How to retrieve a sitecore hyperlink? -

Imagine that I have an item(page) located at 'sitecore/Content/Home/mypage' in my content tree. I want to create a hyperlink to this item in my .aspx layout.
How can I create a hyperlink to this item in my .aspx layout?
(Can't remember the proper syntax for <asp:Hyperlink>)

If you need to get an Item's url in code, whether or not you're using it in a link, you can use Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.GetItemUrl(item, options).
I recommend against using it with a single parameter (GetItemUrl(item)), as it wont respect configuration options (such as disabling the language string as part of the path: /en/path/to/item might appear instead of /path/to/item).
To use the config options, you can clone the default URL options:
var opts = (UrlOptions) UrlOptions.DefaultOptions.Clone();
var url = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(item, opts);
I use this often enough that I use the following extension method:
public static string GetUrl(this Item source, bool absolutePath = false)
if (source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
var options = (UrlOptions) UrlOptions.DefaultOptions.Clone();
options.AlwaysIncludeServerUrl = absolutePath;
return LinkManager.GetItemUrl(source, options);
The advantage to using this format is that it allows you to identify an item by ID and link to it no matter where it lies in the content tree.

I'm not sure if in Adil's example, the URL is processed by the LinkProvider?
I would usually bind the NavigateUrl property in my code-behind
<asp:HyperLink ID="hlHyperLink" runat="server" Text="my link text" />
then in C#
hlHyperLink.NavigateUrl = Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.GetItemUrl(Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("path_to_item"));


Using translation strings in componentlinks

I've been trying to solve this problem since this morning, and I know I'm missing something obvious here but I can't seem to find it.
We are using an XML file that is published to the server which contains translations of all the standard words, such as 'read more'. It is a page with a component that is localized in the appropriate publication.
In our Razor templates we use the following code below a plain news Summary item which in turn links to the full item.
<a tridion:href="#news.ID" class="more" ><%=DefaultLabels.TranslatedTerm(((HomePage)Page).Location, "read_more")%></a>
Thing is, the server tag works just fine, but gets resolved as
<tridion:ComponentLink runat="server" PageURI="tcm:15-407-64" ComponentURI="tcm:15-1475" TemplateURI="tcm:0-0-0" AddAnchor="false" LinkText="<%= DefaultLabels.TranslatedTerm(((HomePage)Page).Location, "read_more") %>" LinkAttributes=" class="more"" TextOnFail="true"/>
As you might notice, it gets written as plain text on the page (no surprise there because the LinkText parameter is declared as String in the first place according to the liveDocs).
If I take away the
in the first example, and write it as
It works fine, the code resolves into a translated string and it's even linked... to nothing more than the TCM ID of the component, not the right page with the full news item on it.
I've tried creating a function in Razor, tried replacing the linkText, tried setting the ComponentLink in the template itself, but to no avail. I feel that it should work with just a minor adjustment to this template's code, but I fail to see it and I've started looking at custom TBB's to handle the code.
Anyone have an idea how to resolve this?
Chris' answer was actually the one I was looking for in this particular situation, but I feel that I should point out that Priyank's function is something that should be regarded as such as well. So thank you both for the help, it made my life somewhat easier now!
I hope this razor function will help you lot. This is very helpful function to render the link tag from the component link or external link.
#helper RenderLink(
dynamic link, // the link to render. Handles components + internal / external links
string cssClass = null, // optional custom CSS class
string title = null // optional link text (default is the title of the component being linked to)
if(link == null)
if (title == null)
title = link.title;
string classAttr = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cssClass) ? "" : " class='" + cssClass + "'";
dynamic href;
string tridionLink = "";
string targetAttr = "";
if (link.Schema.Title == "External Link")
href =;
else if (link.Schema.Title == "Internal Link")
href =;
tridionLink = "tridion:";
href = link;
tridionLink = "tridion:";
if( != null)
targetAttr = == "New window" || == "Popup" ? " target='_blank'" : "";
<a #(tridionLink)href="#href"#classAttr#targetAttr>#title</a>
I would suggest not using the default templates for resolving your links, rather output the link yourself something like this:
<tridion:ComponentLink runat="server" PageURI="tcm:15-407-64"
ComponentURI="tcm:15-1475" TemplateURI="tcm:0-0-0"
AddAnchor="false" LinkAttributes=" class="more""
<%=DefaultLabels.TranslatedTerm(((HomePage)Page).Location, "read_more") %>
Better still you might consider outputting TCDL rather than the Taglib/ServerControl 4.0: is there any equivalent of ClientIDMode for the names of INPUTs?

