I was wondering if it's possible to host my database on a remote server and still run the application on my local machine while I'm developing it.
I'm using asp.net.
Yes, rather than using . or the name of your machine as the server, just put in the IP address.
So if you're just using a connection string
Data Source=yourRemoteServer;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Too bad the post with the reference to "SO is not your personal research assistant is gone" lol. It is pretty involved! You are first going to have to decide where to host the database, then register a new account with them, create the database, setup your schema or manage to use their janky import functionality, gather the connection string from their service, go to your web.config file and update your connection string to reflect their connection string, and vuala.
I'm new to IIS/ASP .Net development, my application is using connection string which are declared to my web.config.
Now I read/heard that I can use IIS App Pool Identities to use instead of web.config.
Here's what I did:
I've deleted my connection string from my web.config
setup my app pool Identity property -> (Identity = ApplicationPoolIdentity)
Added my connection string declared/within the App Site Connection Strings under "Custom" like "Data Source=sql...blah;Initial Catalog=dbname;Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=MyDBUserName;Password=MyPassword;Connect Timeout=60;Encrypt=False;Current Language=English;"
It works as far as I know, but my question is, is this really how you configure it?
I was under the impression that you could use some variable (username, pass, dbname..etc), declared it on your web.config and binds it thru your app pool identities but I cannot find any article regarding that.
Thank You
You can set the user that the app-pool runs under. All that does is make the app-pool think that the user is some particular user who is logged on to the server.
This tends to NOT effect your database code, since you STILL need to tell your code what database to use. Even if your host computer and network is say using a domain controller, and you using windows logons to consume sql server. Your .net code behind will WILL need some connection string to specify the database and server anyway. And you having added that user under app-pool identify (I assume this one):
Well, now that "user" is for your file and network rights. So, that user can say be restricted to some set of folders - maybe a another server with large number of documents.
Added my connection string declared/within the App Site Connection Strings under "Custom"
Yes, and that puts the connection string in web.config - if you check the web config after doing above, you should see that string in web.config.
So, in theory, in your code, you can connect to the database server - and your app-pool user will be used, but you STILL have a connection string - what database, what server, etc. still needs to be defined (and used in your code). I mean, say desktop with windows authentication to SQL server does not get you off the hook as having a defined connection string some place to use. While the user might be running in the context of the "defined" app-pool user, you still need some place to store and eventually use some connection string. So, the fact of defining what user in app pool the code behind will run as? You still need a connection string and the connection string you use to the database would not be stored, nor come from app-pool settings anyway.
I am building a website using asp.net MVC. I have two connection strings in the web.config, one for local db and one for the server db. I am testing my work on local and then put it on the server. the server connection string (user name and password) is also in the web.config. Tomorrow when I sell the product, I want to make sure I don't give this web.config to the clients. but It can happen by mistake. How can I prevent this?
My suggestion would be to use one of two methods:
A ConnectionStrings.config or a Web.Config transform. As usual there are pros and cons for both.
Using a separate config file for connection strings
Each developer can have a local copy of their connection strings
ConnectionStrings can be marked to ignore and never committed to source control
- Requires each client/developer to be individually managed
Web.config transforms
Each connection string/build configuration can be source controlled
Requires publish of application rather than just a build
Can become difficult to maintain with large numbers of transforms.
Personally I prefer having a ConnectionStrings.config - I don't like having production credentials in source control. It also has the nice side effect of giving a build error if you've forgotten it so you can't leave them out by mistake.
Don't use user name and password in the connection string, but use integrated security.
Instead of this.
User ID=****; Password=****;
Use this.
Integrated Security=true;
And make sure your logon user has access to the local database. And the IIS server has access to the server database.
See here for configuring IIS to be able to access SQL Server.
i am new to terms used for server farms setup. There is an attribute called partitionResolverType.
Can someone please explain in easy words what is this partition resolver in the SQL server out-of-proc session state setup?
You specify what kind of session state you want to use, as described here.
