Simple Facebook authentication sample -

I've read tons of documentation about Facebook authentication, but anything seems to work.
I've tried everything, including Facebook C# SDK, and many other options.
My application is an 4.0 web site (outside facebook).
Does anyone have an working sample?
All i need is to authenticate a user and get basic user information such as name, surname, email and picture.
Thanks in advance!

You can use which is very good. You can also use facebook api javascript library which is very easy to use. Maybe you haven't configured your application in facebook correctly. It needs callback url. Some related questions:
Facebook/ Twitter with dotnetopenauth?
DotNetOpenAuth Get Facebook Email Address
How to log in with Facebook using DotNetOpenAuth


Google login and registration in application

I am developing an web application in vs2008 framework 3.5.I need to use google login and registration in my site.Please tel me whether i should use any api ?Is there any ways to extract the sign in information from the user who is using my site?
My intention is to create login like that in
You need to use OpenId, dotnetopenauth should serve your purpose.
This article, although for MVC, should explain to you how to use DotNetOpenAuth.

Would like to add login with facebook , google and Window live mail in my web application

I have developed one web application and now i would like to add new functionality as we can see today it in many website that user can login with facebook, google and window live mail id, i don't know about anything so please help me and provide me authenticate reference to implement this in my existing application.
And how can i manage it in my existing login mechanism ?
Have you even tried using google before asking here ?
What do you want is called "single sign on" or "openID". If you dont know a thing about this, you better use some 3rd party solution for this, for example take a look at
Another good project is

Facebook C# MVC MVC3 store token alongside membership scenario

Hi does someone have a link or can offer some guidance on HOW the facebook C# SDK could be used to provide access credentials to facebook along side ASP.Net membership?
Basically what i would like to do is have some kind of connect button on my profile view that when clicked opens the facebook app authorization window, if the user signs in and agrees the facebook auth cookie is returned or accessible so i can store in locally in my DB.
I originally tried to figure out how to do this using dotnetopenauth about 9 months ago and eventually gave up. ANY help is appreciated. thanks!
I haven't done it, but it shouldn't be too hard I think.
I'm assuming you already know how to "authenticate" users with Facebook using the C# SDK. At that very point where you consider them "authenticated" hook into it and perhaps use FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() to manually authenticate the user from the default ASP.NET membership's perspective.

Has anyone written or used a Asp.NET membership provider that integrates with Facebook Connect?

I'm looking to allow Facebook Connect logins on my site, but still want to capture some user information and store it in the Profile object. Would also like to allow standard login/pass authentication, with an option to link it to your Facebook account. Much like the way many sites handle Facebook Connect...
I'm wondering if someone has something pre-written (aside from the Facebook Toolkit on CodePlex) specifically for Asp.NET Membership integration with Facebook Connect.
Related questions on StackOverflow:
Facebook Connect Integration with a site using ASP.NET Membership Provider
Facebook Connect and ASP.NET
An open source provider:

ASP.NET Windows Authentication Impersonation

I am trying to figure out how to implement an ASP.NET page with Windows Authentication without getting that annoying IIS login box.
I currently have 3 domains in my network so all the people logging in would have to prefix their user names with the domain. This is not user friendly. I would like to have a custom login page that would have a domain combo box.
Most examples I found implement this using Form security, however I need Windows Authentication since I want to connect to the SQL server using Integrated Authentication rather than a hard coded user name and password.
Does anyone know of a good article or sample code that shows how to implement this?
The following links to an article that explains how to authenticate a windows user using forms authentication, it uses a call to the native win32 api function LogonUser to acheive this. This way you can design your own custom login page with a drop down list to select a domain. Take a look, perhaps it will help.
Windows Authentication using Form Authentication
To get this setup so you don't have the authentication prompt, you are going to need to have the domains trust the accounts from one another. This article should get you pointed in the right direction:
