Attaching two memory databases - sqlite

I am collecting data every second and storing it in a ":memory" database. Inserting data into this database is inside a transaction.
Everytime one request is sending to server and server will read data from the first memory, do some calculation, store it in the second database and send it back to the client. For this, I am creating another ":memory:" database to store the aggregated information of the first db. I cannot use the same db because I need to do some large calculation to get the aggregated result. This cannot be done inside the transaction( because if one collection takes 5 sec I will lose all the 4 seconds data). I cannot create table in the same database because I will not be able to write the aggregate data while it is collecting and inserting the original data(it is inside transaction and it is collecting every one second)
-- Sometimes I want to retrieve data from both the databses. How can I link both these memory databases? Using attach database stmt, I can attach the second db to the first one. But the problem is next time when a request comes how will I check the second db is exist or not?
-- Suppose, I am attaching the second memory db to first one. Will it lock the second database, when we write data to the first db?
-- Is there any other way to store this aggregated data??

As far as I got your idea, I don't think that you need two databases at all. I suppose you are misinterpreting the idea of transactions in sql.
If you are beginning a transaction other processes will be still allowed to read data. If you are reading data, you probably don't need a database lock.
A possible workflow could look as the following.
Insert some data to the database (use a transaction just for the
insertion process)
Perform heavy calculations on the database (but do not use a transaction, otherwise it will prevent other processes of inserting any data to your database). Even if this step includes really heavy computation, you can still insert and read data by using another process as SELECT statements will not lock your database.
Write results to the database (again, by using a transaction)
Just make sure that heavy calculations are not performed within a transaction.
If you want a more detailed description of this solution, look at the documentation about the file locking behaviour of sqlite3:


SQL Server Data Archiving

I have a SQL Azure database on which I need to perform some data archiving operation.
Plan is to move all the irrelevant data from the actual tables into Archive_* tables.
I have tables which have up to 8-9 million records.
One option is to write a stored procedure and insert data in to the new Archive_* tables and also delete from the actual tables.
But this operation is really time consuming and running for more than 3 hrs.
I am in a situation where I can't have more than an hour's downtime.
How can I make this archiving faster?
You can use Azure Automation to schedule execution of a stored procedure every day at the same time, during maintenance window, where this stored procedure will archive the oldest one week or one month of data only, each time it runs. The store procedure should archive data older than X number of weeks/months/years only. Please read this article to create the runbook. In a few days you will have all the old data archived and the Runbook will continue to do the job from now and on.
You can't make it faster, but you can make it seamless. The first option is to have a separate task that moves data in portions from the source to the archive tables. In order to prevent table lock escalations and overall performance degradation I would suggest you to limit the size of a single transaction. E.g. start transaction, insert N records into the archive table, delete these records from the source table, commit transaction. Continue for a few days until all the necessary data is transferred. The advantage of that way is that if there is some kind of a failure, you may restart the archival process and it will continue from the point of the failure.
The second option that does not exclude the first one really depends on how critical the performance of the source tables for you and how many updates are happening with them. It if is not a problem you can write triggers that actually pour every inserted/updated record into an archive table. Then, when you want a cleanup all you need to do is to delete the obsolete records from the source tables, their copies will already be in the archive tables.
In the both cases you will not need to have any downtime.

Clear DocumentDB Collection before inserting documents

I need to know how to clear documentdb collection before inserting new documents. I am using datafactory pipeline activity to fecth data from on-prem sql server and insert into documentdb collection. The frequency is set to every 2 hrs. So when the next cycle runs, I want to first clear the exisitng data in documentdb collection. How do I do that?
The easiest way is to programmatically delete the collection and recreate it with the same name. Our test scripts do this automatically. There is the potential for this to fail due to a subtle race condition, but we've found that adding a half second delay between the delete and recreate avoids this.
Alternatively, it would be possible to fetch every document id and then delete them one at a time. This would be most efficiently done from a stored procedure (sproc) so you didn't have to send it all over the wire, but it would still be consuming RUs and take time.

Should ANALYZE be run in a transaction?

In sqlite (specifically version 3), should ANALYZE be run in a transaction?
If so, and I'm at the end of a long transaction that made lots of changes, is it okay to run ANALYZE in that same transaction or should that transaction be committed first and begin another transaction for the ANALYZE?
The documentation doesn't say anything about this one way or another.
ANALYZE reads the data from indexed columns and writes statistical information into some internal table.
This is somewhat similar to the following query:
SELECT 'MyTable', 'MyColumn', COUNT(*), AVG(MyColumn) FROM MyTable
done once for every indexed column.
Like any other SQL statement that writes a small amount of data to the database, the transaction overhead will be much larger than the actual effort to write the data itself.
In your case, it is not necessary for your changed data to be available without the changed statistics, so you could just as well do the ANALYZE in the same transaction.
If the database is so big that ANALYZE runs for a long time, it might make sense to delay its execution until later when it does not conflict with more important transactions.

