How to hide shortcuts in Qt menu - qt

I am using Qt (Embedded Linux) and I want to hide the shortcuts displayed right next to the menu items. I still want to use the shortcuts though.
Quit Ctrl+Q
I want to get rid of the "Ctrl+Q" part of it.

As far as I know that is not directly possible.
What you could do, though, is to not set any shortcuts for your menu items, and instead create the shortcuts separately using QShortcut. Then they won't appear next to any menu items, since they won't be associated with any.


Qt/QML: Custom menu exceeding window boundaries

I want to create a custom Qt/QML menu like the main menu in Firefox:
As you can see, the menu can exceed the boundaries of the main window if it is bigger than the main window. Is there any way to achieve such behavior in Qt? I tried with the native Menu QML component, but this only gives me a default OS context menu with very vew customization options. I want full control over how the menu looks like and its contents (i.e. the same possibilities I have for a normal QML component or widget).
Qt Quick Controls 1 has Menus that are native and hence are not limited to window bounds.
Qt Quick Controls 2 does not yet have support for native Menus. You can track that here.
Qt Labs Platform has a native menu.
However, I doubt that any of these options will be sufficient in your case, as native menu support means utilising whatever the OS provides, which is probably not flexible enough to implement the menu shown in the image.
As mentioned by #hyde, one option may be to create a Window and implement your menu in there.

How do I test the accessibility of my Firefox extension's toolbar button (and attached popup)?

I'm writing a Firefox (web)extension. I have a browser_action in my manifest.json, with a default_popup. I want my extension to be accessible by all users, including those with vision impairment.
So I'd like to, as I change and develop things, test what it's like to (for example) interact with this feature, using only the keyboard. How do I do this? How do I focus and thus "click" the toolbar button, without a mouse?
Ideally, without actually running special screen reader software every time.
So I'd like to, as I change and develop things, test what it's like to
(for example) interact with this feature, using only the keyboard. How
do I do this? How do I focus and thus "click" the toolbar button,
without a mouse?
You can use commands to set a keyboard shortcut.
_execute_browser_action: works like a click on the extension's browser action
You may also add commands.update() (Firefox 60+) API to let users change that keyboard shortcut.
Thanks for considering accessibility. Just to clarify, because I don't think you meant this, but you can do keyboard testing without a screen reader. Just don't use your mouse :-) Seriously.
In my current firefox, I have an address bar, the search field, then a bunch of plugins on a toolbar.
On a PC (should be similar for a Mac, but Cmd instead of Ctrl):
I can move my keyboard focus to the address bar with alt+d or ctrl+L (cmd+L)
I can move my keyboard focus to the search field with ctrl+k (cmd+k)
Interestingly enough, I could not get my focus on the toolbar. I could have sworn I could tab from the address field, to the search field, to the toolbar, but it's not working now.
If you can get your focus there, then you should be able to use the left/right arrows to move between tools and then space/enter to select the tool.
If you want to play with a screen reader, NVDA is free.

Is there a way to get rid of the tab row in atom editor?

There was a change in base code of, so there is a tab row in all panel. It is still bearable in my file tree view, but I do think it is really annoying to have the tab in linter warning panel too.
Is there a way to get rid of it?
netizen's answer will work, but it will cause a potential problem for you later: if you end up with more than one component in one of your docks, you won't be able to see them, switch between them, close them, or rearrange them.
What you are seeing is that in Atom 1.17, a new UI building block was added, called Docks. You can read more about Docks in the blog post where they were announced, or in the deep dive written by the Nuclide team.
Instead of specific components written to sit in a special place in the window (such as tree-view, which sat on the left edge), now you have Dock areas: left, bottom, and right. Any component can sit in one of them, and more than one component fits into a dock.
This is like having multiple files in the editor window: you need a way to rearrange them, see all of them, and switch between them. Tabs are the answer to this problem.
Some people find it visually annoying to see the tabs when only one tab exists. Atom offers an option (in the tabs package) to change this behavior.
It turns out that this option covers all of the tab bars, not just the tab bar in the file editor.
You can find the option in the settings for the tabs package.
Open Atom preferences
click "Packages"
search for "tabs"
click "Settings" on the "tabs" package
Un-check "Always Show Tab Bar"
As I mentioned above, this will affect both your editor tabs and the tabs in Docks. When only one tab exists, the tab bar is hidden, and it is shown again when more than one tab exists.
Insert this into yous styles.less file:
.atom-dock-inner .bottom .tab-bar { display:none; }
Edit: As the comment below from #dan-lowe points, this solution has important drawbacks. It should be applied as a last resort and only to this version both of Atom editor and linter-ui-default, as the docks API is new and prone to changes.

Can't re-open project files sidebar anymore in Atom Editor

Sorry if this is the wrong place to answer but I found no other community which could help me with this. I accidentally closed the left-sidebar that shows the currently open project and it's files. Not sure what it's called, maybe navigation, folder view, either way, I tried pressing nearly every key combination to no results. I tried searching in the command palette for something that looked like "open project sidebar" but nothing. Now I'm stuck having no idea how to restore my primary navigation means when working with Atom. I tried opening multiple projects but I just get a black screen without the project sidebar, like it was hidden.
Any ideas?
I'm talking about this sidebar:
It is called "Tree-View".
You should be able to enable it via command pallete or ctrl + ,
It depends on your OS. On Mac OS X, it's CMD-\ (Command-Backslash) to toggle it. The option located on the View menu, called Toggle Tree View (the last menu option).

Qt switching between views

How do I switch between the two screens on the Qt?
For example, I have a button - static text plus a toolbar. Now I will add it to a frame and set it as a central widget. It works well for one window. What if I move it to the next window? Then I need to show some other stuff like another button, some images etc... and what if I come back to the first view again?
How do I show my old widgets back?
I'm not sure I got your problem right but, you could have different scenarios :
You could simply use groupboxes... Some widgets in groupbox1, otherWidget in groupbox2, and you display the groupbox you want to use, hiding the others...
You could use stackedWidget, which simulates "pages" of widgets stacked on top of eachothers... more informations here :
You could use other way like using tabs :
Maybe this example would be useful to you :
Hope it helps a bit !
I'd recommend checking out Animation/States example (should be in /qt/examples/animation/states/ subdirectory of your Qt installation). It shows how to combine state machine representing application logic with presentation layer and get cool animation effects for free (of course if you don't need eye candy, you can set widgets properties without any animation).
