error in submit button -

I have an error in the execution of my code. It says "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". This is my code:
Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click GridView1.Visible = True
Dim myConn As OleDbConnection
Dim sqlString, takenby, dest, client, car As String
Dim recordno As Integer
Dim dte, exptime As String
recordno = TextBox4.Text
dte = TextBox1.Text
car = ComboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString()
takenby = ComboBox2.SelectedValue.ToString
dest = ComboBox3.SelectedValue.ToString
client = TextBox2.Text
exptime = TextBox3.Text
myConn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\student\WebSite3\App_Data\Database.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;")
sqlString = "INSERT INTO DETAILED GISTEC CARS(Record No, Date, Car, Taken By, Destination, Client, Expected Time to Return)VALUES(?recordno, ?dte, ?car, ?takenby, ?dest, ?client, ?exptime);"
Dim cmd = New OleDbCommand(sqlString, myConn)
End Sub

You should change your query to use question mark placeholders and then add paramters to prevent (amongst other things) sql injection issues.
You also need to add square brackets to your column names if they have spaces in them:
sqlString = "INSERT INTO [DETAILED GISTEC CARS] ([Record No], [Date], [Car], [Taken By], [Destination], [Client], [Expected Time to Return]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"
Dim cmd = New OleDbCommand(sqlString, myConn)
cmd.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("Record No", recordno))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("Date", dte))
See this page about OleDbParameters for more information.

Try to execute query directly in Access until it works.
From here it looks like
You have no spaces around VALUES
Your table name contain spaces so better use [] to surround table name
Same with some column names.
Not sure of ?recordno syntax in vb so better use + operator
sqlString = "INSERT INTO [DETAILED GISTEC CARS]([Record No], [Date], [Car], [Taken By], [Destination], [Client], [Expected Time to Return]) VALUES (" + recordno + ", " + dte + ", " + car +", " + takenby, " + dest + ", " + client + ", " + exptime + ");"

An alternative to cad's concatenation method would be to use curly brace array placeholders. Something like this should do it:
sqlString = String.Format("INSERT INTO [DETAILED GISTEC CARS] ([Record No], [Date], [Car], [Taken By], [Destination], [Client], [Expected Time to Return]) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});", recordno, dte, car, takenby, dest, client, exptime)
You should also put single quotes around non-numeric values, escape any user entered single quotes, and call the Access CDATE function for Date/Time columns. So, assuming dte is user entered data and exptime is a Date\Time column, those two variables might be set like this:
dte = "'" + TextBox1.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "'"
exptime = "CDATE('" + TextBox3.Text + "')"
and so on and so forth...


How to find specific string and dynamic string

How can I get the values in single quote from DescriptionMsg column which having the common string as 'Account Number is changed from'.
SELECT Logid, mrd_id, mrd_accountnumber, DescriptionMsg
FROM RecordData_Log
WHERE Log_date > '2020-12-31 23:59:59.999'
AND Log_type = 'Record Updated'
AND DescriptionMsg LIKE '%Account Number is changed from%';
Here is the sample output when I run the above sql query.
" Account Number is changed from '2' to '2121212121'.Logo is
changed. "
I need the values in single comma which is 2 and 2121212121 in this example. For multiple records how can I find it.
Not clear if you looking to process get this information in code, or from the query?
I mean, you can always parse out the value.
Say like this:
Using conn As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.TEST4)
Dim strSQL As String =
"SELECT Logid, mrd_id, mrd_accountnumber, DescriptionMsg FROM RecordData_Log " &
"WHERE Log_date > '2020-12-31 23:59:59.999' AND Log_type = 'Record Updated' " &
"And DescriptionMsg LIKE '%Account Number is changed from%';"
Using cmdSQL As New SqlCommand(strSQL, conn)
Dim rstData = New DataTable
For Each OneRow As DataRow In rstData.Rows
Dim str As String = OneRow("DescriptionMsg").ToString.Replace("'", "")
str = str.Split("from ")(1)
Dim strFromNumber As String = str.Split(" ")(1)
Dim strToNumber As String = str.Split(" ")(3)
strToNumber = strToNumber.Split(".")(0)
Debug.Print("From num = " & strFromNumber)
Debug.Print("To num = " & strToNumber)
End Using
End Using
With your sample string, the output is:
From num = 2
To num = 2121212121

