Integrate blog into own website - wordpress

There are already several questions with a similar title, but they received either no answers, or the answers were too specific.
I would like to integrate a blog into a website, so that content can be updated using a simple interface, e.g. from a wordpress/blogger/... account. I find the solutions with iframe cumbersome and unprofessional and I am not sure that modding a wordpress/blogger/... theme gives satisfactory results either, plus, I am not fond of running a whole wordpress engine on my website.
I build my light-weight websites from scratch (in gedit, Notepad for Linux), so I am not tied to any particular system or software and have full control over the layout.
Do you have any suggestions for achieving a satisfactory solution? Will I have to learn ASP.NET and IIS?
Many thanks.

WordPress is a good solution for your system. It's easy to install and use.
Requirements from WordPress Codex:
WordPress server requirements for Version 3.2:
o PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
o MySQL version 5.0.15 or greater
o (Optional)(Required for MultiSite) Apache mod_rewrite module (for clean URIs known as Permalinks)
It is also required that you install it on Apache. So, no need to learn ASP.NET and IIS.
If you want to have a blog, just pust the wordpress files in a folder called blog and install it there. You will then be able to access the website from

Perhaps, I think integrating WP will be the best solution.. Integrating WordPress.
And for the IIS alternative, ChiliASP can be an alternative for IIS on Linux, but costs $$$ and I heard it wasn't working well. Alternative to that, learn PHP/MySQL. You'll never regret learning it, and you'll never go back to IIS/ASP. Linux/GNU opens doors like you wont beleive.


Building a commercial website using wordpress

does anyone know what building a WordPress commercial website actually means? Does it involve just learning PHP or other programming langs? Tried looking online, but couldn't find an answer.
WordPress is a blogging platform available under a license which allows reuse. Anyone can download the WordPress source code and use it to make a website. This may be a commercial website.
WordPress allows plugins. Many plugins are available under the same licence as WordPress itself, or similar licenses. Others can be purchased. Or you can write your own or pay someone to write them for you. These plugins can radically change the behaviour of a WordPress site. You can build all kinds of complex applications on top of WordPress.
Whether this is a good idea is another question. In my opinion, WordPress is a decent blogging platform, and the well known shop plugins are well tested and probably reasonably well behaved, but using it as a basis for bespoke complex applications is a bad idea. It certainly can be done, but the data structure tends to be weird. I speak as someone who has rebuilt from scratch a couple of applications originally based on WordPress, and both times wasted hours of my life trying to make sense of the database.
As per my opinion wordpress is not suitable for enterprise level applications, because due to lot of data it will get slow your site.
However if someone want to built commercial website on wordpress but on smaller scope, yes he/she can build on wordpress.
Building a commercial website on wordpress requires php basic knowledge and wordpress theme hiearchy and tags knowledge.
You do not need any high skill knowledge to build your commercial website.
Yes its involved learning of different fields like html, css, javascript or jquery, php, mysql.
But it depends on requirement.
If you have purchased a ready made theme and require only small changes then it will require frontend skills like html, css, jquery.
And if its need heavy customization then it will require backend skills like php or wordpress loop structure and theme structure.

Building a website for a hotel - is WordPress the best idea?

I'm researching to see if building a full website for a hotel be a good idea to do on WordPress.
I read that wordpress is okay but there are better options.
I want to design and code my own front end look to the website, but have the backend on a stable platform that can take all the reservations seamlessly.
My main concern is to be able to have a backup of all the files and easily switch to another server in case something goes wrong.
I can host the website on my server or host with the service you suggest that comes with the platform all together.
Any ideas and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
There are other options, no doubt, but yes, it can and is really possible to build it using WordPress as CMS.
If you want to design and code your own theme, you'll need to study the WordPress Theme Structure and, since you'll build it by yourself, you'll also need to develop plugins to create custom post types (aka CPT) to make the hotel management easier on the WP back-end.
About the theme structure, files, child themes and everything, I'd recommend you to read
About the plugins development:
About Custom Post Types:
About the backup: it's super easy and you can even make a full backup using free plugins via back-end. But if the site goes down you can easily do it via FTP downloading only wp-content folder and the database. It's really simple to migrate from one WordPress to another, or from host to host.
About the hosting, you'll need to use a server if you want to build this project. There's a difference between and
The .com is simpler, you are not able to build everything you want. The .org is the open source project, which you get the files, upload to your server and connect to database (MariaDB or MySQL). Most hosts offer automatic installation for WordPress and, from there, you can change whatever you want and need.
Note: many developers create CPTs INSIDE the theme's code, but this is not recommended by WP as you can see in We recommend that you put custom post types in a plugin rather than a theme. This ensures that user content remains portable even if they change their theme.
WP is not really hard, after 1 week studying you'll see yourself getting over most difficulties. Even if it takes longer, don't give up. There's a huge community to help you with WP questions.
Hope it helps and I'm sorry my bad writing, I'm not an english native speaker.
C ya

