Passing data between views and models in Flex MVC framework - apache-flex

I have never used Flex/Actionscript before so excuse me if I'm asking anything obvious but I have been working on this for 3 days (includes searching google and stackoverflow) before writing this post.
I have been asked to modify a game written in Flex 4 made with a mini-IoC-based MVC framework. Two mods I have been asked to make is a game over screen, which displays the final score and a difficulty selection on the introduction screen. I have made the game over screen, and successfully managed to get the controller to bring it up when the game timer runs out.
So for now, the game structure goes:
Intro View -> Game View -> Game Over View
^ |
|__________ (retry?) ________|
The first problem is getting the score to be passed from the mainGame ActionScript file to the game over screen.
Things I have tried:
Importing mainGame in the gameOverViewBase and calling the mainGame.score variable in the gameOverView mxml file.
-EDIT!!! = the above method works if I change the score variable in mainGame to a constant, but if it remains a variable, the controller won't load the gameOverView and the game sits at an empty mainGame view.
Making a function that adds to a new score variable in the gameOverViewBase whenever the player scores during the game.
Passing the score as a parameter to the GameOverView when the MainGame ends
This seemed like the most logical way to go about it. So I followed the function through the other components of the game setting the loadGameOver to take an integer as a parameter until I got to the main game actionscript file:
public function loadGameOver(score:int) : void
The loadView function (shown below) is where I get stuck because I can't see where to pass the 'score' parameter. It looks like this:
private function loadView(viewClass:Class, modelClass:Class = null) : void
var view:View = new viewClass();
if(!view) throw new Error("Could not load view");
view.controller = this;
The second problem is the difficulty selection on the introduction screen. I have done this with 3 buttons (easy, normal, hard) in the mxml file and for every button in the ActionScript:
protected function onEasyButtonClick() : void
set = "easy"
Once again, I end up at the above loadView function.
To sum up: I need to know how to pass the data between the views and models. If that's not the ideal method, I am open to any other methods that you think are better.
Thank You!
P.S. I can send my source code to anyone who would like to help :)

You don't specify which MVC framework you're using which would be helpful. However, score should definitely be a property of a model and the model data should be accessible to the view either directly, perhaps via binding (thanks weltraumpirat), or via some intermediary class.
I would suggest you have a look at some of the existing view classes and try to figure out how they are fed the model data. You can use this approach to get the data you need for your view.
The mainGame property is not being set on your GameOverView instance so you're unable to access its score property either through binding or through trace. The loadView method of your controller class accepts a Model class reference which it uses to construct a new Model instance to be used by the new View. Unfortunately this is no use to you as your GameOverView needs the instance of MainGame which was created for the MainGameView (and which contains the current score).
I don't know if the following fits into the philosophy of the framework you're using. However, I would change the loadView method to accept an instance of a Model rather than a class reference, and create and cache a reference to an instance of MainGame when your controller is instantiated. That way you can pass the same Model reference to both the MainGameView and GameOverView when these are created.
public class WhackAMoleBase extends Application implements IGameController
public var viewContainer:Group;
private var mainGame:MainGame
public function WhackAMoleBase() : void
// Create and cache an instance of the main game Model
mainGame = new MainGame();
addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onCreationComplete);
public function loadIntroduction() : void
public function loadMainGame() : void
loadView(MainGameView, mainGame);
public function loadGameOver() : void
// Use the same instance of MainGame which the MainGameView
// has been using as the Model for the GameOverView
loadView(GameOverView, mainGame);
// Accept a Model instance rather than a class Reference
private function loadView(viewClass:Class, model:Model = null) : void
//Create a new instance of the supplied view
var view:View = new viewClass();
if(!view) throw new Error("Could not load view");
//Clear any previous views in the container and add
//Property based dependency injection
view.controller = this;
//There may or may not be a model required for the
//requested view; check and instantiate appropriately
//Give model reference to the controller
//and link the view up to the model
model.controller = this;
view.model = model;
private function onCreationComplete(event:FlexEvent) : void
//When the application is first created, we want to show the introductory view


How do I redraw UICollectionView when MvxCollectionViewSource's data changes?

I am using Xamarin and MVVMCross to implement an IOS app. A view I'm working on is displaying correctly, but ONLY when I hard-code the data being bound to inside my ViewModel and NOT when (as by design and necessity) my data arrives late from SQLite, only an indeterminate time after the view is shown.
What I am using and accomplished so far:
Working/Showing storyboard for my View that has a UICollectionView
inside (called: CollectionView in code below)
Custom layout and XIB file for every UICollectionViewCell that also displays correctly in my view
A view that works and displays correctly only if ViewModel data is fully populated the moment ViewDidLoad() is called.
My data in my ViewModel is updated by the Model's databases in an uncertain amount of time whilst the view is happily being shown. When I bind the data as shown below (and trying two-way/one-way bindings and the like as well), I don't get updates on my view as the final data comes in later.
What I can't seem to do:
Redraw the UICollectionView or maybe refresh the
MvxCollectionViewSource below to ensure that as the ViewModel's data changes, I can actually redraw the UICollectionView and show my
custom cells with new and updated data.
The CollectionView cells are implemented as follows. I followed all examples online and from that Stuart Bloke and his Kittens to make sure I implement all the patterns exactly the same:
public partial class MyCell : MvxCollectionViewCell
public static readonly UINib Nib = UINib.FromName("MyCell", NSBundle.MainBundle);
public static readonly NSString Key = new NSString("MyCell");
public MyCell(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
this.DelayBind(() => {
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<MyCell, SomeModelClass>();
set.Bind(Label1).To(item => item.Label1);
set.Bind(Label2).To(item => item.Label2);
public static MyCell Create()
return (MyCell)Nib.Instantiate(null, null)[0];
My ViewDidLoad() in the View looks something like this:
CollectionView.RegisterNibForCell(MyCell.Nib, MyCell.Key);
var source = new MvxCollectionViewSource(CollectionView, MyCell.Key);
CollectionView.Source = source;
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<MyView, MyViewModel>();
set.Bind(source).To(vm => vm.ListOfStuff);
NB! The ListOfStuff shown above is really just a List of a custom class containing 2 strings right now.
TL:DR: I don't know ListOfStuff's values the moment I call the above code. When I hard-code them in the ViewModel, I get joy. If I don't, I don't, even as data gets updated correctly later.
I now reach out to you, the neurons of the brain of crowdsourcing...
Instead of using a List<T> use ObservableCollection<T> and new items should be added to the CollectionView.
The UI needs to know when the collection has changed. ObservableCollection<T> implements INotifyCollectionChanged and INotifyPropertyChanged and communicates with the UI when the collection changes.
You shouldn't need ReloadData() anymore if you're using ObservableCollection<T>.
This extension method might be of use when adding range of IEnumerable<T>
public static class ObservableCollectionExtensionMethod
public static void AddRange<TSource>(this ObservableCollection<TSource> source, IEnumerable<TSource> collection)
foreach (var i in collection) source.Add(i);

Action requires multiple controllers to execute

I have a UserController that has a Destroy function. It is a rather complex function because it demands to destroy all user's data. I have another action, from the Admin panel that deletes all data from a specific set of users.
Since I don't want to replicate the code from the UserController, I would like to call the Destroy function from UserController for each User to destroy its data.
How should I proceed?
Thanks in advance.
Why not move this functionality to a common class method which can be accessed from both the controllers as needed ?
public class UserManager
public void Destroy(List<int> userIdsToDestroy)
foreach(var userId in userIdsToDestroy)
//Execute code to destroy
and from your action methods, you can call it like
var mgr = new UserManager();
var badUsers = new List<int> { 1,2,3};
Update the badUsers variable value as needed based on from where you are calling it.
Shared functionality like this would ideally be in a business layer, and both controllers would call that code. If it's a little app, you could just create a separate folder structure for shared code. Larger projects would have a business layer dll.
Why not make the Destroy() method as a Non-Action method then like
public void Destroy(User user)
// code goes here
You can as well make this Destroy() function as part of your business layer logic instead of handling this in controller. In that case, you call it from anywhere.
If you want it to be #controller, you can as well consider usig [ChildActionOnly] action filter attribute.

