MPI vs openMP for a shared memory - mpi

Lets say there is a computer with 4 CPUs each having 2 cores, so totally 8 cores. With my limited understanding I think that all processors share same memory in this case. Now, is it better to directly use openMP or to use MPI to make it general so that the code could work on both distributed and shared settings. Also, if I use MPI for a shared setting would performance decrease compared with openMP?

Whether you need or want MPI or OpenMP (or both) heavily depends the type of application you are running, and whether your problem is mostly memory-bound or CPU-bound (or both). Furthermore, it depends on the type of hardware you are running on. A few examples:
Example 1
You need parallelization because you are running out of memory, e.g. you have a simulation and the problem size is so large that your data does not fit into the memory of a single node anymore. However, the operations you perform on the data are rather fast, so you do not need more computational power.
In this case you probably want to use MPI and start one MPI process on each node, thereby making maximum use of the available memory while limiting communication to the bare minimum.
Example 2
You usually have small datasets and only want to speed up your application, which is computationally heavy. Also, you do not want to spend much time thinking about parallelization, but more your algorithms in general.
In this case OpenMP is your first choice. You only need to add a few statements here and there (e.g. in front of your for loops that you want to accelerate), and if your program is not too complex, OpenMP will do the rest for you automatically.
Example 3
You want it all. You need more memory, i.e. more computing nodes, but you also want to speed up your calculations as much as possible, i.e. running on more than one core per node.
Now your hardware comes into play. From my personal experience, if you have only a few cores per node (4-8), the performance penalty created by the general overhead of using OpenMP (i.e. starting up the OpenMP threads etc.) is more than the overhead of processor-internal MPI communication (i.e. sending MPI messages between processes that actually share memory and would not need MPI to communicate).
However, if you are working on a machine with more cores per node (16+), it will become necessary to use a hybrid approach, i.e. parallelizing with MPI and OpenMP at the same time. In this case, hybrid parallelization will be necessary to make full use of your computational resources, but it is also the most difficult to code and to maintain.
If you have a problem that is small enough to be run on just one node, use OpenMP. If you know that you need more than one node (and thus definitely need MPI), but you favor code readability/effort over performance, use only MPI. If using MPI only does not give you the speedup you would like/require, you have to do it all and go hybrid.
To your second question (in case that did not become clear):
If you setup is such that you do not need MPI at all (because your will always run on only one node), use OpenMP as it will be faster. But If you know that you need MPI anyways, I would start with that and only add OpenMP later, when you know that you've exhausted all reasonable optimization options for MPI.

With most distributed memory platforms nowadays consisting of SMP or NUMA nodes it just makes no sense to not use OpenMP. OpenMP and MPI can perfectly work together; OpenMP feeds the cores on each node and MPI communicates between the nodes. This is called hybrid programming. It was considered exotic 10 years ago but now it is becoming mainstream in High Performance Computing.
As for the question itself, the right answer, given the information provided, has always been one and the same: IT DEPENDS.

For use on a single shared memory machine like that, I'd recommend OpenMP. It make some aspects of the problem simpler and might be faster.
If you ever plan to move to a distributed memory machine, then use MPI. It'll save you solving the same problem twice.
The reason I say OpenMP might be faster is because a good implementation of MPI could be clever enough to spot that it's being used in a shared memory environment and optimise its behaviour accordingly.

Just for a bigger picture, hybrid programming has become popular because OpenMP benefits from cache topology, by using the same address space. As MPI might have the same data replicated over the memory (because process can't share data) it might suffer from cache cancelation.
On the other hand, if you partition your data correctly, and each processor has a private cache, it might come to a point were your problem fit completely in cache. In this case you have super linear speedups.
By talking in cache, there are very different cache topology on recent processors, and has always: IT DEPENDS...


Limit GPU Memory in Julia using CuArrays

I'm fairly new to julia and I'm currently trying out some deep convolution networks with recurrent structures. I'm training the networks on a GPU using
CuArrays(CUDA Version 9.0).
Having two separate GPU's, I started two instances with different datasets.
Soon after some training both julia instances allocated all available Memory (2 x 11GB) and I couldn't even start another instance on my own using CuArrays (Memory allocation error). This became quite a problem, since this is running on a Server which is shared among many people.
I'm assuming that this is a normal behavior to use all available memory to train as fast as possible. But, under these circumstances I would like to limit the memory which can be allocated to run two instances at the same time and don't block me or other people from using the GPU.
To my surprise I found only very, very little information about this.
I'm aware of the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES Option but this does not help since I want to train simultaneously on both devices.
Another one suggested to call GC.gc() and CuArrays.clearpool()
The second call throws an unknown function error and seems not to be within the CuArray Package anymore. The first one I'm currently testing but not exactly what I need. Is there any possibilty to limit the allocation of RAM on a GPU using CuArrays and Julia?
Thanks in advance
My Batchsize is 100 and one batch should have less than 1MB...
There is currently no such functionality. I quickly whipped something up, see, you can use it to define CUARRAYS_MEMORY_LIMIT and set it to an amount of bytes that the allocator will not go beyond. Note that this might significantly increase memory pressure, a situation for which the CuArrays.jl memory allocator is currently not optimized (though it is one of my top priorities for the Julia GPU infrastructure).

