QTableWidget cellClicked signal not working - qt

I have a QTableWidget in my application and I have connected the cellClicked(int,int) signal to a slot. But this code in the slot doesn't get called at all when a cell is clicked. Please let me know how this can be resolved. This is my code:
connect(ui.tableWidget, SIGNAL(cellClicked(x,y)), this, SLOT(myCellClicked(x,y)));

The SIGNAL and SLOT macros only handle type names, not variable names, so it should be:
connect(ui.tableWidget, SIGNAL(cellClicked(int,int)), this, SLOT(myCellClicked(int,int)));


cellClicked and cellPressed not working for QTableWidget

Whats is wrong with following call. IDBTable is QTableWidget
connect(m_GUI->m_UI->IDBTable,SIGNAL(cellPressed(2, 0)), this, SLOT(slotGoToWelcomeScreen()));
Your signal definition is wrong. There is no such signal cellPressed(2, 0) but only cellPressed(int, int). Please read the documentation about signals and slots and prefer the new signal slot syntax to catch such errors during compile time.

Function connected to the button is called twice after one click

I have a problem with slots and signals. I created buttons and connected them to the clicked() slot. Then i decided to connect signals and slots manually and since then when I click the button it calls its function twice.
connect(ui->okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_okButton_clicked()));
void settingswindow::on_okButton_clicked()
qDebug() << "ok clicked";
I was looking for the answer on google, but all i found was this: Where is the generated code of qt signals slots editor but my *.ui file looks like this: pastebin to the code. As you can see there's only one line with and nothing more. I can't find where the information about signals and slots is saved. Rebuild and clean options won't help.
This is not a bug in Qt. If you look at the generated code for your ui_*.h file, you'll notice that the last statement executed in the setupUi() function is a call to QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName().
Since your slot already conforms to the naming convention that this function is looking for, your slot is automatically connected to the signal.
By manually connecting the signal to the slot, in your settingswindow class, you effectively duplicate the connection.
As #Devopia mentioned, this is a documented feature.

Is there a way trigger a signal from another signal in Qt?

I already have an application in place and am tweaking it now. In this regard, I am introducing a new signal, which has to be emitted when another signal is emitted. Is this possible in Qt?
Writing a slot just to emit this signal feels so primitive and lame...
Detailing further, I have to connect the button signalClicked() to my own signal say sendSignal(enumtype)...
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I need to send a data with the second signal.
Yes, it is possible without creating additional slot. Just connect signal to signal:
More information in doc.
You can share data in connection as usual. Dirty example:
QWidget* obj = new QWidget;
//share data, pass wrong data to the signal
QObject::connect(obj,&QWidget::windowTitleChanged,[](QString str) {qDebug() << str;});
qDebug() << "But window title is"<< obj->windowTitle();
Output is:
But window title is "WindowTitle"
But there is no way to do something like:
connect(this,SIGNAL(someSignal()),this,SIGNAL(anotherSignal("with custom data")));
In this case, you need a separate slot.

How to keep the source signal's parameters while using QSignalMapper?

I ran into a problem that I need to keep the mapped source signal's parameters. So far I only found examples to map signals without any parameter.
For example, the clicked() signal:
signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
signalMapper->setMapping(taxFileButton, QString("taxfile.txt"));
connect(taxFileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
signalMapper, SLOT (map()));
connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)),
this, SLOT(readFile(QString)));
However, I would need to map some signal with its own parameters, for example the clicked(bool) signal, then the SLOT need to have two arguments doStuff(bool,QString):
connect(taxFileButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
signalMapper, SLOT (map()));
connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)),
this, SLOT(doStuff(bool,QString)));
However, it does not work like this? Is there any work around?
QSignalMapper does not provide functionality to pass signal parameters.
see documentation:
This class collects a set of parameterless signals, and re-emits them with integer, string or widget parameters corresponding to the object that sent the signal.
There are the ways to solve that:
If Qt4 is used then I'd suggest to implement your own signal mapper which supports parameters what you need.
QSignalMapper implementation would be good example to start.
But if Qt5 is used then you can do exactly what you need without usage QSignalMapper at all. Just connect signal to lambda:
connect(taxFileButton, &TaxFileButton::clicked, [this](bool arg) {
doStuff(arg, "taxfile.txt");
} );
I assume taxFileButton is instance of TaxFileButton class.
If C++11 lambda is not suitable for some reason then tr1::bind could be used to bind this and "taxfile.txt" values.
Please note such connection will not be disconnected automatically when this object is destroyed.
More details are here.

Qt SLOTS parameters (Beginner)

I'm a beginner to Qt and am making (or at least trying to make) a basic calculator. If I understand correctly, when doing this:
connect(my_button_4, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeNumberLbl("4")));
The "4" is not accessible (rather, only its type is) in writeNumberLbl. Basically, I would like so that when the button is clicked, the label sets its text to "4". However, I have the numbers 0 to 9, so I wanted to do:
connect(my_button_0, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeNumberLbl("0")));
connect(my_button_1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeNumberLbl("1")));
connect(my_button_9, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeNumberLbl("9")));
My writeNumberLbl function is:
void Calculator::preWriteVal(QChar val)
QString curVal = ui.lbl_output->text();
curVal += val;
However, I can see that this will not work due to the parameter, 'val'. Could someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you. I did look to see if this question had already been answered and couldn't find anything. If it has, please provide me a link.
Also, is it possible, using Qt Designer 4, to connect a widget to a custom slot?
Thank you.
As far as I know,Qt's signal/slot system requires that the number of parameters of signal function is not less than that of slots function.
In your example,the signal function click() have zero parameters and slot function writeNumberLbl("4") have one parameter,this will not be accepted by the Qt's signal/slot system and if you run your program in debug mode of Qt creator,the qDebug will show you a message like 'Incompatiable signal/slot' blalbalba~. To solve this problem, just read the article given by Arnold Spence. It is quite clear.
There are a number of ways to tackle this problem and they are outlined very nicely here. Although that page is a bit old, I think it is still quite valid. I would recommend using a signal mapper.
For your second question, yes. You can connect signals and slots using Qt Designer by setting the designer in "Edit Signals/Slots" mode. Once in this mode, for example, you can drag a connection line from a button to the form. A dialog will open up allowing you to choose the signal and slot to connect. If you haven't already implemented a slot in code, you can specify the name of a slot and then add the code for it afterward.
The number of parameters in Slot can not exit those in Signal? and pressed() has none. You have two choices (three, counting the dumb one):
Use QSignalMapper. Its help is self-explanatory.
Connect all your buttons to single slot. In it, find out what button has been pressed. QObject::sender() function helps.
There are even more ways, but more complicated.
