Generalized Inverse Gamma Distribution in R - r

Mathematica has a four-parameter generalized inverse gamma distribution:
and gives its PDF on that page too. Has anyone implemented the density, distribution, quantile, and sampling-from functions for that in R?
I did make a quick start (the PDF is just the equations on that page translated into R) but if its done already I'll not bother with implementing the CDF and the quantile function.
Does a general function for computing the CDF (by integration of PDF) and the Quantile (by inversion of the CDF) of any distribution given the PDF exist?
[Note this is not the generalized inverse Gaussian]
Note also the 'Properties and Relations' dropdown on the Mathematica page, which seems to imply its not a special case or generalisation of anything (apart from the inverse gamma).

I started a package to implement this:
Its only using simple inversion and integration of the density, so nothing clever. Currently random samples from the distribution are done by generating a U(0,1) and getting the quantile, which isn't very efficient or very accurate it seems..
Anyway, its a start.

According to this vignette (Appendix C2), the inverse gamma distribution is a special case of the generalized hyperbolic distribution which is implemented by the ghyp package.


Predict distributions parameters - algebraic solver

I'm wondering if there is an R package which can help me to get the correct parameters for a distribution of my choice and for intervals of my choice.
For Instance, here Betancourt is looking at inverse gamma and he wants to learn which set of parameters will give >1% below 2 and >1% above 20 (like the graph below). Stan's solver returns the parameters for inv-gamma which results the intervals of interest. Is there any solution applied directly on R?
Or in other words,
I have the distribution
I have the intervals
Can I learn the correct parameters?

Equivalent of nlcom (Stata) in R? Nonlinear transformations of regression coefficients

I would like to perform a nonlinear transformation of a regression coefficient. For example:
, or
Stata has a convenient implementation with nlcom this that employs the delta method to estimate standard errors and corresponding confidence intervals. I understand a simple transformation as posted can be simply done by directly addressing the coefficient of interest from the model. However, if we are interested in the ratio of several linear and nonlinear combinations, what would be an efficient method to produce confidence bounds on a transformation such as this? Moreover, when coefficients have a full co-variance matrix with standard errors estimated along with them.
To answer my own question, I discovered the library(msm) package that accommodates my request nicely with the function deltamethod(). UCLA has a really nice write up of this method, so I am providing the link for anyone who might have a similar need.
Using the delta method for nonlinear transformations of regression coefficients.
The deltaMethod() function from package car also accomplishes the same, providing as its output the estimate, its standard error and 95% confidence interval.

mgcv: How to get spline equations

Probably I'm not the only one to ask the following question concerning estimated equations in mgcv::gam.
Well, thing is I've surfed the internet in vain to get an explicit answer to how I should make the following output into a full equation that I can subsequently take to any other analytical software, especially GIS software, in order to map/project the equation onto a certain geographic space using predictors X1 & X2:
family = gaussian(link = "identity")
smooth class = p-spline
The following is a transposed output of spline function coefficients:
**Intercept** 2.121
**s(X1).1** -1.23E-07
**s(X1).2** 1.86E-07
**s(X1).3** -7.33E-08
**s(X2).1** -2.51E-08
**s(X2).2** 3.08E-07
**s(X2).3** -3.00E-08
It's clear that the output means:
Y = 2.121 + (-1.231e-07 * s(X1).1) + (1.856e-07 * s(X1).2) + (-7.331e-08 * s(X1).3)ā€¦..
How can I mathematically interpret s(Xi).j? In other words could you please advise how to extract the exact full equations for p-spline from mgcv::gam?
This gives some necessary background of P-splines in mgcv: mgcv: how to extract knots, basis, coefficients and predictions for P-splines in adaptive smooth? but your question is not a duplicate. Very likely you have seen this thread.
Exact math formula is ugly, because B-spline construction is recursive.
Another thing is that mgcv imposes numerical centering to smooth functions. This is a reparametrization at run-time. There will be no beautiful formula for transformed basis, even if the original basis has one.
Well, mgcv is written for R, so model estimation and prediction are expected to be handled in R. There are handy generic functions to do so in my linked answer. They are not exportable to your intended software.
A possible remedy I could think of, is that you approximate those basis with linear interpolation, and export the interpolation function.

Why use softmax as opposed to standard normalization?