Data binding across multiple objects in Flex 3

I am new to Flex (got assigned to maintain an old project at work) and am having some trouble getting data binding to work correctly. I have a popup form class, AddOffer.mxml which uses a model On my popup form, I have the following component:
<mx:FormItem label="{getResource('addOffer.form.OFFER_DATE')}:"
stop="{model.offerStopDate}" />
My AddForm.mxml file also has some embedded actionscript where I define my 'model' variable:
public var model:AddOfferModel;
The model variables I am trying to bind to are standard getters/setters and look like this inside
public function set offerStartDate(val:EditableInstant):void
_offerStartDate = val;
public function get offerStartDate():EditableInstant
return _offerStartDate;
private var _offerStartDate:EditableInstant;
public function set offerStopDate(val:EditableInstant):void
_offerStopDate = val;
public function get offerStopDate():EditableInstant
return _offerStopDate;
private var _offerStopDate:EditableInstant;
Inside the OfferWindowDatesFragment component class, the start and stop variables look like this:
public function set start(val:EditableInstant):void
_start = val;
public function get start():EditableInstant
return _start;
private var _start:EditableInstant;
public function set stop(val:EditableInstant):void
_stop = val;
public function get stop():EditableInstant
return _stop;
private var _stop:EditableInstant;
Basically, I just want to bind the start and stop variables in my OfferWindowDatesFragment class to the offerStartDate and offerStopDate variables in the file. Whenever I access the start/stop variables in functions inside the OfferWindowDatesFragment class, they are null.
I have an event listener function that gets triggered in OfferWindowDatesFragment anytime a user selects a new date, it looks like this:
private function changeOfferDate():void
start.currentValue = offerDateEditor.start;
stop.currentValue = offerDateEditor.stop;
Every time I reach this function, it throws up an error because 'start' and 'stop' are both null ... but should have been initialized and bound already. If I look at the variables in the debugger, I can confirm that values on the right side of the assignment expression are valid, and not what is causing the error.
I am not real familiar with how initialization works in Flex, and I assumed as long as I instantiated the component as seen in the first code snippet at the top of my post, it would initialize all the class variables, and setup the bindings. Am I missing something? Perhaps I am not properly initializing the model or class data for AddForm.mxml or, thereby binding null references to the start/stop fields in my OfferWindowDatesFragment class?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I looked into this further and tried using Mate to inject the 'model' variable inside AddOffer.mxml with a valid AddOfferModel object:
<Injectors target="{AddOffer}" debug="{debug}">
<ObjectBuilder generator="{AddOfferModel}" constructorArguments="{scope.dispatcher}" cache="local"/>
<PropertyInjector targetKey="model" source="{lastReturn}" />
I load the AddOffer.mxml dialog as the result of a button click event on another form. The function that pops it up looks like this:
public function addOffer():void
var addOfferDialog:AddOffer = new AddOffer();
addOfferDialog.addEventListener("addOffer", addOfferFromDialog);
It doesn't seem to be assigning anything to the 'model' variable in AddOffer.mxml. Does loading a view/dialog this way not trigger an injection from Mate by chance? (I realize this last part might belong in the Mate forums, but I'm hoping somebody here might have some insight on all of this).
In AddOffer.mxml, you have this code:
public var model:AddOfferModel;
Is there something outside AddOffer.mxml that is setting this to a valid AddOfferModel? There should be. The nature of how the Flex component life cycle means that you can expect that things may be null at times as a View builds. So you should build your components to be able to "right themselves" after receiving bad data, if the data eventually comes good.
Data binding is one way to do this, but it may not paper over everything depending on what else is going on.
Have you verified that the model value you're getting is not null at the point where the user selects the date and that its offerStartDate and offerEndDate properties have been populated with valid EditableInstants? If both of those are correct, I'd start looking for pieces of the Views that expect to have stuff at a given instant and then don't recover if it is provided later.