Data from input box not inserting in to database

I made this form to insert information in database. I don't know where the error coming from. It's not inserting information from input fields to database.
Here's my code:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim id, name, description, code, cat_industry, cat_theme, cat_occasion, cat_budget As String
id = product_id.Text
name = product_name.Text
description = product_description.Text
code = item_code.Text
cat_industry = industry.SelectedValue
cat_theme = theme.SelectedValue
cat_occasion = occasion.SelectedValue
cat_budget = budget.SelectedValue
Dim str1 As String = "insert into product (ID, Product_Name, Product_Description, Item_Code, Industry, Theme, Occasion, Budget) values ('" + id + "', '" + name + "', '" + description + "', '" + code + "', '" + cat_industry + "', '" + cat_theme + "', '" + cat_occasion + "', '" + cat_budget + "')"
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(str1, con)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Your column names can't be referenced as Product Name and Product Description with a space - you will need to escape it as [Product Name], [Product Description] etc.
But please refrain from inserting data directly - instead you should be parameterizing your input variables. This has benefits from both a performance and security (Sql Injection) perspective.
Dim str1 As String = "insert into product (ID, [Product Name], [Product Description], Item_Code, etc) " _
" values (#id, #name, #description, #code, etc)"
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(str1, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#id", id )
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#name", name )
... etc

ASP.NET variable not getting assigned values

Im having problem with this code.
the variables qty and itname are not getting valid values ...can anyone find out the problem ?
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class consolidate
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public lastreq_no As Int32
Protected Sub btnconsolidate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnconsolidate.Click
Dim qtypen As Integer
Dim qtypencil As Integer
Dim qtygbag As Integer
Dim qtysugar As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim req As Integer
Dim qty As Integer
Dim itname As String = ""
Dim sqlcon As New SqlConnection("Data Source=user-hp\sqlexpress;initial catalog=campco;integrated security=true;")
If sqlcon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
Dim str As String
str = "Select Req_no from Requirements "
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(str, sqlcon)
Dim sdr As SqlDataReader
sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
lastreq_no = sdr.GetInt32(sdr.VisibleFieldCount - 1)
For i = 0 To sdr.VisibleFieldCount - 1
req = sdr.GetInt32(i)
While req > lastreq_no
Dim selcomnd1 As String
Dim selcomnd2 As String
selcomnd1 = "Select #itname=It_name from Requirements where Req_no= #req"
selcomnd2 = "Select #qty= Quantity from Requirements where Req_no= #req"
Dim sqlcomnd1 As New SqlCommand(selcomnd1, sqlcon)
Dim sqlcomnd2 As New SqlCommand(selcomnd2, sqlcon)
sqlcomnd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#itname", itname)
sqlcomnd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("#qty", qty)
TextBox1.Text = itname
TextBox2.Text = qty
Select Case (itname)
Case "Pen"
qtypen += qty
lastreq_no = req
Case "Pencil"
qtypencil += qty
lastreq_no = req
Case "Gunny bag"
qtygbag += qty
lastreq_no = req
Case "Sugar"
qtysugar += qty
lastreq_no = req
End Select
End While
If sqlcon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
Dim comm As String
comm = "Insert into Consolidate (lastr_no,qtypen,qtypencil,qtygunnybag,qtysugar)values('" + lastreq_no.ToString + "','" + qtypen.ToString + "','" + qtypencil.ToString + "','" + qtygbag.ToString + "','" + qtysugar.ToString + "')"
Dim sqlcomm As New SqlCommand(comm, sqlcon)
Dim s As String
s = sqlcomm.ExecuteNonQuery()
End Sub
End Class
To start with, neither scalar statement is valid. Have you attempted to run those statements in SQL Management Studio or similar program to test the statements themselves? They should be something like:
selcomnd1 = "Select It_name from Requirements where Req_no=#req"
selcomnd2 = "Select Quantity from Requirements where Req_no=#req"
And then you would assign them in this manner:
itname = CType(sqlcmnd1.ExecuteScalar(), String) ' .ToString() would probably work here as well
qty = Convert.Int32(sqlcmnd2.ExecuteScalar())
Or you could use .TryParse for the qty:
Integer.TryParse(sqlcmnd2.ExecuteScalar(), qty)
The line
sqlcomnd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("#itname", itname)
provides an input parameter with the value itname. No value has been assigned to this variable.
You need to add an output parameter: see here for how to do this.
Get output parameter value in ADO.NET

