SQLite deployment fails unable to locate system.data.sqlite.dll vb.net - sqlite

Hoping that I do this corectly.
I am having the above issue. My development machine is win7 64. Im developing x86 application,(x86 set in compile options). I have downloaded sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x86-2010- as my app will be on .net4. I have referenced the above dll, set it to copy local. Can confirm that its in the deployed dirrectory. Tests OK on development machine both as a debug and a fully instaled app. When I put the app on a separate win 7 64bit it wount run due to the Dll. It installs ok into ProgramFiles(x86) and runs untill the database is required. The dll is in the instaled dirrectory when instaled on the other PC. (fresh win instal).
I am using InstalShield and it is also telling me about an error ' -6248: Could not find dependent file system.data.sqlite.dll, or one of its dependencies of component' but it compiles OK.
Im stearing at the Dll in the program , in the references, the intelisence picksup the SQLite name and all the code is right. I have referenced by browse and then finding the dll.
What on earth could I be doing wrong ?

This has had so many views that I decided to answer this so as to help others.
The problem isnt a big deal once you know what it is, despite the error message that sends you almost in the wrong dirrection. The problem isnt the DLL, its one of its dependancies. Basicaly you have to install C++ distributable file on the client machine , even if you are using VB.net. I cant take credit for the find, it comes from here http://justanothersoftwareengineer.blogspot.com.au/2011/08/how-to-make-systemdatasqlitedll-work-on.html.


QtWebEngineProcess error

I have a QWebEngineView instance included in my .Ui file. Program compiles without issues. However, when I start the program (via Visual Studio Debug mode), following error pops up.
Could not find QtWebEngineProcessd.exe.
Note: In a different windows pc - this programs runs without any issues. Can someone please point me to the right direction?
There was a problem with the QtCored.dll What I had in the Debug folder was apparently different than the version installed in the workstation. Hence, application runs with a version different to what it was built with.

How can I debug an Web (ExtJS) .Net application

I have inherited an ExtJS project that uses ASP.NET Web Handlers (ashx files) to access a database.
I'm trying to debug the connection to the database which is in the C# portion of the code.
I've tried adding a break point just before the connection to my database is made, but I can't seem to get the application to stop there. They only briefly turn white during debug-execution. Hovering the mouse over the breakpoint when it's in that state shows:
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.
I've been all over this question, with no better results
In the modules window, the Symbol Status of the DLL does indeed show Symbols Loaded.
The dll/pdb both seem to be copied over to C:\Users\myid\AppData\LocalTempTemporary ASP.Net Files\etc.
(this seems odd, because I would expect it to attach to the .dll in my work folder) Is there a way to tell the debugger to look there instead?
There of course is no exe since this is a web app.
tried cleaning the solution and rebuilding fresh including a fresh pull from the repository.
verified the build has the "Define Debug Constant" and "Define Trace Constant" are checked
deleted the contents of Temporary ASP.NET
checked the the project was set as Debug
checked that "Just My Code" was disabled in Debug / General
restarted the workstation completely
checked that the Solution has the right project starting (there's only one in it)
checked I'm building in debug (not release)
made small changes to the code to force a recompile
checked that "Automatically determine the type of code to debug " is selected in Attach to Process
run as administrator
checked Optimize Code is not turned on in the project properties
checked that "Use Managed Compatibility Mode" is turned off
There is no aspx involved so the CodeBehind/CodeFile issue is moot.
Beyond that, that answers are very much repetitive or I tried something at random and it worked.
What have I missed? Is there something basic that you are supposed to do with the project so it will let you debug the DLL that perhaps the original developer didn't do (no they aren't available to me)?
Problem resolved...
Ultimately there were two issues.
Originally, the DLL had been compiled as 32bit DLL which didn't play nice with the database (Oracle 64bit). Switching the platform target should have resolved the issue except, IE's cache of the web page hid the fact that I was now getting a classic "Could not load file or assembly xxx or one of its dependencies." error. [incidentally, I've now sett he cache to clear on exit]
This error was caused by IIS Express running in the 32 bit version instead of the 64 bit version. Which means the DLL never really run, and explains the "No symbols have been loaded for this document." warning.
That was then resolved by going to Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Web Projects and turning on Make sure that Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects.
Clean and rebuild, and everything works tickety-boo

