Divs next to each other, 1: 200px, 2: 100% - css

i'm having a problem with divs.
I've been searching but couldn't get a solution.
I have 2 divs in a header. One containing logo and other contanining other things. First is 210px width and the second is 100% width (Fill available space).
I want to have the two on the same line.
I've been trying playing with display: inline, inline block, float left, but not working, second div is taking 100% of page and displaying below logo div.
Thanks in advance.
Source: http://jsfiddle.net/ukDQS/1/

You don't need most of that junk. It's pretty easy. You're over thinking the problem.
First, a div is 100% by default, so you don't need to have the 100% on it. Second, you just need to float the logo left, and assign a width to that. That's all there is to it. Get rid of all the display and other float and other kinds of positioning elements.

Follow the solution:
div#header-right-content { div.logo }

#logo {
float: left;
height: 80px;
padding: 5px 0 0 5px;
width: 210px;
#header-right-content {
height: 80px;
margin-left: 210px;
position: relative;
You don't need to set width 100% to the second div, because it'll expand to the fullr est of space.


Image Not Staying Within Parent Div

I am trying to make some responsive cards. I have the cards completed and spaced out properly. On the front of the cards I want an image on the top of the cards and a title in the middle. The title is fine and the image is fine except for the right side of the image.
Here is the CSS code for the image (image is in an img tag in HTML page with a class of "image"):
div .image {
padding: 5%;
height: 45%;
width: 100%;
The right side for some reason is ignoring the padding and sticking out of the card parent div. Any ideas why?
did you already set div's width?
also as far i know is no need to set image's height if you already set it's width to 100%
anyway here some example
div { width: 200px; height: 150px; padding: 6px; }
div img { width: 100%; }
You set the width to be 100% and padding 5%. Make sure you have:
box-sizing: border-box;
for the parent.
Also without the full example of code, hard to answer. Can use overflow: hidden; on the parent to hide that part sticking out.

Body element showing behind Content Wrapper with a width of 100%

I have a contentWrapper class which contains all of the elements on my page. For some reason, the navigation takes up what appears to be 100% of the body and then some. I cannot however get the following elements, the slider and divs below, to stretch to fill the same width. There is always extra room to scroll to the right which displays the background color. I have made it pink in the fiddle its easy to see.
body {
background-color: black;
.contentWrapper {
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
background-color: black;
Any suggestions? I feel like it could be an easy fix, deleting sections of the page at a time did not seem to remedy the issue.
So it looks like your .cycle-overlay is 100% wide and left is set to 20px. This is pushing everything over and revealing the background. Setting the width to 300px got rid of it for me.
.cycle-overlay {
position: relative;
top: -200px;
left: 20px;
z-index: 999;

make left and right floated div not resizable

I have 3 div's:
.left, .right {
width: 30px;
resize: none;
.left {
float: left;
.right {
float: right;
.center {
max-width: 960px;
margin: 0 auto;
What I want to achieve is that only the middle one resizes when resizing the browser. In the left and right div there is an image that is part of the design.
When I make the browser smaller, the left en right div will narrow at one point and it seems that it is getting pushed into the center div. This makes the content of the center being pushed down. How can I make sure the 2 div will stay #30px?
Strange thing is, in the jsfiddle it does work...
The issue is with the <img /> element you have in the header. When you hide it you can see that it no longer interferes with your layout.
The problem is because the <img /> element will expand to the maximum size of the container, which is 100%. That 100% does not include the 30px you have reserved for each side, as floated elements are taken out of the document flow. Declaring 100% of a child element means it will expand to the width of its parent elements, without taking into account the extra space taken up by floated siblings. Therefore, a solution would be using CSS calc to constrain the width of .center, and float it to the left, too:
.center {
width: calc(100% - 60px);
Alternatively, you can give .center a margin of 30px on the left and on the right. The floated divs will ignore margins because they are taken out of the document flow, and will fit perfectly within that 30px corridor you have created for them.
.center {
margin: 0 30px;
Both methods I have tested and verified by playing with the Inspector on the link you have provided. The calc() method might suffer from lack of support in older browsers, while the margin method will work for most browsers that are in use today :) pick any one.
Try setting the horizontal margin for your center div to the known width of the left and right divs:
.center {
max-width: 960px;
margin: 0 30px;

