Apache solr process killed automatically - drupal

I am using Apache Solr for one of my Drupal sites. I start my Apache Solr with Java -Jar -Xmx256M start.jar to fix the memory limit. I run my Apache in screen, but at times i see that my instance of Apache solr gets stopped/killed automatically. In my dev server i find it very hard to start it manually. Is there any fix to stop the instance getting killed automatically?
By the way the following are some of the warning i get in the console
"solrconfig.xml: is deprecated and no longer recommended used."
"WARNING: and configuration sections are deprecated (but still work). Please use instead."

I had this problem initially as well. I solved it by starting a screen session as root and starting Solr within that session. Also try adding a nohup before the java command and see if that works.


Meteor killed by ubuntu while trying to "run Meteor" on a server

My goal is to follow "Deploying a Meteor app with Nginx from scratch" tutorial available here
After installing Meteor, Node, Forever and Git, do the npm install, I try to "run meteor" to see if it works.
After downloading meteor-tools, the process begins to extract meteor-tools... looks like it is hanging for a couple minutes and then stops without any warning.
So my guess is that something causes the extraction to quit, but i don't know what exactly.
Yes, Meteor likes plenty of RAM. I would recommend using Phusion Passenger with nginx for Meteor, it's very easy to set up, and their tutorials/getting started is very good:
I haven't found the exact reason. However, I got it working. I was using a DigitalOcean server (512Mb/20G). I tried with a big server (16G/160G) and it works.
So I guess my server Ram OR Disk capacity was too small.
setting up smaller configuration, i noticed that the minimum for Meteor to work is: 2Gb of RAM and 40Gb Disk.

log4net with asp.net mvc - can't watch file for changes

So in a console .Net application I can watch all my log4net events stream by with (the powershell command) get-content .\log.log -Wait which is similar to the linux tail command and I assume uses FileSystemWatcher under the hood.
For some reason, whenever I have an asp.net Mvc application this will not work. To be clear, the log file IS written to. I can get-content .\log.log as many times as I want and get the most recent results, but with the -wait parameter I never see the changes scroll past.
Does anyone have any insight into what might be going on here?
UPDATE: found a working solution for my case, not sure whether this would help you out.
Instead of using PowerShell, I downloaded win-bash and now I'm using this familiar Unix command which works perfectly for me.
tail -f access.log
I'm not that familiar with .Net programming. Could it be a working solution in your case to use win-bash project's bash.exe instead of PowerShell?
I am experiencing similar issue when trying to "tail" Apache access log in PowerShell.
Get-Content .\access.log -Wait
I noticed that when my Apache HTTP server is running, it has a handle open to acccess.log and -Wait doesn't work. Stopping HTTP server releases the handle and when I made manual changes to access.log using text editor my PowerShell window immediately reflected changes in the console.
So I assume if some other program has a handle open to the file, changes are not reflected to console. Unfortunately I haven't found a way around this issue so far.

java.net.BindException: No free port within range in Glassfish 3.1

Today I have deployed an app to our production application server GlassfishV3 through Jenkins CI to the autodeploy folder. The app server went down, and I cannot bring it back up.
My goal is to have the server up and running the same as prior to deploying the application. This is what I have done:
First find the PID of the process running at port 4848: nestat -nlept
Then kill the PID by doing kill -9 PID
Remove the war file that Jenkinks just put in the autodeploy directory just in case if that is the problem.
Start the server again by doing ./asadmin start-domain domain1
The server takes FOREVER to start !!! In fact it never starts successfully as I cannot access the admin console at 4848 or any of the other apps that were already running. However, it leaves a process running at 4848.
I looked at the jvm.log and server.log and I found a java.net.BindException:No free port within range.........
So my questions are as follows:
Do you know what is going on?
Do you know how to fix it?
Do you know of a way to speed up the ./asadmin start-domain domain1 process?
Note: In our QA app server (Same version, same OS, Same Java, Same Grails) it does not happen. Really frustrated with this issue.
Thanks a lot for your help. Any help would be very much appreciated as this is a production issue that has several applications down for a few hours already.
I can deploy my application now, basically it boiled down to increasing the MaxPermSize jvm option
Under the config folder, edit domain.xml and change the default size to this:
You can always increase it as necessary.
Also, if that is not enough you can also change the max heap size in that same file
-Xmx512m . I have left it as is but if required you can change that to 6g or more on a 64 bit OS. On a 32 bit OS it will only recognize up to 3.5g.
Hope this helps somebody else in the future, as this issue kept me at work until 9:00PM
I had peformance issues again and I found this other solution in Joshi's tech blog:
Basically add the following jvm options in the domain.xml. It should increase Glassfish boot up and deployment performance:

Glassfish admin console slow loading

Today I stopped/started my GlassfishV3 instance and now I cannot access the addmin console located at http://servername:4848/. The screen says: "The admin console is loading..." This is going on forever now.
I have tried as follows:
I have tried adding the following entry to my domain.xml located at /glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/config as suggested in another Stack Overflow Q&A but after restarting the server still no luck.
I have also installed glassfishv3 on my local machine and cannot recreate the problem.I can go to http://localhost:4848 without any problem.
I have also looked at the server.log and jvm.log files located under the /glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs and nothing there that shed some light.
Any help would be very much appreciated
I had similar symptoms, and I tried some of what Dario had suggested as well, but it didn't work. It could be that I had a unique configuration for my dev env: I'm running Glassfish 3.1 on a VirtualBox Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit guest on a Windows 7 64-bit host. Quite by accident, I discovered an additional symptom: if I turned off the network on the Ubuntu guest, the console would load successfully on a localhost browser instance. That is, on the Ubuntu guest with the network off, I could successfully navigate to http://localhost:4848 and show the Glassfish admin console as expected. However, if the Ubuntu guest's network was on, I had the exact behavior suggested by the original poster: http://localhost:4848 would just sit forever on the inial loading page.
To make a long story short, I found that adding the following argument to the JVM options for server-config fixed the problem:
When I made that change and restarted the Glassfish server, everything worked.
(Note that I also had in place some of the other settings recommended above, i.e., NO_NETWORK=true, and I'd adjusted the JVM memory footprint and set it to -server instead of -client. It could be that these settings are required as well, though they weren't sufficient on their own in my case.)
I was having this exact same problem. I could deploy in run mode, but it would hang forever in Debug mode. IntelliJ was hanging on the breakpoints. I muted the breakpoints, and glassfish3 worked good as new. I didn't have to change any domain.xml settings. Check your breakpoints!
I found a solution to my problem. Setting the java-option to NO_NETWORK to true did not work so I upgraded from 3.0.1 to 3.1 and it got fixed. Not immediately though, I had to stop/start the Glassfish server a couple of times before I got into the admin console without any really long delays.
The solution was to upgrade from the command line using the pkg utility.
You can find the steps in this link:
Or do as follows:
Go to as-install-parent/bin
./pkg image-update
as-install-parent/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain --upgrade domain-name
as-install-parent/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain domain-name
I had peformance issues again and I found this other solution in Joshi's tech blog:
Basically add the following jvm options in the domain.xml. It should increase Glassfish boot up and deployment performance:
I don't know if you are referencing this answer, but there is a second step described (disabling update module).
Two more ideas:
Check if the NO_NETWORK=true option really works (there should be no ads in GF admin console)
Watch the server.log (glassfish-install-dir/glassfis/domains/domain1/logs) during startup and look for the last log entry before the delay occurs. This could be a hint for the source of the delay.
Beware of blindly following Dario's example unless you've lots more RAM than most do.
-Xms3000m gives 3gb to Glassfish. Do YOU have that much spare RAM?
I tried this on my 4gb Mac with 1gb for Glassfish. Made no discernable difference at all...performance still sux.

Any ideas why incremental flex compilation would not work for successive compilations of identical source?

I am running mxmlc in the command-line with -incremental=true. Flex is building the cache file using a checksum the first time. Subsequent compilations fail with this message:
Failed to match the compile target with path_to_cache/projectname_329043.cache. The cache file will not be reused.
path_to_cache exists
the cache file exists in path_to_cache
the compiler is not trying to create a new cache file, so I assume it is generating the same checksum
My environment:
Flex 3.0
Mac - OSX 10.4.x
I just ran across this issue myself and after not finding the answer anywhere on the web, I bashed my head against mxmlc in practically trail-and-error until finding the answer. In my case, I was regenerating the flex config xml file each time I compiled from within ant. It turns out that this is the error you get in the case where it thinks the config has changed. You can test this by simply touching your config file and running against unmodified sources. So, if the timestamp is changing on your flex config.xml between compiles, that is likely the culprit.
It could be a permissions issue. Have you tried running with sudo? I wouldn't recommend doing that permanently, but if using sudo makes the error message go away, then you know it's a permissions issue; and you can move on to the proper way to resolve it.
You could also try going into Disk Utility and doing a check/repair of disk permissions. OSX has been notorious for needing this done occasionally.
