive answer to this was provided by Jack in this thread:
Transform scale() Safari bug when used on elements with border

CSS3 rotate3D cross-browser issue

So i have this fiddle: . It works just fine in firefox, but i have some issues with it in chrome, and i can't understand why. In firefox if i move the mouse after the hover in the workhover container it works fine, doesn't do anything, but in chrome if i try to click or move an inch, it starts to move (shake) and I don't want that.
I use 3D rotations, from CSS3,
-moz-transform: rotateY(-90deg);;
Solutions anyone?
I think you encounter the same bug from this question :
CSS Flip Transition Between Two <div>'s
It looks like a chrome bug where the div you're trying to rotate is rotating a bit too much. I can fix your jsfiddle on Chrome by changing this CSS (see the webkit degree) :
-moz-transform: rotateY(-90deg);
It's quite hacky but I never found any clean solution.
You can also use pointer-events: none; property in some way to make it works.

translateX together with transition-timing-function not working in chrome?

I animate an element using the translateX() property, together with a transition-timing-function. But it seems that the timing function is not applied? When i use transition of left: xx instead it works.
But as translate uses the GPU its much faster, so i would like to use this instead. Any ideas why is that?
The problem is chrome.
It seems to be not implemented for translate in chrome.
Check the jsfiddle here in the comments.
works in safari, but not chrome.

Why doesn't IE10 display nested CSS3 3D transformed elements?

i'm a bit lost here, i'm currently testing the IE10 (10.0.9200.16384) that came with the Windows 8 Release Preview, and i'm having a very hard time. One of the things that are bugging me, is that IE doesn't seem to handle nested 3D Transforms corrently. Please see this fiddle:
There are two colored divs, a red one, and a green one rotated and translated so that it acts as the top of a cuboid, and this cuboid itself is rotated and translated too (note that i can't use transform-origin with rotate only because it is/was buggy in Webkit... just in case that might be part of a possible fix). It should look like this:
It's working as expected with Chrome and Firefox, but in IE10 the green div is missing:
Does anybody know if i'm missing something, or whether it's maybe a bug?
IE10 Does not support:
transform-style: preserve-3d;

Considerations for CSS3 Transition Performance

As part of a project that needs to support mobile devices, I have been working on mimicking the iPhone toggle control using CSS3. I have the look and feel of the element pretty much there, and am using CSS3 transitions to animate its state change.
When I have the element itself on a page with nothing else, the transition is relatively smooth on iOS. However, when I combine it with other CSS elements on a page, the result in iOS is laggy as anything. It's slightly better than a raw jQuery animation, but not much.
I've set up two test pages to demonstrate what I mean (the difference is hardly noticeable in a regular browser):
Toggle Control on its own >
Combined with other elements >
I am looking for any advice on speeding up the transition in mobile devices. What could be the factors that are slowing down its performance on the full page test?
Any advice and comments welcome.
You have to be careful with this, as it can alter the z-index of the element it's applied to, but adding:
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
To the element you're applying the transition to, can speed animation up considerably, as it forces the hardware to use hardware acceleration for the animation.
If you do encounter layout bugs, you can just switch your 2d transitions to 3d values, so:
-webkit-transform: translate(100px, 100px)
-webkit-transform: translate3d(100px, 100px, 0px)
You can see a demo of how this helps speed things up, at
If after applying this to the element, you see it or elements around it blink upon use, then use:
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
To the element, and that should correct the problem.
These tips have helped me to produce fast, efficient CSS transitions, hope they help. :)
Chrome has recently improved the 2D transition performance, and now this trick is no longer needed. The best thing is that if removed the translate3d you'll no longer have those z-index problems! Use the test to prove.
also you can try will-change: transform; , read more about it here:
I think it quite old already but for anyone who still needs tricks to improve the transition performance on mobile device, you can apply :
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
to the element you are animating.
This trick is according to this blog :
I have tried and it works quite well.