css columns shrinking 100% pixel value

I have a page which is divided up into 3 divs, left center and right. I don't want to display anything in the left and right, they just frame the page.
background-color: Gray;
width: 10%;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
background-color: Gray;
height: 100%;
width: 10%;
left: 90%;
top: 0px;
position: absolute;
The center div has a table, which allows the user to select how many rows to see. If they chose a large value then the body of the table went beyond the bottom of the left and right div.
To correct this I put the following code in
if ($("#leftDiv").length == 1) {
$("#leftDiv").height($("body").height() + "px");
if ($("#rightDiv").length == 1) {
$("#rightDiv").height($("body").height() + "px"); ;
this works fine until the user selects a smaller value than the page size, after selecting a larger value.
Then the left and right divs get set to less than 100%.
What i need is a way to find out what 100% is in pixels and then I can compare this to the height of the body and decide which is bigger.
Any ideas?
Use margin: 0 auto
Kill your left and right columns, give your main div a width, and then center that div using an auto left and right margin. For example:
#mainDiv {
width: 80%;
margin: 0 auto;
Why are you creating empty elements to frame the page? How about setting the body background to the colour you require and:
#center_div {width: /* whatever */;
margin: 0 auto; /* to center in the viewport */
overflow: auto; /* or visible */
You could leave off the overflow property, and simply use min-width in place of width (I can't remember how cross-browser compatible this is) to define the 'normal' width, in such a way that the content will force the div to be larger as required to display the content.
If the left and right divs don't have any contents, then there's no need for them to be separate divs: apply their formatting to your container div instead, and center your contents div using margin: 0 auto. Obviously, you'll need to give the container div a specified width, and a non-transparent background. Then you can let the browser take care of resizing the window as needed - there's no need for you to reinvent the wheel for that part.
#container {background-color:gray;}
#content {background-color:white;width:80%;margin:0 auto;}
<div id="container">
<div id="content">
...your content here...
(If your page doesn't have a container div, then you can apply the background color to the body element instead, and save even more code.)

Getting a horizontal scroll bar within a 100% div

I'm trying to build a quick overview that shows the upcoming calendar week. I want it arranged horizontally so it can turn out to be quite wide if we show a full calendar week.
I've got it set up right now with an inner div with a fixed width (so that the floated "day" divs don't return below) and an outer div that's set to width: 100%. I'd LIKE for the outer div to scroll horizontally if the page is resized so that the inner div no longer fits in it, but instead the outer div is fixed larger at the width of the inner div and the page itself scrolls.
Gah I'm not good at explaining these things... Here's a bit of code that might clear it up..
The CSS:
.cal_scroller {
padding: 0;
overflow: auto;
width: 100%;
.cal_container {
width: 935px;
.day {
border: 1px solid #999;
width: 175px;
height: 200px;
margin: 10px;
float: left;
and the (simplified) structure:
<div class="cal_scroller">
<div class="cal_container">
<div class="day">Monday</div>
<div class="day">Tuesday</div>
<div class="day">Wednesday</div>
<div class="day">Thursday</div>
<div class="day">Friday</div>
So to try again - I'd like the cal_scroller div always be the page width, but if the browser is resized so that the cal_container doesn't fit anymore I want it to scroll WITHIN the container. I can make it all work if I set a fixed width on cal_scroller but that's obviously not the behavior I'm going for. I'd rather not use any javascript cheats to adjust the width of the div if I don't have to.
Your cal_scroller class is 100% + 20px (padding) wide. Use a margin on cal_container instead, like so:
.cal_scroller {
padding: 10px 0;
overflow: auto;
width: 100%;
.cal_container {
margin: 0 10px;
width: 935px;
See here for a description of how the box model works (in short, the everything is outside the width/height of an element).
Also, block elements (like <div>s) are 100% width by default, making your 100% width declaration redundant.
One problem I see is your width: 100% rule. div.cal_scroller is already a block-level element, so it'll default to filling the entire page width. (Not to mention that padding is added on top of width, so you end up with that div being bigger than the page.)
Just get rid of that width rule, and you should be golden. (I just tried myself, and it worked like a charm.)
I didn't read your question very carefully, but when you have width: 100% and padding, that's generally not what you want.
100% + 20px > 100% - that might be the problem.
I struggled with this a lot but the simplest solution I found was adding:
.cal_container { white-space: nowrap; }
This way you don't have to give it a width at al. It just makes sure everything stays in one line.
