Test suite for automatic bug finding - automated-tests

For many kinds of hard computational problems e.g. propositional satisfiability, theorem proving, traveling salesman etc., there exists an extensive test suite that can be used for evaluating the performance of a program that attempts to solve the problem.
Does any such thing exist for automatic bug finding, i.e. a collection of programs or code fragments containing known bugs of a kind that could be automatically detected? I assume e.g. Coverity must have such a thing for internal use, but a Google search doesn't seem to show anything publicly available.

I don't think such a suite exists. The most glaring question for a "standard" suite is, what language would it be written in?
For C, you can look at SAFECode's test suite, here. SAFECode is meant to detect these bugs at runtime, but a "perfect" static analysis tool should probably be able to detect them statically.
A more comprehensive, and more importantly, a static analysis tool, is Frama-C. See the paper entitled "Test-driving static analysis tools in search of C code vulnerabilities". The paper describes a need for the very test suite that you ask for. It also links to a test suite and the effectiveness among common analyzers. Frama-C might have its own benchmarks, you can download the source and check.
See also:
"Frama-C news and ideas" blog, page "Static analysis benchmarks", lists some other benchmarks
"A Buffer Overflow Benchmark for Software Model
Checkers (Short Paper)"
http://samate.nist.gov/SRD/testCases/suites/Juliet-2010-12.c.cpp.zip (different benchmarks)


Where to get feedback on proposals for new optimizers to be added to OpenMDAO

I am working on developing some multiobjective optimization algorithms, and would like to have them considered for integration in OpenMDAO. How can I reach out to the development team for feedback?
The OpenMDAO project hosts a separate repository where they consider and discuss proposals for enhancements (POEMs). Anyone can submit a POEM, but the developers get final say on whether or not the POEM is accepted.
You should post a POEM there if you want your algorithms considered. However, the developers are typically hesitant to accept POEMS with new algorithms into the main code base, since they would then have to take ownership for maintaining them.
Instead, you should consider releasing your algorithms as an OpenMDAO plugin instead. This would let you have a stand alone repository, but make your code usable by the community.

How to approach writing developer tests (unit tests, integration tests, etc) for a system?