GPU Brute-Force Implementation

I am asking for an advise for the following problem:
For a research-project I am writing a brute-force algorithm based on a GPU with (py)OpenCl.
(I know JTR is out there)
Right now I do have a Brute-Force-Generator in Python which is filling up for each round the buffer with words (amount=1024*64).I pass the buffer to the GPU Kernel. The GPU is calculating for each value in the buffer a MD5 Hash Value and compares it with a given one. Great that it works!
I don't think this is really the full performance i can get from the GPU - or is it? Isn't there a bottleneck when i have to fill up the buffer by the CPU and pass it to the GPU 'just' for a Hash calculation an comparison - or am i wrong and this is already the fastet or almost the fastet performance i can get?
I have done a lot of Research before I consider to ask this question here. I couldn't find a brute force implementation on the GPU kernel so far - why?
I try to explain it in a different way what I want to know. Lets say I have an average computer. Performing an brute-force-algorithm on a GPU is faster than on a CPU (if you do it right). I have looked through some GPU brute-force tools and couldn't find one with the whole brute-force implementation on the GPU Kernel.
Right now I am passing "word packages" to the GPU and let them do the work (hash & compare) there - looks like this is the common way . Isn't it faster to 'split' the brute-force algorithm so each Unit on the GPU will generate its own "word packages" by itself.
All I do is wondering why the common way is to pass packages with values from the CPU to the GPU instead of doing the CPU work also on the GPU work! Is it because it is not possible to split a brute-force algorithm on a GPU or isn't the improvement worth the effort to port it to the GPU?
About the performance of the "brute-force" approach.
All i do is wondering why the common way is to pass packages with values from the CPU to the GPU instead of doing the CPU work also on the GPU work! Is it because it is not possible to split a brute-force algorithm on a GPU or isn't the improvement worth the effort to port it to the GPU?
I do not know the details of your algorithm, but, in general, there are some points to consider before creating a hybrid CPU-GPU algorithm. Just to name a few:
Different architectures (best CPU algorithm probably is not the best
GPU algorithm).
Extra synchronization points.
Different memory spaces (implies PCIe/network transfers).
More complex algorithms
More complex fine tuning.
Vendors policy.
Nevertheless, there are quite a few examples out there that combines the power of the GPU and the CPU at the same time. Typically, sequential or highly divergent parts of the algorithm will run on the CPU while the homogeneous, computing intensive part runs on the GPU. Other applications, uses the CPU to preprocess the input data to a format that is more amenable to GPU processing (for instance, changing the data layout). Finally, there are applications targeting pure performance that really do a significant amount of work on the CPU, like the MAGMA project.
In summary, the answer it that it really depends on the details of your algorithm if it is really possible or if it worth it to design a hybrid algorithm that takes the most of your CPU-GPU system as a whole.
About the performance of your current approach
I think you should break down your question in two parts:
It is my GPU kernel efficient?
How much time am I actually doing work at the GPU?
Regarding the first one, you didn't provide any information about your GPU kernel so we could not really help you with it, but general optimization approaches apply:
Is it your computation memory/compute bound?
How far are you from your GPU peak memory bandwidth?
You need to start from these question in order to known what kind of optimization/algorithm you should apply. Take a look at the roofline performance model.
As for the second question, even though you don't go into detail, it seems like your application spend so much time on small memory transfers (take a look at this article about how to optimize memory transfers). The overhead of starting the PCIe just to send a few words would kill any performance benefit you get from using a GPU device. Thus, sending a bunch of small buffers instead of large chunks of memory packing a large number of them is not, in general, the way to go.
If you're looking for performance, you may want to overlap the computation and the memory transfer. Read this article for more information.
As a general recommendation, before implementing any optimization, take some time to profile your application. It would save you a lot of time.