Updating records one by one

I have 5000 records I am calculating salary of one user and update his data in database. So it’s taking quit long to update 5000 records. I want to calculate all users’ salary first and then update to records in db.
Is there any other way we can update db in single click
It really depends on how your are managing your data access layer and what data you need for doing the calculation? Do you have all the data you need in just one table or for each record you need to fetch some other data from another tables?
One way is to retrieve each record and do the calculation in a transaction and then store it on the database. In this way, you can also take advantage of ajax UI to inform the user about the progress of calculation. In this way, you should use SqlDataReader to fetching the data as it is very optimized and has less overhead than using DataSet and DataTables and also you can prevent several type-castings. In addition, you can also make it optimized by taking advantage of TPL or make it configurable for fetching/updating N records each time. This approach works if you have the ID of the records. You also need to have a field for your records to track your calculations in case of any disconnection or crashes or iisreset execution so that you can resume the calculation instead of rerunning it again.

How can i improve the performance of the SQLite database?

Background: I am using SQLite database in my flex application. Size of the database is 4 MB and have 5 tables which are
table 1 have 2500 records
table 2 have 8700 records
table 3 have 3000 records
table 4 have 5000 records
table 5 have 2000 records.
Problem: Whenever I run a select query on any table, it takes around (approx 50 seconds) to fetch data from database tables. This has made the application quite slow and unresponsive while it fetches the data from the table.
How can i improve the performance of the SQLite database so that the time taken to fetch the data from the tables is reduced?
As I tell you in a comment, without knowing what structures your database consists of, and what queries you run against the data, there is nothing we can infer suggesting why your queries take much time.
However here is an interesting reading about indexes : Use the index, Luke!. It tells you what an index is, how you should design your indexes and what benefits you can harvest.
Also, if you can post the queries and the table schemas and cardinalities (not the contents) maybe it could help.
Are you using asynchronous or synchronous execution modes? The difference between them is that asynchronous execution runs in the background while your application continues to run. Your application will then have to listen for a dispatched event and then carry out any subsequent operations. In synchronous mode, however, the user will not be able to interact with the application until the database operation is complete since those operations run in the same execution sequence as the application. Synchronous mode is conceptually simpler to implement, but asynchronous mode will yield better usability.
The first time SQLStatement.execute() on a SQLStatement instance, the statement is prepared automatically before executing. Subsequent calls will execute faster as long as the SQLStatement.text property has not changed. Using the same SQLStatement instances is better than creating new instances again and again. If you need to change your queries, then consider using parameterized statements.
You can also use techniques such as deferring what data you need at runtime. If you only need a subset of data, pull that back first and then retrieve other data as necessary. This may depend on your application scope and what needs you have to fulfill though.
Specifying the database with the table names will prevent the runtime from checking each database to find a matching table if you have multiple databases. It also helps prevent the runtime will choose the wrong database if this isn't specified. Do SELECT email FROM main.users; instead of SELECT email FROM users; even if you only have one single database. (main is automatically assigned as the database name when you call
If you happen to be writing lots of changes to the database (multiple INSERT or UPDATE statements), then consider wrapping it in a transaction. Changes will made in memory by the runtime and then written to disk. If you don't use a transaction, each statement will result in multiple disk writes to the database file which can be slow and consume lots of time.
Try to avoid any schema changes. The table definition data is kept at the start of the database file. The runtime loads these definitions when the database connection is opened. Data added to tables is kept after the table definition data in the database file. If changes such as adding columns or tables, the new table definitions will be mixed in with table data in the database file. The effect of this is that the runtime will have to read the table definition data from different parts of the file rather than at the beginning. The SQLConnection.compact() method restructures the table definition data so it is at the the beginning of the file, but its downside is that this method can also consume much time and more so if the database file is large.
Lastly, as Benoit pointed out in his comment, consider improving your own SQL queries and table structure that you're using. It would be helpful to know your database structure and queries are the actual cause of the slow performance or not. My guess is that you're using synchronous execution. If you switch to asynchronous mode, you'll see better performance but that doesn't mean it has to stop there.
The Adobe Flex documentation online has more information on improving database performance and best practices working with local SQL databases.
You could try indexing some of the columns used in the WHERE clause of your SELECT statements. You might also try minimizing usage of the LIKE keyword.
If you are joining your tables together, you might try simplifying the table relationships.
Like others have said, it's hard to get specific without knowing more about your schema and the SQL you are using.