I have a WCF service which runs and interacts with database, file system and few external web services, then creates the result and Xml Serialize it and returns it finally.
I'd like to write tests for this solution and I'm thinking how (it's all using dependency injection and design by contract).
There are 3 main approaches I can take.
1) I can pick smallest units of codes/methods and write tests for it. Pick one class and isolate it from its dependencies (other classes, etc). Although it guarantees quality but it takes lots of time writing them and that's slow.
2) Only make the interaction with external systems mockable and write some tests that cover the main scenarios from when the request is made until the response is serialized and returned. This will test all the interactions between my classes but mocks all external resource accesses.
3) I can setup a test environment where the interaction with external web services do happen, file access happens, database access happens, etc. Then writing the tests from end to end. this requires environmental setup and dependency on all other systems to be up and running.
About #1, I see no point in investing the time/money/energy on writing the tests for every single method or codes that I have. I mean it's a waste of time.
About #3, since it has dependency on external resources/systems, it's hard to set it up and running.
#2, sounds to be the best option to me. Since it will test what it should be testing. Only my system and all its classes and mocking all other external systems.
So basically, my conclusion after some years experience with unit tests is that writing unit tests is a waste to be avoided and instead isolated system tests are best return on investment.
Even if I was going to write the tests first (TDD) then the production code, still #2 I think would be best.
What's your view on this? would you write small unit tests for your application? would you consider it a good practice and best use of time/budget/energy?
If you want to talk about quality, you should have all 3:
Unit tests to ensure your code does what you think it does, expose any edge cases and help with regression. You (developer) should write such tests.
Integration tests to verify correctness of entire process, whether components talk to each other correctly and so on. And again, you as a developer write such tests.
System-wide tests in production-like environment (with some limitations naturally - you might not have access to client database, but you should have its exact copy on your local machines). Those tests are usually written by dedicated testers (often in programming languages different from application code), but of course can be written by you.
Second and third type of tests (integration and system) will be way too much effort to test edge cases of smaller components. This is what you usually want unit tests for. You need integration because something might fail on hooking-up of tested, verified and correct modules. And of course system tests is what you do daily, during development, or have assigned people (manual testers) do it.
Going for selected type of tests from the list might work to some point, but is far from complete solution or quality software.
All 3 are important and targeted at different test types that is a matrix of unit/integration/system categories with positive and negative testing in each category.
For code coverage Unit testing will yield the highest percentage, followed by Integration then System.
You also need to consider whether or not the purpose of the test is Validation (will meet the final user\customer requirements, i.e Value) or Verification (written to specification, i.e. Correct).
In summary the answer is 'it depends', and I would recommend following the SEI CMMi model for Verification and Validation (i.e. testing) which begins with the goals (value) of each activity then subjecting that activity to measures that will ultimately allow the whole process to be subjected to continuous improvement. In this way you have isolated the What and Why from the How and you will be able to answer time and value type questions for your given environment (which could be a Life support System or a Tweet of the day, to your favorite Aunt, App).
Summary: #2 (integration testing) seems most logical, but you shouldn't hesitate to use a variety of tests to achieve the best coverage for pieces of your codebase that need it most. Shooting for having tests for "everything" is not a worthy goal.
Long version
There is a school of thought out there where devs are convinced that adopting unit\integration\system tests means striving for every single chuck of code being tested. It's either no test coverage at all, or committing to testing "everything". This binary thinking always makes adopting any kind of testing strategy seem very expensive.
The truth is, forcing every single line of code\function\module to be tested is about as sound as writing all your code to be as fast as possible. It takes too much time and effort, and most of it nets very little return. Another truth is that you can never achieve true 100% coverage in a non-trivial project.
Testing is not a goal unto itself. It's a means to achieve other things: final product quality, maintainability, interoperability, and so on, all while expending the least amount of effort possible.
With that in mind, step back and evaluate your particular circumstances. Why do you want to "write tests for this solution"? Are you unhappy with the overall quality of the project today? Have you experienced high regression rates? Are you perhaps unsure about how some module works (and more importantly, what bugs it might have)? Regardless of what your exact goal is, you should be able to select pieces that pose particular challenges and focus your attention on them. Depending on what those pieces are, an appropriate testing approach can be selected.
If you have a particularly tricky function or a class, consider unit testing them. If you're faced with a complicated architecture with multiple, hard to understand interactions, consider writing integration tests to establish a clean baseline for your trickiest scenarios and to better understand where the problems are coming from (you'll probably flush out some bugs along the way). System testing can help if your concerns are not addressed in more localized tests.
Based on the information you provided for your particular scenario, external-facing unit testing\integration testing (#2) looks most promising. It seems like you have a lot of external dependencies, so I'd guess this is where most of the complexity hides. Comprehensive unit testing (#1) is a superset of #2, with all the extra internal stuff carrying questionable value. #3 (full system testing) will probably not allow you to test external edge cases\error conditions as well as you would like.

R Quality Assurance Techniques

Could you provide some insight into the techniques that you use to ensure the quality of your solutions. For example, sometimes, I like to test my result using stopifnot() to ensure I'm not receiving ridiculous results. Are there any other techniques or functions that you use in data processing to ensure that you're receiving the solution you meant to?
Note: I realize that this is a broad question and perhaps a candidate for community wiki or even closure, but rather than voting to close, perhaps assist me by adding comments to direct the conversation.
Just a few things that come to mind (in random order)
This page has very interesting link for debugging in R (ok this is during production, but still related to your issue I think)
You can use exceptions, as explained in this discussions (and links therein)
You can write tests with known results (both for success and failure) and see that they actually do what they are supposed to do. Be sure to pass some weird data to the functions and see how they behave in a "not-so-normal" situation.
Don't just rely on automated tests: give your functions to a fairly computer illiterate person at work (not enough that he/she can't use R though!) and let him/her do some beta tests. You'll be amazed at the quantity of errors he/she will come up with!!! :)
Quality in software engineering is quite a massive area, and most of it applies to code written in R as much as code written in Cobol or C#, so my first answer would be 'it depends'.
For me, I come from the Pharmaceutical Industry, where what we do is regulated by government agencies like the FDA and the MHRA. For us, Quality is something we think about throughout the process so I would list the following as visible artifacts of quality;
We have a software development process, that's written down and repeatable (traditionally in this kind of industry this is a waterfall style, but more and more agile / prototyping style methodologies are being used)
We have a system that ensures every person involved knows what they should be doing (job descriptions) and is suitably qualified to do that job (training)
We start by defining what is required in some way, hopefully in some way that can be tested
We have some way of documenting our development process, where we've been and how (a combination of good documentation and Source Control)
We do testing wherever possible, and as early as possible (so, automated if possible)
We have people who are responsible for overseeing Quality, who are separate from people who are doing to prevent conflicts
We control the software environment that is used for development, testing and production (read; change control)
We control and manage software once it is in use, tracking issues and managing them (Issue Tracking)
We keep records, so that even if every person involved went under a bus / won the lottery the new people could still defend and prove everything above to a government inspector.
However, that's a big list, and I imagine their are lots of industries that don't do all of them (finance, education) and probably some who do more (building nuclear reactors, saving lives, NASA).
More specifically to what i assume you're getting at, before you code you should be able to define some specific starting input's and the answers you should get out, and I recommend you use something like RUnit or Testthat to build these in.

