simple fullscreen css slider - css

I'm trying to make a very simple fullscreen css slider.
This is normally how I'd do a really simple one, I don't think I'll ever have more then five things I want on it. I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to make it fullscreen. With a fixed width you can just tell it the photo size adn say move that many pixels over, I was thinking about doing it with percents, and just having the containing div be 100% height adn if it's 4 images slide it by percents, 25,75, 100 %. The problem is if an image is wider then it is tall it would go off screen with this idea.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
Thanks in advance.

Try Supersized ;) It's great, and very customisable.


5 col layout image gallery - when image is zooomed part of it is "under" another image

I have a 5 column responsive layout for a gallery page. I did not code it myself, having found the code for exactly what I wanted somewhere on line. My coding skills and understanding of CSS positioning are evolving, to put it nicely.
It works well until I zoom an image. The image zooms properly, but the right edge is showing as "under" the image to the zoomed image's right.
Looking for the answer I found that the container must have a relative position and the image to have an absolute position for z-factor to work (or so I understood what I read). When I set the image position to absolute, each image takes up the entire screen. I tried a "clear:both" on the hover property to no avail.
The problem exists in any screen width from 550px up - below that the display is single column.
Both the code and the on-page css is valid. Link is
Any help appreciated; prefer no java solutions since I barely understand the basic concept of it.
Thanks in advance to all of you who spend so much time helping others get the hang of coding. The last language that I truly understood and used properly was dBase iii so I am kind of struggling here :)

My images look terrible on a image slider- what should I do to make my images look not stretched out?

It is the first time I have ever used image slider on a website, what should I do to make my images not look stretched out?
The problem is not with my slider code, my question is if this is even possible to my images look great with this kind of height/width ratio (I have tried scaling images with Sketch already and this is the best result I have gotten so far)? I also don't want to add more height to the slider since I think slider shouldn't take up that much space.
Here is the website for reference:
People who have worked a lot with sliders- what should I do to make it look great?
So let's make some calculations - as I can see at webpage you're using 2000x600px size images, what's gives us 20/6 scale = 3.(3). So for 4256px width (if you want to use it all) you should have 1276px height (4256 / 3.(3) = 1276px). So if you crop 1276px width from you original image it won't be stretched out.

Responsive content slider sometime cuts too much of the bottom off images
So my wordless theme has a built in slider. It is responsive. The slider is in the background and seems to have a height of 100%. On browsers that are normal width but tall this means that a lot of the image is hidden behind the white background of the content lower down the page. If you resize the page while the slider is on the slide image of the queen you will see why this is a problem. My boss would like it to always show her heard and shoulders.
Is there a way of, on longer shaped browser windows, stopping the image from being 100% height and therefore making it display better on longer height browsers as well as normal shaped ones?
As you can probably tell I'm kind of out of my depth on this one, so any help would be fantastic!
Luckily for you there is a quick fix on this particular slider. The elements are set to have a background-attachment of fixed on #slider-container .full-bg-image. Clear it and the whole picture will display. You should then be able to use the background-position to align more specifically for mobile, or only have the fixed position for desktop use with a media query. I'm not sure what method the powers that be would like best :)

horizontally display images on small browser window

I have this photo site that I am noodling with and I have an issue with reactive sizing of the browser window. The images look great at 100%, but when I size down the window the landscape images start to resize, which I understand they are sizing down to meet the width of the browser window.
However when I get really small, to mimic a smartphone, I really want these images to stack, as this makes more sense for images that are portrait. So the idea is to go from left to right and then top to bottom when the browser is small. Im kinda rusty at css and I cant remember how to get this done. Can someone please help a brutha out and point me in the right direction so I can get this going? Im doing this all thru my WP override option, so an approach I should follow with just css would be the best, as Im a tard with anything more complex.
the site is here:
What I suggest for you to do is:
write css to make the images float: left; and position: relative;inside a container div
detect the orientation of the browser window
according to the orientation, set the width of the container div
This should make the images display horizontally when possible and make them stack vertically when not.
You should take a look at this too probably.
This is good. Don't know what's actually bothering you with the responsive layout but so far your site works great.
If you still do not want that resize/layout on smaller device do remove/edit between lines #7201 - #7509 on this file

css resizeable banner

Okay I found this tutorial "Stretchy Image Header Banner with CSS" but the problem (as it listed in this tutorial is) is the height. The height gets real big as the browser is enlarge. Is there a way to resolve this? Since the banner would expand in proportion, the height will have to get bigger but I wonder if there is a better way to do this. Is there a way to start cropping the banner from the top by certain percentages as the banner is getting bigger? Any suggestion is much appreciated.
Set a max-height on the image to prevent it from getting to large vertically.