I have an asp:ListView whose ClientIDMode is set to Predictable. Its ItemTemplate contains an asp:textbox.
The ID of the textbox is acting as I expect it to, but its name is still using what looks like an AutoID-style algorithm:
<input name="lvFields$ctrl0$tbVal" id="lvFields_tbVal_somekey" type="text"/>
Is there a way for me to cause the name of the input to act like the ID does?
(Edit in response to questions below:)
The Name of the input element is what's in the POST data, so if a postback alters the list to which the ListView is bound (for example, exchanging two elements) the values from the textboxes end up associated with the wrong keys, because the framework is correlating them based on the Name and not the ID.
You can change the name of an Input by using the method from the following post but modifying it slightly:
how to remove 'name' attribute from server controls?
I over-rode the RenderChildren method on a Page control as I just wanted full control of the HTML for a few controls:
protected override void RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter writer)
var unScrewNamesRender = new RenderBasicNameHtmlTextWriter(writer);
private class RenderBasicNameHtmlTextWriter : HtmlTextWriter
public RenderBasicNameHtmlTextWriter(TextWriter writer) : base(writer) { }
public override void AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute key, string value)
if (key == HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name && value.Contains("POLine"))
value = value.Substring(value.LastIndexOf("$") + 1);
base.AddAttribute(key, value);
You do need to know what you're doing if you attempt this, WebForms will think the control is missing so you can't use it in any postbacks. For my purposes, where I wanted to add an arbitrary number of multiple lines either server or client-side without having to deal with .Net Ajax controls, it works fine.
I'm pretty sure you can't change the name, especially when you modify the ClientIDMode. As an alternative, you can add a Title attribute. VS will flag this as unknown in the server side code, but it renders correctly in the HTML. If you're doing some client-side manipulation, you can address the input as such:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
As far as I know, there is no way to change the name of the input element. The name corresponds to the UniqueID property, which is generated by the system, and which you have no control over. Seems you have to find a way to achieve what yo want using only the control ID.
Both names are using the predictable pattern; originally, name also equaled ct100_ct100 etc. From what I see, that's a predictable name. Client ID value will always use _ between control prefixes and Unique ID (name attrib) will always use $. The two will always match, except for a few controls that leverage name for something (radiobuttonlist uses for grouping).
I had the exact same problem once and had to use one of these properties exposed in "System.Web.UI.Control" to get clientside control name in server side.
Play around with these properties and construct the "Name" in server side yourself and use Request.Form("NameHere")
A jquery solution
function removeNameAttribute() {
$('input, select').each(function () {
//Use a HtmlGenericControl
HtmlGenericControl input = new HtmlGenericControl("input");``
input.ID = "lvFields_tbVal_somekey";
input.Attributes.Add("name", "tbVal");
input.Attributes.Add("type", "text");
input.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;

Using SiteMapPath to create a dynamic page title?