If you are using either OutOfProcSessionStateStore (another machine) or SqlSessionStateStore, you may want to change the target machine or Sql server connection at runtime. For example, you may have three machines or Sql servers that you use as backing stores in order to reduce the load on session management.
You can write your own class (custom PartitionResolverType) that ASP will call at runtime to ask for either an IP address or Sql connection string. Your class implements the ResolvePartition(object key) method and returns a string, which is the IP address or Sql connection string of your session store.
You can find a good example here.
I have a SQL Server instance that is throwing the "Named Pipes Provider" error, code 40. I know that this is a relatively common error on new installs and there's a convoluted process to fix it. However, the odd part of this error for me is that (1) it only happens intermittently and (2) it only happens with my ASP.NET application. I have other apps that are accessing this server just fine without any errors.
I came across a vague reference to this error happening when your connection string is part of the ASPX code (as opposed to the web.config) and that doesn't make sense but it's the only option I could come up with. Anyone else seen this?
Sounds like a security context issue? How is the asp.net application accessing the sql server? Integrated windows security or sql security? If the earlier check that the identity of the application (asp.net process) which is defined by the Application Pool identity has login rights on the DB.
From http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sql_protocols/archive/2007/03/31/named-pipes-provider-error-40-could-not-open-a-connection-to-sql-server.aspx :
Summary, give checklist:
Is your target server started?
Is your target server listening on NP? Which Pipe?
Has your client enabled NP? Use the same pipe to connect as Server?
Are you making local connection? If so, what is the instance, default or remote?
Did you put correct instance name in the connection string? Remember, Sqlexpress is a named instance.
Did you enable remote connection? Firewall? IPSec? "File and Printer Sharing" opened? Can access server?
Can you make basic connection by using or \? Use sqlcmd or osql.
I've got a database server that I am unable to connect to using the credentials I've been provided. However, on the staging version of the same server, there's a linked server that points to the production database. Both the staging server and the linked server have the same schema.
I've been reassured that I should expect to be able to connect to the live server before we go live. Unfortunately, I've reached a point in my development where I need more than the token sample records that are currently in the staging database. So, I was hoping to connect to the linked server.
Thus far in my development against this schema has been against the staging server itself, using Subsonic objects. That all works fine.
I can connect via SQL Server Management Studio to that linked server and execute my queries directly. I can also execute 'manual" queries in C# against the linked server by having my connection string hook up to the staging server and running my queries as
However, the Subsonic objects are what's enabling me to bring this project in on time and under budget, so I'm not looking to do straight queries in my code.
What I'm looking for is whether there's a way to state the connection string to the linked server. I've looked at lots of forum entries, etc. on the topic and most of the answers seem to completely gloss over the "linked server" portion of the question, focusing on basic connection string syntax.
I don't believe that you can access a linked server directly from an application without the OpenQuery syntax. Depending on the complexity of your schema, it might make sense to write a routine or sproc to populate your staging database with data from your live database.
You might also consider looking at Redgates SQL Data Generator or any other data gen tool. Redgates is pretty easy to use.
One other idea - can you get a backup of the live database that you can install in development to do your testing? If its just data for development and testing that you seek, you probably want to stay away from connecting to your production database at all.
Create testing stored procedures on server B that reference the data on server A via the linked server. e.g. if your regular sproc references a table on Server B say:
then use the linked servername to reference the same database/table on server A:
If server A is identical in its database/table/column names than you will be able to do this by some quick find/replace work.
creating a linked server from .NET doesn't make any sense since a linked server is nothing but a connection from one sqlserver to another server (sql, file, excel, sybase etc etc), in essence it is just a connection string (you can impersonate and do some other stuff when creating a linked server).
One Way is to create two connection strings and access the approperiate database when required.
Second option is create connection for Database A only and create a link server For Databse B in Database.good article, i really like it. I am doing a bit on research about Asp.net connection and i found also macrotesting www.macrotesting.com to be very good source. Thanks for you article.....
Meganathan .J