How to File Upload csv to SQL database on intranet VB.NET site

I am having problems uploading CSV files to my SQL Database. I am trying to achieve this through the File Upload technique on an intranet site. The intranet site is for me and another user to have the ability to file upload these CSVs (in case one of us is out).
I've used the following;
Dim errorList As String = String.Empty
Dim returnValue As Integer = 0
Dim SQLCon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim SQLCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim ErrString As String
Dim countRecs As Integer = 0
Dim batchid As Integer = GetNextBatchNumber("PartsImport")
Using tf As New TextFieldParser(fileandpath)
tf.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
SQLCon.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DB00ConnectionString").ConnectionString
SQLCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
SQLCmd.Connection = SQLCon
Dim recAdded As String = Now.ToString
Dim row As String()
While Not tf.EndOfData
row = tf.ReadFields()
Dim x As Integer = 0
If countRecs <> 0 Then
SQLCmd.CommandText = "insert into [Base].[PartsImport] " _
+ " (ID,PartName,PartID,Price,ShipAddress) " _
+ " values ('" + row(0) + "','" + row(1) + "','" _
+ row(2) + "','" + row(3) + "','" + row(4) + "')"
Catch ex As Exception
ErrString = "Error while Creating Batch Record..." & ex.Message
End Try
End If
Catch ex As MalformedLineException
errorList = errorList + "Line " + countRecs + ex.Message & "is not valid and has been skipped." + vbCrLf
End Try
countRecs = countRecs + 1
End While
When I click the form button to upload, it gives me a success message but when I look in the actual table, it is still blank.
Any ideas? Appreciate it
private void UploaddataFromCsv()
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(#"Data Source=local\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=databaseName;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa");
string filepath = "C:\\params.csv";
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filepath);
string line = sr.ReadLine();
string[] value = line.Split(',');
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow row;
foreach (string dc in value)
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(dc));
while ( !sr.EndOfStream )
value = sr.ReadLine().Split(',');
if(value.Length == dt.Columns.Count)
row = dt.NewRow();
row.ItemArray = value;
SqlBulkCopy bc = new SqlBulkCopy(con.ConnectionString, SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock);
bc.DestinationTableName = "[Base].[PartsImport]";
bc.BatchSize = dt.Rows.Count;
Try catching a SqlException and seeing if there is a formatting issue with your request. If you have an identity column on the ID, you shouldn't set it explicitly from your CSV as that may cause a potential duplicate to be submitted to your database. Also, I suspect that you have some type mismatches in your types since you are putting quotes around what appear to be number columns. I would recommend you consider replacing the string concatenation in your query to using parameters to avoid issues with improper quote escaping (ie. what would happen if you have a PartName of "O'Reily's auto parts"?) Something like this may work. Note, I've been in the LINQ world for so long, I may have some syntax errors here.
SQLCon.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DB00ConnectionString").ConnectionString
SQLCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text 'Setup Command Type
SQLCmd.CommandText = "insert into [Base].[PartsImport] " _
+ " (PartName,PartID,Price,ShipAddress) " _
+ " values (#PartName, #PartID, #Price, #ShipAddress)'"
Dim partNameParam = New SqlParameter("#PartName", SqlDbType.VarChar)
Dim partIdParam = New SqlParameter("#PartID", SqlDbType.Int)
Dim partPriceParam = New SqlParameter("#Price", SqlDbType.Money)
Dim partAddressParam = New SqlParameter("#ShipAddress", SqlDbType.VarChar)
SQLCmd.Parameters.AddRange( {partNameParam, partIdPAram, partPriceParam, partAddressParam})
SQLCmd.Connection = SQLCon
Dim recAdded As String = Now.ToString()
Dim row As String()
While Not tf.EndOfData
row = tf.ReadFields()
Dim x As Integer = 0
If countRecs <> 0 Then
partNameParam.Value = row[1]
partIdParam.Value = row[2]
partPriceParam.Value = row[3]
partAddressParam.Value = row[4]
Catch ex As Exception
ErrString = "Error while Creating Batch Record..." & ex.Message
End Try
End If
Catch ex As MalformedLineException
errorList = errorList + "Line " + countRecs + ex.Message & "is not valid and has been skipped." + vbCrLf
End Try
countRecs = countRecs + 1
End While
SQLCon.Close() 'TODO: Change this to a Using clause
SQLCmd.Dispose() 'TODO: Change this to a Using clause
With all that being said, if you have any significant number of items to insert, the bulk copy example is a better answer.