Memory virtualization with R on cluster

I don't know almost anything about parallel computing so this question might be very stupid and it is maybe impossible to do what I would like to.
I am using linux cluster with 40 nodes, however since I don't know how to write parallel code in R I am limited to using only one. On this node I am trying to analyse data which floods the memory (arround 64GB). So my problem isn't lack of computational power but rather memory limitation.
My question is, whether it is even possible to use some R package (like doSnow) for implicit parallelisation to use 2-3 nodes to increase the RAM limit or would I have to rewrite the script from ground to make it explicit parallelised ?
Sorry if my question is naive, any suggestions are welcomed.
I don't think there is such a package. The reason is that it would not make much sense to have one. Memory access is very fast, and accessing data from another computer over the network is very slow compared to that. So if such a package existed it would be almost useless, since the processor would need to wait for data over the network all the time, and this would make the computation very very slow.
This is true for common computing clusters, built from off-the-shelf hardware. If you happen to have a special cluster where remote memory access is fast, and is provided as a service of the operating system, then of course it might be not that bad.
Otherwise, what you need to do is to try to divide up the problem into multiple pieces, manually, and then parallelize, either using R, or another tool.
An alternative to this would be to keep some of the data on the disk, instead of loading all of it into the memory. You still need to (kind of) divide up the problem, to make sure that the part of the data in the memory is used for a reasonable amount of time for computation, before loading another part of the data.
Whether it is worth (or possible at all) doing either of these options, depends completely on your application.
Btw. a good list of high performance computing tools in R is here:
For future inquiry:
You may want to have a look at two packages "snow" and "parallel".
Library "snow" extends the functionality of apply/lapply/sapply... to work on more than one core and/or one node.
Of course, you can perform simple parallel computing using more than one core:
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task= (enter some number here)
You can also perform parallel computing using more than one node (preferably with the previously mentioned libraries) using:
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node= (enter some number here)
However, for several implications, you may wanna think of using Python instead of R where parallelism can be much more efficient using "Dask" workers.
You might want to take a look at TidalScale, which can allow you to aggregate nodes on your cluster to run a single instance of Linux with the collective resources of the underlying nodes. Though the R application may be inherently single threaded, you'll be able to provide your R application with a single, simple coherent memory space across the nodes that will be transparent to your application.
Good luck with your project!

MPI_Send/Recv vs. MPI_Reduce

I was given a little excercise where I had to implement a Monte Carlo algorithm by using MPI to estimate the total volume of n spheres, having the coordinates of their center and radius in 3 dimensions. Even if we must use MPI, we can launch all the processes on our local machine, so there's no network overhead. I implemented two versions of this excericse:
One, using MPI_Send and MPI_Recv (where the process of rank 0 only waits for partial results from the others to perform the final sum)
The other, using MPI_Reduce, also here process of rank 0 waits for partial results.
I expected that both the programs would take the same time to finish, but I see that the one using MPI_Reduce is faster. Why this? Where's the difference?
There could be a lot of reasons depending on which MPI implementation you're using, what kind of hardware you're running on and how optimized the implementation is to take advantage of that. This Google Scholar search gives some idea of the variety of work done on this. To give you a few ideas of what it could be:
Since reductions can be completed in intermediate steps, it may be possible to use a different topology than the basic rank 0 collect-from-all approach, with tradeoffs in latency and bandwidth.
Within a compute node (or on your desktop or laptop if you're trying this with a toy problem), it may be possible to exploit locality within cores, between cores on a CPU socket or between sockets to order the computations and communication in a way that's more efficient for the hardware. It sounds from the abstract like this paper from IBM may give some concrete details about some of these design decisions. Alternatively, the implementation might choose a cache-oblivious scheme for better performance within a general compute node.
Persistent communication (MPI_Send_init and MPI_Recv_init) can be used under the hood in the MPI_Reduce implementation. These routines can perform better than their blocking and non-blocking counterparts due to providing the MPI implementation and hardware with extra details about how the program is grouping its communications.
This is not a comprehensive list, but hopefully it gets you started and provides some ideas for how to search out more details if you're interested.

I need a short C programm that runs slower on a processor with HyperThreading than on one without it

I want to write a paper with Compiler Optimizations for HyperTreading. First step would be to investigate why a processor with HyperThreading( Simultaneous Multithreading) could lead to poorer performances than a processor without this technology. First step is to find an application that is better without HyperThreading, so i can run some hardware performance counters on it. Any suggest on how or where i could find one?
So, to summarize. I know that HyperThreading benefits are between -10% and +30%. I need a C application that falls in the 10% performance penalty.
Probably the main drawback of hyperthreading is the effective halving of cache sizes. Each thread will be populating the cache, and so each, in effect, has half the cache.
To create a programme which runs worse with hyperthreading than without, create a single threaded programme which performs a task which just fits inside L1 cache. Then add a second thread, which shares the workload, the works from "the other end" of the data, as it were. You will find performance falls through the floor - this is because both threads now must access L2 cache.
Hyperthreading can dramatically improve or worsen performance. It is completely dependent on use. None of this -10%/+30% stuff - that's ridiculous.
I'm not familiar with compiler optimizations for HT, nor the different between i7 HT and P4's as David pointed out. However, you can expect some general behaviors.
Context switching is very expensive. So if you have one core and run two threads on it simultaneously, switching back and forth one thread from the other always gives you performance penalty. However, threads do not use the core all the time. For example, if the thread reads or writes memory, it just waits for the memory access to be done, without using the core, usually for more than 100 cycles. There are many other cases that a thread need to stall like this, e.g., I/O operations, data dependencies, etc. Here HT helps, because it can ships out the waiting (or blocked) thread, and executes another thread instead.
Therefore, you can think if all threads are really unlikely to be blocked, then context switching will only cause overhead. Think about very computation-bounded application working on a small set of data.