In the output layer of a neural network, it is typical to use the softmax function to approximate a probability distribution:
This is expensive to compute because of the exponents. Why not simply perform a Z transform so that all outputs are positive, and then normalise just by dividing all outputs by the sum of all outputs?
There is one nice attribute of Softmax as compared with standard normalisation.
It react to low stimulation (think blurry image) of your neural net with rather uniform distribution and to high stimulation (ie. large numbers, think crisp image) with probabilities close to 0 and 1.
While standard normalisation does not care as long as the proportion are the same.
Have a look what happens when soft max has 10 times larger input, ie your neural net got a crisp image and a lot of neurones got activated
>>> softmax([1,2]) # blurry image of a ferret
[0.26894142, 0.73105858]) # it is a cat perhaps !?
>>> softmax([10,20]) # crisp image of a cat
[0.0000453978687, 0.999954602]) # it is definitely a CAT !
And then compare it with standard normalisation
>>> std_norm([1,2]) # blurry image of a ferret
[0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666] # it is a cat perhaps !?
>>> std_norm([10,20]) # crisp image of a cat
[0.3333333333333333, 0.6666666666666666] # it is a cat perhaps !?
I've had this question for months. It seems like we just cleverly guessed the softmax as an output function and then interpret the input to the softmax as log-probabilities. As you said, why not simply normalize all outputs by dividing by their sum? I found the answer in the Deep Learning book by Goodfellow, Bengio and Courville (2016) in section 6.2.2.
Let's say our last hidden layer gives us z as an activation. Then the softmax is defined as
Very Short Explanation
The exp in the softmax function roughly cancels out the log in the cross-entropy loss causing the loss to be roughly linear in z_i. This leads to a roughly constant gradient, when the model is wrong, allowing it to correct itself quickly. Thus, a wrong saturated softmax does not cause a vanishing gradient.
Short Explanation
The most popular method to train a neural network is Maximum Likelihood Estimation. We estimate the parameters theta in a way that maximizes the likelihood of the training data (of size m). Because the likelihood of the whole training dataset is a product of the likelihoods of each sample, it is easier to maximize the log-likelihood of the dataset and thus the sum of the log-likelihood of each sample indexed by k:
Now, we only focus on the softmax here with z already given, so we can replace
with i being the correct class of the kth sample. Now, we see that when we take the logarithm of the softmax, to calculate the sample's log-likelihood, we get:
, which for large differences in z roughly approximates to
First, we see the linear component z_i here. Secondly, we can examine the behavior of max(z) for two cases:
If the model is correct, then max(z) will be z_i. Thus, the log-likelihood asymptotes zero (i.e. a likelihood of 1) with a growing difference between z_i and the other entries in z.
If the model is incorrect, then max(z) will be some other z_j > z_i. So, the addition of z_i does not fully cancel out -z_j and the log-likelihood is roughly (z_i - z_j). This clearly tells the model what to do to increase the log-likelihood: increase z_i and decrease z_j.
We see that the overall log-likelihood will be dominated by samples, where the model is incorrect. Also, even if the model is really incorrect, which leads to a saturated softmax, the loss function does not saturate. It is approximately linear in z_j, meaning that we have a roughly constant gradient. This allows the model to correct itself quickly. Note that this is not the case for the Mean Squared Error for example.
Long Explanation
If the softmax still seems like an arbitrary choice to you, you can take a look at the justification for using the sigmoid in logistic regression:
Why sigmoid function instead of anything else?
The softmax is the generalization of the sigmoid for multi-class problems justified analogously.
I have found the explanation here to be very good: CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition.
On the surface the softmax algorithm seems to be a simple non-linear (we are spreading the data with exponential) normalization. However, there is more than that.
Specifically there are a couple different views (same link as above):
Information Theory - from the perspective of information theory the softmax function can be seen as trying to minimize the cross-entropy between the predictions and the truth.
Probabilistic View - from this perspective we are in fact looking at the log-probabilities, thus when we perform exponentiation we end up with the raw probabilities. In this case the softmax equation find the MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimate)
In summary, even though the softmax equation seems like it could be arbitrary it is NOT. It is actually a rather principled way of normalizing the classifications to minimize cross-entropy/negative likelihood between predictions and the truth.
The values of q_i are unbounded scores, sometimes interpreted as log-likelihoods. Under this interpretation, in order to recover the raw probability values, you must exponentiate them.
One reason that statistical algorithms often use log-likelihood loss functions is that they are more numerically stable: a product of probabilities may be represented be a very small floating point number. Using a log-likelihood loss function, a product of probabilities becomes a sum.
Another reason is that log-likelihoods occur naturally when deriving estimators for random variables that are assumed to be drawn from multivariate Gaussian distributions. See for example the Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimator and the way it is connected to least squares.
We are looking at a multiclass classification problem. That is, the predicted variable y can take one of k categories, where k > 2. In probability theory, this is usually modelled by a multinomial distribution. Multinomial distribution is a member of exponential family distributions. We can reconstruct the probability P(k=?|x) using properties of exponential family distributions, it coincides with the softmax formula.
If you believe the problem can be modelled by another distribution, other than multinomial, then you could reach a conclusion that is different from softmax.
For further information and a formal derivation please refer to CS229 lecture notes (9.3 Softmax Regression).
Additionally, a useful trick usually performs to softmax is: softmax(x) = softmax(x+c), softmax is invariant to constant offsets in the input.
The choice of the softmax function seems somehow arbitrary as there are many other possible normalizing functions. It is thus unclear why the log-softmax loss would perform better than other loss alternatives.
From "An Exploration of Softmax Alternatives Belonging to the Spherical Loss Family"
The authors explored some other functions among which are Taylor expansion of exp and so called spherical softmax and found out that sometimes they might perform better than usual softmax.
I think one of the reasons can be to deal with the negative numbers and division by zero, since exp(x) will always be positive and greater than zero.
For example for a = [-2, -1, 1, 2] the sum will be 0, we can use softmax to avoid division by zero.
Adding to Piotr Czapla answer, the greater the input values, the greater the probability for the maximum input, for same proportion and compared to the other inputs:
Suppose we change the softmax function so the output activations are given by
where c is a positive constant. Note that c=1 corresponds to the standard softmax function. But if we use a different value of c we get a different function, which is nonetheless qualitatively rather similar to the softmax. In particular, show that the output activations form a probability distribution, just as for the usual softmax. Suppose we allow c to become large, i.e., cā†’āˆž. What is the limiting value for the output activations a^L_j? After solving this problem it should be clear to you why we think of the c=1 function as a "softened" version of the maximum function. This is the origin of the term "softmax". You can follow the details from this source (equation 83).
While it indeed somewhat arbitrary, the softmax has desirable properties such as:
being easily diferentiable (df/dx = f*(1-f))
when used as the output layer for a classification task, the in-fed scores are interpretable as log-odds