Running a Query, getting a value, then update record in (VB)

Honest, I am really trying to learn this stuff. I've been using Classic ASP for years and just switching over to .net. So far, I'm not having much fun, but I'm trying and I'm not going to quit. One of the small pieces I am struggling with is running a query then, updating the record. Even googling for examples, I having a tough time figuring out how to do something simple like:
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet")
ConStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=G:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TestPage\TheData\TestData.mdb;" & _
"Persist Security Info=False"
SqlStr = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM Techs " & _
"WHERE UserID = " & UserID & " "
objrs.Open SqlStr, ConStr, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic,adCmdText
If Objrs.recordCount <> 0 Then
TechUserName = Objrs("TechUserName")
Objrs("LastLogin") = Now()
Objrs("UserID") = UserID
End If
Set objRS = Nothing
Is it even possible? Can someone please help me do the above code in (VB) or point me to a really good thorough tutorial on how to do this.
Thanks in advance.
ah.. first off - you are trying to do classic vb stuff with .net.
Scrap it. There are no more cursors. Its client side data you basically get back in a dataset or a data reader (or a single value)
See roughly:
They miss the spot where they get a connection, which is basically
Dim connection as New SqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=username;pwd=whatver;")
make sure you dispose of everything when done
once you have your dataset back - just (c# syntax)
foreach(DataRow row in yourDataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
For a data reader, see:
The difference is a dataset has ALL data loaded on the client side. Quite a bit different than the server side cursor stuff with ado.
A DataReader will stream the results as you scroll through them - the overhead of forming this large dataset in memory isn't there so its a bit faster.
hope this gets you started - remember SCRAP the ADO stuff. Its not used anymore.
Woo Hoo I got it!
Dim SqlStr As String
Dim ConStr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("TCConStr").ConnectionString
SqlStr = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM TechUsers " & _
"WHERE TechWWID = " & Chr(34) & TechWWID & Chr(34) & " " & _
"AND TechEmplNum = " & TechEmplNum & " "
Dim CN As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(ConStr)
Dim DA As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(SqlStr, CN)
Dim DS As New DataSet
DA.Fill(DS, "TechUsers")
Dim DT As DataTable = DS.Tables("TechUsers")
Dim RecCount As Integer = DT.Rows.Count
Dim CB As OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(DA)
If RecCount = 0 Then
DA.InsertCommand = CB.GetInsertCommand()
Dim DR As DataRow = DT.NewRow()
DR("TechName") = TechName
DR("TechWWID") = TechWWID
DR("TechEmplNum") = TechEmplNum
DR("FirstLogin") = Date.Now()
DR("LastLogin") = Date.Now()
DR("LoginCount") = 1
DA.Update(DS, "TechUsers")
Dim DR As DataRow = DT.Rows(0)
Dim LoginCount As Integer = DR("LoginCount")
TestStuff.InnerHtml = TestStuff.InnerHtml & "<br > " & LoginCount
DA.UpdateCommand = CB.GetUpdateCommand()
DR("LastLogin") = Date.Now()
DR("LoginCount") = LoginCount + 1
DA.Update(DS, "TechUsers")
End If
Thanks everyone for the clues to get this done.
Do as NoAlias told you, but watch out not make a false start.
Forget about inserting text into your SQL, remember that quotes have to doubled, etc.
Try the parameterized sql statements, like in this sample:
I have a table with 4 colunms, CollCode and CollSeq are the key, TermType and TermText are the modifiable data
The code explains how to insert, update or delete a row with parameters instaed if textvalues in the SQL.
The code is valid only for ACCESS, SQL SERVER or MYSQL require different code for the template and have different DbTypes