Qt program does not run and exits immediately when run on another computer

I want to deploy my QT program and I can't find the reason it doesn't work, maybe you guys can help me ?
I work with visual studio 2010, windows 7, QT 5.0.2.
I have tested my deployment tree on my own computer and it works fine.
When deploying my application I ship every necessary dll that I am aware of. Depends.exe does not complain. I also deployed the plugin I know of, and since it still did not work I moved my entire plugin folder in the exe folder.
When I execute it on any other computer than my development computer, the program exits instantaneously with no message whatsoever.
Any idea where I should look now ?
How can I debug that kind of issue ?
Did you try deploying the debug version of the program and then starting it from the command line. The debug version will output more information to the console which could help you resolve the issue.
You will have to also deploy the debug versions of the MS c-runtime libraries.
Deploying the debug version is not a permanent solution, so you should not adopt that as normal routine for distributing your software. I am just suggesting that you try running the debug version one time on that particular machine until you figure out the issue. Then remove the installed program and install the release version again.
You can run your application using QtCreator:
Debug > Start Debugging > Start and Debug External Application...
This can give you more information about what's going on.

When installing an ODBC driver, Windows Installer keeps putting it in SystemFolder

I'm working on an installer that, among other things, installs a web server.
As part of the setup, I'm setting up an ODBC driver and data source. I'm
trying to put a bunch of utility files, including the third party ODBC driver DLL,
into a certain folder, but when I run the installer, it insists on changing
that directory to the SystemFolder directory. Why is it doing this, and is
there any way that I can make it install the files where I want them to go?
Strangely enough, it was actually working correctly up until I added a bunch
more files to that particular folder. In case it's relevant, the files that I'm having trouble with are in a merge module.
(I'm temporarily getting around the problems that this is causing by
installing the DLL to the SystemFolder, but I'd much rather avoid DLL hell by
having it installed where I want it to go, not where Windows Installer seems
to think it should go.)
I should also point out that I'm using Wise Installation Studio 7.0 as my development environment.
It would seem that it's not Windows Installer that insists on the ODBC Driver DLL being installed in the SystemFolder directory, but Wise. We found this solution for getting rid of an Error 1918 problem that we were also seeing, which says to take the driver entries out of the ODBCDriver table, and stick them in as Registry entries instead. After implementing that fix, we tried moving our DLL to where we really want it to be installed, and the installer was happy with that.

Problem running Java application

I have developed a Java swing application, then I have deployed it through a .jar package.
I run my application on my PC double-clicking over the .jar file and everything goes fine, everything goes fine from command line (dos prompt) too.
Here my problem.
I have tried to run my app on another PC:
same OS (Windows XP)
same JRE (1.6.0_U13)
but Oracle JInitiator installed (this is the only difference with my PC)
The app works fine only from command line, but not from gui!
Double-clicking over the .jar file I get this error:
`Could not find the main class. program will exit!`
Can this error be due to some conflict between JRE and JInitiator?
Does anybody had the same trouble?
executing .jar files from gui is associated to the "javaw" command
It is probably a conflict with JInit, which changes the association between jar files and the java command used to launch them.
See this thread.
Re-installed java and the problem has gone away.
A quick description might be - jinitiator installs as a fully implemented JRE with some additional features for cached downloads when dealing with applets.
As all the JRE installers I've seen lately do, regardless of if they are new or old, they replace several entries in the registry to become the active JRE. Whatever you installed last will be run unless you provide a full path to java.exe or change the registry to re point at a different JRE.
and see if the path to javaw.exe is correct. (or even included)
Paths\java.exe and javaw.exe and javaws.exe to check the path there also.
Have you checked your PATH/CLASSPATH/JAVA_PATH variables. It is possible that Jinitiator has installed the wrong version at the front.
Possibly check your manifest entries. See if the MANIFEST.MF in the jar contains the Main-Class attribute set correctly to the class that is supposed to be invoked, if not try setting it.