wav-to-midi conversion

I'm new to this field - but I need to perform a WAV-to-MIDI conversion in java.
Is there a way to know what exactly are the steps involved in WAV-to-MIDI conversion?
I have a very rough idea as in you need to;
sample the wav file, filter it, use FFT for spectral analysis, feature extraction and then write the extracted features on to MIDI.
But I cannot find solid sources or papers as in how to do all that?
Can some one give me clues as in how and where to start?
Are there any Open Source APIs available for this WAV-to-MIDI conversion process?
Advance thanks
It's a more involved process than you might imagine.
This research problem is often referred to as music transcription: the act of converting a low-level representation of music (e.g., waveform) into a higher-level representation such as MIDI or even sheet music.
The sophistication of your solution will depend upon the complexity of your input data. Tons of research papers address music transcription only on monophonic piano or drums... because they are easy to transcribe. (Relatively.) Violin is harder. Voice is even harder. Violin plus voice plus piano is much harder. A symphony is nearly impossible. You get the picture.
The basic elements of music transcription involve any of the following overlapping areas:
(multi)pitch estimation
instrument recognition, timbral modeling
rhythm detection
note onset/offset detection
form/structure modeling
Search for papers on "music transcription" on Google Scholar or from the ISMIR proceedings: http://www.ismir.net. If you are more interested in one of the above subtopics, I can point you further. Good luck.
EDIT: That being said, there are existing solutions that we can all find on the web. Feel free to try them. But as you do, evaluate them with a critical eye and ear. What types of audio signals would cause transcription to fail?
EDIT 2: Ah, you are only doing this for piano. Okay, this is doable. Music transcription has advanced to the point where it can transcribe monophonic piano pretty well. A Rachmaninov concerto will still pose problems.
Our recommendations depend upon your end goal. You state "need to perform... in Java." So it sounds like you just want something to work regardless of how it gets you there. In that case, I agree 100% with others: use something that exists.
That's actually an interesting question; all of the MIR libraries I know are typically C/C++/Python/Matlab. But not Java. The EchoNest has a Java API, but I don't think it does note-level transcription. http://developer.echonest.com. (Edit: It does note-level transcription. The returned data includes pitch, timbre, beat, tatum, and more. But I find polyphony is still a problem.)
Oh, Marsyas is Java-based. Cool. I thought it was just C++. http://marsyas.info/ I recommend this. It's developed by George Tzanetakis, a professor in MIR. It does signal-level analysis and should be a good option.
Now, if this is for a fun learning experience, I think you can use the sound manipulation utilities in Java to experiment with the WAV signal and see what comes out.
EDIT: This page describes MIR software better than I can: The Tools We Use
For Matlab, you may be interested in the MIR Toolbox
Here is a nice page of common datasets: MIR Datasets
This is a very big undertaking for being new to the field, unless you mean you are familiar with signal analysis and feature detection in general and want to look more specifically into automatic transcription.
There is no API for WAV to MIDI conversion. Vamp is a framework for feature extraction plugins, but to do automatic transcription you would need to use all the functionality of the existing plugins, plus implement functionality that exists in none of them yet.
Browse through the descriptions of the plugins on the vamp download page, any descriptions you do not understand are topics you should start researching if you want to do this.
If you don't need to automate this task (ie, for a website where people can upload MP3's and get MIDI files back), then you should consider using a tool like Melodyne which is already quite good at going this. As Steve noted, this is a very difficult task to accomplish, and even the best algorithms and solutions present at the moment are not 100% reliable.
So if you are just doing studio work and need to do a few conversions, it will probably save you a bit of time (and lots of headache) to use a tool already designed for this task.
This is a field which is still highly under development, yet, there are some (experimental) algorithms available.
You can install sonic annotator and use a few vamp plugins.
For example:
./sonic-annotator file.wav -d vamp:qm-vamp-plugins:qm-transcription:transcription -w midi
./sonic-annotator file.wav -d vamp:silvet:silvet:notes -w midi
./sonic-annotator file.wav -d vamp:ua-vamp-plugins:mf0ua:mf0ua -w midi
Dolphin, sorry to be brusque, but you have completely underestimated the problem. What you want to achieve - a full piano sound transcription involving all parameters that were used while playing would need an enormous amount of research with people who have worked in the field for many years. Even a group of PhDs in signal processing would have to invest a lot of work to even come close to what you mean. Music transcription has needed decades of work to even work halfway reliable. I'd suggest you pick a different problem which you can manage better than this.

