Tool for monitoring network request (not packets) on mac os - http

Firebug has output like what I need but I have to monitor a little server and not a web page load. I tried Wireshark but the output is not very useful since wading through all the packets to put a request together is very time consuming and complicated. I would like to quickly see all the request sent and received. So I would like a tool that has output like Firebug but can monitor request sent from any application like Wireshark. Any ideas? Thanks

I am using fiddler, really useful tool for web developer :)


How can I capture data send to a webserver/website?

What is an easy way to capture data send to a webserver?
I want to get the code, which gets send when I give someone reputation on a forum...
Try Fiddler. It acts as a system-wide proxy and captures all http requests and provides a way to inspect them.
If the data is sent using a browser.
You can monitor the traffic using Firebug in firefox or Developer Console in Chrome.

sending HTTP requests obtained from WireShark

I have an app controlling my AVR on a local network and I'm trying to embed some of the functionality into another app written by myself. I've started up WireShark and started controlling the volume, which shows up as:
GET /ctrl-int/1/setproperty?dmcp.device-volume=-15.750000 HTTP/1.1
I'm not totally up on this type of http control but i'd like to know if this is enough data to be able to send the same request via a browser or terminal etc.
Without knowing the avr you can't realy tell. But you should be able to send the command via
in the browser or from you app. The ip should be in the wireshark logs as well.
If that works it was enough information.

Is there a way to discover the specific HTTP requests my browser sends while I navigate?

The question is pretty straightforward. I want to know if there are ways of discovering the HTTP requests my browser sends while I navigate. For instance, what happens when I click on a certain link which sends a PUT method? I mean, I wish I could determine the exact HTTP request that my browser sends to that website. Further, I want to, later, reproduce that request on Curl. Basically, I want to inspect requests my browser sends so I can automate that task later through the Curl command (command, not library).
Thanks in advance!
Fiddler does exactly what you want. It sets up a proxy that can monitor http communication from your browser.
You would want the Firebug extesion for Firefox. It can show a lot of what is happening, and you can add more options by installing more extensions.
On the other hand, you can use wireshark to capture the traffic to and from your computer.
Then you can use filters to save the relevant packets (pcap is often the format for storing the packets).
Later, you can replay the packets using tools like tcpreplay.
You could try it out with backtrack linux (live cd/usb).
And nowadays there should be some new tools for windows also. :)
EO2 and JohnnyC are correct. Fiddler, WireShark, FireBug (FireFox addon), etc. are what you are going to look for. You can use them free of charge.
WireShark will capture all incoming and outgoing traffic on your box. You can listen on any port, filter data etc.
FireBug will capture outgoing and incoming data streams, the raw data (XML, JSON, images etc.) for each request.
Fiddler is great for tracking web data in a seperate application if you do not use FireFox.

http response message

I want to know that when browser sends a request do the server sends back the contents explicitly? And how would i confirm it?
There are several toolbars in Firefox that show exactly what are coming and going when making an HTTP request.
For firefox i use the following plugins:
Web Developer
You could also install a utility called WireShark. It will "sniff" all the network traffic on your computer and show you at a packet level how it all works.
Browser plugins such as firebug (for firefox) let you see exactly what the server is returning; that's quite instructive and recommended! You'll see a bunch of headers followed by the response body in any of several formats (could be chunked, etc, etc).
In a Windows environment you can use Fiddler.
Fiddler includes a fair amount of documentation and is easy to use.

Fiddler/Firebug for Adobe AIR?

How does one inspect the HTTP traffic in Adobe Air? Obviously because it's running outside of a browser you can't use firebug ...
I've tried this: ServiceCapture
but it doesn't work either... (nothing shows up in the log). I also don't really want to pay for a program.
Any ideas?
Try Fiddler:
Charles ( works very well with AIR and has built-in AMF decoding, allowing the inspection of AMF requests/responses.
Wireshark will do that - it works at the network level, so it will work with any web technology.
The most important thing to know about is the right-click "Follow TCP/IP stream" command, which will show you your app's HTTP conversation.
I believe both HTTPScoop (for mac) and HTTP Analyzer (Windows) will let you watch HTTP traffic from non-browser programs (I can see requests made by the Google Notifier, for example).