newbie: is it possible to wordpress theme with LAMP stack

I created the site
We love the look of the home pages of some wordpress themes we've seen recently.
QUESTION: in theory, is it possible to use a wordpress theme as our home page at, but then have all of the rest of the internal pages of the site run as it is currently built? (below, per my developer). If it is at least possible, are there any strong cautions or reasons not to do it?
1) The site is built using Zend Framework 2 on a traditional LAMP stack
2) Server is LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
3) We run PHP 5.3
Of course it is possible, but it doesn't make any sense and integrating the two platforms would still require a developer and most likely would ultimately be more work (not to mention be a lot harder to update and maintain both from an admin perspective and a development perspective) than simply mimicking the design or functionality of one of the Wordpress theme home pages you like while staying in your current platform and framework.
In short, yes it's technically possible, but realistically it doesn't particularly make sense to do so. The only reason I can think you might want to use Wordpress for the home page and your own custom platform for the rest of the site is to avoid paying your developer for more hours to build the homepage on your platform, but integrating Wordpress with your existing site is going to take developer expertise anyway so that's a moot point.
It would make more sense to take the Wordpress theme's home page code (HTML/CSS/JS) and associated template(s) and adapt them to use whatever templating system (PHP) your site uses rather than Wordpress's templating system.

Using wordpress as external content management system

We are planning to create an website (probably mvc), that needs a cms for news items.
Our content managers and others who require to publish news have asked if they can use wordpress for content management.
Our users have different roles, and news items should be visible to certain roles, or even specific users if possible.
The reason they want wordpress is the manager's user friendliness, so if some other alternative with the same kind of user experience would be ok.
Could anyone please point me in some direction?
NOTE: I'm still doing research at the moment, so I've got nothing holding me back at this point.
There is an API plugin that has been developed to spit out information in JSON, but I have not actually implemented a site with it:
Perhaps you could have the authors work on a wordpress install and create your app to draw content via that plugin?
I too was facing the same issue, little different. We want to have WP as CMS so that our site can take the benefit of SEO which is very easy with WP. SO we installed WP under a folder in the Main based website. Initially there were issues, I was unable to run it. Finally managed to run it. Solution is posted here - Hope it will help someone. Actual site where we implemented this is
Now I want to have specific section of WP to be accessible on my site. SO I am exploring different options and will post, if found something
DotNetNuke is the most popular ASP.NET based CMS (source). I am implementing my first project in it and so far I am very happy with it.
Note the free edition will not work for you since you need customizable security roles and free has a limited set of predetermined roles. You'll need the pro edition.
I don't know how similar it is to WordPress. Overall, WordPress is much more popular but of course there are platform issues with WordPress since it is Apache based and you want to create an ASP.NET website.

Joomla Blog/Wordpress Integration

I'm looking for a wordpress-like blog interface to put inside a Joomla hosted site. The admin interface of Joomla is quirky enough and hard enough to use that daily updates are infeasible.
What I am looking for is an easy-to-use posting interface that supports multiple users with different accounts/names, a tagging scheme, and easy find by date/user/tag functionality.
In particular I'm looking for a relatively easy-to-deploy, out-of-the-box solution, and would prefer not to hack rss feeds together or write too much custom code. I know there are several extensions out there but they all receive largely mixed reviews... Has anyone used any of these? Or has anyone had experience putting something like this together?
Well you could do this - have a wordpress installation. Get the users to post there and then use the RSS feed from it (or the XML RPC Blogging API) to update the Joomla installation. You will have to write the update piece once, but then all the headache is gone.
I'm not trying to be smart here, but if the admin interface of Joomla isn't working for you, aren't you doing yourself a disservice by trying to patch their UI instead of spending your time looking for a CMS that is easier to manage/a better fit for your user base?
Edit: All of the CMS's I've dealt with in ASP.NET are homegrown. However I'm looking into checking out Umbraco based on the recommendations of two well-respected friends. In the case you presented where you already have content in Joomla and a migration out to another CMS is going to be overkill, I think that vaibhav has got it right. You should look into setting up Wordpress or some other blogging engine and then simply have Joomla consume the content and display it in the Joomla site. I've not done it, but from what I remember of Joomla when I was looking at it, I believe that it would support this.
After doing a bit more research I decided to go with the open source MojoBlog. It was quite easy to install and configure and after a few stalls and hang ups that were resolved via perusal of their forums I was up and running. The edit interface is not ideal but it much better than Joomla admin, and it has multi-user-support, tag categorization, modules for viewing by tag, date, etc. Think it will suffice for my needs in the short term.
We at 'corePHP' have successfully integrated the WordPress and WordPress Multi-User blogging platforms into Joomla!. Please visit us to see what these feature-rich components have to offer you.
Happy Blogging,
Michael Pignataro
VP of Operations