in the first part of the program:
' select
Dim SQLaxSelect As String = "SELECT DISTINCT CollSeq FROM SearchTerms WHERE CollCode = ? ORDER BY CollSeq"
Dim DRaxSelect As OleDbDataReader = Nothing
Dim DCaxSelect As OleDbCommand
Dim axSelP1 As New OleDbParameter("#CollCode", OleDbType.VarChar, 4)
DCaxSelect = New OleDbCommand(SQLaxSelect, DbConn)
' Insert
Dim DbConn As New OleDbConnection(SqlProv)
Dim SQLTwInsert As String = "INSERT INTO SearchTerms (CollCode, CollSeq, TermType, TermText) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
Dim DRTwInsert As OleDbDataReader = Nothing
Dim DCCTwInsert As OleDbCommand
Dim TwInsP1 As New OleDbParameter("#CollCode", OleDbType.VarChar, 4)
Dim TwInsP2 As New OleDbParameter("#CollSeq", OleDbType.Integer, 4)
Dim TwInsP3 As New OleDbParameter("#TermType", OleDbType.VarChar, 4)
Dim TwInsP4 As New OleDbParameter("#TermText", OleDbType.VarChar, 255)
DCCTwInsert = New OleDbCommand(SQLTwInsert, DbConn)
' Delete
Dim SQLTwDelete As String = "DELETE FROM SearchTerms WHERE CollCode = ? AND CollSeq = ? AND TermType = ? AND TermText = ?"
Dim DRTwDelete As OleDbDataReader = Nothing
Dim DCCTwDelete As OleDbCommand
Dim TwDelP1 As New OleDbParameter("#CollCode", OleDbType.VarChar, 4)
Dim TwDelP2 As New OleDbParameter("#CollSeq", OleDbType.Integer, 4)
Dim TwDelP3 As New OleDbParameter("#TermType", OleDbType.VarChar, 4)
Dim TwDelP4 As New OleDbParameter("#TermText", OleDbType.VarChar, 255)
DCCTwDelete = New OleDbCommand(SQLTwDelete, DbConn)
' Update
Dim SQLTwUpdate As String = "UPDATE SearchTerms SET TermType = ?, TermText = ? WHERE CollCode = ? AND CollSeq = ? AND TermType = ? AND TermText = ?"
Dim DRTwUpdate As OleDbDataReader = Nothing
Dim DCCTwUpdate As OleDbCommand
Dim TwUpdP1 As New OleDbParameter("#TermType", OleDbType.VarChar, 4)
Dim TwUpdP2 As New OleDbParameter("#TermText", OleDbType.VarChar, 255)
Dim TwUpdP3 As New OleDbParameter("#CollCode", OleDbType.VarChar, 4)
Dim TwUpdP4 As New OleDbParameter("#CollSeq", OleDbType.Integer, 4)
Dim TwUpdP5 As New OleDbParameter("#oldTermType", OleDbType.VarChar, 4)
Dim TwUpdP6 As New OleDbParameter("#oldTermText", OleDbType.VarChar, 255)
DCCTwUpdate = New OleDbCommand(SQLTwUpdate, DbConn)
in the processing part of the program:
axSelP1.Value = requested key value CollCode
DRaxSelect = DCaxSelect.ExecuteReader()
Do While (DRaxSelect.Read())
'get value, first SELECTed value has index 0
CollSeq = GetDbIntegerValue(DRaxSelect, 0) ' routine to convert NULL in 0
Catch ex As Exception
your type of report exception
If Not (DRaxSelect Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Try
' Update
TwUpdP1.Value = new value TermType
TwUpdP2.Value = new value TermText
TwUpdP3.Value = key value CollCode
TwUpdP4.Value = key value CollSeq
TwUpdP5.Value = old value TermType to avoid updating a row that 1 millisecond earlier was modified by someone else
TwUpdP6.Value = old value TermText
DRTwUpdate = DCCTwUpdate.ExecuteReader()
Catch ex As Exception
your type of report exception
If Not (DRTwUpdate Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Try
' Insert
TwInsP1.Value = new key value CollCode
TwInsP2.Value = new key value CollSeq
TwInsP3.Value = value TermType
TwInsP4.Value = value TermText
DRTwInsert = DCCTwInsert.ExecuteReader()
Catch ex As Exception
your type of report exception
If Not (DRTwInsert Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Try
' Delete
TwDelP1.Value = key value CollCode
TwDelP2.Value = key value CollSeq
TwDelP3.Value = old value TermType to avoid deleting a row that 1 millisecond earlier was modified by someone else
TwDelP4.Value = old value TermText
DRTwDelete = DCCTwDelete.ExecuteReader()
Catch ex As Exception
your type of report exception
If Not (DRTwDelete Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Try
my routine (in a Module)
Friend Function GetDbIntegerValue(ByVal Dr As OleDbDataReader, ByVal nr As Integer) As Integer
If IsDBNull(Dr.Item(nr)) Then
Return 0
Return Dr.GetInt32(nr)
End If
End Function