I currently use SiteMapPath to generate a breadcrumb for my 3.5 ( pages and it works great.
Now I am trying to figure out how I might be able to use the same control to build a dynamic page title (in the tag). I want a reverse path listed, but the SiteMapPath control includes links and bunch of styling spans. Is there any way to remove all of that, and just get a plain path with separators?
For example, Let's say we are on the "Press Releases" page inside of the "About" section of my site.
The breadcrumb shows up as:
Home > About > Press Releases
I want to have the page title be:
Press Releases - About - Company Name
So I need it to reverse the order, drop all spans, links and styling (since this is inside the tag) and drop the root node "Home" and then add the company name to the end. Since my menu nav and breadrumbs are all driven from the sitemap file, I thought it would make sense to try to make the title do the same.
Any thoughts? Thanks.
The best way to achieve your desired output is to ignore the SitePath control, and instead use the SiteMap's SiteMapNode's collection. The server parses the web.sitemap into a collection of SiteMapNodes and wires up the SiteMap.CurrentNode by finding a node that matches the current page's URL. Each SiteMapNode has a ParentNode property. Here is the reference page on MSDN.
So, all you need to do is check if the CurrentNode has a parent, if it does you add the ParentNode's title to the CurrentNode's title and keep going until you reach the RootNode (where you substitute your company name for the root node's title).
Below is a quick solution; it could go in the MasterPage if you are using one. I'm not sure your language, but this should be easy to rewrite in VB.Net. I gave it a simple test and it seemed to work.
You can customize the characters that separate the page titles.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.Title = SiteMapTitle(SiteMap.CurrentNode, "", " - ");
private string GetNodeTitle(SiteMapNode oNode)
if (oNode == SiteMap.RootNode)
return "Company Name";
return oNode.Title;
private string SiteMapTitle(SiteMapNode oNode, string szTitle, string szItemSeparator)
if (szTitle != string.Empty)
szTitle = szTitle + szItemSeparator + GetNodeTitle(oNode);
szTitle = GetNodeTitle(oNode);
if (oNode.ParentNode != null)
szTitle = SiteMapTitle(oNode.ParentNode, szTitle, szItemSeparator);
return szTitle;
Hope that helps...

change id of a server control in

Hai guys,
I used find control to find a list item of an unoreder list inside a master page from content page using this,
Control home = this.Page.Master.FindControl("list").FindControl("home");
Now i have to change the id of the control home to "current" because to apply css for it....
Do you know the Type of the control you're finding? Neither Control nor ListItem expose a CssClass property, however, ListItem does expose it's Attributes property.
Update based on comment and other question:
You should be using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl
So something like this should work for you:
HtmlGenericControl home =
as HtmlGenericControl;
string cssToApply = "active_navigation";
if (null != home) {
home.Attributes.Add("class", cssToApply);
If you think there might already be an class assigned to it that you need to append to you could do something like:
if (null != home) {
if (home.Attributes.ContainsKey("class")) {
if (!home.Attributes["class"].Contains(cssToApply)){
// If there's already a class attribute, and it doesn't already
// contain the class we want to add:
home.Attributes["class"] += " " + cssToApply;
else {
// Just add the new class
home.Attributes.Add("class", cssToApply);
If they aren't ListItems, cast them to the correct type, and modify the attributes collection as before, unless there's a CssClass property for that type.
Yes, to use css id's in is a big problem. first of all you can change your server control's id to what you want but, this will be regenerated by ASP.NET depending on the position of the control in your page's control tree.
My recommendation is to use cssclass property of the controls, and to replace the css ids to class.

Setting multiple literals that contain the same text in ASP.NET

I have instances where I need to dynamically load 5-10 literals with the same text value. It seems like there has to be a more elegant way of doing it than setting the TEXT property of all the controls to the same value. Any methods out there that I'm not aware of? I thought about setting a protected property on my webform, and then using inline code on my aspx page. Is that a good approach?
Edit: I should add that I also want to handle the situation where a designer could simply add another place to load dynamically to the aspx file on the web server without having to do another rollout.
Pseudo code:
var literals = new List<Literal>() { l1,l2,l3 ...} ;
literals.ForEach(x=>x.Text = "some value");
When faced with the same problem I often use:
litOne.Text = litTwo.Text = litThree.Text = "some value";
It's not perfect but at least it's on one line.
How about this?
foreach (ITextControl textControl in new[] { literal1, literal2, literal3 })
textControl.Text = "foo";
You could even be fancier and just loop through all controls and check only those that implement the ITextControl interface or so.