Project nearing completion. Time to begin testing. Which methods are feasible towards the end of the development cycle?

Let's assume one joins a project near the end of its development cycle. The project has been passed on across many teams and has been an overall free-for-all with no testing whatsoever taking place along the whole time. The other members on this team have no knowledge of testing (shame!) and unit testing each method seems infeasible at this point.
What would the recommended strategy for testing a product be at this point, besides usability testing? Is this normally the point where you're stuck with manual point-and-click expected output/actual output work?
I typically take a bottom-up approach to testing, but I think in this case you want to go top-down. Test the biggest components you can wrap unit-tests around and see how they fail. Those failures should point you towards what sub-components need tests of their own. You'll have a pretty spotty test suite when this is done, but it's a start.
If you have the budget for it, get a testing automation suite. HP/Mercury QuickTest is the leader in this space, but is very expensive. The idea is that you record test cases like macros by driving your GUI through use cases. You fill out inputs on a form (web, .net, swing, pretty much any sort of GUI), the engine learns the form elements names. Then you can check for expected output on the GUI and in the db. Then you can plug in a table or spreadsheet of various test inputs, including invalid cases where it should fail and run it through hundreds of scenarios if you like. After the tests are recorded, you can also edit the generated scripts to customize them. It builds a neat report for you in the end showing you exactly what failed.
There are also some cheap and free GUI automation testing suites that do pretty much the same thing but with fewer features. In general the more expensive the suite, the less manual customizition is necessary. Check out this list: http://www.testingfaqs.org/t-gui.html
I think this is where a good Quality Assurance test would come in. Write out old fashioned test cases and hand out to multiple people on the team to test.
What would the recommended strategy for testing a product be at this point, besides usability testing?
I'd recommend code inspection, by someone/people who know (or who can develop) the product's functional specification.
An extreme, purist way would be to say that, because it "has been an overall free-for-all with no testing whatsoever", therefore one can't trust any of it: not the existing testing, nor the code, nor the developers, nor the development process, nor management, nothing about the project. Furthermore, testing doesn't add quality to software (quality has to be built-in, part of the development process). The only way to have a quality product is to build a quality product; this product had no quality in its build, and therefore one needs to rebuild it:
Treat the existing source code as a throw-away prototype or documentation
Build a new product piece-by-piece, optionally incorporating suitable fragments (if any) of the old source code.
But doing code inspection (and correcting defects found via code inspection) might be quicker. That would be in addition to functional testing.
Whether or not you'll want to not only test it but also spend the extra time effort to develop automated tests depends on whether you'll want to maintain the software (i.e., in the future, to change it in any way and then retest it).
You'll also need:
Knowledge of the functional specification (and non-functional specification)
Developers and/or QA people with a clue
A small, simple product
Patient, forgiving end-users
Continuing technical support after the product is delivered
One technique that I incorporate into my development practice when entering a project at this time in the lifecycle is to add unit tests as defects are reported (by QA or end users). You won't get full code coverage of the existing code base, but at least this way future development can be driven and documented by tests. Also this way you should be assured that your tests fail before working on the implementation. If you write the test and it doesn't fail, the test is faulty.
Additionally, as you add new functionality to the system, start those with tests so that at least those sub-systems are tested. As the new systems interact with existing, try adding tests around the old boundary layers and work your way in over time. While these won't be Unit tests, these integration tests are better than nothing.
Refactoring is yet another prime target for testing. Refactoring without tests is like walking a tight rope without a net. You may get to the other side successfully, but is the risk worth the reward?
