Documentation of squared bracket `[` function - r

I have a function in R that looks somewhat like this:
setMethod('[', signature(x="stack"),definition=function(x,i,j,drop){
new('class', as(x, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")[i,]) })
I use it to get a single element out of a stacked object. For the package I'm building I need a .Rd file to document the function. I stored it as [.Rd but somehow the R CMD check does not see this. It returns:
Undocumented S4 methods: generic '[' and siglist 'MoveStack,ANY,ANY'
The [.Rd file starts with these lines:
\title{Returns an object from a stack}
\description{Returning a single object}
Any idea how I make R CMD check aware of this file?

If you look at the source code of the sp package, for example SpatialPolygons-class.Rd, the Methods section:
Methods defined with class "SpatialPolygons" in the signature:
\item{[}{\code{signature(obj = "SpatialPolygons")}: select subset of (sets of) polygons; NAs are not permitted in the row index}
\item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "SpatialPolygons", y = "missing")}:
plot polygons in SpatialPolygons object}
\item{summary}{\code{signature(object = "SpatialPolygons")}: summarize object}
\item{rbind}{\code{signature(object = "SpatialPolygons")}: rbind-like method}
method for [ is defined.
Name and class of the file are
If you look at the help page for ?SpatialPolygons you should see
> Methods
> Methods defined with class "SpatialPolygons" in the signature:
> [ signature(obj = "SpatialPolygons"): select subset of (sets of)
> polygons; NAs are not permitted in the row index
So I would venture a guess that if you specify a proper (ASCII named) file name, give it an alias as in the above example, you should be fine.


Saving .maf file as a table

I am trying to save a .maf file as a table, but I always get the error below:
Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE) :
cannot coerce class ‘structure("MAF", package = "maftools")’ to a data.frame
This is the code I am using:
laml.maf <- "/Users/PC/mc3.v0.2.8.PUBLIC.maf"
laml = read.maf(maf = laml.maf)
write.table(laml, file="/Users/PC/tp53atm.txt")
I understand that the .maf file has several fields, but I am not sure how to isolate them to save as a table. Any help would be much appreciated!
The problem is, that the write.table function doesn't know how to deal with an object of class MAF.
However, you can access the underlying data like this:
write.table(laml#data, file="/Users/PC/tp53atm.txt")
But note that this way you will only export the raw data, whereas the MAF object contains various other meta data:
> slotNames(laml)
[1] "data" "variants.per.sample" "variant.type.summary" "variant.classification.summary"
[5] "gene.summary" "summary"
"maf.silent" ""

unused argument error when printing from RC class method

I am creating an RC class and while trying to print(.self$something) within a class method I am getting:
Error in print(.self$something) : unused argument (.self$something)
I am sort of new to R, so am I missing something here?
This is for an assignment which asks us to use RC classes, using R6 is not an option.
myclass <- setRefClass("myclass",
fields = list (
formula = "formula",
data = "data.frame",
something = "numeric"
methods = list (
initialize = function(formula, data) {
print = function() {
a <- myclass$new(formula,data)
> Error in print(.self$something) : unused argument (.self$something)
Edit: Extra info, if I try a$something I get what I should get.
Try to use cat in your print function, you are now in your local print function environment and trying to call your system "print" function. I suggest you use cat as follows:
It will do the job
As #Mohammed mentions, this happened because I was in printing within my own print environment. Though cat() could be an option, later I faced other issues in which cat did not print the object (that could be a thread on its own so I will not go deeper on that here).
What I ended up doing was calling the print function for that specific data type. For instance, if something was a data.frame I called$something) and worked as expected.

Have a function that calls library and takes either a package or its name as input in R

When I start up and R script and I like to check their package versions. I tend to run something like
library(dplyr); packageVersion("dplyr")
This works fine, but I'd like to shorten this to a single function that would load a library and then return its version.
I want the libary function to accept either a string of the library name, or just the library name typed in by itself.
I tried this function:
libver <- function(pac){
pac <- deparse(substitute(pac))
library(pac, character.only=TRUE)
But this works for string inputs but not non string inputs
Error in libver(MASS): object 'MASS' not found
I can hard code it to take objects rather than strings as follows,
libver <- function(pac){
library( deparse(substitute(pac), character.only=TRUE)
but I'd like to keep the flexability to do either one if I can.
!is.character(pac) returns an error when pac is the bare package name, without quotation marks. Instead, you can do pac = as.character(substitute(pac)) which will return a character string, regardless of whether the argument was originally a character string.
libver <- function(pac) {
pac = as.character(substitute(pac))
library(pac, character.only=TRUE)
libver <- function(pac){
pac <- gsub("\"","",deparse(substitute(pac)))
library(pac,character.only = T)
[1] ‘0.7.2’
[1] ‘0.7.2’

Customize the console printing for S4/RC objects in R

In R we can simply type the variable name in the console, the console will automatically print out the value. I have created a new S4/RC class define, and would like to create a nicer way to automatically "print" in the console. How do I edit the console printing functions for a new class?
Here is my code in the console:
classobject # it doesn't print nicely in the console.
#Reference class object of class "ClassA"
#Field "value":
#[1] 100
print(classobject) # this works
My goal is to avoid typing "print" all the time; just type the object name in the console, it will print out nicely, just like calling print().
You need to define a show method for your RefClass object. Read ?setRefClass for details regarding how to write methods. This works:
#the print function: note the .self to reference the object
#the class definition

rJava: using java/lang/Vector with a certain template class

I'm currently programming an R-script which uses a java .jar that makes use of the java/lang/Vector class, which in this case uses a class in a method that is not native. In java source code:
public static Vector<ClassName> methodname(String param)
I found nothing in the documentation of rJava on how to handle a template class like vector and what to write when using jcall or any other method.
I'm currently trying to do something like this:
v <- .jnew("java/util/Vector")
b <- .jcall(v, returnSig = "Ljava/util/Vector", method = "methodname",param)
but R obviously throws an exception:
method methodname with signature (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Vector not found
How do I work the template class into this command? Or for that matter, how do I create a vector of a certain class in the first place? Is this possible?
rJava does not know java generics, there is no syntax that will create a Vector of a given type. You can only create Vectors of Objects.
Why are you sticking with the old .jcall api when you can use the J system, which lets you use java objects much more nicely:
> v <- new( J("java.util.Vector") )
> v$add( 1:10 )
[1] TRUE
> v$size()
[1] 1
# code completion
> v$
v$add( v$getClass() v$removeElement(
v$addAll( v$hashCode() v$removeElementAt(
v$addElement( v$indexOf( v$retainAll(
v$capacity() v$insertElementAt( v$set(
v$clear() v$isEmpty() v$setElementAt(
v$clone() v$iterator() v$setSize(
v$contains( v$lastElement() v$size()
v$containsAll( v$lastIndexOf( v$subList(
v$copyInto( v$listIterator( v$toArray(
v$elementAt( v$listIterator() v$toArray()
v$elements() v$notify() v$toString()
v$ensureCapacity( v$notifyAll() v$trimToSize()
v$equals( v$remove( v$wait(
v$firstElement() v$removeAll( v$wait()
v$get( v$removeAllElements()