Histogram matching - image processing - c/c++

I have two histograms.
int Hist1[10] = {1,4,3,5,2,5,4,6,3,2};
int Hist1[10] = {1,4,3,15,12,15,4,6,3,2};
Hist1's distribution is of type multi-modal;
Hist2's distribution is of type uni-modal with single prominent peak.
My questions are
Is there any way that i could determine the type of distribution programmatically?
How to quantify whether these two histograms are similar/dissimilar?
I posted a C function in your other question ( automatically compare two series -Dissimilarity test ) that will compute divergence between two sets of similar data. It's actually intended to tell you how closely real data matches predicted data but I suspect you could use it for your purpose.
Basically, the smaller the error, the more similar the two sets are.
These are just guesses, but I would try fitting each distribution as a gaussian distribution and use something like the R-squared value to determine if the distribution is uni-modal or not.
As to the similarity between the two distributions, I would try doing an autocorrelation and using the peak positive value in the autocorrelation as a similarity measure. These ideas are pretty rough, but hopefully they give you some ideas.
For #2, you could calculate their cross-correlation (so long as the buckets themselves can be sorted). That would give you a rough estimation of what "similarity".
Comparison of Histograms (For Use in Cloud Modeling).
(That's an MS .doc file.)
There are a variety of software packages that will "fit" your distributions to known discrete distributions for you - Minitab, STATA, R, etc. A reference to fitting distributions in R is here. I wouldn't advise programming this from scratch.
Regarding distribution comparisons, if neither distribution fits a known distribution (Poisson, Binomial, etc.), then you need to use non-parametric methods described here.