Flex data binding with View-Model pattern

I'm trying to move toward using the View/Model/View-Model or Presentation Model pattern in a Flex application since it definitely feels like the "correct" way to do things. I have a question about how something should work with Flex data binding though.
Say I have a Project model class which contains a bindable name field. I want to make a report to display information about the project. The title of the report should be [Project Name] Summary. I want to make a View-Model class to provide the backing for the report. This SummaryViewModel class will have a title field to provide the report title.
In my report mxml I would bind the title label to summaryModel.title, however title needs to somehow be bound to so if the name is changed in another part of the program the report title updates also.
What's the correct way to accomplish this "two-level" data binding in Flex? Should I be doing things a different way?
Let's say you have a model like this:
public class Project {
public var name:String;
And you have your presentation model:
public class SummaryPresentationModel
private var projectModel:Project = new Project();
public var title:String;
In your constructor, you can data bind the setter of the model to a function that sets the title:
public function SummaryPresentationModel() {
BindingUtils.bindSetter(modelNameChanged, projectModel, "name");
And then set the value of title:
private function modelNameChanged(newValue:String):void {
title = "[" + + "] Summary";
You are then free to bind to the summaryPM.title and everything will chain to the UI when changes.
You can get more complicated and use a "getter" function on title (as opposed to just setting it like I am here), but you need to propagate the change notification. I is not too terribly difficult to do, but I find that this method is a bit easier to follow.
Hope this helps!
No different than any other binding, they will both be updated (both being the place you're putting the title and the summary model).
If you post how you are defining your values I can help you with syntax, but this isn't a difficult binding operation. Where things get mildly more complicated would be with two way binding.

Writing Useful Unit Tests

I have a simple page with a Grid that I'm binding a collection of objects to. I also have some simple functionality on the grid to edit and save rows. I would like to write unit tests for this page, but it's not really making sense to me.
For example:
Private Sub LoadGrid()
'Populate Collection
grid.datasource = MyCollection
end sub
I guess a Sub really doesn't need a unit test, but what if this were a function that returned true when the grid had been loaded. How do you write a unit test for this? What other test should be done on a simple web page like this?
As always, thanks to everyone who give any sort of input.
How do you write a unit test for this?
The first step is actually making your form testable. Have a look at this page for separating UI and BL layers, there are about a bajillion different ways to implement MVC, MVP, and all of its variants, and there's no One True Way™ to do it. So long as your code is sane and consistent, other people will be able to work on your code.
I personally find the following pattern works in most cases for testing UIs:
Create an interface representing your Model.
Create a class for your controller which handles all the updates to the model.
Your view should listen to changes to the model.
So in the end, you end up with something like this (sorry, my VB-fu is rusty, writing this in C# instead):
interface IProductPageModel
int CurrentPage { get; set; }
int ItemsPerPage { get; set; }
DataSet ProductDataSet { get; set; }
class ProductPageController
public readonly IProductPageModel Model;
public ProductPageController(IProductPageModel model)
this.Model = model;
public void NavigateTo(int page)
if (page <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("page should be greater than 0");
Model.CurrentPage = page;
Model.ProductDataSet = // some call to retrieve next page of data
// ...
This is concept code, of course, but you can see how its very easy to unit test. In principle, you could re-use the same controller code in for desktop apps, silverlight, etc since your controller doesn't depend directly on any particular view implementation.
And finally on your form side, you'd implement your page similar to:
public class ProductPage : Page, IProductPageModel
ProductPageController controller;
public ProductPage()
controller = new ProductPageController(this);
public DataSet ProductDataSet
get { return (DataSet)myGrid.DataSource; }
set { myGrid.DataSource = value; myGrid.DataBind(); }
protected void NavigateButton_OnCommand(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
Here there's no real distinction between view and model -- they're the same entity. The idea is to make your code-behind as "stupid" as possible, so that as much testable business logic is contained in the controller as possible.
What other test should be done on a
simple webpage like this?
You'd want tests for any sort of form validation, you want to make sure you're throwing exceptions in exceptional cases, ensuring that your controller methods update your model in an expected way, and so on.
Juliet is right.
The line of code where you said
'Populate Collection
that is the testable part. You can do assertions on if the collection is null, if it has items, if it has exactly 42 items. But that would be an integration test.
If you can isolate all the calls to the database (the part that returns a datareader), then return a empty, fake DbDataReader, then you can test everything inbetween the UI and the database.
Tests that spin up a browser and verify that a table is render, similarly is a integration test that will depend on having IIS up and working (and a DB up and working, unless you have a repository you can fake)
If you are just getting started, I would look for all the easy to test code first, such as methods that do have dependencies on the database, then move on the tricker tests that require mocking/stubbing/faking database servers, etc.
